Best mistake: Leonardo DiCapr...

By TomlinsonsGoodbye

73.5K 1.3K 233

There will always be that one person who comes and changes your life, in Malia's case it's a young boy she me... More

Chapter 1- New town, new dreams
Chapter 2- getting on your feet
Chapter 3- two weeks
Chapter 4- People like me
Chapter 5- Random boy
Chapter 6- Auditions
Chapter 7- Aceptance
Chapter 8- The call
Chapter 9-Hold up
Chapter 10-No Celebratory hugs
Chapter 11-Familiar Voice
Chapter 12-Madting
Chapter 13- making headlines
Chapter 14-Doing what you're best at
Chapter 15-Makeup is a b*tch
Chapter 16- Research
Chapter 17- Radio Noise
Chapter 18- Chills
Chapter 19- Magic
Chapter 20- surprises
Chapter 21- That's so Raven
Chapter 22- Kill me now
Chapter 23- this is just like tbbd
Chapter 25- what are we?
Chapter 26- night
Chapter 27- Idk what
Chapter 28- better then me
Chapter 29- all the boys
Chapter 30- Look alive sunshine
Chapter 31- Le fini

Chapter 24- hot doctor

1.6K 34 21
By TomlinsonsGoodbye

"I'm walking the long road, watching the sky fall
The lace in your dress tingles my neck, how do I live?"
"They should be coming now." I say.
"Just wait a bit longer, keep shaking him, let's try and make him respond." Leo tells me, I start shaking again. I can't let this man die, I don't even know him but his life can't end because of drugs.

"Think that was the door, I'll get it. Keep shaking!" Leo runs down the stairs to get the door, the ambulance people or whatever come inside and Leo shows them upstairs.

"Do you know what happened?" The women asked.
"Cocciane." I answer.
"How did he get it?"
"I don't know, I just came upstairs and he was on the floor unconscious."
"Lewis, come help me with this man!" She shouts, struggling to pick up Mr Marinarti.

They place him on a stretcher and carry it to the ambulance, Leo goes with them.
"Malia you take my car."
I manage to arrive at the hospital in one piece, with the whole drive on the wrong side thing I almost crashed the car about five times.

"Hi, I'm here to see a Mr Marinarti." I tell the lady at reception.
"First name?" She asks.
"We have a Geoff Marinarti in room seven, attractive blond guy is in there right now."
"Thank you."
I find room 7 and see Leo standing next to a doctor. Six foot, brunette, I can see his abs through is uniform.

"Malia, this is doctor Ezra Harding, he's put Mr Marinarti in a stable condition. Leo tells me when I enter the room.
"You did the right thing Malia, calling 911, shaking him, turning him into is back." Ezra says, smiling at me. He has the most perfect smile.
"It's what everyone would of done." I reply with a flirtatious tone in my voice. I have no idea what's coming over me, this guy is literally perfect. I know that I'm standing next to Leonardo dicaprio and he's everything but, I think I like this guy.
"I'm going to call Mr Marinartis' family." Ezra states, then he walks out the door leaving it open.

"This isn't how I wanted this night to end Malia, I wanted us to really get to know each other. You're pretty cool." Leo blushes a tiny bit, looking down at his feet.
"Now we have a story to tell, one the strangest changes. I'll tell people, even though the night changed it was amazing."
"Even when the night changes, it will never change... Me and you."
We stare at one another for a solid five seconds. The stares and silence is interrupted by doctor walking in with Mr Marinartis files.

"I'm going to smoke, be back in a few minuets." Says Leo.
"I'll join you in a sec." I shout after him when he leaves.

"Hey Malia, I have a friend who works down at johns and was wondering if you would like to grab a bite there tomorrow at say, around three?" Ezra asks me out of nowhere, catching me off guard.

"Oh um, I finish work around two, half two,  so yeah that's good." I answer, maybe it will be a joke, have a bit of  bants. Plus he's so fit.

"Great I'll see you tomorrow, write your number down and I'll call you soon.

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