Another Bad Blind Date [SPINO...

By ravsisrekt

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{SPINOFF/SEQUEL to The Bad Blind Date} Jungkook and Y/N fell in love and got their happy-ever-after. But what... More

Chapter 1: Stay Away
Chapter 2: she wasn't you.
Chapter 3: I'm Back!
Chapter 4: She's Nothing
Chapter 5: I Made Her Cry?
Chapter 6: That's Your Friend's Girl...
Chapter 7: Shawn Go, Go Fuck Off.
Chapter 8: You Like Him?
Chapter 9: I Like Iris
Chapter 10: Bye Shawn...
Chapter 11: I Miss You
Chapter 12: Of Course I'm Jealous!
Chapter 13: Frickle Frackle?
Chapter 14: I love you too Race.
Chapter 15: Pull Out Game Strong
Chapter 16: Surprise Present
Chapter 17: Best Present Ever
Chapter 18: Fuck You Jimin
Chapter 19: Korean Fight Club
Chapter 20: We'll Find Him
Chapter 21: My Future Daughter-in-law
Chapter 22: Pretty Boy and Gangs?
Chapter 23: Dares
Chapter 24: A Break?
Chapter 26: I Do Know Where He Is
Chapter 27: Way Too Easy
Chapter 28: Be Here With Me
Chapter 29: Aftermath
Chapter 30: Rainbow Drink
Chapter 31: Let's Get You Home Safe
Chapter 32: No Touching
Chapter 35: Baby Girl
Chapter 36: Love
Chapter 37: Please Marry Me.
Chapter 38: Hoseok's Wedding
Chapter 39: WHY'D IT HAVE TO BE YOU?
Chapter 40: Family
Epilogue: The List
Prologue: She's not my type
One Shot: Jin & Faera
One Shot: Taehyung & Serina
One Shot: Jimin, Shawn, & Kai
One Shot: Kylie & Huli
One Shot: Hoseok & Freeda
One Shot: Jungkook, Y/N, & Senko
One Shot: Namjoon
One Shot: The Children

Chapter 34: it was worth the wait.

31.6K 1.3K 4.6K
By ravsisrekt

A/N: I rarely edit my shit so I apologize for the mistakes that might be present.

and oooh ohh, that gif is familiar no? *wink wonk*


16 year old Shawn, three to four years back, beat, angry, yet still grinning as his sister aided over at the scar under his ear.

"Shawn you've got to stop this," she said softly, mumbling under her breath as she used the alcohol on the little white sponge to dab over the blood that dried over on her brother's open cuts.

His parents had to grab him from the police station about three times at this point. This being the fourth time, Serina knew it was slowly starting to exhaust Shawn's sweet parents who would yell and beg for him to "straighten up".

"Can't sis," he said, jaw clenching as he tried not to wince at the numbing sting that ran across his neck, "my boys need me."

"Screw them," she whined, hating that her brother was some next level gang leader, "why not just do what your family wants for a change."

"I have a loyalty I can't just ditch," he said softly, staring over at his baby sister who was close to tears as she aided him. She was so tiny and delicate, he smiled lightly at her pale skin that didn't seem to compel with his at all. She was adorable and cute, he wanted to protect her from everything and everyone.

"What about your loyalty to your family," Serina said softly, pushing the big framed glasses onto her nose. The glasses overpowered her entire small face, the rims bigger than the distance between each of her cheekbones.

"I've always got my family's back," he smugly cooed, "I'll always watch over you..."

"I know you will," she snapped lightly, hating that bandaging up his cuts was becoming a regular thing now. Sometimes she would watch him come late at night with blood all over him. It was never his blood.

"Smile," he cooed, trying to tickle at her sides above her baggy nightgown. She squirmed, giggling away. Her mouth opened as she squeaked and her glasses almost flew off her face.

Shawn smiled, having his hands move onto his lap as he sat there, shirtless and bruised. He eyed the young girl before him intensely. "So I've heard you've been hanging around Jordan a lot," he said slowly, eyes narrowing over the idea of his baby sister liking one of the younger members of his gang.

Shawn hated having any of them near his family. They were his family too, but never did he want any harm come to his immediate family because of what his members might pull stupidly. There was rivalry in his city between him and three more solid groups. There was no room for rumours regarding his little sister and Jordan. There was no room for her to get hurt.

"We're just friends," she said softly, seeing right through him. Her brother was insanely protective over her and she was scared to ever really break through out of her shy shell to even lay eyes on a boy.

"Mhm," he mumbled, jaw flexing as he eyed her barely meeting his eyes.

"I feel bad for your daughter in the future," Serina piped, trying to make the situation lighter as she giggled gently.

Shawn's brows creased, "There's no way I'm becoming stupid enough to get a chick pregnant," he mumbled, trying not to cringe at the idea of being stuck with a wailing and crying child in his arms for the rest of his breathing life.

"Or a sonnnn," Serina cooed, knowing Shawn would grow protective no matter what sex the baby was.

"Again," Shawn spat, annoyed and in pain, "Fuck children. You know I hate that shit."

Serina pouted.

He simply glared over at her and rushed for her to finish her job quicker. He didn't ask to be patched up, Serina just wouldn't let him sleep without checking him thoroughly before going.

She scoffed, "right, and when you've got to babysit baby Herra and Kin, you're all hands on and prepared. You love children don't lie to yourself."

"Babysitting is money, they're cute and I see them for a few hours," he retorted, "but when it comes to spending my whole life with a kid. Watching them grow up to be horny lil' irresponsible fucks, no thank you!"

"Oh great," Serina chimed unamused, "you just described yourself!"

He grinned.

"Exactly," he piped, smug, "now wouldn't it be terrifying to have a little Shawn, girl or guy, running around?"

Serina's face squished together in nerves. She couldn't imagine such a thing.

Shawn grinned hugely, teeth peeking past his lips. "A little promiscuous granddaughter would be Aama's worst nightmare. Plus with my genes, my daughter will be gorgeous!"

Serina dabbed at his skin deeper. He winced. "Ow!"

"I hope you get stuck with a son."

"Not gon' happen. Kids aren't on my priority list ever ight?."


Shawn tried to break at the bedroom door with the help of Jimin. Groaning in frustration when the door wouldn't open, he knew his effort was being clouded by a panicking Kai who stood in the center of the room.

"N-No, the due date, what-" she swallowed, balling, she was angry and shocked, "it's only been 34 weeks! I've still got so much-I'M NOT READY FOR THIS RIGHT NOW AND HERE!"

Jimin swallowed, leaning tiredly onto the door as he stared over at a panting Kai. He didn't know what to do. I don't know what to do.

Shawn was in game-mode, his face determined as he moved over to Kai in an instant. "You'll be okay. Kai just breath ye?" he took hold of her forearms softly as he glanced at the window and back at the door. Signalling for Jimin to continue to break out the door, he looked back at Kai with kind eyes. Forcing a great smile on his face in attempts to calm her down, he talked over at her reassuringly and hurriedly, telling and showing her how to breath.

Kai hiccuped, eyes on his lips as she tried to match his breathing. Hot tears spilled out of her eyes as she numbly followed everything he was telling her to do.

Shawn smiled. "Okay," he said smiling before glancing down at her jeans, "now take your jeans off."

Jimin ran into the door a bit too hard from overhearing that.

Kai's brows cocked up.

Shawn didn't crack a smile, his face serious. "We've got to see how far you've dilated and make plans from there."



Iris's brows furrowed when Yoongi took her, sweaty hands entwined, to a very familiar open field. Although, during this time of the day, it looked incredibly empty and looming from the darkness, Iris felt chills. She smiled lightly at the memory of the first time she had come here with you...

"Why'd you bring me to the field of the meet and greet?" she asked confused, her thoughts going back to the time where she was stupidly dragged into helping PD Nim setup and manage a to-do-list with you at the boy's meet and greet with their fans. It was regarding the mess that Yoongi and Racy had created a while back.

He was grinning warmly before sealing his lips shut. This on its own caused Iris to become even more confused. Pulling her towards the area of grass that was previously the "backstage" of the event held long ago, Iris's deep eyes met Yoongi's gleaming ones.

"Yoongi oppa, I'm-"

"We met here," he said softly, smiling hugely. Iris slightly shivered again when feeling his soft, lightly damped thumb move along the tops of her palm.

She smiled at the memory. "Oh right!" she chimed, giggling when remembering hurting the man, which at the time, seemed to not want anything to do with her. She actually feared he'd write a diss track directed towards her because of what had happened.


"Hi," she said slowly, smiling over at all of them.

Yoongi's eyes were squinted over at her and she could've sworn a little part of her soul left her body.

"Right!" She popped laughing, "you have no idea who I am!"

"I'm um, I'm friends with Y/N," she said smiling, "She brought me here to help out..."

Puckering her lips a bit she extended her hand towards Yoongi, "Nice to meet you!"

He was confused as he slowly moved his hand out. She popped a "don't set me on fire please" as she laughed cutely and Yoongi smiled lightly.

Iris died.

"Well I just want to come over and tell you just how much I love you," she blurted out when looking at Yoongi and his brows jumped. Iris's eyes popped open as she shook her head, "n-no not that-well that, but also that I'm waiting for your mixtape to one day drop!"

Yoongi swallowed. Smiling politely over at the awkward woman, he bowed a bit. She seemed to bow down lower at the same time and knock her head against the silver haired man.

Eyes widening as she rubbed at her throbbing head, she looked over at the boy's eyes scrunch in pain as he held his head.


"Ah, I'm so sorry holy-"

She was flustered as she awkwardly extended her hands out to his head but didn't dare touch him and invade his privacy.

"I am so sorry I-"

"It's okay," he moaned out in pain as he tried to smile at her the best he could.

She was red.

"Here let me take a look maybe i can-"

In efforts to have him move his hand, her fingers slipped a bit as she lamely ended up poking him in the eye.

Having him move back a he swore, iris's eyes were huge again and Jimin was roaring along with Hoseok.

Iris's mouth dropped open, "I AM SO SORRY!"

"Hmm," he let out pained and Iris felt sick.

"Sorry sorry," she piped quick while trying to move in and help the man. He simply moved back, laughing painfully.

"It's fine. I'll get help from someone else," he said as sweetly as he could muster, "Thank you though."


"I grew almost a phobia for people going near my eye after that," he teasingly popped, smiling at her clearly loving this moment and him even more as time went by. He was playing the card right. He was playing them with genuinely, which is why she adored this whole day with him so much. Yoongi had spent all his time and thought to do this for her today and that's all she could really think about.

"But," he began softly, "if you hadn't come back here...I honestly don't know how my life would've played out without you."

Iris's eyes softened. Smiling at how adorable he was, she pinched lightly at his cheek. He chuckled at her pouting over at him for the hundredth time today. She was acted as if she had seen a newborn baby before her multiple times as the time went by with him.

"I wanted to bring you to the place we met so I could, uh," he swallowed, not knowing why he felt uneasy and embarrassed telling her what he had prepared, "I could rap you a single on my mixtape."

Iris's face fell for a moment. Yoongi felt a bit surprised over her reaction to the news. Is she upset?

"Is it a diss track?" she breathed out scared. Did he bring me out here to diss what I accidentally did?

Yoongi's brows jumped. He laughed, howling as he almost choked on his own spit from the sudden remark.

Iris was dead serious and worried.

He simply laughed more.

Whining, he chuckled, pulling her into a tight hug. Sighing into her hair, he shut his eyes. "No, it's about you but it's not a distrack."

She snuggled into his neck and shoulder, smiling lightly to herself when she matched her breathing with his. "Rap away," she mocked, knowing how he normally told her to "poke away" almost at a regular basis when she threw threats over at him regarding his eyes.

"Tell me if you like it okay," he breathed out, hugging at her waist securely as he eased his breath. He couldn't find himself to breath. It was hard, very hard. All he kept breathing in was her scent and her aurora and it suffocated him just as much as it used to the first few weeks he grew to adore her.

"I'll show you if I like it," she cutely popped out.

His brows furrowed lightly at that. "How?"

"It's a surprise," she whispered out, grinning to herself as she bit down at her bottom lip.

Yoongi smiled at the tone of her voice. His confusion gone immediately. Grinning, he knew exactly what she was implying.

"Okay start," she said softly, wanting to hear the rap.

"Okay," he said softly, practicing his breathing for a quick moment before he let himself breath and let out.

He let all of it spill. His feelings for her mapped out in clever words and twists and turns of verses. He loved her, so he showed her.

Yoongi rapped while burying his head into her neck.


No more banging into the doors, no more exit plans through the windows... both Jimin and Shawn were crowded over Kai who was now laying down on the bed, breathing in and out due to both their instructions. She was terrified and both saw. They both loved her and stuck by her through this. They took in breaths with her.

Shawn had tried to climb out the window earlier so he could get to the front door and possibly break himself in. But the moment Kai started to panic over the baby's head about to pop out from the dilated mess between her legs, both men panicked and remained inside. They remained inside with her.

They were going to deliver the baby.

Managing to find Serina's tablet from in her closet, at first they tried to contact any emergency services through the tablet. However, that failed miserably when they ended up having hardcore gay porn pop onto the tablet's screen for a slight second before Shawn panicked to exit from the page before Jimin could awkwardly gawk over at his face too much during it. Instead, they had Youtube up.

"How to deliver a baby," was the first thing they typed into the search engine.

Shawn and Jimin struggled, trying to watch and skim through as many videos as they could. They managed to stumble to a video on a woman giving birth and Jimin almost pucked. Shawn's face drained of all blood when hearing the woman screaming, there was blood and other juices everywhere.

Kai panicked on the bed at them watching videos far from her.

"WHAT! WHAT IS IT?" she cried, hearing the woman screaming in the video didn't help her. Although she was taking the contractions like a straight-up champ, the bumbling and terrified men stuck in the room with her weren't helping her situation.

"Shawn change the fucking video!" Jimin spat, trying to grab at the tablet and not glance at it. He was afraid he was going to gag again.

Shawn simply didn't listen to him as he clicked onto a more informational video. Documentary style, he grinned in triumph before waving over to Jimin to go calm down and breath with Kai.

Jimin rushed over, grabbing at her hand as she swore every time a contraction hit. He felt sick, he breathed with her, trying to calm down himself.

Shawn's eyes were fixed on the video as he rushed around and tried to prepare all that he could. The brown boy within him came out as he used the things closest to him to mimic the things that were a necessity in the video. Wet towel...I'll use my jacket. Sanitized scissors? Fuck fuck! He ran into the bathroom, unable to find a towel, he settled on sticking to his previous item, his jacket. He looked through the bathroom for all the things he might need, he felt sick to his stomach when he heard Kai screaming louder and louder by the minute. Watching the video, he managed to find scissors. Using first aid alcohol to sanitize it, he brought everything in the first aid kid over as well. Placing it onto the bed, he ran back in, scoping out all that he could find and bringing it back. Putting himself of his jacket, he drenched it in the shower with slightly warm water. Needed two more smaller towels, he cursed. Taking his shoes off, he used his socks.

There was an earth-tearing scream and Shawn almost slipped in the bathroom as he ran over.


Shawn moved onto the bed, swallowing hard as he moved the blanket that Kai had on her up, he noticed the baby's head. Whipping his own head away from the sight, he looked over at Jimin and Kai immediately.

"Woah," he breathed out, chuckling nervously in attempts to get the other to before him to relax, "that uh, that's a fucking head."


Shawn looked genuinely offended, although he wasn't, he was being a little shit by playing up a dramatic charade. "Eh! I could easily deliver my own son, I'm so hurt you don't trust me."

Jimin glared at him.

Kai matched his glare.

"Tough crowd," Shawn mumbled to himself before peeking underneath the blanket to check for the baby again.

Kai got highly uncomfortable again.

He felt a huge slap to the top of his head. "OW!" he piped, annoyed as he rubbed at his head and looked over at the two before him. He felt the numbing cascading past the back of his head. It hurt a lot. "What the fuck! That hurt a lot!" Shawn snapped, glancing over at Kai who simply eyed him with the deadliest stare ever. He laughed nervously, glancing down at her position. "Right," he sang out, hands meeting together in respect, "women suffer more. Y-You're suffering more right now, praise womennnn for their vaginas!!"

"Shawn," Jimin grumbled, feeling sick to his stomach and knowing for sure he was going to have to witness so much in the next hour. He had heard of labour taking hours and hours for some women, but for Kai, in this moment, she looked like she was about to pop the sucker out any second now. It looked like a slide, the boy was going to be at the bottom of it in a matter of a blink of an idea. Slippery slide.

Shawn panicked. Placing the tablet next to him, he watched the video a bit more, watching the woman freak out and scream in pain some more. When he started to see more of the baby's head he knew it was time. Swearing internally, he shut off the tablet quick, ran to the bathroom and quickly washed his hands the best he could before jumping onto the bed and crouching between her legs.

She grew uncomfortable for a second and he rolled his eyes. "I'm not going pervert mode," he mumbled, forcing her legs open. She gasped. Jimin's eyes widened. Shawn didn't care, he was in game-mode once again. "A baby's coming out, nothing sexual about that shit," he mumbled, irritated at how disgusting his view was. Childbirth is a beautiful thing, childbirth is a beautiful thing, childbirth is a beautiful thing, childbirth is a beautiful thing, childbirth is a beautiful thing. Oh fuck me!

He awkwardly brought his hand out, trying to help and construct his fingers in a way the video so briefly spoke out, all while his face grew pained every time the woman screamed.

"Alright push," Shawn said softly.

"Yeah," Jimin said slowly, "and push at your vagina, not your ass or you'll-"

"I AM PUSHING!" she growled, glaring over at both of them.

Jimin and Shawn looked at each other terrified.

This looked more like an exorcism being played out by an atheist and a kpop idol rather than a delivery of a baby...



"I'M PUSHING!" she yelled, angry and crying. Half way with the baby out, she stopped for a moment, taking in a breath of air as she clung onto Jimin who was refraining from throwing up. He managed to not look over at Shawn's wet and gross hands as he looked at Kai's red face. He pushed her hair back, the woman was sweating. Shit, he was too.


Shawn laughed lightly at that.

He regretted it instantly when the woman yelled at him.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME! YOU AND YOUR FUCKING CONDOMS! LEARN TO PUT THEM ON RIGHT!" she yelled, growling. Shawn pursed his lips.

Jimin laughed now.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" she shouted over at Jimin. Hating that he laughed right at the side of her face.

He did, he shut the fuck right up.

She screamed, her head arching back as she kept pushing. "THIS IS TOO EARLY I CAN'T!"

"It's just the pain controlling you Kai," Jimin said reassuringly, "don't worry it'll be over soon."

She whined, hand practically ripping into Jimin's skin. His eyes widened at the sudden grip of her hand. His butt fell off the side of the bed as he lost all balance in his legs. He woddled a haste bit as he got up from the ground and sat beside her again.

She kept apologizing and he was shaking at his head, telling her it was alright even if it wasn't. He felt like crying.

Shawn grinned to himself when Jimin fell. Haha.

Focusing on getting the baby out, he wished to place his feet at her inner thighs so he could use his back to pull the baby right out. But this wasn't some ball and Kai wasn't some wood piece the ball was lodged in between. He sighed, grossed out but trying to stay determined as he saw more and more of the kid every moment.


The baby was out.

Shawn's eyes softened, he felt like crying as he held the baby awkwardly in his hands.

Jimin informed him to make the baby cry and Shawn frowned. "I don't want to," he pouted, staring over at the little one's face. He was in awe.

Kai was trying to breath in and out, eyes drifting and blinking closed. She looked over at the baby in Shawn's hands and smiled, panting.

She cried.


The baby was crying.

Shawn looked at the baby covered in all kinds of chunks and pieces.

It looked like a prune. A cute one shut up, he thought to himself, his whole world changing in that moment. He didn't want to let the baby go. He still hadn't cut at the umbilical cord yet and still felt like wrapping it to him.

All three in the room were mesmerized and in awe of the baby. Their hearts growing ten times just at the sight of the thing.

Shawn moved a bit of substance off the baby, placing it onto the bed too. He managed to drag Jimin over to help him clean up a bit.

Jimin rushed away and finally threw up when he managed to see the mess under the blanket.

Kai felt uncomfortable again.

Shawn simply glanced at her. Rubbing over at her knee, he smiled gently at her.

She smiled painfully back at her.

Jimin came back out, ruining the moment instantly when he carefully looked at the baby. His brows jumped.

"Um, might wanna look at the baby again," he chimed, shocked.

Shawn and Kai both looked over at the child.

Shawn's eyes widened when Jimin pointed over to what he was regarding.

"Where's my son's dick?" Shawn asked breathless, trying so hard not to laugh at the fact that he missed that through all of the havoc.

It was a girl.


The closest destination to be alone and away from the open.

The closest destination to finally allow herself be vulnerable with him yet again.

This shouldn't be happening in the recording studio of BigHit Entertainment. But being together for a while now, the two didn't care who would walk in on them now. They had enough experience with the others catching them before-both simply grew numb to it...

Iris couldn't breathe.

Breathing hitching, Yoongi's hand slowly slipped past her thigh and over to her back, unknowingly having her move closer to him. He moved slightly on the chair himself, putting the pen and notebook he once had in his hand back onto the glass table behind his girlfriend.

Thigh tightening against his as she moved slowly above him, his heart tore with every movement she made, knocking the wind out of him.

"You okay?" He asked her softly as her hand awkwardly moved away from him shoulder and to lightly hold his bare thigh instead.

Swallowing, she pursed her lips tight from making any noises. Eyes meeting his soft and concerned ones, Iris nodded nervously. "Mhm," she whined cutely as she continued to move her hips above him.

Her nose scrunched and he licked his lips. She could see he was trying not to grin.

Her breath hitched loudly as she moved her hand back onto his shoulder, her other arm wrapping around his shoulders. She shivered above him, her chest grazing his nose as he let his forehead rest against her collarbone.

He could hear her heartbeat. It matched his numbing one.

"T-This," she moaned softly interrupting herself, "this okay for"

"Perfect," he mumbled as he gently kissed at her bare neck, leaving soft kisses underneath her jaw as she arched her head back.

"Cool," she popped squeaking and he grinned by her throat. Eyeing her move more on top of him. He let his hand grip over her thigh, his fingertips digging teasingly into her skin.

She moved a tiny bit quicker when his hand lightly gripped at her butt.

One hand grabbing the table behind her, she used it as leverage to move quicker all while trying not to fall off of the man as she was trying to contain herself from the pleasure she felt.

His eyes shut as he tried not to run out of breath. Swearing, he lamely pulled her sweater higher on her form as his hands roamed her lower stomach.

"I love you," he mumbled as he kissed her cheek slowly, his lips parted as he simply started to having his breath hitch while against her face.

His glasses fell down his nose, matching hers that were dangerously close to falling off her face.

"I love you too my baby daddy," she giggled, moaning as she moved slower again and kissed Yoongi deeply.

Yoongi laughed against her lips before helping guide her hips.

"You sure I'm the father?" He teasingly asked and Iris giggled before clasping her hand over his mouth.

"Not funny," she whined out as her head arched back.

She was trying to be cute but couldn't help the noises that escaped her.

Yoongi laughed before his hand felt at her little bump again. He grinned hugely, his breath hitching.

"Iris," he whined playfully himself, teasing her constant moaning.

She slapped at his chest playfully.

He dramatically arched his head back only to moan exaggeratedly, "IRIS!"

She giggled at him mocking her.

"This is perfect," his breath hitched again, "a perfect way to show me that you liked my rap."

"Hmmm," she smiled, kissing him deeply as she remembered the words he said to her.

He smiled into her kiss, helping her hips that moved on top of him. His chest was panting, his heart wanted to fall out over and over. He loved her so much. Iris Sommers, Iris Sommers was the one...

It was worth the wait.


A/N: I'm working on the rap and will have it up as an extra for you guys (like a little treat at the end of the book).

And I couldn't help but have the title of the chapter and the gif be the same one from "The Bad Blind Date" chapter 22. That's where the final part in this chapter was displayed as a teaser and without the hype from all that I wouldn't be here writing this chapter right now. Thanks for all the overwhelming support lovelies. This book will be coming to it's end soon (very soon aha). Thank you so very much for being beautiful.

- Ravs.

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