Love for Two

By bialiens

21.1K 499 87

Hetalia couple one shots that are lowkey a mess of heartbreak but also happiness More

The Abrupt Return of Feliks
Fluent in Spanish
Snowy Dreams
Coffee Shop Memories
Breath and Rethink
50 Days Apart
So We Meet Again
Not An Object
Once Forgotten
Space Race
An Artist & His Lover
Buy the Stars with Sex
Unlikely Happenings
Cracks in the Garden
When the Sun Met the Moon
ER Issues
road trip to destiny
Everything He Wouldn't Say
Come to Italy with Me
The Temptation & How it Ruins Alfred
Anxiously Awaiting His Return
Modern Heartbreak
How to Flirt With Your Angry Neighbor

A Model and a Dream

264 6 4
By bialiens

When Lovino was a little boy he dreamed of being a world famous model (he wasn't sure why, he just wanted to be famous). Life happened to Lovino, sure, he got to be a model but it wasn't fulfilling. A baby girl and an unsuccessful marriage later Lovino was still the same, a model with a bad attitude. 

He made money, he supported his daughter, but he wasn't happy. His daughter, Lanza, was happy. She was thrilled with the concept of living. Lovino had money, it was more than a family of two needed, but Lovino wasn't complaining (he'd be stupid to complain about having money). 

Lovino gave his daughter everything she needed and some of what she wanted, he refused to spoil her but he did anyway.

Lovino thought his life couldn't get more predictable and maybe he was right but he didn't want to be right. 

Just when life couldn't get any more predictable, he met a new model. 

The model was stunning and most are but this one was even more prepossessing. Everyone seemed to fall in love with the new model. The new model's first shoot was with Alfred, they were modeling a new lipstick line. 

Lovino and several other models sat in and watched to see how good the new model was and he was incredible to say the least.

Days after the shoot, Lovino went to talk to the new model he figured the new guy was probably nice but ruthless (they usually were). 

"Hey new guy, what's your name?" Lovino called from across the lounge. 

The man looked around until he saw Lovino and then he frowned. 

"Oh! Hi?" The man was clearly unsure of himself. "I'm Antonio." The new guy, Antonio, finally said.

 His eyes searched Lovino's face for a trace of disdain and when he found none, he smiled. "I'm a transfer from an agency in Spain. Who are you?" 

Lovino knew all about transfers (Lovino himself was a transfer model). 

"I'm Lovino. Welcome to our agency." Lovino smiled and hoped the model got the message that all was well.

Antonio smiled again, "where are you from originally?" 

Lovino's surprise must've registered on his face because Antonio laughed. 

"Italy. But how could you tell I was a transfer?" Lovino asked in confusion.

Antonio only laughed again but gave no real answer.

Lovino got to work with his new acquaintance merely days later. They were doing a Calvin Klein underwear shoot with another female model. She was nice but not memorable. 

The photographer had the two men on either side of the not-so-memorable model. They worked to compliment each other with their poses. Lovino was known for being a model who surprised and the not-so-memorable model was known for her facial expressions (at least, Lovino thought that's what she was known for). 

The shoot was different. 

While they were getting changed Lovino asked a stupid question. "Hey, Antonio, do you wanna get drinks with me later?" It wouldn't be a date Lovino wanted to add but Lovino was too embarrassed. He figured Antonio wouldn't take it as a date. 

"Sounds great." Antonio said, he smiled a small smile. 

Antonio walked silently with Lovino. They walked slowly to Lovino's car while Lovino called a sitter for Lanza. He then called home to tell Lanza himself because Lovino prided himself on being a good single father. 

Lovino almost wished Lanza hadn't answered the phone because that would've been easier than what she told him. 

"Papa." Lanza was out of breath (Lovino would later learn that was because she'd been crying).

"Lanza, mia figlia." Lovino said, a smile forming.

"Papa I fell down the concrete stairs on my way back from school. I think my arm is broken."

Lovino turned to Antonio and mouthed 'this is important.'

"Lanz, I'm on my way. The sitter is also on her way, talk to her when she gets there." Lovino said panicked.

Lovino didn't hang up just yet.

"Antonio, I'm sorry about this but my daughter might have a broken arm. Can we reschedule?"

"Of course. But I was in med school for three years, I could help." Antonio said, concerned. 

Lovino wanted to laugh because how would that help in any way, shape, or form but refrained. He then absently wondered what changed Antonio's mind about med school.

"Here's my number." Antonio said as an afterthought.

"Lanza, Lanza, I'll be right with you." Lovino said into the phone then hung up.

Lovino raced to his car with Antonio in toe and raced home.

Lovino didn't remember allowing Antonio to come with him but didn't complain.

Lanza was a beautiful girl. She had curly brown hair with hazel eyes that were a multitude of browns and greens. Her dark skin was soft and she didn't resemble her father in the least. She was, however, a spitting image of her mother. Lanza was her father's pride and joy.

Antonio sat beside Lanza (Lovino smiled; it felt domestic). Antonio had said Lanza's arm wasn't broken or even cracked. She'd have a nasty bruise and pain but at least it wasn't broken.

Lovino somehow didn't think Antonio was qualified to say that but kept his thoughts to himself. He might take Lanza to a doctor if Antonio ended up being wrong.

Lanza stepped away from Antonio and whispered, "Papa, you oughta keep Antonio around. I like him because he's nice." Lanza then wiggled her eyebrows. "Date him, Papa." 

Lovino laughed, "I'll do my best, Lanz." 


Lovino knew nothing about dates. His ex-wife had told him that much.

He stood outside a huge apartment building with a small bottle of champaign. He was having a second date with Antonio. The first had been a dinner date to the finest restaurant in town. Following that up would be difficult to say the least.

Lovino walked up the steps to the elevator then went to the 23rd floor. Once he exited, he walked to Antonio's apartment and knocked.

Antonio answered the door in black slacks and a red sweater, he looked positively stunning. Lovinio gawked for a moment, he had been rendered speechless.

"Lovino!" Antonio said with a smile before leaning down and kissing Lovino softly.

The two smiled at each other before Antonio invited Lovino in.

The date went well to say the least.

Every date after that went just as well until they'd been dating for two years and were interesting in marriage.

Lanza got her wish and was the flower girl.

Lovino got his happiness and a perfect life.

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