Assassination on the Kill

By Angelgirl4ever02

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Known as the strongest team in the Assassin World, they make impossible missions a success. Though only at ag... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Night Reaperz
Chapter 2: Night Reaperz's Daily Lives
Chapter 3: A New Friend (Part 1)
Chapter 4: A New Friend (Part 2)
Chapter 5: Enemies
Chapter 6: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Good Luck
Chapter 10: Mischievous Glint
Chapter 11: Spirits
Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot
Chapter 13: The Masked Man
Chapter 14: Not The Only Ones Here
Chapter 15: The Past That Haunts
Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time
Chapter 17: Triple The Trouble
Chapter 18: Preparation
Chapter 19: Puissance

Chapter 8: You're One Of Us

53 2 2
By Angelgirl4ever02

It was once again one of those nights, working past 10 and having to need to attend school the next morning. After the plan was talked out and discussed, everyone was in their positions. They targeted Warehouse 3 first. They were outnumbered by 5 but it didn't matter.

Phrase 1 was that Flame and Beast were to take care of the 4 at the front and Rock, the 3 on the roof. Once they're knocked out, everyone will rush in to the top of the roof. That's how they'll infiltrate.



Sigh, I never had to work overtime back in London unless I get paid extra. I thought as I creep up with Beast from behind. We were taking either side of the warehouse. By Phantom's signal, we'll tackle them down and get them unconscious. I get my spray cans out and popped off their caps. And I don't mean ordinary paint spray cans, these are gas spray cans. Trust me when I say you don't wanna smell them. Phantom gave us the signal and we charged forward. Our steps were silent but I wasn't careful, I kicked one of the covers that I popped a moment ago. The 4 guards turned and started shooting at the intruder, me. But this gave Beast the advantage. He struck, from the back. As I dodged the bullets to get nearer, Beast was having a punch fight with two of the guards, it seems he's broke their guns as I stare at the two guns lying on the floor that were in half. This is why nobody offends him, he's crazy strong.

As soon as I was an arm's length away, I pointed my can at the two targeting me. I held my finger down, gas started to spritz out like rapidly from the nozzle. It blinded them and had them choking for air. I took this chance. I punched the guy in the stomach and kicked him to the floor. Final blow before unconsciousness, I elbowed him down, hard. I was about to turn to check on Beast when I got hit from behind. I totally forgot about the other guard. As I endured the pain in my head, I side kicked the guard down and punched him continuously but in the midst he suddenly punched me back, hard. I spat out the blood and glared at him. He trembles under me and with a final blow, I punched down heavily. He most probably would end up with bruises and a broken cheekbone. I could still taste my blood on my tongue.

I turned towards Beast and noticed he was trapped in an arm lock. I was about to rush forward to help but Beast shook his head at me. He flipped the guy over from the back. He now lay back-down on the stone ground. "Urgh!" Beast must've used a lot of strength as the guard didn't get up, he just layed there, most probably had his head hit. I signaled to Phantom that we were done and that we're gonna clean up the "trash". Phantom signaled to Rock who was awaiting his turn. He was stationed at the top of Warehouse 17's roof which was just behind Warehouse 2. Once Phantom had signaled Rock and he had made his move, I started clearing up with Beast. I picked up the two covers, I need to be more careful with these. Beast tied up the four guards together and had them sat by the side of the warehouse. I started picking the lock on the door, this has been quite an eventful night...


I peek out of my hiding spot, the three of them are just standing right there! I could pounce on them, but I chose to--no had to, wait a little bit longer for Phantom's signal. Did I mention I'm not a patient person? As I toyed with my slingshot, Phantom suddenly gave me the signal. I immediately sprang. Finally some action! I'll be honest my leg was cramping.

I think I gotta lose some weight because the minute I landed on the metal roof, it created a huge noise. "Hey! Keep it down up there! We're trying to count here!" Someone shouted from below. "Well excuse you! Unlike you sitting pretty counting them cash, we got some intru-" I immediately punched the one that was about to leak us. He fell on his back which again created the loud noise. "Hey!!" Someone shouted from below again. Tsk. I clicked my tongue, I got to bring the other two down without anymore noise. "Come with me, we're going for a ride." I immediately grab the other two by their collars and I grappled hook to another roof. Surprisingly they clung to me for dear life. "What's wrong? Scared of heights?" I laugh with amusement. I kick their guns away which resulted for them to drop down to the ground. Both guards were literally begging me to let them down. "You sure? It's a high way up." I say as I grappled hook to another roof. Whilst I was swinging these two away, I already knew that the rest have moved in.



As I watched Rock swinging away with the two guards, I couldn't help but notice that Phantom was rubbing her nose bridge and looking stressed. You know like when something disapproving happens? She suddenly sprang back to normal. "Okay! No matter!" She clears her throat, "Begin phrase 2, infiltrating the base and taking out the guards inside. They're most likely armed and there's 8 of them. With Flame, Beast and Rock heading to the next warehouse to repeat what they just did, including Flame replacing the locks, we'll only have a power of 7. Because once we're done here, we'll head on to the next warehouse and whilst we do that, the three of them would've already started getting rid of the guards at the dock. We're limited on time so let's make it work."

Wow, this girl is really detailed, planning everything out in just a few minutes. I undid the straps I had around me, each pocket holds a different weapon. I stuck some in my pockets to make it easier for me to use them later. Mask and I followed the Reaperz's lead to the roof. They started to climb up the walls like spiders, we watched in awe. "How are you doing that?" Mask asked in a hush whisper. OO9 looked at us, "Oh yea, sorry. Trix?" Trixie took out some spare gloves and handed them to us. One was a pair of red netted gloves and the other was purple with the same design, both did not cover the fingers, just the palm. I put on the red one and Mask put on the purple one. "Those will help you climb, their material sticks to almost everything." What's amazing right now aren't the gloves but the fact that the 5 of them were stuck mid-wall as OO9 explained it us. Honestly I was a tad nervous.

"By right your upper arm muscles and leg muscles should be trained for this. It's somewhat like rock climbing, but harder." OO9 smiles at us before the 5 of them continued their climb. "Oh and tap your shoe tips against the ground twice," we did as we're told and spikes emerged from the tip of the shoe toe. "we made a few adjustments sorry." Mask and I look at each other, when did they..? I put my hand on the surface, it felt slightly magnetic as if there was a slight pull between the glove and wall. I stuck both hands up on the wall and pressed the spikes into the wall and there I was, on the wall. I started climbing to the top with Mask trailing behind me, to the top where the Reaperz were waiting. I hauled myself up and a few seconds later, the spikes shrank back on their own. I look at OO9, "Your welcome." she says smiling before turning away and helping the others find a weak spot on the roof. 2bullet scans the roof for a weak point with his scanner whilst the rest of us are either physically finding the weak spot or briefed again on the plan. "Here." 50k calls us over to the area along the right side. Phantom bends down and touches the spot before knocking on it twice, "Trix!"

A loud clean screech was heard as Trixie drew out one of her katanas. We all get ready our weapons as they're sure to notice the sword in the ceiling. Before Trixie plunged it into the roof, she took out a moist cloth and rubbed it down. She then took out a lighter and lit her katana on fire. No doubt she must have stolen that chemical from Flame and poured it in her cloth. As the last of the fire blew out from the wind, she started to slowly push her katana down through the roof, the sword slowly sank in. I was impressed. She started to cut out a circle and midway 50k stuck a handle on the top to prevent it from falling when Trixie was done. "Get ready, we're jumping in once 50k lifts it up." I took a peek in, we were right above their table, this was gonna be a fun night alright.



"Two thousand and fifty, three thousand and fifty, four thousand and-" My counting was interrupted when a clean screech was heard. I look up to see a hole being cut into the roof. In jumped 5 kids and 2 young ladies. They were all dressed in black from head to toe. I immediately know who they were due to their outfit and based on a certain past year incident, I did not need it to happen again. I immediately started to stuff the bags with our stolen money but of course the new recruits just stare at me. "What are you doing? We're not finished." One of them tried to snatch the bag away from me. "Well this would be the end of your lives if we don't get out of here now. They're assassins." They were immediately alarmed. "But they're just kids, we can take them!" One of them pulls on his gloves. "No! They are dangerous and deadly. You'll die in 5 seconds flat. They're also the ones that stopped our previous boss and put him behind bars! I promised my superior you 3 will be with me till I die so before that happens, I can't have you guys dead." The 3 of them took a few seconds to think before helping me stuff the other bags without counting.

The other smugglers were being a distraction for us right now, though they may not know that. Once we packed as many as we can carry, I grabbed the key off the table and we ran to the doors. I couldn't turn the key. It went in but it couldn't turn. "Shit they must have replaced it!" I tried kicking it but to no vain. The number of alive smugglers was slowly decreasing. "Only way out is the way they came from." I tell my recruits as I picked up a rope and a huge steel fishing hook, I tie them together. "Old man, we are dead fish. No use." One of them tell me. "Well I'm not letting you die here." We ran past the fight along the walls. I swung the hook end of the rope and threw it up the hole, it hooked onto the roof. "Quickly!" If they die their young lives would be over, they just joined a month ago too. I helped each of them up the rope. As the last of them finally got up to safety, the fight ended. There was only the strong stench of blood and heavy panting. They turn to me, blood on their clothes and weapons. "Old man!" I look up with a sad smile. "Guess my days are over kids." I tugged at the rope with all my strength, it came off. A large clatter was heard as the steel hook dropped to the ground. "Go to the dock!" They were hesitant. "Go!" They ran off with one last look.

"Johnny Vans." I turn at the sound of my name. "You're one of us. Not an immigrant. Why were you helping them." A sharp blade was lifted to my neck. I had no where to run, my back was already to the wall. "I had no choice." I say in a gruff voice, afraid that my neck was a millimeter too close to the blade. The owner of the blade was a young girl, about the age of my boys who just ran away to safety. But that's when I noticed it, the 2 ladies were gone. Shit. "Why didn't you have a choice?" My throat ran dry. "They offered to help pay for my family. My family is poor." She leans closer, her brown eyes glinting. "How did it all start?" I realized there was only one of them by her side, the rest were looking around for clues. Suddenly one of them came up to her, carrying a chair and a rope around his shoulder. Typical, probably wants to have the upper hand on me. "Stand up." I was pulled up by my shirt and roughly thrown onto the chair. The rope was quickly tied around me. I was speechless. The girl now sat in front of me on the floor legs crossed with a taser gun in her hand. "How did it start?" She asks me again, giving me a quick shot. I wince in pain.

"I was a money mull at first. They knew of my problem."

"What was your problem?"

"It's complicated."

"I have all night."

I sigh. "Like I said, my family is poor. We're lucky enough to have a roof over our heads but we had barely enough for food and bills. Especially bills. It was a big family, squeezed into a tiny apartment. There was me, my wife, my eldest twins and my mother. So much to feed, not enough money."

"What happened to your younger children."

"What?" I meet her hard gaze.

"You said eldest twins. What happened to your younger children."

There was no use lying. I was gonna die anyway, as a bad man. "It was hard. They were fraternal triplets. We gave them up to a nearby orphanage. But as the years went by of me working for the immigrants, we had enough money to feed. My wife wanted our triplets back. So I went and got them back. I lied to the sisters saying my children were stolen from me and I finally found them. The children were happy though, to finally find a family, blood and flesh related even. We raised them. But when they were 12..." I stop there.

She shoots me with the taser again. "Talk." Her hard glare burns a hole in my head. I couldn't feel my leg, it was numb with the shock. I groan a little.

"When they were 12, the rent went up. Way up. Bills started to pile again. I didn't want our old poor life back. The immigrants granted me more work. As the rent went up, I worked more. Soon, this money mull became a smuggler. Worked for them bout a year now. You may kill me, but at least spare my family." I look down at my shoes.

"Look alive soldier." That voice. That voice. I look up immediately. There he was. My old mate, my old partner. "C'mon John, you know I don't like to repeat orders." he laughs. He looked, felt different. But he was alive! How? "H-how? You were in that fire! No one made it out!" He chuckles. "I did." I wanted to grab the tablet the girl was holding but my hands were tied tight behind the chair. "Wha- what happened to you?" He rubs his neck. "I was saved mate. Saved. By that girl behind this tablet." I gaze up. Her eyes were softer now. "I've reformed. Their boss, quite a fellow, he forgave me for my sins. Even though I worked with them for 3 years. He understood my problem, gave me a new start. Mate, you're saved." He smiles before the screen switches with another program.

A man, dressed in a suit, sat at an office desk. "Hello Johnny. I've been looking for you for quite a while now." What? "Your family reported you missing. You were a missing person case for 5 months. But they knew you were out there some where because you kept sending back money, with no return address. We got you now. And now we're going to get your triplets. Don't worry, you 4 won't die." The screen turns to black. She passes the tablet to a team mate. "You were part of our side mission. We were tasked to find you. We linked up everything to find you here." She turns to another team mate, "Get him to the car." she then faces the rest of the team, "the rest of us is going to end this. Red and Mask are on the triplets' tails and Flame, Beast and Rock have joined them. Once we end this mission its hello cash and goodbye sleep." As they head to the entrance, I see the girl pulling a key out of her pocket. She inserts it and twists, the door opens. "Sorry." I was distracted by them that I forgot about the girl taking me to the car. A bag was placed on my head and everything faded.



"Take a left!" Jacob shouts to his younger brothers, James and Jack. Jacob was not about to abandon anybody behind, their father would want them to stay together. Jacob held back tears, their father gave them time to escape, they cannot look back. They ran and ran, mile after mile. Soon they came to a stop at a dead end, "Shit." James curses under his breath. "No where to run little pups." The trio turned to see there was a crowd of 5 blocking their way out. As they approached, the triplets fall back. But all too soon their backs were against the wall. "You know, I think youngsters have way too much energy nowadays." One of the 5 pants. Another chuckles, "You saying you old?" She shoots him an annoyed look. "Cut it out you two. The three of you are coming with us." Jack takes out his dagger. "Hold your fire little bro." Jacob shields Jack and James. "We're not dying today and we ain't dying anytime soon. Let us go." Jacob commands. "Woah woah woah, who said you were dying?" The one with the orange hair exclaims. "Wait we're not killing them?" Orange head shakes his head, "Phantom's orders. They live and we bring them back to her."

Phantom? Who was this wise guy, no way was Jacob and his brothers meeting him. "We ain't going to see your old man!" James spits. "Who you calling old man you jerk." A voice light as air cuts through the night. Suddenly three nets came flying out of no where. They captured the triplets successfully. A young girl jumps from a nearby roof. She lands in front of Jacob. "Line them up." Orange head lines James and Jack on either side of Jacob. The girl takes out a tablet. She holds it up for the trio to see. A man in a suit appeared. "Jacob, Jack and James Vans. You are now under our custody. We have your father and the rest of your family under our wing. You are coming with us and you don't have a choice about it. Plus you have a new job status now." He smiles before disappearing. Another program came up. It was their father. "Old man!" James exclaims. "Listen to these people. They are good. They can help us. I'll see you soon my sons." It turns black. She keeps away the tablet. "Disarm them and bring them to the car." She commands before grappling hooking away. Whoever that girl was, the trio knew that wouldn't be the last of her they'll see.

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