Part 3

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Valentine's Day. My favourite day of the year!


Call me cynical, but people just make up crappy holidays just so they can sell a bunch of junk, like teddy bears with hearts on them and heart-shaped balloons and ick ick blagh. I think Valentine's Day should be illegal. Why does there have to be one day where people openly profess their love for each other? Can't they do it everyday in the privacy of their own homes? Where single spinsters, like yours truly over here, don't have to watch couples holding hands and making out in restaurants and blagh.

I guess you could say I'm only being a miserable cow because I haven't got a boyfriend, but even if I did, I probably still wouldn't do all this crap and buy lavish luxuries for my one true love. And crap like that.

Don't get me wrong, haven't got anything against love. I think it's love that makes the world go round. I think love is the strongest and most important force in the entire universe. Love always conquers hatred. And not just in the books and movies. Love is always there to try and put a smile on your face, be it in the shape of your lover, your relatives or your best friend. I just think, with a little less PDA, I could actually make it down the street without having to literally pry open two people having a competition of 'Who Can Suck The Other Person's Face Off?' Because that sure as hell makes my day!

Anyway, so my parents need a new bed. Please, don't ask why the last one got broken, I really don't want to think about that. At all. Ever. Euuugh. So, we're off to see the Wizard! No, literally, the shop is owned by a guy who calls himself The Bed Wizard. The motto is actually 'Our beds are magical -they'll make all your dreams come true!' And the staff have to walk around wearing pointy wizard's hats. I mean, please. That is so cheesy. Those poor people.

I didn't want to be left at home with only my disturbing thoughts for company so I decided to come along. Even though it means seeing all these icky Valentine's Day beds in the shape of hearts and shop window junk all red and pink and wrapped in bows. Please, just please. My faithful iPod is with me, the really cute headphones with strawberries on the buds firmly placed into my ears, blasting music out. I am individually raving along to the entire works of Taylor Swift. I find it harder to rave to the slower and sadder ones, but songs such as 'Picture to Burn' and 'Long Live' are so much fun. My head-banging-and-air-guitar-playing awesomeness is hard to understand to my parents and is a source of annoyance to them. They just don't get me like I do. Although no-one does. How could they?

The shiny-blue Corsa pulls up in a tight parking spot and I elegantly hop out of the car. I don't wait for my parents as I move and stop in time to 'Speak Now'. I couldn't care less who's watching me and thinking, 'Uh, squirrel-wagon? You dropped a nut..' because everybody already thinks I'm weird. I have to dodge annoying couples holding hands which messes up my dancing so I decide to stop scaring people. I turn back and see that my parents have joined the light side (they don't have cookies like the dark side does) by holding hands and occasionally gazing at each other with mushy faces.

"Traitors!" I yell, then run into the shop. I spot my 'special' corner in the left far corner of the room and prance over to it. I have to pass stupid displays and teddy bears on the beds, which nearly makes me hurl, but I manage to keep it inside of me. I flop down on the gorgeous bed, identical to the one I have at home. The mattress is a waterbed, which is so damn fun but I need to go to the toilet a lot during the night. The pillows are a deep, relaxing purple and the duvet is patterned white and the same majestic purple as the pillows. A lighter, violet-y coloured throw is draped over the end of the bed. The frame is circular and it spins around, which is hilarious when you're trying to get up, because you're kinda dizzy from the water and then you nearly fall over when you get off the bed.

I lie on the bed, my legs kicking and my arms air-drumming, completely out of sync with the music which is currently 'The Story of Us'. I hum the tune along, probably looking like I'm having some kind of fit, but who cares? My eyes are closed and every part of my body is filled with the lyrics and tune and the beautiful voice of Taylor.

I almost sense a person hovering over me. I expect that it's one of the staff, they always get frustrated when I 'make a scene' in the middle of their shop so I take a deep whiff of the air to try and detect the person, but it's a new scent. It's like a rusty dog, that's just been out for a million mile run.

My eyes snap open and a guy with chocolatey brown hair that flips over his piercing green eyes is standing over me with a slightly amused smile on his face. I sit up and pause my music, taking in the rest of his body. He looks slightly sweaty and dirty, like he's been rolling around on the floor. He's holding what looks like a newspaper under his arm. Through the snug-fitting t-shirt he's wearing, I can see the outline of a toned, muscly body. Hmm, he's not too bad-looking! He's not wearing the shop uniform, so he must be trying to look at the bed.

"Can I help you?" I ask, trying not to sound to rudeailing somewhat failing.

"Actually, I think you can. You wouldn't happen to be Alexandria Golde, would you?" he asked, uncertainly.

"Um. Yep," I say, popping the 'p', "that's me. Was there something you wanted in particular or are you just here to gawk at me?"

It's happened before. Sometimes, these weirdos seek me out and try to take samples of my hair or snap pictures of me or even just follow me around. I've called the police a few times, but they don't really give a rat's ass. I think they don't trust me at all.

"Well, first off, let me introduce myself. I'm Caleb Jacobson. I'm 17 years old, nearly 18 though. My birthday is 13th December. What am I forgetting? Oh yeah, I'm the other 'only' half-vampire, half-werewolf in the world," he said, giving me an analytical look, as if questioning what I might reply to that. The fact that I'm not the only half-vamp, half-werewolf in the world.

Wait.. what?!

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