The Big Five

By Ferealbum

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Excerpt: I laughed with my best friend. Joey had slipped by stepping on a puddle of water. He rubbed the back... More

1. The Big Five
2. Favors, Sleepovers, and Shopping
3. Hating Pickles and Hiding Nicole
4. Spill the beans and eat the Ice-cream
5. Mending Relationships....or Not
6. Flirting, Hating, and the Death Whistle
7. Fisher's Treat
8. Overdue Books and Rainy Day Romances?
9. Cheater Cheater Lasagna Eater
10. Clumsy, nerdy, five-year-old artist
11. The Creep, the Jock, and the Quiet Girl
12. Onesies or Revealing Costumes
13. Halloween Dance Party
14. My hero is a cop
15. Happy Birthday, Joey
16. Die Twice, Live Twice
17. BFFs and the surprise guest
18. Big Brother's Mischief
19. Daddy Problems
21. The Notebook
22. Stupid Fat Fingers and Exhausting Holidays
23. Curiosity killed the cat
24. Happy Holidays
25. Several Reasons Why
26. Chances
27. My Petty Problems
28. Besties
29. Darned Tripping Mechanism
30. Dances and Goodbye?
31. Confession
32. Emma's Valentine
33. End It
34. Dilemma
35. Make Up
36. No Problem
37. How to Relieve Stress
38. Final-ly
39. Closure

20. The Flu

185 15 1
By Ferealbum

Thanksgiving break passed by on a whim. We visited our grandmother. She made some awesome curry. She used to live in India before moving back here, so the curry she made was delicious.

We also stopped by our paternal grandparent's house. It got really awkward when we saw dad again, but we got over it. Afterwards, we went back to Riverside and Trey went back to college or the police academy or whatever he called it.

I forgot to tell Maggie and Emma that Caleb was the one who pushed me off the pool, so Maggie had a real big fight with Sophie. I had to go apologize to Sophie about Maggie since my BFF was too prideful to apologize.

I wasn't feeling too good, so I let Sophie go when she started talking trash about me. That was only in the morning. Class hadn't even started yet.

I coughed and shivered. I felt cold and hot at the same time. I sluggishly walked to class. I took my seat and rested my head on my arms. I really wasn't feeling good.

"Hey, Nicole!" Alex came in enthusiastically and took a seat next to me.

I groaned. "Alex. Please, not today."

"Why? Are you okay?" He sounded concerned, so I didn't think he was mocking me.

I shuddered. "I'm perfectly fine."

"You sure don't look fine," he studied me. "Your face is flushed and you look like you've been running a marathon."

I touched my forehead. It didn't seem hot. Maybe I had a slight fever. My throat did hurt a bit and I had a mild headache.

"I'll be okay," I smiled. I sneezed. Great. I must have caught a cold.

"You've caught a cold," Alex stated.

"Wow, congratulations on being so observant," I said sarcastically. "I'm fine, so just stop bothering me."

"Fine, but only because you aren't in top condition," he grinned. "It really wouldn't be fair if I succeed when you're so vulnerable."

I rolled my eyes, but didn't argue. I didn't feel like constantly talking.

I felt dizzy and I seriously thought I was going to faint, but I got through the day just fine. Mr. Stilton let me sit out of PE because he thought I, quote on quote, "look like crap".

I barely had an appetite, so Roger took my sandwich. My strength was gone. I must have been awfully sick since I kept coughing and sneezing. I really did not feel like riding my bike. If only someone could take me on their car.

I asked Joey, but he had detention after school with Sam for pulling some prank on Mrs. Williams, so he couldn't take me unless I waited till then.

Maggie had to go home early since her cousin came for a visit from Japan. Apparently, she's a hotshot model who succeeded in the entertainment industry in Japan, so Maggie had to leave right after lunch if she wanted to spend some time with her.

Emma didn't have a car and she was in the cheerleading club, so she had to go to today's game. That left me and my miserable self here all alone.

I went back in the school to see if there was anyone who could take me home. I found Roger in the art room. I went over to him curiously.

"Roger?" I said. "You're still in class?"

Roger looked up and beamed at me. "Yeah. What do you think?"

I looked at the easel. Whoa. He had drawn a picture of the beach. Tree branches covered part of the beach and it seemed as if I was looking out a window.

"That," I pointed at it. "Is amazing. Are you going to paint it?"

Roger nodded. "I like to spend my time here alone to think. Art really helps me clear my head."

I nodded. "I know what you mean. Drawing just somehow lets your thoughts wonder."

"Yep, it sure does."

"I'll leave it to you, then," I said. I was going to ask him for a ride, but I thought it would be better if he finished his painting. That left Eric. I mean, yeah, I could have asked someone else, but I realized when I got on my bike that I just didn't have the strength to ride home and by then it was too late. I looked around for someone to take me, but they were all either gone or parked to stay for the game. The only one left was a car filled with smoking teens.

My head was hurting as it was, so I really didn't want to get in a car filled with smoke.

I sighed. I knew Eric was still in the school since he had to stay behind to see the principle again. He might have gone out already, but I decided to look for him. If he wasn't here, I would just take my bike home and hope I don't fall off and die.

I walked around slowly. Stupid cold. Maybe I should just leave. Looking for someone to take me home was wasting time and I might just end up going home alone, anyway.

Eric never went to games, so I didn't bother to search the fields. How do I know this? Everyone knew that. They knew most of the Big Five's habits. I found it a bit creepy, but that was what happened if you were popular.

I was just about to give up when I spotted him near the bathrooms. I ran over to him, but in this condition it was more of a speedwalk.

"Eric!" I waved my hands to get his attention.

"Peter?" He said. "What are you doing here?"

I let out a deep breath. "I was wondering if you could take me home today. I really don't feel like taking my bike, and there was no one to take me. Sorry for being such a bother."

He leaned down to my level and searched my eyes. I felt sick and didn't want to let him see me like this.

"You don't look so good," he remarked.

"I don't feel so good," I replied.

Before I could think about anything else, he put his hand on my forehead. It felt cool to the touch and I wondered if it was because he washed his hands.

"You have a fever," he said gruffly. "A high fever."

I removed his hand and felt for myself. It didn't feel that hot. "I think I'm fine. It's not that hot."

Eric shrugged. "Well, I guess I need to give you that ride."

"Thanks a lot," I said genuinely. "And I'm really sorry for bothering you like this. I keep making you do stuff for me."

"Yeah, you definitely need to pay me back," he said.

"Yeah, but how?"

He thought for a moment. Then leaned in and whispered in my ear, "How about giving me your virginity?"

I jumped back. "What?!"

He smirked. "You're so gullible." Then he walked away, just like that.

Normally I would have gotten angry and given him one long lecture, but I really wasn't feeling it today. I was about to go, but I felt my stomach do a weird flip. Oh no. My food was coming up.

Thank goodness I met him by the bathrooms. I ran into the girls' bathroom and burst into the closest cubicle. I got down and poured out my stomach contents.

Once I was done, I flushed the toilet and shakily got up. I used the wall and door to help me up and washed my hands. I splashed some water on my face to cool me up, then gurgled some water to get the disgusting taste of bile off my mouth.

Ugh. I went out of the bathroom and walked to the school entrance. The hallway seemed longer than usual. I forced my steps forward. Getting drenched in a warm pool then hit by cold November air was a recipe for the flu.

I finally arrived and saw Eric waiting on a motorcycle. Really? A freaking motorcycle?

I sighed. Well, what's the worst that could happen?

Falling off and cracking open your skull, a voice in my head said. I shook it off and went over to him.

"Where's your car?" I asked.

"In my garage," Eric replied. "Why? You scared to get on?"

"No," I snapped. "I'm not scared."

He smirked. "Sure. Get on then." He tossed me a helmet and I quickly fastened it on. There. Now there was no way my skull would crack open.

But you might break your neck and die, that annoying voice said.

"Oh, shut up," I muttered.

"What?" Eric looked at me curiously.

"Nothing," I answered and got on before he could see my red face.

"Hold on, Peter," he said. "Or you might fall and crack your skull."

Not him too. "I'm wearing a helmet."

"Then you might break your neck."

Was this guy reading my mind? How the heck did he know that I was thinking that?

"Then just go slowly," I said. I gently grabbed his sides, bunching his shirt in my hands.

"Oh, for the love of God!" Eric said. He grabbed my hands and brought them around his waist, interlocking my fingers. "What's the matter with you? Have you never hugged a guy before?"

I flushed and was very glad he couldn't see me. He really didn't have to point out the fact that I never really had any first romantic gestures with a guy. I mean, yeah, I've hugged plenty of guys, but I was comfortable with them and they were more of a short friendly hug. Eric was more like a stranger. And so were all the other boys in this school.

"I've hugged plenty of guys," I said. "I'm not that inexperienced."

Eric snorted. "Yeah, right. And I haven't slept with ten girls in this school."

"Whatever," I muttered. Just because I never experienced any intimacy with a guy didn't mean that I didn't know and fantasize about them.

Eric roared the engine and put his foot up on the bike. Before I could change my mind about this, he started his bike and went off.

Bumbling honey suckles! It was faster than I thought. I squeezed my eyes shut and tightened my grip. I tried to ignore how warm his body felt.

Don't look down. Don't look down. I opened one eye and looked down. Why did always I have to ignore that sensible voice in my head? I saw the cement passing by rapidly, each rock blending in together. The trees and houses became a blur. Too fast. This was way too fast. I tightened my grip.

We reached my house within a couple of minutes. My stomach lurched and I was glad I threw up in the bathroom or I would have done it on Eric's bike.

My legs wobbled as I got off. Never, and I mean never, will I take a motorcycle home again. My mom always warned me about getting on a motorcycle. I should have listened to her.

"Th-thanks for the ride, Eric," I said. "I...." I swallowed when I felt bile at the back of my throat. "I really appreciate it. You don't have to take me home next time."

He grinned. "Are you scared?"

I straightened my shoulders and looked at him straight in the eye. "I am not! I just....didn't like the wind whipping my hair into my face."

"Yeah," Eric said skeptically. "Then why do you look so pale?"

"I get it from my mom," I answered.

He grunted and put his helmet back on. Which reminded me....

"Oh, yeah," I snapped off my helmet and handed it to him.

He shook his head. "Keep it. We don't want you to bump your head and get amnesia now, would we? Especially after falling on the ground and strangling someone, cracking open your skull in the process."

I scowled. I wished I hadn't fallen down at our date.

"Really, Eric, I can't take it. It's not mine."

"It's fine, Peter. I have plenty more at home. Besides, you can consider it a present for this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded sheet of paper. My sketch.

"Y-you carry that around?" I asked, flattered.

"I carry it around in case I see this cat," Eric pointed at the tabby. "I wanted to see if your sketch was accurate, seeing as your sculpture definitely wasn't."

I snorted. "Like you're the one to talk. Your skull looked like a freaking light bulb!"

"Well, see you tomorrow, Pete," he said. "And don't get into trouble while I'm away."

"Bye, Eric." I waved to him as he left and went into my house. Mom was at the kitchen. She smiled when I came in.

"Hi, honey," she said.

"Hi, Mom," I returned.

"Who was that outside? The boy who took you to the dance? Or Joey? Maybe Roger? He seemed like a nice guy."

"No, Mom," I laughed. "That was Eric. The one who took me to the hospital."

"Oh," her eyes widened and her mouth was shaped into a big 'O'. "Well, you should have invited him. I wanted to thank him for saving you from falling off the ladder."

I frowned. Ladder? Eric must have told her another story to stop her from worrying about me. Yeah. Knowing my mom, she would probably move to another town and kept me home until I was thirty if she ever found out I was almost raped.

"Uh, yeah," I said. "Maybe next time."

She nodded. I took off my scarf and my jacket and threw them, along with my helmet, on the couch.

"Mom. Do we have any pills for the flu?"

"Yes, honey. It's in the second drawer."

I went over to the drawers on a small table next to the couch. A flowery lamp stood on top of it. I opened the second drawer and searched through it. I finally found some pills and took them.

"I'm going to bed, Mom. I think I caught a cold."

"Okay. I'll make you some dinner and bring it up. Do you think you can go to school tomorrow?"

"I don't know." I went upstairs to my room and changed into my monkey onesie.

I jumped onto my bed and settled down, hoping I would get better. I did have a Calculus exam the next day.

I yawned and my eyes drooped. Oh, well. No time for homework, I guess.

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