Mahogany Desires

By book_worm_

882K 17.8K 2.1K

Mr. tall dark and handsome Jason Mills was always particular when it came to women that he associated himself... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 43

5.3K 194 63
By book_worm_

          It had been a while since the Mills household was so full and boisterous. There were bodies walking in and out the doors and voices shouting throughout the two story family home. After Drake found everyone an extra toothbrush and towel, they took turns using the guest bathroom until everyone was cleaned up and refreshed.

No one saw sight of Jason.

Machayla cooked a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, French toast and sausage –though it was noon by then— after finding a fully stocked fridge and pantry with the help of Sierra, Tabitha and Dennis. They all but one complimented her on her skill in the kitchen as they ate. They'd tried to get Jason to come down and eat something but he never showed and instead cooped himself in his room. After the fifth time of trying to get him out, they gave up.

Once they were done, Victor, Carter and Chico headed to the nearest phone store to buy a new phone for Machayla since she'd lost hers the night of Brandon's fatal accident. When that was done, they made their way to a pawn shop in over-town where Carter knew a guy who could not only give them some extra muscle if need be but extra ammunition on the low.

His name was Cash, short for Cassius, but of course no one dared to call him by his given name to his scared face. He was a big and burly black Jamaican man with a mocha complexion and jet black low cut hair. He looked every bit as dangerous as he sounded.

Meanwhile on the opposite side of town, Drake and Dennis dropped Sierra and Tabitha off to get their respective cars from their apartments just in case they needed some extra set of wheels.

Machayla on the other hand kept herself busy by cleaning the kitchen and the living room where the evidence of Jason's mother was attack was evident. She felt guilty as she saw a splatter of blood on the ground. That poor women was dragged into this because of her latching onto her son for safety. Why couldn't Jason understand her reasoning for wanting to put her ass on the line was beyond her? He's being childish, she concluded.

By three thirty, everyone had returned to the house with arms full of goodies. Victor, Carter and Chico with a new phone for Machayla and a trunk full of new and borrowed weapons. Dennis and Drake with trackers, chips and laptops.

When they found Machayla, she was fussing with her hair in a large mirror hanging on the wall in the entrance way of the living room. "Hey," she greeted with a smile as they walked passed her with bags. They all returned her greeting and went about their business.

"What you doing pretty lady?"

Victor magically showed up behind her in the mirror. "Trying to fix this mess on my head?" She grumbled with a defeated sigh. She watched when his hazel eyes looked down at her hair and examined it. Pushing her hand away, he put his hands through her strands and combed it through with his fingers. Once he was done he pulled all of her hair up to the middle of her head, grabbed a rubber band that Machayla never noticed before from his wrist and tucked her hair into a bun.

"There," he said proudly "you look fine now."

"Uumm thanks?" She wasn't sure about what just happened but looking in the mirror she grinned at how cute her bun was. "Where'd you learn to do hair?"

"I have sisters and these dreads can get in the way from time to time, know what I'm saying?"

She chuckled. "Yeah, I know what you saying."

"I have your phone for you."

"I told you that you didn't have to do that."

Victor cocked a brow. "I don't usually do what I'm told Machayla. Anyways, you're the only one in the crew without a phone. We need to be able to reach each other no matter what. Especially you."

"Guess you're right. What did you get?"

He handed her a paper bag with a handle. "Samsung galaxy ok with you? It's the latest version."

"That's fine, thanks." Without thinking she threw her arms around him and hugged him tight, showing her appreciation for his kindness.

"You're welcome shorty."

"I hope Jason isn't a jealous guy," Sierra said behind them. The two separated and he turned to her.

"Trust me, he don't have any of your bad qualities," Victor retorted slyly.

"As long as he's not a cheater like you then I think Machayla can overlook his other bad qualities. Stop being so bitter. It's unbecoming," Sierra returned. She looked at Machayla and held out a bag. "Brought you some clothes and stuff. I think we're about the same size so they should fit. I mean aside from that butt you have back there."

Machayla grabbed the bag graciously with a chuckle at Sierra's mention of her backside. "I owe you one. I didn't know how long I'd have to spend wearing the same yellow underw..." she trailed off when she remembered that Victor was still in the room with a shit eating grin on his face. She quickly changed the subject. "Did you get your car?"

"Damn, just when this conversation was getting interesting," he muttered with a click of his tongue.

They watched as he walked out the door and Sierra shook her head. "Yeah we brought our cars and changed. Did you see any sight of him yet?"

"Not yet. I was just going up there to check up on him."

"He was pretty upset this morning. Think he'll talk to you?"

Machayla shrugged. "I don't know. It's worth a try though."

Fifteen minutes later, after she'd change into the t-shirt, jeans and underwear Sierra brought her, Machayla stood in front of the door Victor had pointed out as Jason's bedroom door. Taking a deep breath she knocked. "Jason?"


"Can I come in? I just want to talk."

"About what?" Came a defeated voice.

She leaned her back against the wall beside the door. . "Anything... Everything. I just want to see you."

He didn't respond and she immediately assumed that he was turning her offer away until she heard the door unlock with a click and open. When she faced him he turned and walked back into the room, the door wide open.

With a sigh at his cool behavior towards her, she sighed and stepped into the room only to be hit by the familiar sent of Jason. It was a spicy intoxicating smell which mingled in with smell of pine and chestnuts. Probably a plugin his mom put in.

She looked around the spacious room and her lips stretched into a small smile as old posters of Peyton Manning, Michael Jordan and cars were plastered on white walls, a hardwood desk on the left side of the room stood against the wall with random papers thrown onto it and a large window above with a view of the side of the house, a closet on the right side of the room and a queen size bed that covered half of the room.

It was... clean, spotless. Cleaner than his apartment and cleaner than her bedroom... wait, she didn't have a bedroom, no place to live anymore. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks and she immediately shoved it to a corner in the back of her mind. Maybe she could get her apartment back. She sighed, there were other things to worry about at the moment. She would worry about where she would sleep when the time came.

She shut the door and looked towards Jason, whom was clad in nothing but black basketball shorts and a bare and well defined chest that quickly caused her mouth to go dry and a tingle in the juncture in the spot between her legs. He was laid out on the bed with his muscular arms stretched behind his head as he watched her with keen eyes. She swallowed hard as the lust she'd felt for him since that day at the park became stronger than ever. Every nerve in her body wanted to jump him in that bed but she held on. "Nice room."

"Thanks," he muttered. But his stared didn't falter.

"I... We missed you down stairs."

He nodded as he continued to watch her. "You look nice."

She averted her eyes and whispered a thank you. She was suddenly feeling shy and just a bit vulnerable with him eyeing her the way he was. She wanted to squirm as she stood there with the silence and sexual tension growing thick in between them.

She didn't know what to say to him for the first time. Funny how comfortable she always was with him until now. Why was he watching her so closely? Why wouldn't he say something? Was he really that upset about her decision or was he feeling just as hot as she was? "Listen Jason, I kno-"

"Come here."

She quirked a brow at his interrupting her. "Huh?"

"Come. Here." The softness in his voice warmed her insides and the power behind his words caused her to walk towards the bed in pure excitement and curiosity. When she was close enough, he latched onto her hand and tugged hard enough to send her toppling on top of his hard chest. He made it so their body touched in every possible way as they laid horizontally on the bed. Wrapping a hand around her waist and one behind her neck, he looked up into her brown eyes. "I missed you too."

She grinned and cupped his face with her hands. "Just me?"

"Just you."

"What about everybo-"

"Just you," he repeated with conviction and leaned up to place a searing kiss on her plump lips. The kiss started off delicate enough but quickly deepened into something more where tongues slid against each other, teeth bit into lips and hands gripped and clawed at exposed skin and flesh. This... this raw passion was new to Machayla. She ached to be closer to him, to become one with him and be thrown into a world of endless pleasure. A world that only consisted of them.

She couldn't hold back the provocative moan that slipped from her lips as Jason's hand slipped from under her shirt where he was kneading her breast and slid down to her plump backside and gripped a hand full of one round cheek as he bit into and licked the sensitive part of her neck under her ears.

"Jason." She moaned his name loudly.

He chuckled lightly. "That's your spot?" He questioned in a strained whispered.

Too breathy and turned on to answer, Machayla simply nodded and smashed her lips against his again. Their tongues tangled in another heated kiss as she copped her feel of the ridged and hard plains of his bare chest and abdomen. Meanwhile, she felt him reach up and ripped the ponytail holder Victor placed in her hair less than half an hour ago, out of her hair and tossed it.

With hair tumbling down her shoulders and falling into her face, she sat up directly on the now hard member jutting out from his shorts and smiled down at him. "Victor put that in for me after I spent ten minute trying to fix my hair. Thanks," she pouted playfully. All the shyness she was feeling before disappeared into thin air as she wiggled herself on top of him and bit down on her bottom lip.

"All the more reason to throw the damn thing out. Should've asked me." A rough sound between a whimper and a moan slipped from his lips as she ground herself down onto his hard-on. He quickly grabbed onto her waist with both hands to stop her from moving again. "You're going to pay for that."

"Oh yeah?" She challenged with a glint in her eyes. Hooking her fingers at the bottom of her shirt, she slipped it off and tossed it aside. Lifting herself off of him, she slipped her shorts down and tossed it also without breaking eye contact.

"Yeah," he choked out as his eyes settled on the peach bra and brown bouncy globes that were tucked into them. The cup were a size too small but held her full and perky breast anyways. She felt a shiver run down her spine as his hungry eyes roamed and took in the sight before him. "You have to be the most beautiful and sexy woman I ever met."

Machayla felt her cheeks heat and quickly broke their eye contact by ducking her head. "Thanks."

She felt him cup her chin and lifted her head up. "You're welcome," he muttered before he started feathering small kisses on her face. He stopped when he got to her lips and nibbled on her bottom lip before slipping his tongue back into her mouth.

"Hold on to me," he grumbled in between their kiss. Without a thought as to why, she nodded and did as he asked. A gasp left her lips when Jason smoothly flipped them over and landed on top of her capturing her lips again.

When he finally tore his mouth away from hers, she heard a moan of protest coming from her throat but it quickly ended as she him slide down her body, his lips closing over one covered and sensitive nipple. He kissed it and teased with his tongue until the only sounds that came from her lips was his name.

Switching over, he gave her twin peak the same hungry attention as the first with his expert tongue, meanwhile his fingers were softly tracing small circles down her abdomen.

The flaming need that gathered and pooled down her nether regions was shockingly unbearable. Unable to compose herself, she threw her head back and arched into his mouth. She started to grind herself against him but Jason had other ideas as he wrapped an arm around her waist and tried his hardest to hold her still.

"Jason please. I'm dying here," she pleaded.

Ignoring her with a soft chuckle that vibrated through her, he continued his assault on her breast. She was on the verge of pleading with him again when she felt his hand run down her stomach and land right at her hot and creamy center.

Putting pressure on his index and middle finger, Jason placed them right on the lacey panties that covered her heated core and started to slowly stroke her. A loud moan tried to make its way from her throat but he quickly muffled it by trapping her lips under his again. Her hips began to move against his strong fingers on their own accord as his movements became quicker and harder against her soaking wet panties causing her to tremble in his arms.

At that point she'd reach her tolerance level and was just about ready to rip the flimsy panty off when a sharp knock was heard from behind the door.

They both froze and unison. Jason with a deep frown on his face which clearly showed his irritation at being interrupted and Machayla with wide eyes that switched over to the door and stared.

"Maybe they'll leave if we ignore them," she whispered.

Jason's lip quirked up in an endearing way when he looked down at her. "Let's hope."

"You two have five minutes to get dressed and meet us in the kitchen. We have visitors." Drake's voice penetrated through the door and Machayla had to wonder how he knew that they were in the middle of... something.

Jason quickly got up, adjusted himself and in four strides was able to reach for the handle and rip the door open to meet his brother's blank stare. "Visitors? Who?"

Drake smirked and shrugged. "An old friend and maybe some new ones." He looked over Jason's shoulder and into the room where Machayla, who was still nearly naked in the bed, was in clear view of his sight. "At least you got good taste little bro."

With an animalistic snarl, Jason stepped back and slammed the door in his face. Drake's laugh echoed through the hall as he walked away.

"Your brother is a jackass," Machayla huffed as she rose from the bed and dressed herself.

"You're not telling nothing I don't know babe."

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