Herobrine, The True Evil Bein...

By Jbrine061

13.6K 791 2.6K

I've heard stories claiming that an evil man by the name of Herobrine haunts the world of Minecraft, but does... More

My past
Our First Trial
Our Final Test
The Dream
The girl who lived
This is just a Thank You
Who can we trust?
What now?
When will this end?
Too late
The begining of my end
The Nether.
Questions no answers
I don't make threats, I make promises
The 'End'
So, we meet again
The Fallen Kingdoms
he's too far gone...
The pain of reality
I warned you
The beginings of war
*Insert clever title here*
More problems...
The Glitch Begins
what's the point?
It's Not The End, It's A New Begining.
The final Chapter...

Lord Herobrine?

368 22 175
By Jbrine061

This always happens to me doesn't it? I open my eyes and see one of the ghasts. His sad eyes staring into mine as I sit up. "What now?" I asked as I walked to the edge of my perch.

"It's the king.....he's, he's....." The ghast studdered.

Begining to grow impatient I snapped. "Spit it out! What's wrong?"

"He's dead!" The ghast finally said.

"Dead?" I repeated quietly. "How? How is the king of the Nether dead?"

The ghast looked at me sadly. "I...we don't know. The guards heard screaming from his room and ran to help, but when they got their....he was dead."

I looked away and stared at the ground. "No....he can't be dead. The kingdom....Who will take his place?" The ghast said nothing, and looked at me. I teleported to the king's room and looked around. The guards were surrounding the room, unaware I had entered. I looked at the king. His crown across the room, a sword made of pure obsidian next to his body. His head on the other side. I kneeled next to him and bowed my head in respect. When I looked up again, I noticed a note under the sword. I picked it up and read what was written.

Consider this a warning. If you try to stop me, or if you manage to escape from your prision....I will put an end to your miserable life, just as I did your king's. This will be your first and final warning Brine. If I find you, I will kill you. It's your choice, live or die, their life, or yours. Choose wisely.


I read and reread the note. After reading it for the fifth time, I gritted my teeth and set the paper to flame. As I watched it burn to ashes in my hand, the guards took notice I was in the room. "Brine, are you alright? What are you doing here?"

I continued to stare at the pile of ash in my hand, "Who will be your king now? Who will rule over your land and protect you, lead you?" I asked, my eyes glued to the ash, the note still fresh in my mind.

The blaze said nothing and looked to the wither skeleton. "We know not who will be our knew king." He replyed. I nodded and dropped the ash and paper flakes on the floor. "But we pray to Notc-"

"Praying to that fool will get you nowhere!" I snapped turning to face the two guards. They backed away slightly and looked at me.

"We pray that we will soon find a king to lead our land. If not, then the kingdom will go to war with the others."

I stood still and stared at the ground. "Other kingdoms? I thought they were all destroyed..."

The wither skeleton shook his head. "I think one still remains. And no one has been able to..." As the skeleton was speaking, a zombie pig man walked in and wispered something to him. The skeleton nodded and looked at me. "The Nether has no ruler. The last kingdom's king has fallen." He said quietly.

I looked at the beheaded king next to me. He layed in front of his desk. I walked over to it and grabbed the first pice of paper I saw, hoping to find something to help us decide who he wanted the air to be. I skimmed the paper and landed on one set of lines.

'I entrust him with my life. With all our lives. Herobrine will one day rule the Nether and protect it from harm. He will soon take my place, I feel my end drawing near....'

I looked to the guards. "Well, looks like the king wanted me to take his place...." I joked. They looked at me like I was crazy.

I handed them the paper and allowing them to read what the king had written a few days ago. They looked up to me and kneeled. "Lord Herobrine." They said in unison.

"What? You actually think I can be a king? No! No way, I couldn't possibly rule over the Nether. I just......can't." I said taking a few steps back.

They looked up at me. "If the king belived you were worthy of taking his place as king, then you are able to rule over us, to protect us in ways he could not. You are our king now Herobrine. You will lead us all." The wither skeleton stated as they bowed their heads again in respect.

I just stared at them, completely bewildered. How can I rule and protect a whole dimension, when I couldn't protect one town from myself? "I-I can't.....I just...." I shook my head, still staring at the two guards kneeling before me.

The skeleton looked up to me once more. "But you must. The Nether can't be without its king. Please Brine, the kingdom needs you, the Nether needs you."

I glared at him. "How am I suppose to protect your whole dimension, if I couldn't save my town?"

"Brine, you were forced to...."

"No, I didn't fight back, they're gone and I did nothing to stop Entity." I said sadly looking away.

"Brine, that wasn't your fault, the sooner you realize that, the sooner you will be able to rule over our land."

"That was my fault....I was weak, I gave in.....I failed." They protested some more and I stayed silent.

"Please Brine, the Nether needs a ruler, and you're the only one who the king entrusted."

I looked up to them, their faces worried and tired. I sighed. "Fine, if I really am the only one to take his place, then so be it." I stated walking out of the room.

"Thank you Brine, thank you." The blaze said as I walked down the halls.

King? How can I be a king? Lord Herobrine, king of the Nether, that's what I'll be known as now. Feared by all, ruler of hell. I walked to the town and flew to my perch that I've lived on for a while. I sat and leaned against the bedrock wall. I put my knees to my chest, and wrapped my hands around them, I buried my head in my knees and shut my eyes. I can't do this. I can't rule the Nether. How can I? I couldn't protect a small town, how am I.....  I looked up and rested my chin on my knees. What will Entity gain in killing the Nether king? I'm sure he's already planning on taking over the overworld....what does he need the Nether for?

"Herobrine? Oh, there you are, the head guard wants to speak with you." A blaze said as he floated up to me.

I nodded ant silently teleported to the head guard. She was pacing the floor, the only other person in the Nether....well, person isn't really the right word, more like hybrid. I belive she's a wolf hybrid, her ears against her head and her tail swaying left and right in frustration. I leaned on the wall and watched her pace the room. "Where is he? I sent for him almost ten minutes ago....I knew I couldn't trust that blaze." She muttered staring at the ground.

"Aww come on, David isn't that bad. I'm just really good at hiding and keeping to myself." I said smerking. She jumped slightly and looked at me, drawing her weapon and bristling her tail. "What's the matter Kiley? Did ya bark up the wrong tree?" I asked still leaning on the wall.

"How the Nether did you get in here?"

I snickered. "Did ya loose your brain to?" I teleported behind her and disarmed her before she could stop me. "I can teleport you idiot."

She growled and grabbed her blade, sheathing it. "Still don't get why you won't be one of the guards, you're good.

I looked away. "Uhhhh, reasons. I'd rather not talk about it..."

She nooded and looked at the door. "Where's the king? He was suppose to meet me here as well."

I hesitated for a moment. "He's not coming." I said looking away.

"Why?" Kiley asked looking at me coutiously.

"He's dead. I'm taking his place." I said looking her in the eye.

She started laughing, obviously thinking that I was joking. I frowned and she soon realized I was serious. "He's really gone?" She asked, her laughter gone. I nodded. "You're really taking his place." I nodded again. She kneeled and bowed her head. "My lord." She said respectfully.

"Please don't do that Kiley...."

"But you're the king now." She said standing.

"Yah, don't remind me." I muttered as she walked over to the table shaking her head. "What did you want me for anyway?" I asked following her.

"War is coming, I was gonna talk to you and the king about it, but seeing how you're the king, I guess you'll have to listen closely." I walked to the window as she told me about the war she felt was comeing. I knew deep down that I felt the same way. But, unlike her, I knew who would attack us. And if I can, he'll die. "My lord, what do we do?"

"Well, first things first. The kingdom should know about their king. And the war will have to wait until we have more of an idea of who and when it will happen. Just make sure they keep their guards up. If it's who I think it is, they'll need to be ready." I stared out the window down apon the Nether. Everyone at peace, a peace that won't last much longer.

"Yes sir." She said bowing and walking out. I watched her leave and looked out the window once more to see the town surrounding the castle. Looks of fear and sadness on their faces. After a moment, their expressions changed and they sighed slightly. One pig man looked to me and the open window. He kneeled and soon the others followed suit, they were all bowing their heads and as one they said, "Lord Herobrine, protector of the Nether and leader of our army."

I looked at them all and walked away. Just one more problem on my shoulders. One more thing for Entity to rip away from me. One more loss....


Done! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY AMERICA! And to those of you who aren't American, hope you're having a great day!


Well, Hero how was this chapter?

Hero: *looks at chapter*....*looks away* it's fine.

*frowns* sorry I'm putting you through this Hero. If ya want, I'll stop.

Hero:...no, it's fine, just a bit hard that's all.

....well, *tackles Hero into a hug* I'm sure you've been through worse than having to remember some stuff!

Hero: yah, like you and Es tackling me constantly.

Oh, come on, it's not that bad. *hugs tighter* you're my friend, I don't like seeing you like this.

Hero: *smiles and hugs J* yah well, I'll live.

*smiles* Anyway, if you did just enjoy that, then hit the vote button and keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter. I'm J and I'll talk to you later peepz. BBBIIIIII!

Hero: until next time mortals.

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