Fix my Heart...

By RawwaR

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this is a little story for my best friend to pour her heart's about her and her journey through powe... More

Fix my Heart...
chapter 2:the wake up call
Chapter 4 ParTay!!
Chapter 5..found
chapter 6!wth?
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 3 Awakeing

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By RawwaR

''Okay so i need you to do 2 things for me 1.Take a 5 months woRth of Showering and exfoliating cuz gUrl you are sTankAy and 2.Turn that frown upside DOWN!! please please be happy!! PLEASE!! tonight willl be the night you will forget your past and look foward to the future!! i promise you will be hapPeir!!"

           and with that she Exitedly pushed me up the stairs and locked me in the bathroom..Crazy Girl!

                                                                      ~47 minutes later~

After i took a nice long shower i wraped myself in my robe and went down the stairs..."Rose i dont want to...WHAT THE F*CK?!!" Rose turned my living room into a Sephora slash Boutique, i saw a familiar blue dress, it caught my eye i remeber having the same one and  burning it  because HE told me that night he loves me and that i looked beutiful in that dress.

                     Then the flash back came to me....I HATE HIM I HATE HER AND I HATE MY LIFE!!


Oh shit..THE GLARE she gave me meant hell is breaking lose! "YOU KNOW WHAT AMENA I WAS TRYING TO BE A GOOD FRIEND, TRYING TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK TOGETHER BUT ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS SIT YOUR LAZY FAT ASS AROUND MOPING ABOUT THE GUY THATS A LOW LIFE ASSHOLE THAT CHEATED ON YOU!!!HE WILLL NEVVEERR COME BACK! AMENA!! WAKE UP!! PEOPLE CHANGE EVERYDAY!" at that point i just stared at her stunded and speeachless..she was right i shouldnt be here moping around im still young and i got a life to live...Rose started to pack up her things" Wait Rose where are you going?!!" i exclaimed "NOT Spending my night with a  deppresed COURPSE" she said severly "Okay look im sorry, you are right you are an amazing friend and im so lUcky to have you i promise i will behave tonight!! Please help me!" she gave me a scowl  taht slowly turned into a small smile we ran to each other and BOOM! "OWW MY HEAD!" we exploded with laughfter like craZy people! w ehugged and got ready.

It was 9:30pm and we were ready Rose looked amazing in her gold mini dress and black pumps and her hair wavy, and rose turned the mirrior to me and i must sayy...i looked HOT! i was wearing a sweetheart sequence mini dress that hugged my body perfectly, i had a feww accessories strappy heels and my black long hair was half up and half down..i was AlREady seeing a new person in me..

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