The Shaolin Adventures: The T...

By TheAwesomeMaster

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The Twelve Talisman - Twelve young people from different parts of the world were forced into cooperation at... More

One: The Prophecy
Two: The Chosen Ones
Three: Henry
Four: Kate
Five Diego
Seven: Ron
Eight: Kenji
Nine: Stanley
Ten: Hansel

Six: Diana

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By TheAwesomeMaster

In the famous Copacabana Beach in Rio De Janiero, everyone is on the beach to swim, to sun bath or just to play on the beach. Among those people, we found our next heroine on the corner, playing beach volleyball with her friends. Holding the ball, she spikes it to the other team. The other team misses the ball for she spiked it very fast. Her team then wins. After playing volleyball, her friends invited her to join them shopping but she declined their offer, preferring to play extreme sports instead. Together with her cousins, they perform skydiving just outside of Rio. Still not satisfied, she joins on a triathlon contest in which she won. Many wonder how she did all those things on a single day. Her friends ask her.

Priscilla: "Wow Diana, you are really an incredible woman. On a single day you perform those sports. What is your secret?"

Diana: "It's just my passion. You know, I want to have a healthy lifestyle."

Daniel: "I've been wondering that why you have different preferences to other girls. I mean I see that you also prefer to do our preferences. Don't tell me you want to be lesbian."

Lola: "She's not a lesbian. Look at her she's more sexier than us."

Daniel: "There are sexy lesbians anyway. And they are still hot."

Diana: "Guys, stop your argument. Of course I AM NOT a lesbian. Why, if a girl who does all the things boys do is automatically a lesbian? And besides I believe that girls can do what boys can do."

Priscilla: "Yeah, GIRLS ARE GREAT!"

Daniel: "NO, BOYS ARE GREAT! Girls are just pretenders."

Diana: "Stop it, both of you. All of us are great. Why would you stop arguing which is better."

Lola: "Let's just have dinner instead."

If Diego is an example of a male jock, Diana Hernandez is his female counterpart. She is also one of our chosen ones and like the first three chosen ones, she is also an eleven year-old and is studying on a private school in Rio. Diana is middle of the 5 children of Antonio Hernandez, an engineer and Liz Hernandez, a schoolteacher. She is the only girl in the family (all her younger siblings are male.) Since she is the only girl in the family, her parents give her special attention by treating her as a princess but despite this, she also prefers to do what boys usually do which is against her mother's wishes. Aside from playing dolls and tea parties, she also plays toy guns and wrestling. She is also fond of playing basketball, football and even boxing. She's not only fond of ordinary sports, but also in extreme sports. At a very young age, she performs skydiving (With the assistance of her older cousins), and water skiing. Unlike other girls, Diana is tough fighter, she would fight anyone who insults her or her friends. Because she is fond of male activities, many thought that she is a lesbian but she is not. Even though she has more masculinity in her, she still have her feminine side. She goes with girl friends, and does girly stuff. In other words, she does it all in equal. Her attitude and preferences reflect her appearance. She has long black hair, with tan complexion and with a slender tall body – an image of a typical Latina.

Diana went home her condo tired and exhausted. As she approaches the door, her mother suddenly opens the door with an angry look.

Liz Hernandez: "Where have you been young lady? Skydiving...again?"

Diana: "Yes mom, and this time, it's much more thrilling compared we did last year."

Liz Hernandez: "How many times I tell you NOT TO PLAY THOSE...SPORTS. It's too dangerous for you."

Diana: "Mom you don't worry for me. I can handle these things and it is already the 21st century. We can do what boys often do. You're so medieval."

Liz Hernandez: "I just want to say to you that I'm just concerned. You are our only daughter we it is my duty to protect you."

Diana: "But ,mom I'm already eleven years old. I'm no longer a child that needs to be guarded. I can handle things myself."

Every time Diana arrives at home, she always had a sermon with her mother who dislikes her lifestyle. It is because her mother wants her to be more feminine and also not in favor in participating in Extreme sports. Diana understands that this is for her own good but she wants more freedom and because it is already part of her lifestyle. Her father, however, contrasts with her mother for he is more in favor in his daughter's activities. To him, these activities make Diana a better and mature person.

After the sermon, Diana went to her room rather than to eat supper with her family. When she arrives in her room, she jumped to her bed and rest for a few minutes. Later she opens her FB where she chatted with her friends as well as playing Tetris to fight off boredom. It is already 11 pm but she does not feel sleepy. Having more time left, she watches a movie about the Shaolins. As she watches, she then imagines as if she were a Shaolin warrior. As the movie ends, she ask herself, what if she were a real Shaolin Warrior. She also wants to be a real action heroine like Lara Croft or the Charlie's Angels or like Kim Possible. She doesn't know that her life would soon be changed

In the next day, the masters arrived in Rio They changed their outfit into Hawaiian T-shirts and shorts to make them as if they were tourist on a holiday. And since they are tired because of the long travel, they rested on a hotel near the beach.

Master Frank: "It's a good thing that we rested for a while. Glad you understand."

Later at noon, they started their search for the next chosen one, as always. They look everywhere in Rio from the Pan de Azucar mountains to the Downtown area. As they roam the city, Master Frank is easily distracted whenever he sees some sexy ladies.

Master Frank: "Hey sexy lady."

Grand Master Chen: "Focus on your job Frank, you know came here on a mission not on a holiday."

Master Frank: "But Chen, these are girls are hot."

Grand Master Chen: "Focus on the chosen one Frank, not on those girls and besides the chosen one is still a child not an adult."

Master Frank: "Alright Chen, you're too serious."

Later, they resumed their search on the Copacabana beach. Of course Master Frank is easily distracted again but he is always scolded by Grand Master Chen. As they pass on a rock pool, they saw a talisman of a pig, stuck on a rock which the locals called the invisible rock but they pay little attention to it. The scroll then glow signifying that the chosen one is near. Master Frank picked it from his bag and the scroll points itself to Diana who happens to play Frisbee with her friends. Knowing that she is one of the chosen ones, they approach her.

Grand Master Chen: "Hello there kid."

Diana: "Hi there, is there anything?"

Grand Master Chen: "I'm Mr. Chen and this is my colleague Mr. Frank and you must be Diana Hernandez."

Diana: "Yes it's me. How do you know my name?"

Master Frank: "It has come to our attention that you are one of the special children who were granted a special scholarship to our school, the Shaolin Academy."

Diana: "Scholarship? You're looking at the wrong person. I can't have a scholarship. I'm neither a genius nor I am a member of a varsity team."

Master Frank: "Why, Only those people can have a scholarship, of course not. You are given a scholarship because we knew how special you are."

Diana: "Are you sure you are really giving me a scholarship? Or you are just tourist who want to fool other people. Sorry but you can't fool me."

Grand Master Chen: "Of course this is real and we are not scam artists as what you think."

Master Frank: "Here's the brochure so we will know more about us."

Diana reads the brochure. She saw some parts of the brochure that talks about the shaoilins. Interested about the shaoilins, she believes on the masters.

Diana: "You know, I like your offer about your academy. I want to know more about you, your academy and about the shaolins. This is kind of interesting to me."

Grand Master Chen: "That's brilliant, but we have to talk to your parents about this. This is very confidential that we can't talk about it here in the beach."

Diana: "That's OK. You're just in the right time to ask them. Today is their day-off."

After their conversation, they all went to Diana's condos. It is only a block away from the beach so it's just near. Diana's unit is at the penthouse for it is their condo. When they arrived at the pool area, you can see the whole view of Rio.

Master Frank: "What a view."

Diana: "Just wait here in the pool area. My parents will be arriving shortly."

While waiting for her parent's to arrive, the masters discuss their plans.

Master Frank: "You know Chen, this would be the fourth time that we will convince another chosen ones about their destiny as a chosen one. I'm tired of repeating the same messages over and over again. I wish we would record the messages instead."

Grand Master Chen: "I know that this is tired but this our job, our responsibility. I myself am tired of this work but we have to do this."

Master Frank: "Why we can't just tell them (the chosen ones). They are the special ones and deliver the acceptance letter to them right away? It would be much easier if we have done that before."

Grand Master Chen:"We can't just do that to them. We have to convince them, to have their trust even a little trust and we can't just force them to join. Hope you understand, besides there are scammers in the internet."

Master Frank: "I got it Chen"

Later, Diana and her parents arrived. They discuss about the special offer the masters are giving to Diana as well as bout the Shaolin Academy.

Antonio Hernandez: "What is this scholarship about? And what is this...Shaolin Academy?"

Grand Master Chen: "The Shaolin Academy is an ancient institution that is founded to help train young students about martial arts and other skills. Is just happens that your daughter is one who are accepted to join in our academy."

Liz Hernandez: "How can she be accepted? We didn't enroll in your academy. As a school teacher, I know the facts how to accept new scholars."

Grand Master Chen: "You know, we have selected her name among the list of students here in Brazil and she is the one who is lucky to given a scholarship."

To help them understand about their offer, the masters explained their proposition clearly. They still used the same method of explanation as what they have done to their previous meetings with the first batch of chosen ones. Luckily, they have won the trust of Diana and her parents. This is now the right time for them to explain their real intentions.

Grand Master Chen: "Now you have idea about our scholarship program to your daughter and gained our trust. I guess we have to reveal our real agenda, the very reason why we're here and the very reason why your daughter is given a special scholarship."

Then Grand Master Chen turned towards Diana as he talked to her face-to-face in a serious manner. Her parents sat beside her.

Grand Master Chen: "Diana, you may think that this unbelievable but you have to believe this."

Diana: "What do you mean?"

Grand Master Chen: "Diana, you are one of the chosen ones to study in our academy, the Shaoiln Academy. When you are born you are already listed as among the chosen ones and this is the time that you must know."

Master Frank: "In the future kid, you are chosen one who would be destined to become a Shaolin Warrior. You just don't know it but now you know."

Diana: "Is this true or just a joke."

Master Frank: "If this isn't true then we shouldn't be here, if this is a joke we should be laughing at you."

Diana: "No, I mean is this really true that I am destined to be a Shaolin Warrior? I don't expect this to happen."

Grand Master Chen: "The best things in life are always unexpected. They just surprised you in the right time."

Diana: "Then how can this be? I'm just an ordinary person, a nobody. I'm not a celebrity or a famous person."

Grand Master Chen: "You know kid, it is already written that you are one of the chosen ones. It is already written that you would be a Shaoilin Warrior. That is why we are here to tell you of your destiny."

Diana: "Then why didn't you say that before. I thought this is just a scholarship."

Master Frank: "Sorry but we can't just admit it you. If we do you will not believe. That is why we have to make it as if it is a scholarship program so we can gain your trust. Then we will reveal our true intentions."

Grand Master Chen: "Here, read this letter. It explains everything we said and the validity of our intentions."

Master Frank handles the letter to Grand Master Chen who then gives it to Diana. Diana opened the letter and read it aloud in front of everyone.

NOTE: The letter given to Diana is written in Portuguese, the native tongue of Diana. It is that language that Diana and her family can understand the message fully.

O querido Sr. e Sra. Hernandez

Gostaríamos de informar que sua filha, Diana está entre os escolhidos especiais que é aceito na nossa academia, a Academia Shaolin. Ela é uma das crianças escolhidas, que receberam a oportunidade de estudar e treinar lá, como está escrito em seu destino. Precisamos da sua plena cooperação para o benefício de sua filha.

sinceramente seu

Xiang Xien

chefe Mestre

Diana: "Where did you get this Portuguese translation?"

Master Frank: "Google Translate of course."

Diana: "So these are true, that I am destined to be a Shaolin Warrior. I can't believe this."

Grand Master Chen: "That's right kid. This message is really true. This is neither a hoax nor a copy-paste thing copied from the internet. What we want say is that, you are really a chosen one and we can even prove it."

Master Frank: "And because we knew how special you are. That is why you're one of the chosen one."

Pedro Hernandez: "Now our daughter is one of your chosen ones? This means that you have to take her to your school?"

Grand Master Chen: "Exactly, that is what we are about to say to you. In fact, she must study there in the Shaoilin Academy where we would train her to achieve her destiny."

Liz Hernandez: "Does it also mean that she would stay there for the entire school year?"

Grand Master Chen: "Yes madam. She would have to stay there for the entire year."

After learning that Diana has to leave Rio to study on a far away school for a long time, Diana and her parents were divided on their decision. Diana and her father are excited about this. This is a chance for Diana to try something new. But Liz is against this. She doesn't want Diana to leave Rio to study abroad, fearing for her daughter's safety.

Liz Hernandez: "I'm sorry gentlemen but I want to cancel your offer."

Pedro Hernandez: "Why Liz? Don't you know that this is an opportunity for our daughter? Haven't you trust them for our daughter's safety."

Liz Hernandez: "I don't want my daughter to stay away from me. Maybe something bad might have happened to her."

Mrs. Hernandez doesn't first trust the offer of Grand Master Chen, she felt insecure. But with the convincement of Diana and her father, she finally agreed.

Diana: "Mom, how many times I told you I'm already grown-up. I know how to take care of myself and be independent. Just trust me."

Grand Master Chen: "You don't have to worry for your daughter's safety. It is our prime concern to protect our students."

Liz Hernandez: "I'll trust my whole life to you. If something's wrong might happened to my daughter, you will be responsible."

Diana: "So this means that you finally agree?"

Liz Hernandez: "Yes dear. I know you can do this. But promise not to put yourself in harm."

Diana: "OK Mom."

Master Frank: "Now you all agree, please sign the contact. This validates that you agree with our terms and promise not to tell anyone about what happened here."

Pedro Hernandez: "Why? Is there anything why you must hide?"

Master Frank: "It's our policy to protect ourselves from any threats and if somebody asks where is daughter, just answer monk school. It is our cover."

Diana and her parents signed the contract. Since it already afternoon, they eat snacks instead.

Grand Master Chen: "Now our business here is done, I guess we have to go now. Thank you for your full cooperation."

Pedro Hernandez: "And thank you for your scholarship program or whatever it is."

Liz Hernandez: "Can I ask something? Is our daughter going to join you now?"

Master Frank: "No madam, we still have to visit the other special chosen ones elsewhere but you must bring your daughter in academy by next week."

Grand Master Chen: "And Diana before we go, prepare all your things for your stay in the academy. Bring all your important things. And to you Mrs. Hernandez, you don't have to worry. You can still have communications with your daughter and even visit her if you want."

Diana: "OK, By the way, Am I just gonna study and train there in the academy? Are there other surprises?"

Master Frank: "Of course there are surprises but we can't tell you now or they would no longer be surprises."

After that, the masters leave as Diana closes the door. In their Hotel, the masters talk about their plans for tomorrow.

Master Frank: "You know Chen, having an over-concerned mother is really difficult to explain. Diana's mother reminds me of my own mother."

Grand Master Chen: "Yeah your strict mother. By the way where is she now? I have no news about her."

Master Frank: "Ah she is still working our antique shop in San Francisco."

Grand Master Chen: "Now after you take your evening bath, prepare your things for our next trip. We'll be going to Chicago to visit another chosen one."

Master Frank: "Now there are eight more to go."

In the next day, the masters went to the airport for their flight to Chicago. They leave at 7 am for their flight is at 9 am.

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