The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU...

By BriannaLynnC98

183K 7.4K 4.3K

(Sequel to The Fighter) You can take the fighter out of the fight, but you can't take fight out of the fighte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 5

4.6K 175 107
By BriannaLynnC98

Niall's POV

Some mornings I wake up before the rest of the family and just lay in bed looking at Zayn. I look at the small scar he has on the bridge of his nose that's been broken more times than either of us could count. I looked at the way his eyelashes would bunch together because they were so long and thick. My fingers would run through his hair gently, knowing that it wouldn't wake him at all because once he's asleep you may as well sat he's in a coma. From there, my fingers would slowly trail down to his shoulder that was covered with tattoos. My fingers would trace the designs, having already memories the old ones. My fingers traced over the new tattoos he's gotten over the years, the ones that we may have fought about or I may have loved because they had something to do with my children and me of course. There was nothing on Zayn that I couldn't not love. These mornings that I wake up early before him and before the kids need me to make sure they're dressed in there school uniforms, it's these mornings that I have time to think about how much I love the man that sleeps next to me. I also start to think of how I can protect him.

The world seems to look at my husband is as a human punching bag or a machine of some sort. I look at him and see somebody that bleeds, that hurts, and that cries when they get hurt. I see someone that broke down in tears when he found out he was going to be a father for the first time. When I look at Zayn, I see something completely different than what the rest of the world sees. It may be that way for all boxers. I noticed that it's that way for Harry. Louis always tells me that he's this lovable guy and that he always make sure to show him how much Louis means to him. From the friendship I've had with Harry and the friendship I've seen him have with Zayn, you would never guess that he's had fourteen knockouts in his career so far.

I'm afraid for them both. Neither of them have that hard core anger in them. At least Zayn doesn't have it anymore. I know he used to, I know he used to be angry at everything and afraid of it mostly, but now he's a man and he's wiser and smarter than he was ten years ago boxing those matches for only a three hundred dollar purse. I remember those days when I'm up at this time. I remember the days that I would see him walk into an arena to go beat somebody up and to have somebody beat him up. I remember crying ringside because I couldn't protect him. I was pregnant so of course emotions are much stronger than, but it still didn't stop me from wanting to get in that ring myself and protect him because I couldn't take it.

Which leads my thoughts to the one and only Liam Payne. All I know is if I have to see my husband get in the ring one more time with that man or if I have to see Harry get in the ring with that man, I don't know who will die that day. I definitely know the Zayn is a lot smarter than wanting to get back in the ring with him. However, the option is still there. People are still asking because everyone wants to know. I don't want to know. If anything, I want Harry to get in the ring with that man and realize that it's not worth it. No dollar amount is worth getting that beating up.

I remember the days after the fight Zayn had with him. We had a brand new baby that he couldn't tend, he couldn't even hold him because his arms were so weak from using so much muscle and strength and adrenaline that he could not hold Ezra for longer than ten minutes. He had a major concussion and he was hospitalized a long with me considering I had just give him birth the same day he fought Liam. Mark didn't want him to fight after that. Once the doctor's examination results came back and they saw how damaged Zayn was, no one wanted him to fight anymore. I don't even think Zayn wanted him to fight anymore. That day that he held Ezra in his arms the first time, you could tell something in him grew up, changed and fell in love. But you could also tell that he still had that fight to survive mentality and him. I saw the way he held Ezra. It was like watching a male animal protecting his child thinking he needed to fight the world in order for his child to grow up safely and pure. That's not the case, but Zayn doesn't understand that. I just really want to understand what goes through his mind and I want him to understand what goes through my mind when I think of him with those leather gloves on his fist.

"How long have you been awake?" Zayn asked me in a groggy voice without opening his eyes to look at me. I stopped by fingers movements that were tracing down the tattoos from the top of the shoulder to the tips of this fingers and curled into my husband. I felt him kiss the top of my head and his lips spread into a soft smile. I smile to just because I knew that this man truly truly loved me I've always known he loved me.

"Not too long. Just wanted some time with you." I said to him quietly. He mumbled something into the top of my head that made me laugh lightly because I didn't understand it and I don't think he understood it either.

"Want to make use of this time?" He asked me after we both went into a nice silence. I propped myself up on his strong chest and saw his sleepy brown eyes looking at me full of love. I nodded to him which got Zayn moving in less than a second. He pulled the blankets up over us until they were covering our heads and flipped me so I was under him. I laughed as quietly as I could and let Zayn slip up the shirt I was wearing that was his. Kisses were pressed on my chest until he got up to my lips and begin to actually take his time in kissing me. I tangled my hand in the back of his hair while the other hand started getting to work with helping him get this done quickly. We both learned pretty quickly how to have sex fast once we became parents. We know how to still make it interesting after this many years of being together. The thing that helps us most is that were both so attracted to each other that all it takes is a glance and we're ready to do it.

"Condom. Get the condom." I said breathlessly as he started to take off my underwear. I slipped his off for him as he crawled out of the covers to get what we needed. He got back under the blankets with a few laughs coming from him.

"We're like horny teenagers." He stated as he slipped on the condom. I nodded and pulled him down to kiss me. He begin to try and start prepping me, but that's when life had to start and our love affair came to a halt.

"Daddy, I can't find my school shoes!" Ethan yelled from somewhere in the house. Zayn's hands and lips came to a stop as soon as our son spoke. I pushed back the covers so our heads were now in the bright daylight.

"Can I take a raincheck for later tonight or sometime this month?" I asked him. He huffed and rolled on his back like a pouting child. He took off the condom and threw it at me so I pinched his nipple and got out of bed to get some clothes on.

"I'll just wank to the thought of how it was to make love to you. It's been three months now. I'm dying." Zayn pointed out to me. I laughed and pulled my sweats up then put on a long sleeved shirt that Zayn had placed in the laundry hamper even through I knew he didn't actually wear it. He probably tried it on, didn't like it, and put it there because he's an ape.

"Well, I'll make sure to put on your headstone that you died from blue balls. Now I'm going to help your second son find his shoes. Once you're done dying or whatever, get your first born, who is exactly like touch when it comes to sleep, out of bed. By the sounds of how many children we have, you've had enough sex to live. Although, I almost gave in because you're kind of sexy and I kind of love you." I said and gave him a cheeky wink. He groaned and covered his hard member with one hand and threw a pillow over his face with his other hand. I laughed again before walking out of the room, making sure that the door closed properly behind me.

"Daddy!" Ethan shouted from his room. I walked in there and literally stumbled over both his school shoes. A small yelp left my mouth, catching my son's attention from where he was looking in his closet for his shoes. I looked at him with my best face that would ask him if he really just did what he did. His tan skin tinted pink before he got up to get the shoes and hug me.

"Morning, baby. Do you want an omelet this morning?" I asked him. He nodded and kissed the inside of my hand before running off to finish getting dressed. I watched him for a minute and could only imagine that's exactly how Zayn was when he was little. Except, he didn't have good parents or even shoes. With that heartbreaking thought, I went downstairs to start breakfast from all my boys.

It took Zayn and Ezra about forty minutes to get downstairs. Ezra quietly came over to give me a hug and let me kiss up his cheeks before he sat at the table to eat his omelet. Zayn came into the kitchen wearing his regular workout clothes, but he had a long sleeved shirt on that covered all his tattoos. He gave me a look that showed he was too in love with me to actually pretend to be angry with me.

"What do you have planned today?" I asked Zayn. Ezra looked over at the calendar so I looked over at it too and just saw a big happy face drawn on it.

"Today Baba is coming to teach the boxing unit at school." Ezra said. Zayn nodded as he chewed and lightly punched Ezra's shoulder. They both smiled and probably said something in that language of silence they both speak.

"What are you doing, babe?" Zayn asked me. Ethan burst out in a fit of giggles because of what Zayn called me. That's when I see that Ethan has a lot of myself in him.

"Louis asked me to go shopping with him for stuff for the wedding. We're also sending out invitations." Zayn nodded at me then looked at the clock. He mumbled the time to the boys which had them running upstairs to brush their teeth. Zayn got up to clear the empty plates then came over to press me against the counter.

"I'm just so in love with you." He whispered. I blushed and kissed his cheek. We both shared soft kisses before he left to get brush his own teeth.

The boys came downstairs where I gave them their backpacks and fixed up their school uniforms. I reminded them to help others and be kind at school, just like I do every morning. Zayn came down the stairs and got his car keys to take the boys to school. I opened the door and kissed all my boys as they left then closed the door so I could get ready for my day.

By ten in the morning, I met Louis at Starbucks so we could start the day to get ready for his big day. There was only one or two paparazzi men out following me when I got out of my car, so I just ignored them and went into the coffee shop where Louis was already waiting in line. I got some funny looks, like people recognized me, but I once again had to remember to just ignore it.

"Good morning, super father. Did the little ones make it to school alright?" Louis asked me as I gave him a hug. I nodded and let out a sigh.

"The little ones and the big one a went to school today. Zayn is teaching a boxing lesson for Ezra's gym class. Did your tree make it out of the house okay?" I asked Louis. He elbowed me and laughed because he knows I always have something to say about Harry. The thing I have with Harry is that he's trying to steal my husband. Not really, but I like to joke about the tight friendship him and Zayn have. Louis likes to joke about it too, so we both like to go out of our way and make some jokes. Of course, there are no worries about feelings getting hurt because Zayn and Harry love us too much to let me calling him a tree hurt his feelings. If anything, he'd agree because he's literally a tree and he knows it.

Louis and I got our drinks and went on with walking to the many boutique type shops that were just down the street. We talked about wedding colors and flowers and pretty much everything that was on a list that needed to be taken care of. At one point, we walked past a jewelry shop and I stopped because there was something in the window that caught my eye. It was a bracelet that was gold and had a little Irish flag on it. I smiled, but it also reminded me how much I missed my parents. We all see each other once every month or so and it's for long visits, but sometimes I want my mum to hold me or my dad to gently tell me stories about when he was a boy. Just that through made me turn to Louis.

"Do you think it would be-" I begin to ask, but he made a whining sound and stomped his little foot on the ground.

"Well now I have to tell you. Harry wanted to surprise you, but I can't just keep it in. Harry invited your parents to the wedding and got their plane tickets to come out here for two weeks. We were going to wait to surprise you. I don't care. I know you'll be happy to see them either way." Louis said. I smiled and pulled him in for the tightest hug ever.

"Thank you guys so much. I'm actually glad you told me. Zayn tends to be naked anytime my parents show up for a visit." I whispered in his ear. He laughed and kissed my cheek the way we both do all the time. I turned to look at a few other things while Louis did something on his phone. We both continued on with our day laughing and having fun. We bought a few color swatches to show to Harry for colors so he could choose. For some reason, Louis was being a little closed off about what Harry was doing today, but I tried not to pay too much attention to it and tried to focus on helping Louis because I am his best man after all.

A/N: this was a long chapter! Haha ziall makes me want to puke... they're so cute! What is one thing in your room that says the most about who you are as a person?!?!??!?! Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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