*A True Love*

By AmazinglyJazzy

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*A True Love*
*Chapter 1*
Character Update
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Update Tonight or Tomorrow
*Chapter 7*
We Need Feedback
Clear Things Up!
Chapter 8
Untitled Part 15
New Story

Chapter 5

3.9K 97 45
By AmazinglyJazzy

So, how are you guys? For you school goers, how you doin' in school?

Look, y'all gotta start voting because the girls are planning on putting the story on hold. Share the story and tell people to vote, you guys.

Danielle on the side.



LA, California: The Wedding Venue.

February 12.

2:00 pm.


“Why’d you guys have dance rehearsal at the venue? Why couldn’t you have it at a dance studio like normal people?” I asked as we sat and waited for Paige to show up.

“We aren’t normal people.” Nique defended with a smile.

“Whatever!” I threw my hands up.

“How is the set up for the dancing?” Tess asked.

“Couples.” Nique smirked.

“What?” Nee freaked out.

“We’re dancing with our significant others.” Nique shrugged.

“Some people are in little situations right now.” Asyah nodded towards Prince, whose face lit up when Nique said couples.

“Is it a problem, Prince?” Nique asked.

“Not for me.” He shrugged.

“Nique, you know this is messy.” Bahja said as she fed Danielle.

“It might help.” Nique whined.

“And it might make things worse.” Bahja retorted.

“Then please shoot me because I’m the bad guy.” Nique stood up and threw her hands in the air and walked out.

“Zonnique.” Latimore stood up and ran after her.

“Is she pregnant?” I joked.

“More like a bridezilla.” Nee rolled her eyes.

“Asyah is calmer than she is.” Prod said.

“That’s just her personality.” Bahja said. “She’s been that way since we were kids.”

“Tess acts just like her. Always tryna set shit up.” I laughed.

“No I do not!” she whined.

“Yes, you do.” I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Put it to good use.” She said, referring to my tongue.

“Oh!” Diggy oh’d from the other side of the room.

“Whatever.” I hissed.

“Stop the damn whining!” we heard Paige yell at Juaquin as she walked in. She had on a pair of the tightest low rise jeans with a fitted crop top that showed too much of her stomach.

“Close your mouth.” Ray shot at Prince when his mouth dropped.

“Quin!” Tess stood up and grabbed Juaquin, swinging him in the air. It seemed like he stopped crying when she picked him up.

“He’s being spoiled. Put him down. He needs to learn how to walk around on his own.” Paige said as she dropped Juaquin’s bags on the nearest chair. She threw her purse down and slumped down in a chair.

“He’s just a kid.” I said as Tess sat him down on my lap.

“He’s acting like a spoiled brat.” Paige huffed.

“This is exactly how we acted, Paige.” Tess defended.

“Yes, you guys were spoiled!” Bahja laughed.

“Go say hi to Danielle.” I whispered in Quin’s ear before he stood up.

“Paige, you look…. Nice.” Nee dragged.

“I grabbed the first things I saw. I was running late.” I shrugged.

“I think she looks sexy.” Asyah shrugged.

“Ha.” Paige laughed.

“I’m gonna go find Nique and Latimore. Nasty asses probably fucking in a random room.” Ray stood up and walked out with his hair bouncing behind him.

“Why didn’t you do something with his hair, Nee?” I laughed.

“He wanted to wear it like that. I told his dumb ass to tie it up.” She crossed her arms over her baby bump.

“Juaquin, come here.” Prince finally spoke up.

“Hello to you, too.” Paige rolled her eyes and stood up, walking over to Nee.

“Chill out.” Prince rolled his eyes and lifted Quin into the air.

“You’re getting big, boo.” Paige ignored Prince’s comment and rubbed Nee’s stomach.

“Yup, they’re due in March.” Nee placed her hands on Paige’s.

“Are you excited?” Bahja asked.

“Happy to get them out.” Nee laughed.

“Honey, that’s the worst part.” Paige laughed.

“And it’s quicker than nine months.” Nee smirked.

“Mhm.” Bahja agreed.

“Danielle.” Diggy yelled her name. Her head snapped towards him as she was about to place his keys in her mouth.

“Da da?” she giggled.

“Give it here!” he held out his hand. She pouted and crawled over to him, putting the keys in his hand.

“She’s teething?” Prod asked.

“Yes. She’s gonna end up swallowing something.” Bahja said as she picked up Danielle.



LA, California: The Wedding Venue.

February 12.


“Why you so quiet?” I whispered to Prod.

“I’m tired. You had me up all night.” He bit into his bottom lip.

“I wasn’t the one begging.” I laughed.

“Whatever.” He hissed.

“What’s up with Paige? She seems, different.” He asked.

“All the bullshit she’s dealing with, I’m surprised she isn’t partying and drinking every night.” I shrugged.

“She straight wilding on Prince, though.” He laughed.

“She has a lot of anger built up.” I said.

“Have y’all had a girl’s day since she’s been back?” he asked.

“Nope.” I popped the “p”.

“Y’all should do that. Get rid of some stress.” He suggested.

“You paying?” I asked.

“For you. That’s it. Those others are too expensive.” He sighed.

“Whatever. I’ll talk to them about it.” I said.

“I found them in the back. Talk about loud moans.” Ray shot Nique a look as she and Latimore did the walk of shame.

“I had to calm her down.” Latimore shrugged and sat down beside a red- cheeked Nique.

“So, anyone gonna tell Paige about the set up?” Bahja snapped at Nique.

“Bahja, stop!” Diggy hissed as her.

“Shutup, Diggy.” She rolled her eyes.

“Stop acting like that.” He said sternly.

“Look, we’re dancing in couples.” Nique flinched.

“What?” Paige asked calmly.

“Couples.” Nique said slowly.

“Wow.” Paige slurred.

“Yeah.” Nique dragged.

Paige stood up and walked through the glass double doors. She threw her hands in the air and sat down on the curb.

“Anyone gonna talk to her?” Ray asked.

“I’ll go.” Nee struggled to get up.

“Alright.” Ray helped her up and she waddled towards the door.

“Nique, this is wrong.” I said quietly.

“I finally know that. But, I can’t change it. She’s already locked in the plans.” Nique pouted.

“We should’ve done planning together. I mean, I could’ve done more than help out with the dresses and suits.” I said.

“I thought I had it under control.” Nique kept pouting.

“How about Prince and I switch out? I don’t think Nee will be upset about it as long as we get to dance at least once that night.” Ray suggested.

“We could do that. And then for the seating, it could be you in between Nee and Paige and Prince could sit on the other side of Nee.” I negotiated.

“Yeah, that’s fine.” Ray sighed, playing in his hair.

“Okay, we fixed that problem.” I sighed a huge breath.

“What if I wanted to dance with her?” Prince spoke up.

“That’s not what you wanna do.” Bahja snapped.

“I want to dance with her.” Prince shrugged.

“Man, shut the fuck up! That’s bullshit!” Bahja covered Danielle’s ears.

“Chill out. I don’t even understand why you out of all people are mad. You should understand.” He motioned to Danielle.

“I’m mad as hell! At you and Daniel. I have to wake up every morning and look in that little girl’s face and see her mom. Not me! I know how Paige feels.” Bahja stood up and walked up to Prince.

“Bahja, sit down.” Diggy stood up and grabbed her, walking back to their seats.

“Get off of me!” she screamed and snatched her arms away.

“Woah, where’s all this coming from?” Diggy threw his hands up in surrender.

“It’s nothing new, Diggy. It’s just bottled up anger. I try to hide it and all but I have to live with the fact that Danielle IS Jessica’s child.” Bahja walked in the direction that Nique had previously walked away.

“Bahja!” I yelled after her. Tess, Nique, and I stood up, running after her.

“Damn.” I heard Prod exclaim.

“Bahja!” Diggy ran down the hall behind us. She got to a door and slammed it shut before we could get in.

“Leave me alone!” she hissed.

“Come on, Bahja. Talk to us.” Tess pleaded.

“No!” she screamed.

“When she’s like this, there’s no use in trying.” Nique shrugged and walked away.

“Bahja, just come out and talk to us.” Tess tried again.

“Not if Diggy’s right there.” She cried.

“Come out, Bahja!” he yelled.

“Get away!” she yelled back.

“Bahja!” he yelled and banged on the door, which made me jump back a bit.

“Stop!” she cried.

“Come talk to me.” He spat.

“Daniel, leave me alone.” She yelled.

“Open this motherfucking door!” he hit the door hard enough to knock it down with his fist.

It was silent for a while. We waited and waited until we heard the door unlock. Bahja slowly opened the door and slipped out of the room. She closed the door and leaned on the wall, looking up at Diggy like she’d done something she wasn’t supposed to do.

“Now, what the fuck is your problem?” Diggy yelled as he placed his hands on the wall behind her, trapping her in.

“Nothing.” She whispered.

“Then, why you acting like this, all of a sudden?” he hissed.

“I don’t know.” She bit her trembling bottom lip.

“Then calm the fuck down.” He hit the wall behind her and stormed off back towards the sitting area.

“Woah.” I said, lowly.

“Punk!” she yelled after him. He turned back and shot a deadly glare at her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms with a huff.

“What’s his problem?” Tess asked.

“He’s been like that ever since we got Danielle. Jessica really did a number on him.” Bahja scoffed.

“Did you mean what you said back there?” I asked.

“Yes. I meant it. But now that it’s out, it doesn’t feel like a burden anymore.” Bahja sighed.

“You just needed to get it off your chest.” Tess said.

“Yeah. I guess-“ before Bahja could finish her sentence, we saw Paige walk in. She had the weirdest smile on her face.

“What time is this over?” she smirked.

We walked down the hall and back to where everyone was sitting.

“In about an hour, why?” Nique furrowed her eyebrows.

“I need to meet a  friend of mines.” She straightened out her top.

“Who?” Prince asked, placing Quin on his feet.

“Someone I met a couple weeks back.” Paige smiled and sat down.

“Can we please learn this dance before my feet start swelling?” Nee complained and sat down.

“I don’t know where the choreographer is.” Jacob scrolled on his phone. “She said she’d be here at three. It’s already three thirty.”

“I’m about to leave. I have to be somewhere at 4:15.” Tess said.

“Go ahead. She just texted and said we have to reschedule.” Jacob sighed.

“So, all of this for nothing?” Nique screamed.

“Babe, calm down. I’m rescheduling.” Jacob said.

“Whatever!” Nique grabbed her things and walked out.

“Well, I guess I can go too.” Paige said. “Come on, Juaquin.”

“You’re not taking my son when you’re going to meet someone. Do I know this person?” Prince stood up as Paige gathered her and Quin’s things.

“Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know who you fuck with.” Paige rolled her eyes and placed Juaquin’s bag on her bag and her purse on her shoulder.

“Who is it?” Prince demanded.

“Grab mommy’s hand.” Paige said to Quin who stood by the door. He ran and grabbed her hand and they walked out with a frantic Prince behind them.

“Those two need help.” Ray stood up and helped Nee up.

“Sure do.” Prod stood up and put on his jacket.

“So, who’s going to be at the hospital in 2 days?” Nee asked.

“For?” I asked.

“She’s getting induced on Valentine’s Day. That’s where we’ll be spending it.” Ray smiled.

“Wow! That’s the date you chose?” Prod asked.

“Yeah, she insisted on it.” Ray rolled his eyes with a smile.

“I’ll text you guys the info about the reschedule.” Jacob walked out.

“We’ll try to make it.” I said.

“Yeah, I really don’t want you guys to miss it.” Nique frowned.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I hugged her.

“Alright man, I’ll hit you up later. We can get in the studio tomorrow before this baby comes.” Prod said. They gave each other dap and he hugged Nee.

“Sure thing. Bye, Diggy and Bahja. By Danielle.” We all walked out and to our cars. I looked to my left and Prince and Paige were at her car arguing. He was blocking her door. To our right, Jacob was begging Nique to unlock the car doors.



LA, California: Wedding Venue

February 12.



“Get out of my fucking way!” I screamed at Jacob who was standing in front of my door.

“Who are you going to meet?” he asked.

“None of your business. Why does it matter?” I asked.

“I wanna know who my son’s around.” He yelled.

“Whatever! I’m taking him to my parents so chill out.” I yelled back. So what, I just lied.

“Who is it? Damn!” Jacob grew angrier.

“Chill out, Jacob. You probably don’t even know him.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

“So it is a guy?” he questioned.

“Yes, Jacob! Gosh! It’s not like I’m sleeping with him.” I unfolded my arms and pushed him again to try and get in my car. It didn’t work. He’s grown since I’ve gotten back and now, he’s all muscle. He wasn’t budging.

“Who is it?!” he yelled.

“Jacquees! Okay?” I yelled.

“Jacquees? Old dude from Atlanta?!” he asked.

“He flew out with his cousin and his cousin’s kid so that he and I could hang out.” I said.

“He didn’t fly all the way out here just to hang out. He clearly wants you!” Jacob yelled.

“So what if he wants me! We’re not together so why does it matter?!” I yelled at him.

He pursed his lips together and took a deep breath.

“If that’s how you feel about us then whatever!” he threw his hands in the air and walked away.

“Stop being such a pussy! You always walk away from your problems like a bitch!” I yelled, leaning back on the car.

When he turned around with a sinister look on his face, I actually got a little frightened. He quickly walked up to me and stood in front of me, pressing his hard chest against mines. He looked down at me and smirked.

“A bitch? That’s what I am?” he asked.

“That’s what I said, right?” I rolled my eyes and when they landed back on him, he grabbed my face and bought his lips to mine.

No passion, just lust. His hands slid down my back and sat at the top of my butt before he slid his hands down further and cupped my butt. My hands slid upwards on his torso and landed on his chest. I left them there for a while and when I gained the strength, I pushed him off of me and screamed.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I yelled.

“You still like it, though.” He walked off without another word.

“Ugh!” I groaned and got into my car, slamming the door. I looked in my rearview mirror at a smiling Quin, playing on his iPad mini.

“Did you say thanks to Ralph for getting that for you?” I asked, referring to our family bodyguard. He got it for Quin because Quin would always ask to play on Ralph’s phone when we were with him.

“Yeah. He give me lot of games.” He moved around in his car seat, not taking his eyes off of the screen.

“That’s really nice of him.” I smiled and drove out of the parking lot.




I pulled up to the building that I was meeting Jacquees and his cousin at. I got out of the car and got Juaquin out of his car seat. He held his iPad mini close to him and held onto my leg as I went into the trunk to find something to cover me up. I found a long sleeve blue jean jacket and put it on. It actually went really good with my jeans.

Quin and I walked into the building and it turned out to be a huge arcade with an area off to the side that was a huge trampoline. I looked down at Quin and he looked so eager to go and play. I looked around for Jacquees’ dreads and I found them near this castle. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulders but when the person turned around, they were far from Jacquees.

“I’m so sorry. I was looking for someone and your dreads looked alike.” I smiled.

“I could probably help you on your search. Paige, right?” he held his hand out.

“Yeah.” I shook his hand.

“Issa, I’m his cousin. He should be around here somewhere.” He said after shaking my hand.

“Isa!” he said. “Let’s go.” A little girl around 3 or 4 came down the slide. She ran up to him and he picked her up.

“Hi!” she waved at Quin and I.

“Hi!” Quin responded before I could.

“What’s your name?” she asked.

“This is Juaquin and I’m Paige.” I said.

“I’m Isa and this is my daddy,  Issa.” She smiled.

“That’s such a pretty name.” I followed Issa into a food court area.

“Thank you.” We were walking to a small group of people.

“Mama!” Quin started whining.

“Issa. I’ll be right there.” I said, bending down to Juaquin.

“We’re right ahead. Right there.” He pointed to a table where I saw Jacquees’ dreads.

“Okay.” I smiled and he walked away.

“What?” I said to Quin.

“I’m hungry, mama!” he whined.

“Stop whining. Do you wanna eat first or go play?” I asked.

“I’m hungry. I want food.” He whined.

“Stop it!” I pointed at him.

“I just want food.” He pouted.

“Then, let’s go sit down.” I said and stood back up, pulling up these low ride jeans.

We walked up to the table that Issa pointed to and they were talking about taking Isa to the trampoline. 

“Mama! I wanna go!” Quin screamed.

“I thought you wanted food.” I smirked.

“No! I’m not hungry!” he said and he dropped his iPad mini onto the floor and walked up to Issa who’d walked away with Isa.

“What the hell, Juaquin?!” I hissed.

“He’s a cute one.” I heard Jacquees’ voice.

“He’s a handful.” He handed me Quin’s iPad mini.

“All kids are.” He said as I sat down, placing my purse on the table. I put the iPad in Juaquin’s bag and sat it beside my purse.

“So that’s your little cousin?” I asked, pointing at Isa jumping, holding Quin’s hand.

“Yeah. She just turned 3.” He said.

“That’s what I guessed.” I smiled.

“So, where were you that has you wearing this?” he asked, turning to face me.

“I was rushing this morning to get to a dance rehearsal for my cousin and best friend’s double wedding. I just grabbed the first thing available.” I stated.

“I like it. It’s different.” He said.

“It’s different from what you see me wear on Skype and FaceTime.” I stated.

“It’s more than what you wore when we talked when I got off the plane.” He made his eyebrows jump.

“I told you I was at the pool with Bahja. You insisted.” I blushed.

“What you been doing since I left LA last time?” he asked.

“I’ve been talking to you, dealing with Juaquin’s father, nothing much.” I sighed.

“How is Princeton?” he asked.

“Ugh! He bugged out when I said I was coming to meet you.” I said.

“Well, I guess he knows what he’s missing out on.” He said.

“Yeah. I really don’t think things are gonna work out the way I wanted them to.” I shrugged, looking down at my nails

“Look at me, you don’t deserve what he’s putting you through. If he’s not making as much effort as you think is necessary, he doesn’t deserve you.” He lifted my head up with his index finger.

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