Scarlets' Letters

By Crystal_Eyes_1991

63 2 7

Scarlet Letters is a sixteen year old girl whos will to live falters. Her mother and father commit suicide wh... More

The Popular Boy Cracks my Head.
Haha Frick you Black Tar Beast

Well There Goes Everything I used to Know

14 1 2
By Crystal_Eyes_1991

"Things are shaping up to be pretty odd. "

-Panic! At The Disco
(That green gentleman)
I lowered my gun to the floor and put it into my waistband. Nick started walking towards me and grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside. I saw my dad just getting home and I was confused.

"He gets home in two hours not now. "I mumbled under my breath.

"Yeah, his boss was that little beast you killed there so he was sent him home. Now let me explain if you will." He Started pulling me and I firmly planted my feet on the ground.

I started walking over to dad when I got over to him I stood in his path and hugged dad.

"I missed you dad."

"Excuse me, who are you? I don't have an older kid, not a red head at that miss. Get out of my way please."he said walking out of my barrier.

I wanted to run back up to him and scream dad! But he didn't know me anymore. I could see it in his puzzled look.

"If you would have just let me explain. Now here take the keys to that car you drove today. It's yours they never even m ew about it."


"Fine then I'll drive, just get in the car! "

I walked over and sat down in the passenger side of the car. I slumped into the seat and crossed my arms. My face slack and angered at the same time.

The click of the car door next to me told me that he opened the door. He sat down on the seats and turned the car on. The heat brought me back to reality.

"Now, " he started as he turned the key in the ignition and pulled out of the driveway, "what do you want to start with? "

"Why doesn't my dad know who I am he has be-"

"Ok, I just need a topic. And tour dad does know who you are. Just not your adoptive father. Your real father is... Around. Your mother though, is indeed dead. "

I gazed out the window as he took a left turn and we drove away from my house down a back road. One I had never seen before.

"Your dad was a man above us. Not direcionally but ranking. Your father, as we do t know what he was, your father was a being of great power. He was as some may call it a God. Or many he is but a creature of a myth, but either way, your father is above us."

I looked at him like he was crazy. Seriously why? How? Oh I bet Nick is a serial killer.

"No I'm not a serial killer, I am just like you. Just my parent is still with me."

Yup I said that out loud. Good job self. Good job.

"Ok so now explain about the beast, why I looked like a chained beast and-"

He stopped me by talking again. I lost focus when I saw we passed a large object in a hooded cloak but the face of a terrifying ghost.

"Holy mother of all things holy go back! I saw! I don't! What the fuck! "

I screamed as he jammed on the gas. It seems he was running from something. The beast maby.

Objects blured and we passed one hundred on the speedometer. The car seemed to be floating. It was getting too much. I was removed when he loosened up on the gas and it lowered to about eighty. My breath evened out and he calmed a bit. His finger flicked the turn indicator up and we curbed the corner fast still out funnig something.

He turned his head back around the corner and I saw a horse speedi g after us, it had a small wagon on the back like an old time wagon and the driver had the same Hood go that I had just seen. This time there was no face. No head even! The horse had the ghastly face of what I saw earlier and I panicked.

He sped up but the horse was faster. It skidded in front of us and he stopped the car so fast I hit my head on the seat hard as the seat belt stopped me from flying.

He did the same but, jumped out of the car when we we're completely stopped. I unbuckled the seat and opened the door. He looked over at me and opened his mouth to say something g when the man on the horse laughed a low and loud laugh. Demonic and frightening. It reminded me of the headless horseman story.

God maby it was.

"NICK! WHAT IS IT! WHAT DO I DO! " I screamed over the laughing.

He just pulled a metal rung off of his middle finger and spoke a few words I didn't know. Next thing I knew there was a pale blue light and then he was not in what he was wearing.

He had on pants that kind of looked like Aladdin's from the movie. But with less poof at the bottom.

He had some sandals where they were just the bottom and a few braided strands kept them on his feet. I looked up and to my suprise he was shirtless. Well great. My inner hormonal 16 year old girl self was threatening to make an appearance.

He had an Egyptian neck thing. I don't know what it is called. It was gold and had precious gems out lining the edge but mostly gold. It had an engraving on it in hyroglyphs. I didn't know what it was.

He had his eyes outlined in what looked like coal and his hair was the same usual straight with slight curls.

In his hand was a spear that had the head of a cobra on the top and on his belt he had a crook and flail that were weopenized.


"Stop looking at me and press the skull on your ring! Now! "

How did he know about my ring. Oh yeah he was there...

I pressed the ring and there was a brief bronze light and then I was in my force outfit. All bronze and awesome looking.

Yes I think I looked cool, let's not judge me. Ok? Good!

I placed my hand on the sphere and my shield transformed onto my wrist.

I felt like captain America went Goth. Ahhhhh. Inner geek was outwaying Mad Max and inner hormonal girl I'm going to call Tina.

I heard a yell of pain and looked over to see Nick get slashed by the headless horseman. I'm calling him that now. No I know what I'm going to call him! He is Bozo. I don't know why just go with it.

I saw red and my mood switched to fury. Call me Mad Max because this was now my fury road.

I heard victorious by Panic at the Disco playing in my head and I took a running leap at Bozo. Raising my staff I swung the spear around knocking Mr. High and headless might off his weird high horse. Then while he was dased I kicked him with my gladiator sandle in his chest, pinning him. That's right bitch, you loose.

Sadly the monstar grabbed my ancle and pulled me to the ground, his foot now on top of me as he got up with inhuman speed. He laughed a terrible laugh and his horse clapped over and raised it's hoof. I expected to die. Right here. Helpless. Dumb. But no, I heard a loud shriek and there was a puddle of black too next to me. The headless Bozo was gone and Nick stood there flail- dagger in hand with goo covering the tip of the bladed side. I stood up and saw the horse died as his owner did. Poor creature. Wait it tried to kill me. It can rot in hell.

Looking over I saw Nick in pain and a bleeding slash on his arm oozed blood. It stretched from his shoulder down to his wrist. Not deep but painful none the less.

Breathe. In. Out. He needs help.

I thought this a few times and rushed over to him.

"I'm fine. " he said threw gritted teeth. I knew he wasn't.

"NO!"I yelled,my voice booming the order. "Now sit down and I'll fix your arm. " he obeyed the command and walked over to the grass to sit down. "Why do you look like that? " I asked him while he sat down and waited for me to come back with the first aid kit mom, or used to be adopted mom kept in the car.

"Like an Egyptian?"

"No like Barney." I said sarcastically.

"We'll thanks Ms. Sarcasm and the reason I look like this is my ancestors are Egyptian, which means that since I have this power, someone in my line was a good of their mythology. They still don't know what God though. Usually we never know. My father is a rare person to which he is still alive. Usually a small group of ancestors of the blood line survive. Most die. " he said casually like death was a common thing he talked about. I pulled out some cotton swabs and gaus. Last I pulled out the small package of gaus that had rubbing alcohol on it.

"Now I can make this slow and painful or fast and slightly less painful, you pick"

"I vote less pain. Then again I can handle pain. "He said wincing as he moved his arm for me to clean the wound.

I opened the package for the rubbing alcohol and I pulled it out. I gave him a warning and pressed it onto the wound dabbing it fastly down his arm. His other arm had lifted up from the pain and his hand gripped my bare forearm and his nails dug in.

"It's ok. I'm done now to patch you up. Ok? "

He looked at me and still death gripped my arm. I started to see blood coming down my arm but I knew it was just kid nails digging in. It hurt. Pretty bad, but I knew he was in more pain.

"Yeah ok just finish please! " he said raising his voice as I finished wrapping his arm. Apparently the tip of the sword dug in pretty bad by the top of his hand.

He releced the death grip he had on my arm and examiled his arm. He touched the bandage and then a trail of blood followed where his finger was. It was from his hand digging into my arm.

His face turned to a look of puzzled as he then looked over at me and saw me cleaning up the blood and nail marks in my arm.

"Oh my fucking God. I'm so sorry. Let me help you. "

He grabbed my wrist and bandaged up my arm. We probably looked like bcrazy people. One we we're two teens on the side of the road dressed odd. Then we we're taking turns patching up each other. Well, welcome to my crazy life.

He stopped my trail of thought by putting his flail into it's holding spot on his belt and stood up brushing off imaginary dirt. He stuck out his hand to help me up. I gripped his hand and he pulled me up. I grabbed my spear off the ground and put my hand on the spot for it transferring all of my costume into the ring.

I slid it on my middle finger and turned around to look at Nick who was trying to get monster goo off his dagger. I looked closer at his outfit and saw that he was not missing a day at the gym with the muscled this kid had. His abs were visible under the chest thingy that stopped at the middle of his rib cage. Haha look away.

Look. Away. Shut up inner Tina, he is not hot.

He gave up and he pulled off the ring that still remained in his middle finger and wispered some words and then tada he was back like I was, in regular clothes. Inner Tina inward sighed lodly in aspiration.

What the actual hell is all if this and why does it have to happen to me?!

"Now. I assume your curious why I looked like uke that, why you looked like that, and why that thing attached us. Now let's get in the car and hopefully get to base. "

"Base? "

"I'll explain on the way now hop in the car. "

I slumped my shoulders and walked to the car. Why can't I ever get an explanation. Ugh. Why is it his way or no way.

The car roared to life, and he continued down the unfamiliar territory which I have dubbed Bozo road.

Genius, I know.

The car sped at a speed of 70 and he tapped the tips of his fingers on the steering wheel. I assumed he was hearing a song in his head. Meanwhile Tina was mentally playing The Only Exception by paramore in my head.

Fuck you Tina, fuck you.

Eventually I grabbed the phone Jack that connected the phone to the car and pulled out my phone tossing on my paramore playlist. Wow the only exception began to play again.

"When I was younger I saw, my daddy cry, and curse at the wind. Broke his own hear and I watched, as he tried to re- assemble it. " I started quietly singing and he looked over at me with a puzzled look.

"What, got a problem with paramore? "

"Nope. " he said popping the 'p' sound before he started singing the chorus.

That's how it went for a while, singing paramore songs, and laughing when one of us mumbled the words we weren't sure on. I eventually put on the panic at the disco playlist and then victory's came on.

I want out the lyrics and he laughed at my extensive knowledge of Brendon Urie and his many vines and his pets.

"I'm special, don't judge me. "

"Your interesting, I'll give you that. "

"Compliment taken." I said doing the whole pokimon gesture when you catch one. Yes I am special.

"Well it wasn't a compliment, but whatever floats your boat. " he said staring ahead.

"Oh that's glitter From magical glitter sneezing dragons. That floats my boat. It's made of cotton candy by the way. "

He busted out laughing to the point of tears and I didn't know why I was being serious. Tina popped into my head again and said Nick was cute when he laughed. No Tina no he wasnt.

Ok fine, maby a little.

"Ok, so back to where I was, u know why you we're dressed odd, and now weare headed to base. "

"Nick where is base."

"About two hours from here. It's in a remote area. It is kind of like a city but full of people of all ages who are like us. There are a tone of those bases around the world, but we can't exactly have them near each other because the monsters pretty on large groups."

"Ok, so we are kind of going to another town. "

"Pretty much. " he said humming to a Coldplay called hymn for the weekend that started playing, I guess we reached my Coldplay playlist. "My name isn't Nick by the way. "

"What! " I choked on my own spit and started coughing.

"Sorry, and no my name is actually Calin. Calin Brakely. "

"Why keep up the fake Nick name. Ha pun not intended. " he laughed And so did I at my use of words.

"It was because misters are ruthless, they find you if they know who you are. All those people who thought they knew me, even you, never knew me since a month ago. I've only been here a month, and me running into you and you know, landing you in the hospital was actually a great way for me to finally figure out why I was sent to that school. Wow four years of that and I'd die."

"Welcome to my world. So, you were never the player since first grade I remember? "

"Nope. The complete opposite actually, I'm a good person. "

"Mhm... Sure you are. " I said lacing my words with sarcasm.

He laughed and that gave me time to think. Ok so Nick is not Nick. Well life works I'm strange ways. Especially my life.

"Wait am I really Scarlet? Do I have some secret name too." I asked hopeful.

"No but you are going to need one if you plan on not dieing soon. "

"Ok... Hmm. " I said thinking.

Names I've always liked in my life time, Margrot, Rosalynn, Annalisa, and January.

"I've got it! " I exclaimed happily.

"Oh this should be good."

"Can I make up a last name and middle name? "

"Knock yourself out, I made up a fake last name and first name so whatever."

I pondered the thought. January Viva Hensley

"January Viva Hensley. Taadaa. "I said smiling. He looked over at me confused.

He turned back to the wind shield and we drove.

The car ride was filled with silence for a good twenty minutes. Well music was playing but you get the idea.

He looked over at me again. He opened his mouth to speak but then turned to the wind shield again. What in the world is wrong with him.

"Calin? "

he looked over at me and then back at the road.

"What's wrong. "

"Just that name. I knew someone named January Hensley. She was a close friend. She died. "

We'll that got gloomy. And fast.

I looked out the window. I should have gone with Rosalynn. Or Vida.

Oh well. Oops.

Thanks for reading, I need 10 votes to continue writing this story. Thanks all who read this and remember too...



And watch for updates.

Love y'all🌸🌺🌹

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