The Castle's Wall

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[Please note: Please read the prologue first before reading this story.]

In the middle of the dizzyingly busy airport, I looked up at the departures board.

[To Altaria Airport]

Those words burned into my eyes, sticking out more clearly than any others. I was going to wager on my own talent and I was going to do it in the kingdom of Altaria. Monsieur Pierre's pep talk still seemed to be echoing in my ears...

"Ma petite, you know that you are still inexperienced."

"Yes, sir. I know that."

"So all you need to do is focus on doing your best out there, all right?"

"Yes, sir. I have plenty of motivation."

"Good. That's why you're ma petite!"


"What? What don't you have enough of then?"

"I guess... confidence?"

"I'm rather surprised you would think so!"


"After all, the moment you start feeling confident is the moment everything ends!" Monsieur Pierre slapped himself on the forehead, looking troubled. "Let me tell you right now, I've never had confidence in my life and I'm doing just fine! All I'm trying to do is create the things I want to create, without having to give up my ideals."

Even the one and only Jean Pierre doesn't have any confidence in himself!?

"But don't people say that you have to have confidence in yourself in order to grow?"

"Oh, no. You don't actually believe that claptrap, do you? Growth stops the very instant that a human starts feeling confident. Just discover the designs that you really want to make. That's all you need to do."

"The designs I want to make..."

"That's right. If you can figure that out, then you come back and show me what you can do!" He held my face in his hands. "Environment really can shape a person and you are lucky enough to have stumbled into an amazing situation for someone this early in your career. This is just one more thing that is special about you." I was touched by his earnest eyes as he looked straight into me.

That's right. There's really no other way to describe this but luck. I can't waste a chance like this.

"Yes, sir. I will keep that in mind and do my best."

Then Monsieur Pierre tapped his finger against his lip in a considering manner. "But Altaria. That's..."

"That's what?"

"That's the home of my dear Robbie, isn't it?"


"Ooh, I almost want to go in your place! I could take my meals together with Prince Roberto every day, and go for long strolls through the gardens together, and there, among the flowers, we... No, Robbie! My heart can't take it!" Monsieur Pierre squealed excitedly, completely lost in his fantasies. I couldn't help a pained smile as I watched him.

Prince Roberto, huh?

Prince Roberto, who ditched fancy balls and gave the other princes strange nicknames...

He's always seemed friendly, he may be easier to work for than any of the other princes.

My heart was pounding with a combination of nerves and excitement as I passed through the boarding gate.

Be My Princess: Prince RobertoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang