By littlered1970

15.6K 837 82

There back. Bella is still in a coma. Edward finds himself wondering if Bella ever going to come out of her c... More

Rebecca first word
fighting for life
making a choice
Bella wakes up
Bella starting to be like her old self
Thinking Edward was with Tanya
being honest with Bella
Hearing Bella screams for help
saving Bella
Needing to help Bella heal
Telling Edward about the nightmare
A nightmare coming true
My worst fears come true
Edward comes out of surgery
Telling the world Edward side of the story the truth
Tanya goes to far
A night to remember
Edward plays doctor
Henry shows up
2 down Mike to go.
the wedding
honeymoon part 1
honeymoon part 2 honeymoon over
finding clues
A blast from the past
a choice to make
Rebecca wakes up
author note

Little monkey first birthday

391 20 5
By littlered1970


The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing and it made me groan cause I didn't want to move at all. I was enjoying having Bella in my arms like this and it's been awhile since we been like this. "Edward answer your phone will you. Laura not going to stop calling cause I already know little monkey misses her daddy and had a nightmare." I looked down to Bella who still has her eyes close.

"How do you always do that baby?" I asked kissing the top of her and then reaching for my phone. "It's a mother thing." She tells me. "It's not just that baby I noticed other things too. Hello Laura." Bella rolls over and gives me a strange look and I can her little monkey screaming in the background. "Sorry to wake you at 4 in the morning Edward but..." I stopped her. "Put the phone on speaker and put it next to her please."

I listen. "Little monkey daddy on the phone grandma Laura just going to put the phone right here so you can here him. Go Edward." I smile a little.

"Hey daddy's girl. Did you have a nightmare?" I listened. "Uh Huh!" She says. Its okay daddy loves you and both mommy and I will be back there tomorrow. We had to take a little trip for your big day in a few days. Daddy loves you." I look back down to Bella.

"Love dada." I smile. After I hang up I watch as Bella get up and starts getting dressed and I looked at her confused. "What are you doing?" I asked her. She turns and cups both sides of my face. "Getting dressed so we can go home to be where we belong with our daughter. I see how you light up just talking on the phone with her. Don't get me wrong on this because I don't regret this at all because I love seeing the bond that you and our daughter has. I think by me being in that coma was for a reason and that was that was for you to help you find your true self Edward. By me being in that coma you could open your heart to your daughter and me again and known who you truly want to be. A father to our little monkey, a better lover to me, most of all a better king to your people."

Just when I thought I couldn't love her anymore and she proves me wrong yet again and I press my lips to her and show her how much that met to me. She pulls away. "Now get dress daddy so we can go home to our daughter daddy." I smile and kiss her one more time before I get up and get up and get dress.

Once we finally get home to Laura's I go quietly went into Laura's room and reach down and gently scoop up Rebecca and make sure I don't wake her up but I do wake Laura up and let her know that Bella and I was home and I had Rebecca. I carried Rebecca into our room and laid her in between us and Bella rolled over and put her arm over her and I did the same over Bella's and we fell asleep.


I woke up and Rebecca and Edward were gone but I heard a house full of voices and I heard my dad's voice. I roll over and remember last night and what I told Edward. "Momma!" I look and Rebecca standing in the middle of the floor. "EDWARD QUICK COME HERE!" I yell. This was the first time she stood on her own.

"Yeah what is it?" He asked looking at me. I pointed to Rebecca standing in the floor and he turns and he crouches down and holds his arms out to see what she does. I crawl to the edge of the edge of the bed. She slowly turns and starts taking wobbly steps to Edward until she reaches him and falls into his arms and he wraps his arms around her with the biggest smile on his face except tears are falling out of his eyes. Then he turns to me. And mouths to me. "Thank you baby!" That's when my own tears fell and I climbed out of bed and kneeled down and wrapped my arms around both of them and whisper in Edward ear. "I wouldn't have it any other way Edward I love you both." I told him. I felt one of his arms come around me.

"What's all the excitement in here?" I heard my dad asked. I look up to see everyone standing in the doorway and smiled. "Our little monkey took her first steps with her daddy." They all awed. Edward buries his head in my shoulder and I knew he was in a moment but I just giggled and held the people I loved the most. "Come on you guys leave them alone for a moment this is special to them." My dad said. "Thank you daddy!"

"Your welcome baby girl. By the way I missed you." I smiled. "I missed you too daddy." With that he turned and walked away. I buried my face into Edward neck and enjoyed holding the people I loved.

Later that day after I was finally able to take a shower after Edward and I was chasing Little monkey everywhere now. After that she was everywhere into everything. When I walked out of the bedroom and froze at the site on the couch it was so adorable. Edward was holding Rebecca and they were out cold. I took out my phone and took a pic and set it as my background pic on my phone.

I finally walk into the kitchen and fell over on my butt stun when I saw Alice and seen how she was dressed. "Are you alright Bells?" My dad asks coming over and helping me up off the floor. "Bella you okay?" I turn when I heard Edward's voice and he was holding still sleeping Rebecca in his arms. "Yeah! It's just your sister took me off guard that's all." Then I heard Edward chuckle.

"I know it's a little mind blowing isn't it." I just nod as my dad helps me up. Alice was wearing a flannel shirt jeans and tennis shoes and her hair was longer and put back into a pig tail. "Its comfortable what can I say." She says and I fall over again in shock. The next I knew Edward was helping me off the ground this time. This time he held on to me. "Are you alright?" I shook my head no and turned and walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed.

My stomach wasn't feeling well and for some reason now I kept feeling light headed lately. "Baby what's wrong?" Edward asks me. "I'm not sure. My stomach been upset and I been feeling light headed plus tired. I thought it might because I'm still recovery but what with just happen. Edward I know something wrong I can feel just don't ask me how but I do." He sits down next to me and puts his arm around me.

"If I learned one thing about you and that's never to question you and how you know things. Now come with me and will just go get it checked to be on the safe side and before you ask no I'm not being over protective. It's just one thing I learned with you and it's that damn infection and I'm not taking no chances this time. Will just tell everyone we got some last minute shopping to do for little monkey. Now come on."

Later at the hospital the doctors wouldn't let Edward come back and he just asked me when I had my last period and I started thinking. "Oh shit! Ummm, actually come to think about it I haven't had one since two months ago since me and Edward and you did the surgery. I started rambling. They came in and did a blood test then after a while brought in Edward and now I was confused at what was going on.

Then the doctor comes in pushing an ultrasound machine with a smirk on his face. Edward and I looked at each other confused. "Remember when I told you it be a miracle if Ms. Swan got pregnant Mr. Cullen?" He asked Edward. "Yeah! Why?" Edward asked confused. "Well it would awesome that 2 people had some I would say some fun before her surgery and well someone well take a look she 2 months pregnant." My head snaps around to the monitor and my eyes widen. Cause sure enough there was a little blimp on the monitor. I turned and looked at Edward who has a goofy grin on his face.

"Now Ms. Swan I will not put you on bed rest but I will recommend please do not over do it. I will not stress the fact that your uterus is messed up so please be careful." I nod and turn back to Edward and he picks me up and spins me. I laugh. "Edward put me down." He slowly puts me down and presses his lips against mine. He pulls away and leans against my forehead. "Another miracle!" He says. I just nod and smile. "Edward were moving up our wedding to next month please." A even bigger smile went on his. "You just made me the happiest man ever." I laugh. "Good now take me home so we can give everyone the good news and tell your mom to add on a bedroom." His mouth drops open. "How you know?" I shook my head and smiled. "I had a dream about it actually." He scoops me up and I squeal and he carries me out to the Jeep.

We walked into the door hand and hand with big grins on our faces. "Listen up everyone we got some news." Edward called out. Everyone come running in the livingroom. "We actually didn't go shopping I took Bella to the hospital because she hasn't been feeling well." Edward wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Is her infection back?" My dad asks.

I look up at Edward and we both smile at each other and he never looks away from me either. "No! But it would awesome we have another miracle though. Bella 2 months pregnant and we are getting married next month now June 30th like we planned last year before our Little monkey." Edward chuckle and we heard squeals from everyone.

"We have to find a dress Bella." I heard Alice say and I laugh. "Too late Alice I already have one so does Rebecca and we already did our wedding plans we just moved up the wedding date." I told her. Just then I felt a tug on my pant leg and I look down to see Rebecca standing against me. "Momma" She raise her arms up to me and I pick her up. Then she puts her hand on my belly and gently rubs. "Babe!" I gasp and turned and looked at Edward. "She just like you and knows things Bella. I see it all the time with you 2. It's almost like you 2 have a gift." He puts his arm around me and kisses the top of Rebecca head.

The next day I was woken by babbling and I realized our little monkey was a year old today. My god where has the time gone. I turn and look and Edward still sleeping. I get up and go to Rebecca's play pen. "Good morning birthday girl." She reaches her arms up with a smile on her face and I take and pick her up and change her diaper then take her in my arms again and start dancing with her.


I woke up to the most beautiful site. Bella had Rebecca in her arms and held her close to her and they were dancing. It sounded like Bella was humming at the same time. I just laid there watching them and enjoying the site I was seeing.

Then I thought about what we were told yesterday and how Bella wanted to move up the wedding. A smile grew on my face cause I couldn't be happier. "Look birthday girl daddy awake." I look and they're both smiling at me. "Come here birthday girl." Bella walks over and climbs on the bed and I grabbed Rebecca. "Are you hungry?" I asked her. She nods. "Dada toast." I laugh. "You want daddy's french toast?" She nods her head. "Only if mommy helps me hows that?" I asked and she claps her hands. "I'll be out there in a minute." Bella tells me. I nod and give her a quick kiss.

Bella grabs something and walks out. I set Rebecca down in her playpen. "Hold on daddy be right back." I gave her some toys while I walked into the bathroom. No one else was up yet and everyone else left for the campground and was meeting us there. We were going to start our week family camping vacation today with Rebecca birthday party. They took everything with them last night to set up. I washed my hands and walked out and picked up Rebecca and carried her out and set her in her high chair.

When I walked around the counter I about fell over when I seen Bella in my dress shirt. Bella turned around and started laughing. "I said I burnt the suit but there was a reason I wanted to keep the dress shirts. There was one certain morning I seem to remember." She tells me. "I remember." I tell her as I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her.

That's when the flour and egg fight started when Laura and Chris walked in on all three of us laughing throwing food. "What in the holy heck!" Laura says and Bella and I turned and looked at her. Chris and Laura busted out laughing. "You 2 go get cleaned up I'll clean up Rebecca and this kitchen after your birthday blast here." Bella starts laughing and I scooped her up and started carring her into our bedroom when we got stopped by Laura.

"Don't have to much fun cause your coming back out here and finishing your daughter's birthday french toast hear me." She tells me. "Yes Ma'am!" Bella breaks down laughing in my arms. I finally set her down in front of the shower. As I turned on the shower Bella spoke.

"You listen more to Laura then your own mother." She tells me. "What can I tell you. That women grew to be like a second mother to me and I'm so glad you brought her into my life." I poked Bella nose. "By the way you look better in my dress shirts then I do. I got something to ask you." I told her. "You can ask me anything Edward you know that."

I motioned for her to lift her arms up and I took the shirt off of her. "What would you say if I asked Laura and her family to come back and live us. Now hear me out before you say no." I got undressed before helping Bella into the Shower. "Now I know you miss the hell out of them when we go back and so will Rebecca. Hell I will too." Bella stops me.

"Edward I think it's a good idea. They will be a big help when we start college this fall." I looked down at her. "Wait were still doing that with the baby coming and everything?" I asked. "Yeah we can go to college on Esme Isle where we be safer. Plus you can practice on me." Bella blushes and looks away. I lift her chin and make her look at me. "I like that idea. Your right though you and Rebecca would be safer and I can keep a better eye on you without worrying about you so much." I wrap my arms around her and hold her close to me.

Later while making breakfast Bella brings up to Laura and Chris the subject we talked about earlier and she told them it was my idea. I just turned and nodded so I could finish breakfast and my phone goes off and I look and it was my mother.

"Yes mother!" I said. "We got everything set up the way you and Bella requested including the tents the shower and bathroom." I smiled and looked up at Bella. "Mom says they got everything set up!" I told Bella. She nods. "Oh Edward tell your mother to add those extra bedrooms for us please." I looked back up at Laura this time and smiled. "I heard son. It will be good to have them back at the castle. Laura is just what we need at the castle and to help keep you no who in line." I laugh knowing she was speaking of Alice. "Okay Mother see you guys soon."

While we were eating though I turned and look at Rebecca and she had a piece of French toast on top of her head. I cracked  up laughing. "Baby girl what is it with you and putting French toast on your head?" I reached over and took it off. "I will be so glad when that cast comes off her arm next week." Bella says. "I will to and she can have a normal bath. Plus I won't have to wrap the darn.." I stop myself and get up cause I been noticing she been moving it fine. I walked into the other room and get on the phone with the doctor and he tells me to stop by before we head out. I smile at myself.

"Edward what is it?" Bella asks me when she walks in. "We are making a pit stop before we head out to the camp site. Cause I know a little Monkey that might just get her cast off early." I say tickling her belly in Bella's arms and she laughs.

Sure enough she got her cast off and we headed out to the camp site and sure enough everyone had everything set up like we asked. I went and set our stuff in my and Bella tent. It was nice to only be using one tent for us now. I looked just remembering everything and that one single night then the night Rebecca was born and I walked in Bella was holding her in her arms when I walked into the room.

This time I vow to be there for Bella every step of the way of the pregnancy and birth. I step out to see Bella playing with Rebecca and she turned and looked at me. She points to me and Rebecca looks at me with a smile on her face and walks over to me and stops in front of me and looks up at me with her bright green eyes and raised her arms up.

I bent down and picked her up. She points towards her gifts. "Yes you can open your gifts. Its your birthday." I motioned for Bella and I walked over to the table and set her down. Everyone walk's over with there chairs and I hand a gift to Rebecca and Bella already sitting next to her and helps her open up the gifts.

Of course her favorite's were the Jeep and the little tent. She drives that Jeep like she's drove it before its so funny. Then seeing her going in and out of that tent giggling is so funny. Once I caught her by a tree looking up it. "Oh no! Not yet. Your to little daddy's little monkey. When your bigger you can climb trees like your mom." I told her. "What about her dad he's a pretty good climber himself." I gulped and looked up and sure enough Bella was in the tree.

"Bella Swan I swear too god if you don't come down here this instance I will find a way in that tree and take you down myself." I snapped out. "Alright, alright geez." She climbs down and stands in front of me. "Any other time I wouldn't of mind Bella but you heard the doctor and I'm not trying to be over protective its just that.." She stops me and puts her arms around me. "I know Edward. Trust me I understand more then you'll ever know. But I also know you won't change me. I promise to start behaving. I just wanted to do it one last time." I kissed her forehead.

The rest of the day was the best first birthday I could ask for our daughter.

Our little monkey.

I do not own all the characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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