The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU...

By BriannaLynnC98

183K 7.4K 4.3K

(Sequel to The Fighter) You can take the fighter out of the fight, but you can't take fight out of the fighte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 6

4.1K 169 131
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

Once the boys and I got to their school, I walked in with both of them. Ethan seemed pretty proud to have me walking in with him to school rather then me just dropping them off. Ezra kept looking around for something or someone, but I figured he was embarrassed to have me here. Well, I wasn't too sure about that because he did ask me to teach this lessen in the first place

"I need to go to the office and get the visitors badge. Are you boys fine to go to your classes from here?" I asked them. Ezra nodded and mumbled that he'd see me soon while Ethan latched on to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and kissed his head before he and his big brother walked down the hall together and got lost in the crowd of young boys in their school uniforms. I smiled a little and wondered if Ethan was more like Niall than we knew. He wasn't like the other boys and all of his teachers have always told Niall and I that. We knew he was hyper, but he was also a kind hearted boy. He was too sweet for this world, just like Niall.

I shook the thoughts from my head and turned to walk to the office that was only a few doors down the hall. When I got there, there was a lady at the front desk that was already talking to an older man that was dressed in some workout clothes as well. I stepped forward so I was noticed, but not really intruding in their conversation. But that only made them stop talking and just stare at me like I had grown five heads.

"Oh my... You're The Fighter." The older man said in shock. I shrugged and looked down at my feet for a second. People call me that more often than they call me by my real name. I don't mind because that's what I am, but I just thought that maybe at my son's private school they would act like I was just a regular parent.

"I came to help teach the boxing unit?" I asked the man as if I were asking for his permission, also looking to the shocked receptionist lady. My fingers nervously played with the strings from the backpack I was wearing that had my gloves in there. She nodded and handed me a paper to fill out. I took the paper and begin to fill out the questions it was asking me, like why I was here, if I had any children at this school and what my occupation was. On that one, I was tempted to say I knocked people out for a living, but I really wanted to do this for my son so I just put down I was a professional boxer and gave the paper back to the lady.

"You're son is Ezra Malik, correct?" The older man asked me. He was looking at me like he was trying to pick out where Ezra and I look the same. Honestly, he resembled me in some ways, but he favored Niall. Especially his nose and I love that about them.

"That's right. Do you also teach the third years? I have another son Ethan there." I asked him, trying to make conversation as the lady looked over my papers and made me a visitors badge thing.

"I only teach years four and five. Ezra is a quiet lad. He's really great to have in my class. I think the first time I heard him talk at all this year was when he asked me if you coudk come in to help teach this lesson. He's a great kid. I'm Mr.Bustamante, by the way." He said, reaching his hand out. I shook it and gave him a smile before I was being handed my badge.

I followed the gym teacher through the halls of the school that I've only been in once this school year for the open house. I don't think I'll ever get over how fancy and rich this place is. I know what the tuition check looks like and looking at this school, I know exactly why it's soon much. The only time I was in school back in Bradford, I was always getting in trouble for fighting if they happened to catch me doing it. I mostly didn't go after I turned fourteen then fully dropped out soon after. We both turned the corner to the gymnasium where there were at least fifteen standing punching bags set up and probably thirty boxing gloves on the gym floor to choose from. I set my backpack down near the bleachers and sat down to get those on. I took off my wedding ring and slipped in in the special case then put it in the small bag I have for it. As much as I would love to keep it on all the time, that thing would probably cut my finger off in one punch. At least I still have a tattoo of it on that finger, so even if I'm not wearing it, I still have it on me in a different way. I put some tape around my knuckles then slid on my gloves that I use for training when I'm at home. These ones are more flexible and definitely more worn out than the ones I keep at my gym.

"So what all are you going through with them?" I asked. Mr.Bustamante stopped watching me so closely and went to get his notebook to look at to give me an answer.

"The different types of hits. You know, jabs and all that fun stuff." He said, but I detected some embarrassment that he didn't really know what he was he was teaching. I got up and walked over to one of the bags. I tapped it a few times to see how much it could handle. I begin to to throw soft jabs at it before I swung a very controlled hit with my left hand. The bag moved a little so I figured I would need to keep my stronger hits to myself and just demonstrate what it is.

"How does your wife feel about you being a boxer?" The gym teacher asked me after a few minutes of awkward silence. I hit the bag a few times and thought that I had to explain this whole thing over again. Most of the boys teachers know about Niall and I and know where Ezra and Ethan came from. It's the teachers that don't get to know their students very well that don't know. Honestly, I'm surprised this guy doesn't know because he seems to know about my career and my career has a lot of Niall in it.

"My husband hates that I'm a boxer, but only when I'm in the ring." I said with a small chuckle. His smile slid off his face and was replaced with a look of confusion. I flexed my muscles and gave him a smile that I know dared him to say something. He shut up and went back to making himself look busy so he didn't have to talk to me.

About thirty minutes later, the school bell rang. I heard the halls fill with noise so I took a seat to wait for the class to come in. Ezra told me that he was in the first gym class of the day, so I knew I got to see him now. That made me get excited because I've never seen either of my kids in a class before. A few boys ran in the gym in their gym clothes. They looked so excited to see everything then they turned to me and looked like they couldn't believe what they were seeing. I smiled and waved with my gloves covered hand. They waved back slowly then turned to each other and started talking excitedly about me.

After a few more boys came in, Ezra and the three best friends of his that have been over to our house came walking out of the locker room. Ezra smiled proudly and waved at me before turning back to his friends and telling them something that made them laugh. His friends were good kids. One of them had glasses, ginger hair, freckles and braces. His name was Nathan and he was the nicest kid I've ever met aside from my son's. Then there was Alex who was blonde with deep brown eyes. He was the joker and always left the group in stitches. Next was Peter. He had dark brown skin and such light brown eyes you would think they were golden. He lived with his grandparents because his parents had died when he was a baby. He was a soft spoken kid, but he was so smart that he got excited to talk about school and learning. I was proud of the friends Ezra chose, not only because they were great kids, but because they were misfits. Niall always worried Ezra would get in with the wrong group because he's confident and he also has a bit to brag about. That's not the case for him though. He's a kind boy that loves to be there for people that need a friend.

"Okay, class. Today we have a special guest here to help with the lesson. This is Ezra's dad, Mr.Malik. He is a professional boxer. Say hello, everyone." Mr.Bustamante tool the class. They all mumbled a hello then listened for the next instructions from their teacher which was to get some gloves and get into pairs. I watched Ezra go with his friends and get their gloves then immediately start helping each other get them on. Ezra was telling them all how to put them on which made me want to take Mark up on his offer to let the boys have a training session to see how they would do. The gym teacher looked at me as if to tell me go ahead and start teaching. I got up and walked over to the punching bag that was in the front of the class.

"There are three basic hits that we'll start off working on today. A swing, an upper cut and a jab. Do we have any left handed people in this class?" I asked, knowing that Ezra and Alex were. They raised their hands, but no one else did.

"Alright, there's not too many of you so we'll start with a right jab. Get into a nice stance so you won't be moved if someone pushed you. Just watch me a few times then take turns hitting the punching bag with your partner. For it's not about how hard you hit, it's about how quickly you can slip it in there." I said then turn to the bag. I got in a good position then slipped a nice jab. The kids made sounds that seemed like they were impressed so I did it five more times then let them go at it.

I walked around to help the boys that weren't doing it very well and to give out a few compliments. I got to Ezra, who was paired with Alex, and watched his jab go perfectly to the bag.

"Do that again." I mumbled to him. This time, I looked down at his feet at he punched and saw him naturally roll to the balls of his feet before he sent a quick jab to the punching bag. In a way, see that natural boxer position in him made me scared that he was going to end up like me.

"That was really good, son." I said then walked back to teach the next hits. All the boys were enjoying themselves the whole time. A few of them missed the bag on the swings or got to much power and ended up on the floor. That was fun to watch, but what I enjoyed watching more was how easily all of this was coming to my son. I also liked seeing how much fun he was having with his friends when they would mess up or when he would put on a serious face. By the end of teaching the class the boys were all tired and stopped actually trying. The bell rang and all of them ran to get their gloves off then to change back into their uniforms. Before Ezra did that, he came over to give me a hug and told me thank you before running to catch up with his friends.

The rest of the day went pretty quickly. I was able to see Ethan at lunch with his friends playing football. I taught a total of six classes by the end of the school day. There were some kids that didn't participate and some that only wanted to punch another kid, but overall the kids were very fun to teach. Once the final school bell rang, I took my gloves off and slipped them back in my bag. I got my wedding ring back on then looked over at the gym teacher.

"Thank you for having me in today. I had a great time with all the kids." I said, reaching my hand out for him to shake it. He took it and told me that he was glad I could do this for the boys here.

I made my way to the outside of the building to wait for my boys to meet me here so we could go home. I sat on one of the benches and rolled up my sleeves just to occupy myself from just standing there looking like the overprotective parent I am.

"I haven't seen you since the open house. How have you been? I'm Jesse's mom." Some woman said as she sat next to me. I looked over at her and saw she was reaching her hand out for me to shake it.

"I'm alright. I remember seeing you then. I'm Ezra and Ethan's dad." I said, dropping her and and looking at the door for my boys. She crossed her legs in her really short skirt, bumping my leg as she did so. She giggled and apologized for doing that. I laughed and turned to her with a bright smile.

"It's okay. My husband does that all the time." I said, then got up once I saw the shock cover her face. All I know is if she saw me at the boys open house, she would have seen Niall's hand in mine and us both making fun of the teachers in the back of the classroom like normal married couples do.

I saw Ezra and Ethan both walk out together then come running to me when they saw me. Ethan slipped his hand in mine as we walked to the car while Ezra told me that his class really liked the lesson today. I got them both in the car then started the car, but before I started to drive, I got a text from Harry that had me driving the boys home quickly so I could get to him as soon as possible.

A/N: llallalalalalalal! I'm singing! Haha I'm really tired so just roll with this! Would you rather sleep on a bed covered in peanut butter or swim in a pool of jelly?!?!?!?!? Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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