Be My Princess: Prince Roberto

By AngelynFelices

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BASED ON THE APP BY VOLTAGE Prince Roberto of Altaria, the most easygoing of the six princes of the major kin... More

The Castle's Wall
Commemorating the Start of a Friendship
Love's Cupid
Alone in His Room
Friends Through a Window
A Growing Crush
Moving Back Home!?
Private Jet
A Keepsake from the Queen

The Prince's Escort

211 2 2
By AngelynFelices

I was sitting in the back seat of one of the Altarian royal family's private cars. Sitting next to me was Prince Roberto, wearing the shirt that I had made him. I had ended up coming to the party at Nobel Michel as his date, after all. 

"It'll be fine. Just relax!" I had been petrified with nervousness the whole ride and Prince Roberto was trying to get me to loosen up. 

"I am trying my hardest to relax, Your Highness..." 

"How can 'trying your hardest' be relaxing at all?" 

"Ugh, exactly..." I could sense a blinding smile beside me and when I looked, Prince Roberto was indeed beaming at me. "Is there something the matter?" 

"No, I was just thinking it was kinda nice." 

"What was?" 

"'Ugh, exactly'." I felt myself blanch. 

"I'm so sorry, Your Highness. Was that too casual? I'm afraid that I'm so nervous I don't know what I'm saying..." 

"Then maybe I like it when you're nervous. I like it when you're casual. It makes me feel like you really see me as a friend." 

"Well, I don't know how to respond to that, Your Highness. I would be impertinent of me to think we could be friends, sir, no matter how much I want to." 

"Oh, so do you want to? That's a relief to hear!" 

"Oh, uh, no... A slip of the tongue..." 

"I like slippery tongues." 

"Prince Roberto!" A sharp voice cut in from the passenger's seat. 

"Yes, Al?" 

"Your behavior is unseemly." 

"I'm just behaving like I always do." 

"And on top of that, you are sitting inappropriately close to the lady." I could see Alberto's eyes flashing at us through the rear-view mirror. Prince Roberto and I were indeed sitting unnecessarily close, considering the size of the wide backseat. 

"Oh, excuse me..." I moved away slightly, making space between us. 

"Ooh, now my dear [Y/N]'s gone and run away, 'cause of you!" 

"'Cause'...? That is not the language I am accustomed to hearing from a member of the royal family." Al says. 

"...All because of you, sir." Prince Roberto says. 

"I see." 

Luckily for us, the car had just pulled up at Nobel Michel.  As we stepped out of the car, Alberto spoke kindly to me. 

"Miss [Y/L/N], I hope you will fully enjoy this evening. Opportunities like this don't come very often." 

"I will. Thank you very much." 

"That's right! There's no time to waste feeling nervous!" Prince Roberto says. "When we go inside, I'll have to do some prince-y stuff, but you should just concentrate on having a good time, okay? No reservations or anything." 

"I wish you would show a bit more reserve, Your Highness." Alberto says to him. 

"I was talking to you, too, Al!" 

"If you took away my reserve, sir, there would be nothing left of me." 

"Really? You don't seem too reserved to me when you charge ahead telling me what to do all the time." 

I feel more at ease as I watched their usual bickering. We made our way to the stairs at the entrance to the castle and Prince Roberto held his hand out respectfully. 

"My princess." 


"Allow me to escort you into the castle." He had a faultless grace and carriage that no noble could find any fault with, let alone a common girl like me. 

You would never think that he was just being scolded for being unseemly mere seconds ago... 

I placed my hand awkwardly in his. Accompanied by Prince Roberto, I came upon the infamous red carpet. The path was surrounded by crowds of reporters and onlookers. 

And we're supposed to walk through there...?

My feet faltered. Then Prince Roberto smiled at me. 

"It's fine. The rug just happens to be red, that's all." 

We began to walk down the red carpet as the prince gently led me onward and reporters called out to the prince nonstop. 

"It's been a while, Prince Roberto!" one reporter exclaims.

"Yes, it really has!"  

"You look as studly as ever, Your Highness!" another reporter says. 

"Studly? Oh my, I'm not used to hearing such casual speech in the villa..." What? Since when? 

"Is it correct that you'll be giving a speech first thing this evening?" yet another reporter asks. 

"Yes, so don't miss it!" 

As he walked gracefully down the carpet, Prince Roberto answered with all the charm and grace that could be expected of a public figure. On the other hand, my eyes were rushing around in my head, not sure where to look. I was so out of it that I tripped over my own feet. 


I stumbled and... 

"Are you all right?" Prince Roberto has easily wrapped an arm around my waist to support me. He spoke softly into my ear as we walked. "Just look straight ahead. You've got to show off that cute face of yours." I looked up without thinking and Prince Roberto winked at me. I tried to walk ahead with head held high like he'd told me to, and it was easier than I thought it would be. 

Wow... I feel like Cinderella or something. 


The ballroom was filled with celebrities. I also spotted Prince Keith, Prince Wilfred, and the other princes among the crowds. We weaved our way through the crowd and Prince Roberto spoke with the famous guests with ease. Standing beside him, I somehow managed to smile and say hello. 

I feel like a piece of luggage... 

Then Prince Roberto smoothly took my hand. 

"Huh?" I say. 

"Just so I don't lose you." He smiled cheerily. I could feel the warmth of his hand on my palm and felt my body temperature rising. 

"I'm not a child, Your Highness. I'll be fine." I was trying desperately to hide how flustered I was. Prince Roberto looked down at me, our hands still clasped. 

"So, what about if I just want to, then?" That's all he said before he looked back to the front. More people flocked toward the prince, and he was bright and charming to all of them, making sure they left with a pleasant impression. 

It seems like it must be quite trying to handle all of this attention, but he's not showing even a hint of strain. 

Then a waiter came by carrying champagne. The tray had both a light rose pink champagne, and a standard champagne. 

"Which would you like?" 

"Hmm, I'd quite like the pink." Prince Roberto grinned at me, holding a flute deftly in one hand. 

"Why did you choose the rose?" 

"I thought it would go better with my dress." 

"Hahaha, just what I would expect from a designer! You even coordinated your drink! Pink is indeed perfect. I'll have to thank you for picking the Altarian champagne, though." 

"So this was made in Altaria?" 

"And you look even cuter with your matching champagne." 

"P-Prince Roberto!" Prince Roberto raised his glass to me as I stuttered in embarrassment.

"Well, then... cheers!" I gently clinked my flute against his from below. "Cheers." The crystal made a clear, ringing sound as it connected. As we shared a quiet toast between us, a steward strode our way. 

"Your Highness, it is about time for your speech, if you don't mind..." 

"Oh, already?" He looked down at me in concern. "Will you be all right alone for a bit?" 

"I'll be fine, Your Highness." 

"Then I'll be back in a jiffy." He smiled reassuringly at me and headed up to the stage. 

He seems even nicer than usual today, somehow... 

Up on the stage, Prince Roberto looked more manly and dignified than I was used to seeing him. Standing in front of the microphone, he looked down at every one of the invited guests as he started speaking calmly. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, do you happen to know what today is?" From the uncomfortable murmurs, it seemed the crowd had no idea. "That's all right. I don't know either. After all, today is not yet over. We can never know what will define a single day in our lives until the last second is over. That is why I hope that you will savor every single moment that you have and enjoy this party from the bottom of your hearts." 

It was a nice speech... Just like Prince Roberto. 

Everyone smiled and clapped as Prince Roberto left the stage. When the applause finally died away, it appeared that the dancing would begin. The lights dimmed and a sweet love song began playing, and all of the princes were surrounded in an instant by women. 

Could all of the women here have come just hoping to dance with a prince? 

"Move!" Huh? 

I looked toward that angry voice and saw Prince Keith flanked by the women, a cold expression on his face. "Get out of the way!" Even when he was so blunt, though, the women continued to hang all over him.

What is with these people...!? 

There was no place left for me to stand and I retreated, finding myself near the exit. 

I never thought a dance would be so much like a battle...

As I cowered away from the crowds, someone suddenly grabbed my wrist. 


When I looked around, I saw Prince Roberto smiling at me with a troubled expression. 

"Didn't I say that I would come right back?" 

"Yes, but..." 

He seemed to understand my feelings, though, as he said, "It can be a bit overwhelming when you're not used to it. But don't worry. I won't leave you."

"You won't?" 

"Well, I am your date, aren't I?" Of course, what else could he have meant? I don't know why my heart skipped a beat...

Then Prince Roberto held out his hand as an exquisite song filled the ballroom. 

"May I have this dance?" 

"What!? No. It's impossible. I'm terrible." I don't have very good memories of dancing from the last ball, either... 

"Whoever said you had to be good in order to dance?" He took my hand in his. Being pulled along by the prince, I ended up in the middle of the dance floor. 

What do I do now? 

Prince Roberto raised my right hand and wrapped his other arm around my waist. 

"First just try to match your movements to mine. Once you get used to that, then do whatever you'd like!" 

"Whatever I'd like? That's a little..." 

"Don't worry. If you listen closely to the music, your body will just start to move on its own." As we'd been speaking, I'd been stumbling after his lead and trying not to step on his feet. 

I knew it, I can't do this... 

Then Prince Roberto pulled me close with the arm around my waist and spoke into my ear. 

"Look at that couple over there..." When I followed his gaze, I saw one of the women who had been pestering Prince Keith, now dancing with a regular man. 

"She was chasing after Prince Keith earlier." 

"No wonder. She's looked sour the entire time she's been dancing with that fellow." When I looked again, I saw that the woman was moving carelessly, looking completely unsatisfied with her partner. I couldn't help giggling into Prince Roberto's chest as we danced. 

"Don't make me laugh!" 

"Look, look! She was totally staring at Keith when she turned right there!" 

"Oh, you..." Then I noticed that, while we had been chatting, I had somehow managed to dance naturally with Prince Roberto. 

I might actually like dancing. 

I looked up at Prince Roberto, pleased with myself. 

Then he smiled back at me and put his face beside my ear as he said, "Exquisite." The battle had gone from the dance floor to inside, as my mind fought to stay calm as my heart hammered in my chest. 

What is this feeling...? 

"But you're such a liar. You said you were terrible." In the huge ballroom full of glitzy people, all my eyes could see was Prince Roberto in front of me.  

When the dance came to an end at last, I held my skirt as I curtsied to the prince. I was shocked when I raised my head again. A great crowd of people was watching us, spellbound. 


"Everyone is..." 

"You didn't notice? They've all been watching us since about halfway through the dance." 

"They have?" A calm voice spoke up from behind me. 

"You two looks wonderful together." When I turned around, I realized it had been Prince Edward. The other princes stood around him, all leering knowingly at us. 

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