Fuckboy ↬ Nick Robinson Fanfi...

By cooIkid

4.5K 128 37

She followed the rules and didn't get attached. So why? Why did she end up not wining that damn game? More



319 11 4
By cooIkid

"I still love the people I've loved, even if I cross the streets to avoid them,"
-Uma Thurman


"Now when I say go, you fucking run," he grinned, looking through the tiny holes in the walls.

"Wait, we can't just run,"

"Sure we can,"

"They're going to see you and you're going to get fired,"

"That's if they see us,"

I let out a soft giggle and ran my fingers through my hair to get it out of my face. He looked on both sides of us, both his hands still on each side on my body leaning on the wall behind me.

"You ready?" he smirked, his gaze landing on my face.

I nodded and on the count of 3, he slid out of the walls and I followed him as silently as I could. He stopped moving and looked slightly to his left, behind him, seeing the two patrols talking to each other.
They couldn't see him from where we were, behind the walls. It was dangerous the moment we would start running because we would leave those walls which hid us perfectly fine.


I didn't look back, I started sprinting, trying to hold my laughter each step I took.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a corner, behind some trees as I was still laughing, almost hysterically by then.

"Did they see us?" I whispered, chuckling. He sat us down and I peaked a look to the left, seeing that they were still in their initial position.
"We're good," I said, turning my gaze to him. He was smirking as usual, leaning on the tree behind him. His arms were resting on both his knees and I was seated facing him, silence filling the air around us for a few seconds. We made eye contact, his eyes expressing cockyness, or lust even. Whatever it was, it gave me this weird feeling in my chest. I could've continued to stare at him for so much longer, but I would've gotten lost, or I wouldn't have been able to resist him any longer, so I stood up silently, checking for the patrols who were by now gone.
"They're gone," I said, breaking the silence.

"Good," he replied, standing up as well, "I've always wanted to kiss a girl in that thing, I can cross that off my bucket list," he winked, slightly simpering, looking pleased with himself.

"Well, I'm glad to be the one you granted that desire with,"

"I have others wishes that need to be granted,"

"Like what?" I asked, following the trail we had previously taken to get out of the forest.

"I guess you'll have to stick around to find out,"

I stopped walking for a few seconds and turned around to look at him. Of course, he was smirking, he walked past me and looked back at me with playful eyes.
I giggled and started walking once more, and as soon as he turned back around to look in front of him, my grin faded, hating myself for craving his lips on mine once more.

"What am I supposed to tell Scar anyway? I don't even understand why she's hooked, she literally has known him for 3 days," I said, licking my spoon full of ice cream.

"That dude is a fucking douche with girls, Lara. I'm not saying he's a bad guy in general, he's fucking dope and chill, chill like Will level," Max replied, looking up from his phone, "But he gets with fucking everything that moves, every time we go out it's a different girl. You think that with me it's always someone different, you should see him. He doesn't give a shit about Scar, he just thought she was hot. Chances are it was the same with you,"

"I know that, but she's head over heels for that guy, and if she knows about the party and about this afternoon, I'm screwed,"

"This afternoon?" he asked, suspicious, putting his phone on the table.

"Yeah," I replied, forgetting I hadn't told him about my ditching with Nick, "I ditched with him, not a big deal,"

He rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Let me guess, he took you to this summer camp he works at?"

"Yeah..." I trailed off, confused, "How do you know?"

"He fucking takes everyone there, congrats, you're his new victim," he simpered to himself, grabbing a handful of popcorn, "I know him, and I know you, don't go there, Lara. It's dangerous,"

"Dangerous? I'm not like Scar, Max. I don't get attached,"

"That's a lie, I know that look, you're into him,"

"Dude, I've literally known from the beginning that he was a fuckboy, I didn't and still don't expect anything emotional with him," I replied, scratching the bottom of my plastic cup for the remaining of ice cream.

"Oh, because you expect something sexual,"

"Excuse me?"

"We call that a fuck friend, Lara," he replied, smirking, leaning back on his chair.

"Yeah I know what fuck friends are,"

"Don't go there either, it only works out in movies. One of them always ends up getting attached and I can guarantee you, it won't be Nick," he chuckled, chewing on some popcorn, "He usually gets tired in a month if the girl hasn't given him what he wants and moves on to the next. Of course, he gets with other girls in the mean time, but they don't know that,"

"You have weird friends,"

"Boys will be boys, I can't blame him for getting with hot girls. And I believe there's a soft side to him, we just haven't found it yet. I mean, when he'll fall in love for real, if that ever happens, I guess he'll change,"

"People like that don't fall in love," I said, throwing my cup in the trash can.

"Everyone does, eventually. Everyone has emotions, Lara, even I do," he grinned, standing up from his seat.

"I know,"

I stood up as well, following him outside the ice cream shop.

"But that still doesn't answer my question," I said, looking at my feet, "What do I tell Scar?"

"The truth would be good,"

I glared at him and raised my eyebrows, "Oh really?"

"Yeah, really. Tell her that he's a fucking asshole with girls and that he doesn't give a fuck about emotional bonds and shit, and then you slide something in there about how you made out with him the same night she did and that he took you to his camp and that you did it again, there it's settled,"

"I can't tell her like that,"

"You tell her however you want to, Patty,"

"No. You don't call me Patty, Patterson will do perfectly fine,"

"Okay fine, Patterson, promise me one thing,"


"Don't mess with Nick. Get away from him, okay?"

"I promise,"

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