get pride: get pucked sequel...

By hemmingslaugh

72.2K 2.9K 664

Jude Thomas, number twenty-seven on the National Women's Hockey League team, Boston Pride. Luke Hemmings, for... More



2K 97 24
By hemmingslaugh

Jude was extremely sad to say goodbye to her family again. She said goodbye to Ashton and Setha, wondering when would be the next time they saw each other would be. She hated goodbyes, but knew she had to go back to the reality of being on her team. She had games and practices that she needed to be at.

Walking back into her apartment felt weird after being at home for a week. She continued to text Ashton, but she already missed him again. It was hard being away from her best friends for so long. It seemed to bring her down a lot more than she thought it would. Being home was the first time that they were all together after moving on to their own things, so Jude felt torn once their vacation ended.

As she sat in the living room of her apartment, Ayce sat down next to her.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Homesick," she sighed.

"I'm sorry," He put his arm around her and she leaned in to him.

"It's just weird not seeing everyone, we all saw each other every day and then it suddenly just stopped."

"Well, we were gonna go see another show, let's start planning for it. I think it will help get your mind off of things," Ayce suggested.

"Yeah," she agreed.


Luke sat in yet another hotel room. He hated that he had so much surrounding him and he was still completely and utterly sad. He was so sad and he really couldn't admit it. How could he when Arzaylea slept right next to him, thinking that she was the one on his mind. He hated how terrible he was.

He wished he could be given a second chance with Jude. He wanted to be able to make everything up to her.

"What are you thinking about?" Arz asked as she shifted her body to look at him.

"Just, home I guess..." He sighed.

"Miss your mom?" She asked.

"Oh, well... yes, but I meant home as in with Ashton and everyone..."

"Ah," Arzaylea. "Do you miss Jude?"

"Of course I miss Jude. She was apart of all of my friends."

"Sorry," she cuddled next to him. He didn't want this. He didn't want to be next to her like this.

"It's fine," he lied. "I just wish things didn't get this messy. I want us to all be together again.."

"You have the boys, why do you need her?" She said a bit harshly.

"You don't like her do you?" Luke smirked. He felt a bit of pride in that. She saw Jude as a threat.

"No," she answered honestly. "I don't."

"I didn't like her first either," Luke chuckled.

"Why did you date her then?" She asked.

"Because I loved her," Luke shrugged.

He still loved her and the real question he wanted to ask himself was why did he break up with her.

"We should go to one of her games," Luke said. "I want to see her again."

"Do.. Do you still have feelings for her?" Arzaylea asked.

"Or course not," He lied. "She's my friend."

"Good, because you're mine."


Jude sat on the bench at the Home game. The Buffalo Buets were doing well tonight. She tried to catch her breath after just coming off the ice. She watched her team play as the crowed cheered them on. It was a home game, so many were here in support of the Pride's.

It was a close game, but a good game none the less. Jude played as best as she could and in the end the team came out with a win. Jude's teammates went out to celebrate, but she didn't feel like celebrating. Ever since she got home two weeks ago, she just wasn't in the mood to go out. She missed her home too much.

She walked out of the locker room with her jersey hanging down to her thy's. She watched as she took one step after another, observing the ground below her. Ayce was somewhere in the building. He was her ride home.

"Jude," Ayce called to her. She looked up and smiled at him. "You played well tonight."

"Thanks," She smiled.

"I have a surprise for you," He said to her.

"Okay?" She said worriedly. She prayed her hardest that he was not about to propose.

"Some guys called me and told me they wanted to go to your game, and then they wanted to see you after," He explained.

"Oh, Ayce... I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone," Jude shook her head and slowed her pace.

"I think you'd really like them," Ayce assured her. "They're cool people. It will only be for a few minutes."

"Ayce, I just want to go home."

"Jude, c'mon," He grabbed her hand. She pulled it away and game him a dirty look. He took her bag and dropped it on the floor. Before she could step away, he grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder.

"Ayce, what the hell are you doing? I just want to go home, I'm exhausted and sad and you're not helping at all. Let go of me!" She fought as he kept walking towards a room. When he walked into the room, She still hung over his shoulder.

"She was being stubborn," Ayce announced to the whole room.

"Will you put me down?" She punched at his back.

"What else is new?" Calum's voice said as she turned around.

"Hey!" She smiled. Ashton, Michael, Calum, Luke, and Arzaylea stood in front of her.

"Good game!" Michael said to her as he went in for a hug.

"Thanks, you guys were watching the whole time?"

"We missed the first five minutes of the game because we got lost, but yeah," Ashton explained.

"I just saw you guys two weeks ago, why are you here again?" She asked.

"We heard you were home sick since we all left each other. We kind of all feel the same, so we made last minute plans to see one of your games," Michael said.

"You guys are the best," She smiled.

"Ayce was the one who texted me," Ashton explained.

"Luke said he missed you too," Calum admitted.

Jude looked at Luke now who swatted Calum's arm. He then looked at her with his infamous unreadable expression.

"But we're starving so can we get some food?" Michael asked.

"Yeah," Jude laughed.

"We can go to a sushi restaurant," Ayce suggested. "I asked them if they had any private rooms and they said yes... if you guys want?"

"That sounds great to me," Calum nodded.

"Thank you," Jude whispered to Ayce and he smiled at her.

They made their way to the the restaurant and as soon as they sat down, Jude excused herself to the restroom. As she washed up, Arzaylea walked into the room. She only stood there and watched as Jude minded her own business, not acknowledging her at all. She stood there with her arms crossed, tapping her foot.

Jude still said nothing and walked passed her, making her way out.

"Excuse me," She scoffed and grabbed on to Jude's shoulder. Jude grabbed her hand and threw it off of her.

"Touch me again and I'll make your face bleed," she threatened.

"Could you not see I wanted to talk to you?" She rolled her eyes.

"Well, if someone had something to say, normally they would start off the conversation. But I'm sure you expect everything to be done for you?" Jude asked. "I'm not going to wait on your hand and foot like everyone else might." Jude sighed and looked her up and down. "What do you want?"

"I want you to stay the fuck away from my boyfriend," She demanded.

Jude let out a laugh. "You're kidding right?"

"No," she crossed her arms again. "He's mine. I don't do the whole sharing thing."

"You're ser- oh! You're actually serious," Jude laughed. "You haven't noticed that I actually hate his guts?Even if I were even talking to Luke, there's nothing that you can do or say to make me back off. I've know him a lot longer than you and I don't follow orders from someone who thinks they have the right to demand them."

"You may have know him longer, but he dumped your ass," She reminded her. "You're irrelevant, so stay away."

"Is that why he said he missed me?" She whispered with a smile.

"Calum said Luke missed you, there's a difference," She rolled her eyes.

"Well, if he dumped my ass, I shouldn't be a problem then, should I?"

Jude turned around and walked out of the bathroom, not phased by the argument that Arzaylea tried to pick with her. She knew she won regardless.

When she got back to the table, she noticed a chair open next to Luke's. On the other side of him was another chair open for Arzaylea. Jude chuckled to herself as she sat down right next to Luke. He tensed up and looked at her. She earned a few confused glances, but when Arzaylea came out, her face was priceless.

Jude got dirty looks the rest of the night.

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