Avi + Sami

By thenomtron

1.5K 68 12

Best friends Or is it more More

Her hair was soft
Dr Pepper
Little spoon
If you're willing
Mario kart
The one
Im gonna like this
Getting ready
Coffee shop part 1
Coffee shop part 2
what should we do today?

Another sleepover

32 2 3
By thenomtron

After taking Sami home for the day after meeting with the band, I ended up reluctantly staying round hers, after unexpectedly waking up on her couch. I must've fallen asleep while watching who-knows-what film with her.

It took me a while to adjust to my surroundings. Looking around, I refrained from moving too much as I found Sami laying solidly across me. I smiled subconsciously, and sank into the couch again, sighing.

I was sat sideways with one leg slung across the length of the couch, with my other set on the ground. Sami seemed to have been originally on the other side of the couch, but had slowly but surely made her way over to lean into me.

She had her legs tucked underneath her and was laying between me and the back of the couch. The left side of her had and her right palm were set against my chest.

I came to the conclusion that she was still in a deep sleep by her lack of response . Staring at her seemed to have become a hobby of mine, because i kept finding myself fascinated by the way she looked. 

I ran my fingers through my hair to push it back off my face, then slowly turned my gaze to the rest of the room. It was still almost pitch black outside, but I knew we were verging slowly towards dawn because of the soft orange glow occupying the sky which had replaced the deep blue along the horizon.

It was way too early to be thinking about getting up. Placing my right arm round Sami's shoulder, I set my left arm behind my head, to serve as a pillow.

Staring up at the ceiling with my round my favorite person, i contemplated my situation. What a time to be alive.

Sami sighed contently. I've come to realize she does that a lot. I sighed in response.I then proceeded to smile up at nothing. then reluctantly closes my eyes, wanting to be accepted by sleep once again.


I blinked.

A weight had been lifted from my and light had begun to lightly flood the room the the crack of the curtains.

I slowly sat up and turned to look down the hallway, which was perpendicular to the back of the couch.

There were no noises, and I couldn't see or sense any movement. Sitting up fully, I was startled slightly by the duet that had been placed on top of me, where Sami had been a few hours before.

Folding the duvet back on itself, I then stumbled to my feet, practically climbed over the back of the couch, then shuffled my way down the hallway, towards Sami's room.

I found her, curled up in the center of her double bed. She didn't have her blanket over her. My eyes dotted around the area of her vicinity, but it wasn't on the bed or the floor.

Confused but decided, I turned and shuffled back to the couch where I had slept. I reached over. grabbed the duvet with hand , then pulled it back over the couch to sling it over my shoulders.

Turning on e more I made my way back to Sami's room. Not before I checked the kitchen clock. It read to be able 6:15 in the morning. I decided we would be allowed to get by with another couple hours of sleep between us.


I found Sami in the same position as she was before, Approaching her, I set the duvet over her and watched as she immediately, yet subconsciously embraced the warmth and snuggled into it. I smiled down at her, not sure as to what I should do with myself. As I leant over her, I briefly guided the hair away from her face to give her a small peck on the forehead.

Straightening my back once more, I took one step o the side, take a slow glance around the dimly lit room. A small slit of light was only just managing to illuminate my surroundings through the parting in the curtains center.

I found myself moving round the bed to the open side, climbing on, and then rolling to face Sami. My arm instinctively draped over her waist, felling like i had to protect her in all situations.

I wasn't accepted by sleep as soon as i wanted to, but I became satisfied with my surroundings soon enough. 

Shuffling myself towards Sam, I was able to put my arm further over her, and I snuck my hand up her shirt, my palm sprawling across her stomach.

Her stomach was warm, as it rose and fell slowly with each slow breath. My hands must've been cold on her skin, but the blanket would trap the body heat.


I opened my eyes once more, the first thing saw as my eyes adjusted to the morning light was Sami. Her hair was piled back behind her and her eyes were closed. She looked so pretty, with her eyelashes fanned across her cheeks and a small unintentional smile spread across her face.

The room was a lot brighter now and I knew that it was morning. And time to get up. 

I found Sami's fingers were now entwined with mine between our bodies, and she had hooked her legs round mine by our knees.

I smiled at how she loved being close to me. Kissing the top of her head directly on the hair line, I un linked our fingers and cautiously slid my legs from hers.

Sami sighed and opened her eyes, but immediately closed them with the sudden take in of light, which was shining directly into her eyes.

"Good morning", I spoke through a smirk

"Morning!", Sami replied, briefly opening her eyes to make eye contact, smiled, then close them again.

I laughed, then realized the ray of light was just on her face. 

Sitting up, I propped myself up with an elbow, locking the sunlight by my torso.

"Hey," I murmured

"Yo", Sami replied

"Open your eyes"

She slowly oped her eyes, squinting at first but proceeded to fully open them as she adjusted to the shade. She then looked up at me.

"You look like Jesus", were the first words out of her mouth

A loud snort shot from my nose a, causing Sami's nose to scruch up and laugh a long with me.

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