A Secret Hiding Place

By embrace_passion

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A Secret Hiding Place: After Ayanna Morgan finds herself pregnant by the boy who bullied since she was a lit... More

Chapter 1: Repeated Mistakes
Chapter 2: Falling A part
Chapter 3: Truth Come to Light
Chapter 4:New Life
Chapter 5: Making a Deal
Chapter 6: Promise of Moving On
Chapter 7: First Day Drama
Chapter 8: Re-Appear
Chapter 8: Re- Appear (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Done Hiding
Chapter 11: Dinner Disaster
Chapter 12:Crossing Lines
Chapter 13: Entrapment

Chapter 9:Expectations

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By embrace_passion

(Warning Mild Sexual Content... Unedited, 1st Draft)

Chapter 9:Expectations

Looking up at the building I hope the Erik was busy with work and would see that Ryan was here with me. There was no telling what would happen once the truth came out about us casually dating. Even though we only went got once every few months, we had never sleep together, but knowing how Ryan had acted the first time I meet Erik I knew that wouldn't matter. That once the truth came out it wasn't going to be pleasant.  "Come on, I'm hungry and don't want to be here all day. I do have a wedding party I have to be a part of."

I had almost forgot about the wedding party with the shock of seeing Ryan, a party I knew I had to sit up and have everything in order for. My cook was most likely going to kill me once he got to order in on have to cater to a last minute party. "Why did you pick have to pick the main resort? There are other resorts that would be more romance to have a wedding at." I asked stepping out of the car has Ryan place his hand against my lower back escorting me into the building.

"Because at the time of the deal, this was the only resort our fathers had been talking about." He laughs, "I still can't get over Victoria conniving why of overhearing our Conversation. I always speculated she had an alternative motive when she's going to the same college that Brian and he attended. And just her luck Brian fall right into the palm of her hand. I never though I see my best friend whipped."

Has we walked into the building I looked around to see if Erik was anywhere in sight but did not see him walking about the lobby floor. "Can I ask how why you make a deal about who would get married first?"

Ryan let out a laugh has he turn us to the restaurant and the hostess walked us to our table, "We had been joking around who was the bigger player and how we would never settle down. One thing led to other and we made the deal."

I didn't say anything after that has Ryan pulled out my site and then took the chair next to me and place his hand against mine wrapping his hand around it. I try to pull my hand away but he only grips a little harder, "Can you please stop."

"Stop what," he questions, but I could hear the playfulness in his voice.

"I'm not a fan of being manhandled. Just because we're here together doesn't mean you have the right come in and set some kind of claim on me. I agree to be your friend but that is all. You need to focus more on Conner right now.

"Yes while I can't really spend any time with him right now with him being in school." he explains tightening his hand a little more, "so you're the next best thing."

"No Ryan," with the way his eyes starting to shine and the way he was glaring at me I could tell he had an alternative motive with being here. "Whatever it is you're thinking about, you can forget it. I'm not making any more deals with you."

"What makes you think I'm wanting to make another deal already, this deal hasn't even been fully for field yet," he replies smiling at me. "Yes there are a few things I like to discuss, but that's after I gain Conner trust and we have more of a father-son relationship."

I closed my eyes not liking the sound of this now, "Why don't you just tell me what it is now, so we can have all our card out of the table."

"Because I know once it's out in the open, you'll just shoot me down and leave me in the dark once again."

That's when the waiter came and took our order just has Erik happen to walk in. Panicking I hung my head in hopes he didn't see me. "Ryan, this isn't a game you can play without telling the other person the rules. What is it you're trying to win?"

"The other thing I'm trying to win right now is your trust and friendship," he answered then brings his hand to the bottom part of my hand and lifts it up to place a kiss along the top part. His eyes were playful at first then started to turn dark as I felt the parasites of someone behind me.

"Hello, Mr. D'amore what bring you to the island so early in the season?"

"My friend's wedding," Ryan answered in a cold tone.

"Good for them and I see you have Morgan's resort manager Mia Rivers with you as while. You know I've been trying to talk her into coming here for a while but she always declines my offer." Has Erik speaks I feel my heart rate rise knowing he's going to let out our little secret outing we've taken in the past few years.

"Yes well, she obviously knows when there's a snake in her presence and knows when it's best to stay away." Ryan blue eyes were turning to a stormy blue now and I was worried that any moment he was going to explode.

"A snake am I," Erik laughed has it the insert did not affect him. "If I'm a snake than what would that make you?"

Unsure where this was going I turn to face Erik to see his looking over at Ryan with a death glare, "Is there something you need Mr. Maverick. We were just going to have some breakfast and leave."

"Yes, dinner tomorrow night, you and Me." he answers but still keeping an eye on Ryan.

"No, she's busy." Ryan grip on my hand tightens causing me to flinch slightly and try once again to pull out of his hold.

"I see maybe some other time then," Erik reply has I heard footsteps walking away from our table.

"What the hell was that? You can't just come in here and tell someone no for me. What if I wanted to go have dinner with him? There nothing you could have done about it." I knew I didn't want Ryan knowing about Erik and my relationship, but it still didn't give him the right to dictate who I dated.

"Ayanna, you don't know the type of person that man his and his father is no good either. They have been doing everything in their down to bring down your father company and I'm sure Erik thinks that if he can win you other than it will give them some kind of advantage over us." I knew all the times that Erik and I had gone out, we never once talked about company matters just basic things going on in our lives. I never once thought Erik would try to sabotage my father company, by trying to become my friend.

"And what makes you any better?" I question has our food arrived and was placed in front of us.

"Because you know me Ayanna. We pretty much grow up together since we were kids. We know how each other works and what our goals are to make the company a hole." he explains while taken a bit of his food. "Or at less we use to. I know how Mia Rivers work since I see the reports on my desk every once in awhile, but my father soon takes them away."

"Ryan we use to know how each other worked, but we're not those people anymore. We haven't seen one other in ten years. People change and so do their priorities." That's when Ryan's face turn into a form of confusion has I wonder what happen to the boy who bullies me growing up, where had he gone?

"Wasn't that the whole point of the deal?" he asked now dropping the fork onto the plate. "For me to become a better person for our son. Regardless the amount of time it took for me to find you I still want a relationship with Connor and hopefully, we can build one also."

"Yes Ryan you're right, but Connor a smart boy, he's going to know something is going on the moment he sees you here. There's no telling what he's going to think for all we know it could blow up in our face. We should have never made that deal." hanging my head I was starting to think how I wanted nothing more to go back to that night and change how everything played out.

"Yes while I'm here now and I don't plan on turning my back on what I've wanted since that night he was born."

"Ryan can we please just drop it, this isn't the time or the place to discuss such matters," I reply not likely how this conversation was turning out. I was starting to have flashback back from when I was little and my father made turn up on my seventh birthday. My parents never knew but I would overhear them talking, yelling, at one another about what the other one wanted. Now sitting here with Ryan I felt we were doing the same thing.


Ryan didn't speak to me anymore until we got to the resort and into the staff elevator. As soon as the elevator doors closed he pinned me up against the wall with his hands wrapped around my waist to my side. "What in the hell are you doing?"

"This," he replies before slamming his lips against mine has one of his hands release my wrist only to wrap his arm it around my back still pending my arm into my side. I felt myself melt into him has my lips moved on their own account against his. I wasn't thinking what this could Intel but just enjoyed the serenity he put me on, as I close my eyes.

He then let's go of my other wrist to wrap his other arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. His hands travel down my backside until they get to the bottom part of my behind and lift me up with such ease it shows off how strong he really is. As I wrap my legs around his waist causing my skirt to ride up my thighs as he pushes me up against the wall of the elevator while pressing his lower half up into me. I can feel just how aroused he had become in such a short amount of time.

His lips break from me and he start slow thrust motions against my lower half and a moan leaves lips has I feel him place light kisses against my neck. One of his hand's starts move to the backside of my panties has his fingers start to play with the hem on the lining that it set my nerves on fire. I thrust up against him when one of his fingers slipped into me started rubbing up against me making me move fast.

It wasn't until I heard the doors open that I was brought back to reality and saw one of the hotel maids standing there looking uncomfortable she looked away and the doors closed once again. "Stop."

"What you seem to have been enjoying it just has much as I was," he replies pulling me up against him. "Why would you want to stop? It's not like we're seeing anyone.

"Ryan, I don't want to go down that road with you again." I try to free myself from his hold but he only pressed himself harder into me.

He then leans down and places a light kiss on the side of my neck, right where he had been moments before, as a sigh left my lips, "Tell me, have you ever had another love since prom night?"

"No Ryan, regardless of what you've heard I'm some slut who sleeps around. I have a child I've been raising and a company I've been running this past ten years. Plus you already know you were the first guy I've ever been with." I answer has the doors open back up to my floor. "Can you please let me go, this is my floor."

He puts me back down to my feet before gripping hold of my hand pulling me out of the elevator and down the hall to my live-in suit. "I'm glad you're not like the other girls and to hear I'm still the only one you've been with; I want it to stay that way."


He leans down and places a small kiss on my lips before standing back up, "I want more for us Ayanna. I want to be a family. I know it's going to take time, but I've thought this through and I knew it's something I've wanted for a while."

"No Ryan," I simply replied not knowing what to think about what he was saying.

He just hung his head before pulling out my room key, "I'll be back around five to take you and Connor to dinner. You have no choice in going. You made a deal with me and you have to keep up your end on the bargained." he hands over the key and walks over the stairs and disappears from my sight.

Copyright © 2016 Letty Scott/Embrace_Passion (All Rights Revered)   

Author Note: 

Our little Ayanna isn't being fully truthful to Ryan about the Erik relationship, but it seems Ryan has a few tricks up his shelve. What do you think he's up to and what's going to happen once he knows the truth about the secret dates? 

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