
By Emily_PotterStyles

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Alexandria is half vampire, half werewolf. Her mother is an actual descendant of Dracula, a legend if there e... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Part 11

142 2 4
By Emily_PotterStyles

I've always thought of myself as someone who can face the world with a smile on my face. Someone who, even though she is terrified on the inside, can stay composed on the outside and act as though fear doesn't exist. I always thought that I was completely fearless, ready to take on the world with my own bare hands.

But sitting in the back of cold, dark van and not knowing where Caleb was or how he was coping totally and absolutely scared me to death.

The scent in the air was musty and tinted with something I couldn't place. It was as though my kidnapper had sprayed something so that I couldn't sniff out Caleb's location and escape with him. I've gotta admit, although I have no respect and I completely despise her, she is clever.

"What do you want from me?" I yelled out for the millionth time. I don't know why they haven't gagged me yet, I've just been screaming and shouting for the past however many minutes or hours I've been sat here.

"Who even are you? I deserve to know this, right?" I called, expecting no response as usual. I was surprised when my kidnapper replied:

"You really want to know who I am?

"No, I thought I'd just ask for no reason. God, for a smart lady, you really are dumb." I responded sarcastically.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Alexandria Golde." she joked, although her voice was as monotonous and flat as mine in the mornings.

"Woah, you have a sense of humour? Does that mean you have, like, feelings and stuff as well?" I asked, genuinely shocked. I thought this lady was a robot. I mean, who seriously kidnaps people for no reason.. oh wait, the whole kids-strong-enough-to-rule-the-world thing. Maybe she does have a reason.

"Very clever. This doesn't make me want to reveal my identity to you any more, you know, Alexandria," she replied, dryly.

"I know I don't like you and all, but call me Alex. I can't stand the name Alexandria. It's all posh and poncy and everything I'm not. Ugh." I shuddered.

She raised her eyebrows in a you-think-I'm-going-to-listen-to-you kind of way and I sighed. My body slumped visibly and my eyelids drooped slightly. I was totally beat. I needed to sleep, but I couldn't, in fear of what they might do to me. Plus, I still had no clue where Caleb was and that scared me most of all.

"I'm surprised you haven't worked it out yet, Alexandria." she stated, purposely using my full name to annoy me.

"Well, I'm tired and stupid and annoyed and frustrated and-"

"I get the picture. But it is awfully obvious, you know. Why have you been hiding? Who have you been running away from?"

It dawned on me. This was the dreaded Boss? I let out a loud bark of laughter, which made her face fall slightly. She quickly recomposed her expression to her cold, hard stare.

"You're the big ol' scary Boss? I mean, you may have a glare that could melt ice and a face that only a mother could love, but seriously? You don't exactly seem like the type of person that would kill," I laughed. Her lips thinned at my comments and her eyes darkened. Actually, that was rather frightening.

"You have no idea what I am capable of, little girl. I think you should learn some manners, learn how to respect your elders." With her last three words, she moved a little closer to me until our noses were almost touching. I desperately wanted to punch her in the face but my hands were tied up so I settled for twisting my head to the side and biting her nose. Really hard.

"Aah!" she drew back in surprise and pain, grabbing her now red nose. I felt so proud of myself until she slapped me across the face.

"How dare you, you insolent child! You have no idea what you're messing with here! At least your stupid boyfriend had the decency to keep to himself rather than stir up more trouble than it's worth," she spat. It's rather hard to look menacing whilst you have two bite marks on tour nose, I must admit.

"Where is Caleb?" I spat back. I suddenly felt really guilty that I'd kind of forgotten about him.

"Do you really think I'm going to tell you that? I know you have a brain in there somewhere, Alex, so you might as well use it."

"Ha! You called me Alex! I win!" I cried in joy, wriggling around as a victory dance.

"Stop that!" she screeched, looking really worried that I was trying to escape.

Something clicked in my brain. I have the strength to pull apart a few ropes, don't I? I used to be able to break skipping ropes like measly strands of cobweb when I was a lot younger, so these ropes would be nothing. I began to formulate a plan.

Through the darkness of the van I could only see things with a short proximity to me. Right in front of me sat the horrible Boss-lady on a spinny chair. There were a few boxes to my left and what smelt like plants to my right. I could faintly make out that the van was split in two, with what was most likely two seats in the front and storage space in the back. Currently, I was sat in the back with the hag, meaning that Caleb would be in the front with a driver. I hadn't heard anything from the front half of the van which must mean that whatever was splitting the van was sound proof.

Caleb wouldn't have been able to hear me and I wouldn't have been able to hear him. Great.

Like a lightning bolt, it hit me hard. I suddenly remembered what I could do with water. It wasn't that helpful, fire would have been a lot better but I had to use this to my advantage somehow. Maybe I could conjure a sphere of water and drown the Boss? Just kidding. A bit.

I just needed a distraction so that I could get myself and Caleb out the van and as far away as possible. I strained and flexed my muscles slightly and felt the rope give a tiny bit. Grinning to myself in victory, I flexed a little more, harder this time. Nothing happened.

My heart sunk. The first time was probably just a fluke. Maybe I could soften up the rope with water? It was worth a shot. The Boss-lady was occupied with reading some folder so I closed my eyes and thought of water.

In my mind I saw torrential rain, terrible tsunamis and crashing oceans. I saw taps blasting and baths being run. I could smell and taste salt and I loved it. This was what I loved, this is what I knew best. Water was something that was potentially dangerous but a necessity and a whole lot of fun, kinda like me. Water completed me and I craved the silkiness of it.

My hands were suddenly soaked. The ropes were soggy and mushy and they were a lot easiest to break. I strained against them and felt them break apart but I quickly caught it and held it up again, so as not to seem suspicious. Triumphantly, I cleared my throat and the hag snapped her head up towards me.

"What is it? Finally learned some manners and decided to apologise?" she sneered. I simply grinned at her and let go of the rope. It fell down around me and her jaw dropped open in surprise. Suddenly, she looked so scared and vulnerable, I almost felt sorry for her.


With the pictures of lakes and rivers in my mind and the rushing of the oceans in my ears, I brought my hands up and let rip at her. Water gushed from my hands and snaked their way towards the hag. I felt drunk with power, watching the liquid drench my enemy, but then I remembered Caleb.

Whilst the hag was momentarily distracted, I pushed myself up and kicked open the doors of the van. Leaping outside onto the road and almost collapsing in a heap, I kicked off the ground and started chasing after the van. I reached the side window and spotted Caleb tied up in a similar way to me.

Still running, I somehow managed to grab his attention by wildly flapping my arms around.

"Use your fire!" I yelled, desperately hoping that he could hear me. A flash of realisation passed his face and he closed his eyes.

It's odd because the first time you get a boyfriend, you usually go on dates and hold hands and stuff. You don't usually hide from people who try to kill you and you definitely don't watch your boyfriend go up in flames.

That is, of course, unless you're Caleb and Alex.

The driver certainly got the shock of his life when he glanced to the left and found a burning 18 year old half-vampire, half-werewolf sat next to him. His eyes widened in shock and he let go of the wheel, causing it to swerve drastically towards me.

"Crap!" I yelled and quickly dodged out of the way. The driver realised what was happening and caught hold of the wheel again. He clearly had no idea how to stop what he thought was Caleb trying to set himself on fire and was visually panicking.

By this time, Caleb had managed to burn the ropes off and he motioned for me to get away from the door, which I proceeded to do. With a very attractive look of pure determination on his face, he pushed a button on the dashboard and opened the door. Bracing himself, he leapt out of the still burning and swerving vehicle and landed in a very uncomfortable looking position, letting out a massive groan and a lot of air.

I raced towards him and helped him up. With his supernaturalness (not a word, I know) he'd managed to not break any bones although he looked very sore. Despite my anxiousness about his pain, we had to keep moving or else we'd be captured again.

It was at that moment I realised that neither of use knew where the hell we were or how far away from anywhere we were.

So basically, we were lost.

I hope Caleb's not one of them guys who're too stubborn to ask for directions, 'cause we're sure gonna need them.


OMG, hey girlfriend! *very camp voice*

So thank you for reading, I apologise for not posting this sooner. You can throw cookies at me. Omnomnom.

Well, here it is now! I hope you enjoyed it, sorry it's a pile of crappiness.

Dedicated to Giuliana because you're just amazing and a llama.

Much love, Emily xxx

By the way, once I've uploaded this, it will be Christmas where I am. So Merry Christmas bitchez.

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