Rise Of The Uncharted: Golden...

By indiaherring

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The Journey continues as Lara Croft and Nathan Drake work together as a dynamic duo. They are on their way to... More

Chapter 1: Intense Training
Chapter 2: Nathan Returns
Chapter 3: The Golden Fleece
Chapter 4: Flashbacks
Chapter 5: Bad Things Can Happen
Chapter 6: The Journey Begins Once More
Chapter 7: Traveling Divided
Chapter 9: Flamenco Chase
Chapter 10: Italian Drama
Chapter 11: Love Gives A Purpose
Chapter 12: Forbidden Tomb
Chapter 13: Alone Once More
Chapter 14: Finally Reunited
Chapter 15: Escape Plan
Chapter 16: Conflict Troubles
Chapter 17: Gods Meeting
Chapter 18: Greece Showdown

Chapter 8: Spanish Paradise

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By indiaherring

(Sully and Nathan were at a restaurant in Spain sipping beer and watching the news.)

Sully: "Now, this is relaxing."

Nathan: "I know. It's nice to take a break once in a while."

Sully: "You got that right, kid."

Nathan: "I wonder how Lara is doing."

Sully: "I'm sure she's fine. Everything is fine."

Nathan: "You sure?"

Sully: "Of course. We did say long way back that we would go visit her while we're on vacation. And here we are, kid. At the most beautiful places of all time, Spain. Plus the women here, too." (He nudged Nathan's arm.)

Nathan: "I know what you are trying to do, Sully and so far it's not working."

Sully: "I thought it was. All these women are beautiful."

Nathan: "Not as hot and sexy as Lara. She's my bueno gloria." (He finds a morning glory flower and picks it from the bush.)

Sully: "Wow, kid. I didn't know you speak Spanish."

Nathan: "Lara taught me Spanish. I learned pretty well."

Sully: "That's fantastic, kid. Did she teach you tongue language as well?" (He laughs.)

Nathan: "Okay, Sully."

Sully: "It's funny, though."

Nathan: "Laugh all you want, but I really do care about her."

Sully: "She is a good woman to you. You guys seem like a match."

Nathan: "I guess we are."

Sully: "When I saw Lara for the first time. I knew you guys were destined to be together. You just had to get to know each other."

Nathan: "Really?"

Sully: "I just thought that maybe in the end you guys could marry each other."

Nathan: "Well, I don't know about that."

Sully: "Come on, it's in the bag."

Nathan: "Hmm. I don't know."

Sully: "It wouldn't hurt at all."

Nathan: "It'll have to wait another time. For now, I don't think I'm ready for it yet."

Sully: "Okay then."

Nathan: "Why didn't you get married?"

Sully: "Because I'm old, kid. I'm not fit to be married."

Nathan: "Why not?"

Sully: "Because I can't handle the pressure of having a child on my hands that I have to be responsible for."

Nathan: "Oh."

Sully: "Yes. It didn't work out."

Nathan: "I'm sorry."

Sully: "Ah. Nothing to be sorry for, kid." (He sipped his beer and watched tv. Nathan puts the morning glory flower in a safe place where it doesn't get smashed.)

Nathan: "There we go." (He sits there with Sully drinking his cold beer and watching the news.)

Sully: "I'm sure she will love that gift."

Nathan: "Yeah. Me too."

(Meanwhile, Elena and Lara were at the pump station filling up on gas and ammo. Lara was sitting in the car having the earpiece in her ear. Lara hears a dial going.)

*Bryce: "Hello?"

Lara: "Bryce? It's me, Lara."

*Bryce: "You're alive! Yes! I knew you would be! Zip is like jumping for joy right now! He was so excited that you didn't die!" (Lara chuckled and smiled.)

Lara: "I'm not planning on dying today."

*Bryce: "I can tell."

*Zip: "You're the boss, L.C.!"

Elena: "Hey, what about me, guys?"

*Zip: "Oh yeah and Elena too."

Elena: "Thank you."

*Bryce: "So, what are you doing?"

Lara: "We're fueling up the Jeep right now."

*Bryce: "Nice. Where are you?"

Lara: "We're somewhere close to Arizona."

*Bryce: "Wow, you're quick. You must've drove pretty fast."

Elena: "Yeah. No kidding."

*Bryce: "Oh. You did, didn't you?"

Lara: "Had to be done. I was in a rush."

*Bryce: "Well, just take it easy on your driving."

Lara: "I'm trying my best, aren't I?"

*Bryce: "Yes, but just be careful. Okay?"

Lara: "I got this under control."

*Zip: "Yeah, you do. Do your thing, girls."

Lara: "We will, Zip." (She was about to push the button.)

*Bryce: "Wait, Lara! Lara?" (Lara pressed the button and Bryce in his trailer, got offended when she did that.)

Bryce: "Well bye then." (He puts his headset on his desk. Back to Lara getting out of the Jeep while Elena is finishing pumping gas. The sun is about to go down.)

Lara: "We might wanna find a place to rest for the night soon."

Elena: "Yep. I was thinking the same thing as you."

Lara: "I'm going to put the supplies in the car. Are you just about finished?"

Elena: "Almost there." (Lara went back to the car and took out some ammo. She puts some of it in her two pistols and reloads it. Then she puts some in the other pistol that Elena used. After that, she put the rest of the supplies in the back of the trunk and heard the earpiece ringing again. Lara was irritated.)

Lara: (Sighs) "Bryce." (She puts the earpiece back in her ear and spoke.)

Lara: "Hello? Lara speaking." (It was Nathan on the line.)

*Nathan: "Lara? It's me, Nate."

Lara: "Nathan, it's you." (Elena finished pumping and saw Lara talking on the earpiece.)

*Nathan: "Thank god, it works. Lara, I missed you."

Lara: "I did too, how did you find this number?"

*Nathan: "Sully and I were going through so many radio channels just to find you and we did."

Lara: "Sully. How's Sully?"

*Nathan: "He's fine. He's sitting right next to me."

*Sully: "Hey, Lara."

Lara: "Hey, Sully. Where are you guys?"

*Sully: "We're in Spain. Having a wonderful paradise."

Lara: "Spain? The hell?"

*Sully: "Don't ask me. Ask Nathan."

*Nathan: "What? I wanted to come here for vacation."

*Sully: "Anyway, we came here to take a break. Let loose a little."

Lara: "I understand that and I wish I was there."

*Nathan: "I know. Where are you?"

Lara: "I'm in Arizona."

*Nathan: "Arizona? What are you doing in Arizona?"

Lara: "Looking for Ares shield and to find out what is the meaning of the golden fleece. I know where it's located."

*Sully: "You do? Where?"

Lara: "It's in Venice. Forbidden in a tomb."

*Nathan: "Venice. As in Italy?"

Lara: "That's correct. We all have to meet there and I'm a couple days away."

*Nathan: "I think we're a couple days too. We'll make it, though."

Lara: "We will."

*Nathan: "So, what happened to you while you were on the road?"

Lara: "I got chased by a whole gang of bandits because they wanted the artifact."

*Sully: "You got chased by bandits? Are you okay?"

Lara: "I'm perfectly fine. It's just they wanted to take the golden fleece."

*Nathan: "Whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Golden Fleece? The golden fleece as in the gods of Greece who created it?"

Lara: "That's it. I found it in my house and it was hidden in a secret room. It was silky and golden. When it glows, it shows you what's going to happen in your life or before. The fleece is magic."

*Sully: "Holy crap!"

*Nathan: "So, that's why they came after you. They wanted the..."

Lara: "The fleece, yes. Either they are going to bring it to their master or worse."

*Nathan: "Whatever you do, don't let anyone get that golden fleece." (Lara now knows what's going on. She saw the image where someone was spying on them in Croft's Manor. The person overheard the conversation about the golden fleece and Greek mythology. And now realizes that they are the targets.)

Lara: "Wait a second."

*Nathan: "What?"

Lara: "We got a huge problem. Remember when you came to see me that day when I gave you the tour?"

*Nathan: "Sure. Why?"

Lara: "Someone spied on us while we were talking about Greek mythology. And do you know about the Ares shield?"

*Nathan: "Yeah. What about it?"

Lara: "Well, don't you think they'll be after not only the shield and the golden fleece, but us as well?" (Nathan was shocked.)

*Sully: "Aw, hell."

Lara: "The people have eyes everywhere and they'll get answers from us if we have the golden fleece. If they know and we don't give them what they want, they'll start executing." (Nathan and Sully looks on the walls and found there were wanted posters of all of them.)

*Nathan: "Oh, no."

Lara: "What? What is it?"

*Sully: "Kid, there are wanted posters of us on the walls of Spain. They have news that we have the Golden Fleece."

Lara: "That's not right. My father and the explorers found this Golden Fleece in the heart of Egypt. It passed down to Ramses grave years later before the Egyptians buried him."

*Nathan: "Well, it looks like it's in our possession now."

*Sully: "Oh man. We can't let anyone find out that we have the golden fleece."

Lara: "And they're not going to. I have a plan. Go to the closest abandoned motel until the midnight. After that go to Venice and don't let anyone see you. The whole world thinks we're selfish and we want it for ourselves."

*Nathan: "Sounds like a plan. Do you think it will work?"

Lara: "It will. I'll see you in Venice."

*Nathan: "Okay. See you then." (Lara then hangs up. Elena walks over to the passenger side of the Jeep.)

Elena: "What's the matter?"

Lara: "We're wanted."

Elena: "What?"

Lara: "People know we have the golden fleece and they want it, but we need it. This is going down the wrong turn."

Elena: "This is bad. Can't we just give it to them?"

Lara: "Are you nuts? We need this golden fleece to find answers and what's it pointing to, not give it to them. Who knows what they will do to us after we give them the fleece. I know we won't have a prize reward that's for sure. Because we are the prize award!"

Elena: "Oh gee. Sucks to be you."

Lara: "It's not just me! All of us are in this mess! They want our heads! We can't trust anyone. They will convince us to give them the golden fleece and we're not going to let them."

Elena: "Does Nathan know?"

Lara: "Of course I did. We just had this conversation."

Elena: "Is he okay?"

Lara: "He's fine. I told him everything. Wait, why are you bringing up Nathan into this conversation? We're trying to keep our heads here while there still attached to our shoulders!"

Elena: "Okay okay. Sorry. So what do we do?"

Lara: "We need to go to a hotel that's abandoned and keep ourselves hidden. We're wanted all over the world."

Elena: "Okay. Any other info?" (Lara took 5 black window curtains out of the glove compartment and gave them to Elena.)

Lara: "Attach them to all the windows inside the car. We don't want to give away our secrets."

Elena: "Won't it be hard to see with the windows covered up?"

Lara: "That's the point. They won't be able to see inside this Jeep, but we can see outside the Jeep."

Elena: "Ah. Like tinted windows. I got you."

Lara: "Correction. Let's go." (She cranked up the engine and drove fast to the motel which is a couple miles away.)

(End of Chapter 8: Spain Paradise)

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