Schizophrenia ⇢ Min Yoongi

By peachysuga

17.9K 774 241

schiz·o·phre·ni·a ˌskitsəˈfrēnēə,ˌskitsəˈfrenēə/ noun A story in which mentally ill boy falls in love wit... More

Meet Yoongi.
let's breathe.


2.2K 95 43
By peachysuga

    Rhiannon Delaney was born April 5th, 1996 in Falling Waters, West Virginia.

    Ever since it was first discussed in her 6th grade health class, she has always been fascinated in learning and studying mental illness.

    The illness she studied most dominantly was schizophrenia, there was just something about it that she was so interested in. So when she was honored with a scholarship to a prestigious school in South Korea, she moved to Seoul. Majoring in psychiatric nursing, and following in the footsteps of her mother.

   Although she is still in school, one year of work experience is required to graduate. She decided to apply for a job at the same company her mom had worked for, Brooklane Mental Health Hospital.

    She was giddy yet worrisome for her first day of work, but she was determined to stay as optimistic as possible.

    Her shaky finger slowly reached for the red buzzer to unlock the doors, and she hesitantly pressed down on it. Tucking a lose piece of hair that had fallen from the side of her ponytail, she took a deep breath and pulled open the hospital's heavy white doors.

    The chilly air fanned her face as she stepped through the doorframe, returning the warm grin that was given to her by the petite women working at the front desk. "First day nurse.." she typed in a few words on her computer then looked up again to continue, "Rhiannon Delaney?"

    She nodded happily and replied politely, "Yes ma'am."

    "Welcome! Here is your name tag, your boss is awaiting you in room 24. Down this hallway and take a left" She explained, then continued typing. Rhiannon bowed and then started down the hallway.

    After briefly speaking to her boss, and meeting some of her coworkers, her anxiety had soon melted away. Little did she know, that wouldn't last very long.

    Her boss had explained to her that she would be working with a few patients today, and would be observed to see her level of experience. Luckily, the whole morning went much better then expected, and the patients she worked with were very cooperative and behaved. Her boss was beyond impressed by her swift progress and gave her one last task before her shift would end.

    During her lunch break, her boss entered the room. Concerned for her evaluation, she nervously took a bite of her turkey sub and stared down at the table.

    Her boss gushed at her with compliments, which caused her to beam with pride. At least until those eight words left her mouth,

"You will now be working with patient 323"

Her coworkers gasped, some slapped their hand over their mouths.

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh, Sunbae? It's only her first day."

"He scares the life out of me"

Many negative whispers broke out in the workroom.

    Rhiannon dropped her head down and squeezed her eyes shut, "Do not worry, stay confident. Don't let this ruin your day, you can do this." She whispered to herself. That's what her mother would've told her.

    Her boss walked with her to the elevator, taking them to the top floor, assuring her that the nurses were simply over exaggerating. Rhiannon didn't know what to believe, so she mentally prepared for the worst. She was instructed to give him his medicine and try to get him to eat his lunch.

They reached his door, patient 323.

   Rhiannon gripped on the metal handle for a second and said a quick prayer in her head. Her boss then excitedly raised her fists and whispered "fighting!" to lighten the mood. She returned the action and slowly opened his door.

    A pale skinned boy with beautifully mint green colored hair sat with his legs crisscrossed on his bed, slouching over so his head was resting on his hand.

    He looked up when he realized his door had been opened, when he caught a glimpse of the unfamiliar, young nurse, his eyes enlarged and he sat straight up.

    "It's very nice to meet you Mr. Yoongi." Rhiannon spoke with a wide smile, relieved at his soft, attractive appearance.

    Yoongi felt a weird knotted up feeling in his stomach as she spoke to him. Her flawless smile was so refreshing to him considering his previous nurses were always so glum when they'd speak to him.

    "Hi," Yoongi spoke shyly and softly, "it's nice to meet you too. What's your name?" Yoongi usually never asked questions, but all he wanted in that moment was to know the elegant young woman's name, he had never been so fascinated by a foreigner before.

    "My name is Rhiannon, today is my first day." She was so happy to know he was in a good mood.

    Yoongi shyly patted the spot next to him on his bed signaling for her to sit down, he had noticed how much she had be struggling to carry the things in her hands. He also wanted her closer to him.

    Her cheeks heated up at his kind actions and she made her way over to the white bed, carefully setting down the lunch tray and Yoongi's medications.

    Yoongi was so surprised that his actions weren't rejected, like they always had when he'd try to be a gentleman to girls at his high school. They never would give a mental boy a chance. That's what the voices would always say.

    After having small talk with him for a few minutes, she decided to mention his lunch. The part all the other nurses in the entire hospital dreading doing.

    "Hey Yoongi, could you try eating a bit of your lunch for me? I've been told that you haven't been eating well, and I really want you to be healthy, please?" She anxiously awaited his reaction.

    Yoongi absolutely hated the food here, but he wasn't used to being asked so politely. He also didn't want to disappoint her.
"Sure, what am I having today?" He never thought he'd say that.

    After making Rhiannon practically the happiest girl in the world, she and Yoongi continued speaking. Sometimes he said things that made absolutely so sense, but she understood that was just his symptoms. He told her about the voices and the terrible things they tell him, and she understood everything.

    After not realizing how many hours had passed, Rhiannon's shift had ended a while ago. She honestly didn't want to leave Yoongi, he was just was so amazingly different, she enjoyed spending time with him. Despite that, her eyelids became heavy, and she let out a few yawns.

    "Oh I should really be on my way home now Yoongi, it's getting late." She said collecting her things and heading towards the door, "I had such a lovely time with you."

Just as she was about to close the door, Yoongi cried out,
"Wait! You can't leave me Rhiannon." He urged.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Rhiannon spins on her heel and walks back into his room.

"Because. When you're with me, the voices stop."

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