Long Distance

By haleyluvsyouu

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After twelve years of living in her dream home of New Zealand, eighteen-year-old Lexi is forced by her family... More



49 4 0
By haleyluvsyouu

"No, he asked me last night on the Ferris wheel," I tell the girls. The five of us are in Haley's bedroom, after school. The music store is closed today because there is supposed to be a huge storm tonight.

Just as my friends start to respond, my phone rings; I press it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Lexi honey, hey!" It's my mom.

"Hey Mom, what's up?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're safe for the storms. There's gonna be some tornadoes around, too, which is really odd for September."

"Mom, I'll be fine. I'm at Haley's house right now, I'll probably stay here until the storms are over."

"Alright, but just remember, if there's a tornado close, get inside a closet downstairs and don't be by any windows. I'm sad that I don't get to be with you for your first tornado."

"Mom, I'll stay safe, I swear. I have to go, I'll call you later."

"Okay, bye sweetie."

I end the call and roll my eyes.

"Overprotective mom?" Claire asks.

"Major," I tell her.

"I still can't believe you and Landon are dating," Morgan says, braiding her blonde hair to the side. "He doesn't seem like the dating type."

"No offense," Haley remarks, "because I don't know him...but he seems like the type of guy that shags girls every night just because he can."

I smile. "He is. But maybe I can be the one to change that."

I catch Jordan rolling her eyes at me, but decide to ignore it.

Claire giggles. "I love your accent."

I frown. "What?"

"You have an accent," Haley says. "It's cute."

"What do you expect? I spent most of my life surrounded by Aussies and Brits, even though I'm neither. To me, you guys have accents. After being here, though, mine is fading."

"It's still cool, though," Claire comments. "I wish I had an accent."

Jordan immediately stands and slips on her shoes, her red hair in a sheet down her back. "Alright, I'm out of here. See y'all later."

Before any of us can say another word, she walks out of Haley's room and I hear her footsteps hurrying down the staircase. I wait until I hear her car start to say, "Why does she hate me?"

Morgan shakes her head. "Jordan is just very...interesting. She loves getting attention, and is a huge drama queen. It's as simple as this: she's jealous of you."


"Well," Haley says. "because you're new, and naturally getting lots of attention. You're pretty, nice...you have a lot that she doesn't. She fears that you're replacing her. And also, she just moved here from Florida two years ago, and she hates you stealing her new-girl glory."

"That's stupid."

Morgan says, "I know, but that's just who Jordan is. Honestly, none of us are huge fans of her."

For a few more hours, the four is us hang out and talk. I'm so glad that I am friends with these girls-they are awesome. I'm still closest to Morgan, but Haley and Claire are good friends, too.

We're in Haley's kitchen drinking hot cocoa when the thunder starts, so loud it shakes the house.

Immediately, Haley's little brother John runs into the kitchen. He's ten, and super cute.

"Haley, where are Mom and Dad?"

Haley shrugs, throwing her hands in the air. "How am I supposed to know?"

"Well I thought-"

"Go away," Haley snaps. I highly doubt I would be that rude to my sibling if I had one.

Morgan buries her face in her hands. "John, your sister is just being an asshole. Your parents ran to the grocery store real quick, they should be home soon."

Haley throws Morgan a deadly glare, and my phone starts ringing again. Except this time, it's Sydney.

"Hey, Syd," I answer.

"Hey, I don't mean to sound like your mother, but you should probably come home soon. The storm is picking up outside."

"I was just leaving, I'm at my friend's house. I'll be there in a minute."

I hang up the phone and stand from my chair, grabbing my school bag. "I gotta go. Thanks for having me, Haley. Bye guys."

I hurry out of the house and start driving home.

Rain begins to fall from the sky, getting heaver and heavier until it is full-on pouring. It makes me kind of nervous to be driving in bad weather, so I am eager to get back to the apartment with Sydney.

Then I see a hooded figure walking alongside the street. I can barely see it through the rain-streaked windshield, but I recognize the boots and hoodie he has on...

It's Landon.

I immediately pull the car to the side of the road and roll down the window, letting my car get soaked with rainwater.

"Landon!" I shout. "Landon!"

At the sound of my voice, he turns and runs quickly to the car, throwing himself inside and closing the door. I roll up the window, blocking out the storm's loud sound. The only sounds now are the rhythmic beating of the rain on my car and Landon's heavy breathing.

He turns to look at me, and he is drenched. Yet he still manages to take my breath away.

"What are you doing?" I ask incredulously.

He awkwardly glances at his hands. "Walking home to my apartment."

"From where?"

Landon runs a hand through his wet hair. "Does it matter?"

I frown. "I guess not."

"What are you doing?" He changes the subject quickly.

"Driving home from Haley's house. Do you need me to drive you home?"

Landon slouches in the seat. "Yes, please, if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't."

I put the car in drive and start in the direction of Landon's apartment, grinning a little when I feel Landon's hand on my thigh.

"How was school today?" he asks.

I shrug. "Fine."

It feels strange that I have only known Landon for a week and a half, because it feels like much longer. It is also strange that I have only lived in Oklahoma for two and a half weeks...just two and a half weeks ago I was kissing Austin goodbye at the airport.

Woah, Austin.

I don't even have feelings for him anymore. Now it's only Landon. I should tell Austin soon, I know. But I'm going to put it off as long as I can.

I only hope that he has replaced me and moved on, as well.

I pull up to Landon's flat just as an extremely loud high-pitched wailing begins, filling the air. I jump and snap my head around, wildly looking for the source.

"What the hell is that?" I exclaim, bewildered.

Landon snickers and walks around the car, opening my door for me. "It's the tornado siren, Lex. I keep forgetting how new you are here. Come on, let's get inside."

I shake my head wildly, rain and wind blowing in my face as the sky rapidly darkens. It's five in the evening, but appears to be the middle of the night.

"No, I have to get home, Sydney's waiting on me."

Landon runs a hand through his hair again and grabs the key out of the ignition.

"You're insane if you think I'm letting you drive in a thunderstorm with tornadoes. You've obviously never witnessed one. Now, come inside with me."

I cave in and grab his hand, locking my car and hurrying inside the building. Once we reach his door, he unlocks it and we step inside.

I swear his apartment is neater than mine, and he's a guy.

It is spacey, with a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room, nicely furnished and decorated, modern looking, and freakishly neat. To say I'm surprised is an understatement.

"Nice place," I comment.

Landon scoffs, removing his hoodie and throwing it over the back of the couch. "Thanks, I try. Come here, we'll turn on the weather."

I kick off my shoes and plop down next to him on the sofa. He grabs a fuzzy blanket and the remote, flipping on he weather report and wrapping the blanket around us, then circling his arm around my waist and pulling me closer until I am leaning against him, one hand laying on his chest.

The weatherman shows a huge tornado forming, and I guess I haven't looked at a tornado many times before, but knowing that it is so close freaks me out and I bury my head in Landon's neck.

"It's okay, baby," he whispers. "It's not near us."

I dig my phone out of my pocket and dial Sydney, telling her where I am and then ending the call and turning back to my boyfriend.

Landon kisses the top of my head as I snuggle closer.

"Do you want some dinner? I could make something real fast."

I shrug. "I'm not hungry yet."

I hear rain pelting the windows at the speed of flying bullets and thunder cracking through the sky. It's strange because I actually like storms...just not tornadoes. Tornadoes are scary.

I hold Landon tightly, trying to keep myself calm. "I'm scared," I whisper.

Landon puts his hands on my waist and lifts me to where I am in his lap and straddling him. He has changed into dry clothes and his blue eyes are piercing mine with concern.

"We're going to be fine, Lex. Don't be scared."

I lean in and kiss him, knowing that with him, I will always be okay because he will protect me.


Sydney has tears in her eyes, smearing her eyeliner when I return home at nine o'clock that evening. She sits on the couch, clutching a pillow and staring at the TV screen. I close the door behind me and at the noise, she turns her head and looks at me.

"Have you seen?" she asks, her voice thick with tears.

"Seen what?" I ask, hurrying to sit on the couch beside her.

She wordlessly points at the television screen, and when I look, my jaw drops.

It's the tornado damage. Not in our town, but in the next town over. The footage shown is unbelievable. Where houses and buildings previously stood strong are now empty slabs of concrete. The ripped ground is heavily littered with wrecked trees, smashed cars, people's belongings. The area is completely bare of structure, and all around, people are climbing from piles of rubble to find their lives and homes destroyed. I hear calls for help and dogs barking.

I clap my hands over my mouth and try not to cry. The fact that something so terrible has happened so near to me is frightening and devastating.

"It's awful," I choke.

Just then. My phone begins to ring. I answer it without looking at the caller ID, expecting it to be my mother, but it's not.



"Hey, it's Brittany!"

Brittany? That's random. It's been a while since I've spoken to my cousin.

"Oh hey! How are you?"

"I'm good, your parents just left my house because they came over to use our storm shelter. Your mom wanted me to check on you."

"Okay, well tell her I'm fine."

"You've seen the damage right?"

"Yeah, it's horrible," I say.

"Would you be interested in volunteering with me after school tomorrow? I did it last year when there was a big tornado. It's really amazing to be able to help...and you should bring a friend with you!"

I smile. "That sounds great, I'd love to help! I'll ask my friend Morgan."

"Awesome, just meet me there after school. See you then!"

I end the call and stare at the screen again.

"I grew up around there," Sydney whispers, her face blank of emotion. I look at her, surprised...Sydney has never talked to me about her childhood before. "My parents were put into prison when I was a baby for drugs and drug-dealing. I wouldn't be surprised if they're already dead. I was in foster care for my whole childhood, going from home to home to home because no one wanted to adopt me. No one wanted me at all."

She wipes her eyes and messily pulls her flaming red hair into a bun. "I had friends that lived in that town. I would always go there when life became too much for me, when I needed to get away...and now it's all gone."

I stare at her, shocked. I had never heard anything about her childhood at all and now I know why.

"Wow," I say. "I'm sorry, Syd."

It makes me realize how lucky I am to have loving parents and a good home when I hear stories like this. Like Sydney, who never knew her parents or had a permanent home and always felt unwanted. Like Landon, whose father killed his mother and was put in prison, then who was kicked out by his sister and aunt for trying to protect them, and who now is alone. Like Austin, whose dad was a drunk and was abusive, so he and his mother had to run away.

"It's fine," Sydney says.

"I'm going to volunteer with my cousin Brittany tomorrow, want to come?"

Sydney shakes her head. "I would, but I missed classes yesterday because I was sick and I can't afford to miss any more. I might go next week or something though."

I nod. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

I stand from the couch and walk into the bathroom, staring into my reflection. I feel like I have changed since I moved to Oklahoma. I feel like a different person, like the Lexi in New Zealand no longer exists.

But that's okay. New life, new home, new friends, new person, right?


After school on Wednesday, I drive to the apartment to put up my school bag and change into Nike gym shorts and a big sweatshirt from my New Zealand school. I say goodbye to Sydney, then go to Morgan's house to pick her up. She meets me in the driveway, wearing a similar outfit and her blonde hair cascading down her back in natural waves. With her hair down, her blue streak is even more noticeable than usual.

"Hiya," she says, climbing into my car.

"Hey," I greet her.

On the drive there, we chat about school and friends and boys and pretty much everything. Morgan truly is my best friend here. Well, along with Sydney.

I call Brittany and she tells me where to meet her. The damage is devastatingly heartbreaking. I appear to be driving through the remains of a battlefield.

I spot Brittany among a group of other people standing among the rubble, so I park nearby and Morgan and I go to meet her.

"Lexi!" Brittany yells, throwing her arms around me.

I hug her back. "Hi, Britt!"

Her brown hair is down straight and pushed back by a blue headband. I introduce her to Morgan, who seems happy to meet her.

For the next twenty minutes, we all get instructions from the leaders. Brittany, Morgan, a sixteen-year-old girl named Avery, a nineteen-year-old boy named Preston, and I form one group. We are sent to work a half mile away at an elderly couple's farm.

Preston, as the group leader, claims us a golf cart and we drive to our destination. Preston and Avery are siblings from a town called Bethany.

We unload our supplies from the golf cart and I look at the farm. At least it's not completely leveled; the house is still standing, though the barn is wrecked and the entire place is covered in debri.

I march to the door of the house and press the doorbell.? A few moments later it is opened by a woman in her eighties with a huge smile on her face. I swear, she might be the cutest old lady I've ever seen.

"You must be the volunteers!" she exclaims. The other group members are still unloading the golf cart, so I am the only one on her porch.

"That's us!" I say sweetly, extending my hand. She takes it happily. "I'm Lexi."

"Well hi there, Lexi. Thank y'all so much for coming, you don't know how much it means to us. May I have the pleasure of knowing your friends?"

I turn to look behind me. My group mates are walking to stand next to me, friendly.

"This is Morgan, Brittany, Avery, and Preston," I say while they greet the old woman.

"Nice to meet you all," she says. "My name is Georgeanne, but you can call me Georgie," she adds with a wink.

From behind her comes a voice. "Georgie, who's at the door?"

An old man comes hobbling into view, using a cane.

"It's our volunteers, Morty. Meet Lexi, Morgan, Brittany, Avery, and Preston."

Okay, I'm impressed that she remembered that. And did I mention, that this is the cutest freaking old couple I have ever seen in my life?

"Well hello there," Morty smiles. "I'm Morty."

We all greet him, then go get to work. We start with the smaller stuff, clearing the yard of rubble. Some of the things I find are incredible: someone's car key, a photograph, a leg from a chair.

We work for nearly two hours until the yard is nearly completely free of debri. Then we head over to the barn. I'm almost scared to work here because of the things I might find...there were animals in here.

I pull a large piece of metal free from a pile and start digging through...that's when I hear a yelp.

"Oh God!" I cry, clamping a hand over my mouth. Brittany, who is nearest to me (the others are on the other side of the barn) looks my way.

"Lexi, are you alright?"

I stare at the pile in disbelief. "Did you hear that?"

"No, what?"

I cautiously pull another piece of rubble free, and the yelp sounds again.

"Brittany, there's a dog in here!"

She immediately rushes over to me and helps move heavy objects away. We work in silence for five minutes before the dog makes sounds again...this time it's whimpering and whining.

"Shh, baby, it's okay, we're gonna get you free," I croon to thin air.

Then I spot a black, furry paw deep inside the pile. Brittany and I frantically push things to the side, then a hole in the pile appears, and through that hole, staring at me with helpless, pleading eyes, is the face of a little black dog.

Tears well up in my eyes and I want to cry. This is so surreal and amazing, who knows how long that poor dog has been trapped.

I feel a tear slide down my face as I finally wrench the last piece of metal away, and the dog tenderly takes a step forward. Trying not to hurt it, I scoop it up in my arms. It licks my face thankfully, and that's when I really start crying.

Something about the whole situation is just amazing. It warms my heart to help people and animals and help to build lives back up again. The way all of Oklahoma comes together to help with love and care is beyond words.

As I hold the frightened, filthy little dog close to my heart and cry into it's fur, I realize that for the first time...

I'm proud to be an Okie.

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