I Lost You, You Found Me (Mit...

By NH4Ammonium

14.1K 362 128

You move away from your best friend Max in Louisiana, and go to Washington where you get your collage degree... More

Twenty (Final Chapter)


721 19 9
By NH4Ammonium

I stood outside of my last class period waiting for Max to get done talking to the teacher. I looked around in the hallway and everyone has left already. I kinda think that he is putting off study group so he can figure out what to say to Jess. He started to walk towards the door way. "What are you doing here still? You should be home by now." He said.

"I told you yesterday, there's no way in hell I am going to miss you asking Jess out." I said slowly backing away.

"(Y/n) I told you yesterday I would tackle you if you did." He gave me a death glare.

"Well that's a risk I'm going to have to take. So, let's go to the library so we can start our study group. The sooner we start the sooner I can see you crash and burn, or actually do good at something." I walked down the hallway heading to the library.

Max easily caught up to me with a few easy strides. He's almost 6 feet tall, I'm not even close with my five foot five stature. "Why do you say the negative part first?"

"Because I am the most fucked up, negative, pessimistic person you will ever meet." I opened the door for him. "Ladies first." I say as he's half way through the door. We walked over where Jess and Shelby were sitting. "Hey Jess, Shelby."

"Yay, the little rays of darkness are here to mellow our light!" Jess said.

"Why darkness?" Max asked.

Shelby answered before Jess could. "You guys are so mean to everyone, and so sure that everything will fail. (Y/n), every time you go outside you never smile."

"So?" I said straight facing.

"Let's start!" Jess said energetically. We talked about math equations and biology and I didn't pay attention to any of it. At the end Max asked Jess if he could talk to her alone. Shelby went home right away, but I stayed outside the doors waiting for Max.

A couple minutes later Max came out looking sad. He walked right pass me, "Ay, Max. What happened?" I caught up to him. He stopped and turned abruptly.

"Can we go by the park?"

"Uh, yeah." He turned on his heel and ran out the door. "Max!" I ran after him my backpack hitting my butt and thighs. I had to stop running a few times to catch my breath, but I started running again as soon as I could feel my legs. When I got to the park he was sitting down with his head in his hands, and his shoulders were moving up and down in a almost sob.

I walked over to him and sat in the swing next to him. "That bad, huh?"

"I'm just over reacting but it hurts. She said she's flattered but she believes that it would disturb our relationship. Then she said bros before hoes, and I was sad."

"So it's my fault you can't get Jess to go on a date with you?" He stood up quickly.

"No, (y/n) I would rather have you as my best friend than have some other girl take your place."

"Well, you might want to soon. At the end of the semester, in a few weeks, my family and I are moving to Washington. I'm not coming back..."

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