The Breakup Girl

By lastofdays

55.7K 1.1K 119

Paige was always one of the popular girls, but never had a boyfriend before in her life, or even talked to bo... More

The Breakup Girl
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
The Breakup Girl

Chapter Two

3.2K 60 3
By lastofdays

"Paige, get up." Claire said, barging into my room.

Sam was with her, too, who opened my blinds and window. The sun was too bright. I sat up and squinted my eyes at the sunlight. Then, I sank back into my bed and went under the covers.

"Go away!" I mumbled through the pillow, which created a muffled sound.

"Paige, you're taking this way too out of control." Claire sat on my bed.

"How many days has it been?" Sam asked.

"Two weeks." I felt my eyes tearing up.

"Exactly. You didn't even date him!" Claire said.

I sat up and gave her a death stare. My uncombed hair was all over my face and my eyes were heavy and full of sleep.

"Yes, but how many guys have I ever dated? Or should I rephrase that. How many guys have I ever even talked to?" I said, "maybe I am taking it too far, but you don't know what it feels like. I'm miserable."

My voice was soft at the last part. It was quiet for a few seconds. I could feel Sam sit at the edge of my bed with Claire.

"You're right, Paige. We really don't know what it feels like, but we know what a heartbreak feels like. It sucks, it does, but you have to go on with life. You don't even text any of us anymore. We're your best friends, and as a best friend, I'm worried. Because what happens if someone who you actually went out with for a long time breaks up with you?" Claire said.

"We're scared that something bad would happen." Sam added.

I hated to admit it, but they had a point. I had a dark past creeping from behind. I didn't want the past to come back to haunt me. I knew what I was capable of.

"The worst part... is that I don't even think he cares." I started to cry again.

I felt Claire put her hand on my shoulder.

"Paige, we are going to help you get through this. Okay? So please, get dressed." Sam said.

Claire took my hands and tried pulling me up. I was still small so no matter how hard I tried to stay in bed, she was able to pull me up. I was still under 100 pounds.

"Fine, fine, whatever." I mumbled and went to my closet as they watched me.

I pulled out black leggings and a soft, Navy Blue hoodie from Forever 21. I brushed my teeth while they stayed in my room on their phones. I brushed my hair, but I didn't feel like straightening it so I quickly put it up in a cute ponytail. I went back to my room and did my makeup.

I did feel better, I had to say. I put on perfume, deodorant, and my shoes, and then I was ready.

"Okay, I'm ready. Where are you taking me?" I told them.

"Are you hungry?" Claire asked.

I felt my stomach grumble. I guess I was hungry, I never really thought about it. I was too busy crying to eat. I realized that the last thing I ate was the morning before. I had peanut butter crackers. That was it.

"I'm starving." I nodded.

We wound up going to the mall and getting some Starbucks. We shopped for a little bit, and it took things off my mind for a while. I got a bunch of tops and a few cute dresses, and then we went to the Food Court where I got Chickfila.

"Do you feel better?" Sam asked me.

"A little." I shrugged, while taking a sip of my coke.

Then it happened. I saw something in the corner of my eye. It was someone I knew. I looked up and saw Sam whisper something to Claire. Claire's eyes got huge and she turned around to glance behind her.

"What?" I asked.

"Uhh," she started grabbing our trash and our bags. "um, let's go now."

I stood up and looked around for what they were freaking out about, and then, it hit me. It hit me like a bus, right into my stomach. I put my arms around me, because I felt like I was going to pass out or throw up. I needed to hold myself together. It took the wind out of me, and I was replaced by that empty, lonely feeling I was feeling those past two weeks.

It was Brandon Dowey, with Jayden Fetch, the biggest bitch of our highschool. I was civil with Jayden. I had known her since first grade, and even then, she always was the one who was involved with all the drama.

Jayden wore her dark hair down and straightened. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a tank top with cheetah print all over it. Her makeup was darker than usually, because she was most likely trying to show off in front of Brandon.

Brandon. He sat at a little table with her. They were laughing. It was just the two of them. Just the two of them, can you believe it?!

"Paige, don't anything!" Sam cried.

I guess she saw the hate in my eyes. She probably thought I was going to say something rude to them, but I had other ideas.

I ignored her and walked away from Brandon and Jayden's table, so they wouldn't be able to see me. Then, I grabbed my Spicy Chicken Sandwich trash from Chickfila, and chucked it right at Brandon. The best was that it hit both of them, when I only aimed at the asshole who broke my heart. I continued walking out of the food court like nothing happened, when Sam and Claire caught up with me, hysterically laughing.

"What the hell, Paige?! I feel like we're in a movie!" Sam started dying laughing.

"I just hope security didn't see anything," I shook my head and grinned.

The next few minutes were spent with all of us hysterically laughing, which felt good, considering I hadn't done it in a while.

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