Just the way you are <3 :D Pr...

By IgnorantBlissness

97.9K 2.2K 405


Just the way you are <3 :D PrincexRay Ray love story
Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Part 2 of chapter three
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
Chapter #10
Chapter #11
Chapter #12
Chapter #13
Chapter #14
Chapter #15
Chapter #16
Chapter #17
Chapter #18
Chapter #19
Chapter #20
Chapter #22
Chapter #23
Chapter #24
Chapter #25
Chapter #26
Chapter #27
Chapter #28
Chapter #29
Chapter #30
Chapter #31
Chapter #32
Chapter #33
Chapter #34
Chapter #35
Chapter #36
Chapter #37
Chapter #38
Chapter #39
Chapter #40
I'm thinking. . .
You know what. . .
I've Decided. . .
I've Decided Part 2. . .

Chapter #21

1.7K 50 5
By IgnorantBlissness

__Mickey P.O.V__

"We could be anywhere in the world

But you're here with me cuz you're my

Four Letter Word, Four Letter (and I'm your)

Four Letter Word. Whoaahhh!"

I sung aloud in my living room. Being home alone does this to me, I either sing, dance, eat, or sleep. And I already took nap so...I might as well pretend I'm Whitney Houston for a little bit and belt my lungs out.

"To be loved, to be loved

What a feeling, It's a drug

I'm addicted to your hugs and your kisses and your uhh

No matter who's around I show affection

Walk you on the inside of the tower for protection..I needa moment--"


I sighed out in irritation. Interrupting my song and shit. It bet not be one of the neighbors again because I already turned down my music, what more do they want? Swinging the door open, there stood Chresanto in my view. The sun was making his skin glow along with his pearly white teeth.

I melted on the inside, "Hey baby, what's up?" I asked.

He bit his lip and held up something in his hand. They looked like car keys. To what car though?

"What are these for?"

He chuckled, "C'mon out and I'll show you.."

Confused as ever, I decided to see what he was talking about. When I stepped out in the sun, having it blind me, I saw an all black 2014 Mercedes-Benz shine back at me. My jaw immediately met the ground. "Roc, what the hell?!"

He jumped up and down, "I know right!"

I walked around it, admiring it's glory, "W-Where the hell-what-wait-who--wow!"

He chuckled at my stumble of words, "It's a graduation gift from my uncle Lee. He said he was real proud of me and decided to get me something nice." he smiled so bright, it made me blush.

"Nigga, this is more than nice! This is bomb, babe!" I exclaimed. He looked towards my direction and waltz over to me, "Yeah uh, I got it today..." he paused. "Is that why you came?" I asked.

"Well," he began, "I thought that I could surprise you and--" he rested his hands on my hips, "--maybe, you know?" He was hinting at something but I wasn't sure what it was. He kept nodding his head side to side, trying to get his point across.

After a minute, I playfully pinched his arm, "And what?" I giggled.

"Hmm" he dangled his keys in my face while biting his lip, "Wanna have some fun?"

I looked in his eyes then his car and back into his brown orbs. There was nothing more I wanted to do but to go for a test ride in my mans new whip. I smirked, "What kinda fun?"

He leaned in and brushed his lips against my earlobe and whispered, "Whatever you want, bae."

One whiff of his cologne, a quick kiss, and a wink, I was out the door with my jacket, ready to go.

We gone have some fun, alright....

=Princeton P.O.V.=

"Umm...I think it's a dinosaur..."

"Really? I say it's a bunny.."

"Nah', I think it's a dino, Ray"

"But look--" pointing to the sky with his index finger, he squinted, --"there's it's ears, you see?"

I looked closer and shook my head, "I think that's his arms or something."

"How in the world are those arms?'' he asked, making a 'like-really-dude?' expression. I silently laughed, "Well for one: your ears don't start in the middle of your chest"

He chuckled loudly, "Okay I got you, I got you."

I grinned and looked back up into the sky. We've been watching clouds all day, I'm surprised Ray hasn't got bored yet. But this is relaxing. I need this.

He turns his body towards me on his side, holding his head up with his hand under his chin. I piviot my head, so that I'm looking back at him. We're having this intimate moment where we stare into each other's eyes. So romantic.

I slowly grin at him and he followed my action. I then gave him a full smile and winked. He giggles and looks down. Awe, someone's blushing...

I sighed as he looked back up at me. I took in his beauty. His face, his eyes, lips, smooth skin. Silky, black hair. The more I stare, the more turned on I am. I'm like a light switch, anything can turn me on. The way he walks, the way he says my name....oh, I need to calm down.

Getting too into it.

He raised his palm up to my cheek, softy stroking it. 'You're so beautiful." he said softly. My eyelids widen some and my lips curled up into a smile. I heard him chuckle. I just looked at him some more.

My soul is telling me that, this is my calling. That...that we're inseparable.

Our love is untouchable. We have such a tight bond, no one and I mean no one, can break us apart. I've loved this boy for years and now I finally got him. I don't want anyone consuming his time. Making him smile, blush, putting him in the 'mood', none of that.

I know, I know that's selfish but like he said to me once, "I don't want anyone but me to realize how amazing you are..."

I mean, what do you want me to do? He drives me crazy! If I had a rose for every time, I've thought about him, I'd have a damn flower shop. He makes me melt just by looking at him, Oh, lord have mercy.

I came back to reality when I noticed he was staring at me in awe. Without hesitation, I climbed on top of him. I straddle his waist while glancing down at him. Ooh, he is the one that's beautiful.

I carefully ran my hands up his arms and placed them above his head. I stared into his eyes while my forehead rested on his. I felt his lips peck mine. He exhaled and I pecked his lips. He softly says, "There's something about your love that makes me weak"

"It knocks me off my feet Prince". I groaned at the statement, "Ray.."

"No one gives me love and affection like you do" That caused me to kiss his lips once more. As the kiss started out small and sweet, it soon got more intense.

We rolled over to where he was on top and my legs wrapped around his waist. He slowly takes off his jacket. I laid back and watched. He bit his lip, looking down at me. "You look...delicious.." he whispered.

I hissed and sat up, grabbing his face with one hand. His hands held me by the small of my back. I started to speak, "Ray--"

"Shh. Just let it be beautiful..."

(A/N: warning some rated-r stuff 'bout to go down)

He smashed his lips against mine, I kissed back. Fireworks immediately went off in my head. I feel so safe in his arms, so serene. I'm on cloud nine right now. Nothing can take me down from this natural high.

He pulls me more into his body within each second. The closer I get, the harder it feels....if you know what I mean. A small whimper escapes my lips as he continued to attack them.

He laid me back down and dropped his body on top of mine. I felt his hands roam my waist band on my shorts, so I thrusted my hips forward.

Ray brought his lips to my 'sweet spot' and I tilted my head back. His hands stayed still on my hips and he looked at me. "Can I?" he asked.

I bit my bottom lip and nodded, "Si, papi. Please." I whispered.

Whatever is about to happen...let it be beautiful..




Hope all of yall got fat and made all ya little thanks or whateva.

Yeah this chappie got a little sexual, but yo chill out. I felt like this story needed some more freaky shit so yeah....Next chapter coming soon.

Vote, comment, & follow :$


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