Part 9

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Holding that little piece of paper with that one word on it reminded me of how much I loved Caleb. How much of an amazing boyfriend, and person in general, he is.

I brought it up to my nose, inhaling the magnificent scent of the Blue by Chanel aftershave. It sent tingles down my spine and I let out a content sigh. Held in my hand was the autograph of..

Harry Styles.


Yes, you read right, Harry Styles. That curly haired heart-throb from the tightly knit band of amazingly cute and hilarious boys, also known as One Direction. Kill. Me. Now. Excitement spasmed through my body. Harry Styles has touched this paper! The one I'm holding. I gasped as I realised yet again that I'm kinda indirectly touching him.

I apologise for the messed up ball of utter fangirliness that is me right now. It's just overwhelming that Caleb could possibly choose this place to come and then to actually meet Harry freaking Styles in the actual living and breathing flesh and sign an autograph and take a picture with little ol' me.

He even took my number. My freaking phone number! Not that he'd ever call, I completely doubt it, but still. Oh my dead wizard God! Very exciting!

You're probably thinking, okay, this is all made up. Seriously, no-one is THAT lucky, right? Well, it just so happens that my boyfriend is the best. B-E-S-T. That's right, I hyphenated.

It was a fine day, a lovely summer breeze was wafting through the beautifully constructed French windows of the penthouse suite at the top of the magnificently built hotel- Shut up Alex.

I was bored. Bored out of my mind. Not even talking to Steve was giving me any enjoyment.

"Caleb. Caaaaaaleb! Why did you choose this hotel? It's soooo boring!" I moaned, flopping around on the cushy sofa. This was the fifth hotel we'd moved to. Currently my hair was died a soft chestnut, with subtle caramel highlights and my eyes were a piercing shade of green. It made a nice change from the superficial blonde bombshell I had portrayed last.

"Alex, just wait and see. I told you there was a reason and trust me, it will be worth it," he replied patiently, rolling his eyes. He was casually sitting at the island, reading a magazine, just being the definition of cool. His hair was jet black, which didn't suit him at all. His eyes had been changed to an extremely dull shade of grey and basically, he looked horrifying. Well, as horrifying as you can look when you're an extraordinarily good-looking male and every pore on your body overflows with masculine yumminess.

So, not much then.

He kept checking his watch, as though he were late for an appointment. This didn't seem odd to me, he usually did it, but this time there was more urgency to it.

I closed my eyes and tried to take a nap but the small sounds in the room pounded my head, like they would do if I had a hangover. Which I didn't.

The wind gently blowing the curtains seemed like a hurricane smashing buildings down and uprooting houses. The soft breathing of my boyfriend sounded like heavy panting right in my ear. The hums of the radiators and the refrigerator screamed and yelled at me angrily. I groaned and moaned my life away until finally Caleb had enough of me.

"That's it. We're going on a walk." he stated firmly. Grasping my forearm, he yanked me up as though I were a feather and settled me on my feet.

"Yay! Walkies! Shall I get my lead?" I asked, faking seriousness. He caught on.

"Yep. Fetch, little doggy! Get your lead! There's a good girl!" he cooed, ruffling my hair. I growled at him and tried to take a bite out of his arm. Playfully, of course. I ran out of the room and down the hallway, barking at the top of my voice.

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