MagCon Imagines and Preferenc...

By -rendezvous-

1.1M 9.5K 7K

Imagines and preferences on the members of MagCon! Requests will be taken! Enjoy!!! :) REQUESTS ARE CLOSED RI... More

Baby - Jack Gilinsky
The Best Thing Ever- Nash Grier
Where He Takes You On Your First Date
His Nickname (Pet Name) For You
Your Nickname For Him
His Contact Name For You On His Phone
Your contact name for him on your phone
Your Baby Daughter's Name
Your Baby Son's Name
His Favorite Body Part Of Yours That He Likes To Kiss
The Song That Describes Your Relationship
The Start of Something- Shawn Mendes REQUESTED
What You Should Do
Your MagCon Best Friend
What You Could Do
How He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend
The Pet You Guys Get
His Favorite Color On You
Your Favorite Candy
Your Favorite Chocolate Bar
Your Celebrity Crush He Doesn't Like
The App You Use The Most
YouTube Video You Guys Make Together
Favorite YouTuber To Watch Together
Where You Have Your First Kiss
Your Favorite Viner To Watch Together
Your Favorite Disney Movie To Watch Together
Weirdest Place You Guys Have Done "It"
When You're On Your Period
Where You Go To On Vacation
Sweet Sickness- Hayes Grier REQUESTED
His Favorite Nail Polish Color On You
Your Favorite Ice Cream
The Pick Up Line He Uses
Concert He Takes You To
His Favorite Thing About You
Your Brother(s)
The Sport You Play
Your Favorite Movie To Watch Together
Your Favorite Song
What He Has A Fear Of
What You Have A Fear Of
His Favorite Hair Style On You
His Celebrity Crush That You Don't Like
Color You Dye Your Hair
Who's Girl Are You?
He Tweets About You
The Surprise- Cute Matthew Espinosa Imagine
The Question- Taylor Caniff Imagine (Requested)
What U. S. State You Live In
His Excuse For Wanting To Do The Nashty
He Indirectly Tweets You After You Guys Break Up:
The Accident- Prologue of a Potential Fanfic?
Your Favorite Cereal
Your o2l Best Friend
I Need You- Cameron Dallas and Jack Gilinsky
Item Of Clothing You Steal From Him
What You Guys Do When You're Bored
Wild Life
Your Justin Bieber Song
Goodnight Text He Sends You
The Song You Guys Twerk To
What His Parents Think Of You
Dirty Pick Up Line He Use
We are a Team!


796 23 3
By -rendezvous-

1 MILLION READS SPECIAL!!!! (This is late but better later than never)

So as a thank you for getting this book of preferences and a couple imagines I decided to make a special.

If you enjoy please vote and comment! It would be greatly appreciated.

P. S. I'm sure a lot of my previous readers most likely won't see this but if you do add this to your archived book list in case I ever do more surprises!

This time I decided to make each preference different for the guys. I put what each scenario is about in parentheses next to the guy. Hope you enjoy. :)

P.S.S. As you will probably noticed, I may or may have not gotten carried away while writing certain ones. Haha

P.S.S.S. Yes I realize that some of these are terrible but guess what I don't care because I think they're alright. (Not really, some are very, very, very, very terrible.) Plus this is way more than what I've given before. Also, I haven't written preferences in a long time. And it's like 3 am so yea.

P.S.S.S.S. (Last one I promise. Haha) Some of these imagines *cough*mainly Hayes*cough*, you guys are older so imagine that please hehehehe

Nash (He Wakes Up Before You)

You are the early bird and Nash is the night owl. However, there are rare occasions when Nash will wake up before you and these moments are his favorite times. And right now is one of those times. Seeing as you had an exam the prior day you had been non stop studying the days before meaning you had less sleep. Having finally gotten the chance to catch up on sleep you were still asleep later than usual. Nash wakes up to a rare sight, you are still laying in bed wrapped in his warm arms quietly snoring. Nash always enjoys this moment of seeing you calm and relaxed with a slight smile present on your face. He doesn't like to see you stressed out with school or tired from babysitting your nieces and nephews so to you stress free is like the same feeling a five year old gets when going inside a candy store. Nash's hold on your body becomes tighter as he further tangles his legs with yours. However, your peaceful sleep always comes to an end with a hard surface at the bottom of your back that always causes you to laugh at Nash's behavior and shake your head as you walk off to the bathroom leaving Nash to handle the situation at hand.

Hayes (How You Two Meet)

You were on your way to work when your car breaks down on the road. You don't know what to do but pull over. Once you're safely on side of the road you turn on your emergency lights and begin to laugh as you get out of your car going into the nearby café.

You take a seat at an empty table and still laugh at what happened. Your laughter attracts the attention of many who stare at you as if you are crazy. However, one person becomes curious of the state you're in and walks up to your table with two coffees in his hands.

"Hey I couldn't help but notice a beautiful girl laugh and I wanted a laugh too so I got each of us a coffee," he says handing you one of them and taking a seat in the empty chair across from you.

You smile at his kindness and explain how your car broke down to which he asks, "But why are laughing? I know I'd be upset if that happened to me."

"Well there's two ways to react. One way is to either be frustrated to the point of crying over a car or the other way is to laugh it off. I prefer laughing since it doesn't feel as terrible."

"Wow, I never thought of it like that. By the way, I'm Hayes."


"Let's go see if I can fix your car."

Within fifteen minutes your car is fixed and you two have exchanged numbers.

Cameron (He Asks You to Move In)

For your three-year anniversary, Cameron took you out for a romantic restaurant for dinner. When you two are finished, Cameron drives you somewhere you've never been to before.

"Are you kidnapping me?" you question.

Cameron laughs and shakes his head as he puts the car in park and shuts off the engine. You both exit the car and enter a small house. "Cameron, what are you doing? We can't be here. We're trespassing. What if someone calls the cops on us and we go to jail?" you panic.

"Y/n calm down," he says placing his hands on your shoulders. "I bought this place, and now is the time I ask you something." You nod your head for him to continue as he hands you a small box that contains a silver chain with a key on it. "Will you move in with me into this house and make it home?"


Carter (The Morning After)

You wake up to a warm bath ready for you. Once you're done soaking up and washing yourself, you get out of the bath and get dressed. You walk into your bedroom to see breakfast in bed while Carter waits for you by watching TV. You two eat and afterwards Carter is giving you a back message and rubs the soreness out of your thighs from prior events.

Gilinsky (What You Do That Turns Him On)

You had just been accused of doing something at work for something that you didn't do. But your boss didn't care and fired you. You loved your job and you know that it looks bad to have been fired when applying for new jobs. When you get home, Jack is there waiting for you only to see your sad and angered expression. Jack asks, "What's wrong babe?" to which you begin to angrily answer back to in your native language. Once your rant is over, you look up to notice Jack's intent look as he daydreams into your eyes. You notice his pants have tightened around his crotch and can't help but smile as he breaks out of his daydream.

"You okay there Jack?" you giggle.

"Huh, yeah I'm alright," he shakes his head at the thoughts running through his mind, "but wow, that was sexy. You gotta do that more often. Maybe you could teach me some things." He leans into you pushing you down on the couch as his pants become more tighter than thought possible. All thoughts of your horrible morning are forgotten for now.

Johnson (He Proposes)

You're a sucker for cliché moments and Jack always wants to see you smile that beautiful smile of yours. However, he thinks that this time he should do something different for such a special occasion. Jack believes this moment deserves something unique and memorable.

After a peaceful picnic at the park with a wonderful meal made by Jack, you guys decided it was getting late and should start heading back home. You help Jack pack up the blankets and basket and walk to the car. After Jack opens and closes your door for you he takes his phone out to send a quick text to one of his friends who knows a police officer who is off duty at the moment stating, "We're on our way now. Meet you guys there"

Jack gets into the car and soon you're on your way home when a police siren goes off. Thinking it is for another driver you remain calm but after a minute you realize it is for Jack who is now pulled over on the side of the street. But none of this makes sense to you because Jack hadn't done anything wrong.

Jack pulls down his window when he notices the police officer approach his side of the car. "I'm going to need you both to exit the vehicle," states the police officer. You begin to freak out worried of what is about to happen thinking you two will be arrested and have to go to prison even though you're innocent. Jack notices and quietly says, "Just get out. We'll get into less trouble if we follow his orders," while placing his hand on your arm to ease your worriedness.

When you two get out of the car, the police officer leads you near a bush by the side of the busy road and belts out a command, "I'm going to need you to get down on one knee." You begin to do as he commanded when he tells you, "Not you, just him," which only makes you more nervous that he did something wrong and you don't know anything about it. You don't want to lose him but rather stay with him.

Your thoughts are interrupted by a tug at your hand causing you to look down at Jack who is still on one knee with a nervous smile on his face now. As he opens his mouth to speak you believe he is going to admit to having done something, which makes you scared.

"Y/n I know you love cliché and I know I love that smile of yours when I do something cliché for you but I thought right now I should do what I'm about to do in a more special way. I can tell that you're about to pee your pants right now but by the end of this I think you'll be having mixed emotions towards me, one of them being that you want to murder me in my sleep tonight, but I hope it's quite the opposite of that," he chuckles. Your worries soon turn into confusion as you wait for Jack to continue. "Y/n you're the most amazing thing to have ever happened to me. I'm so glad I slipped on the wet floor at your job that one day and you came to help me otherwise I don't know where I would be without you right now. From our late night adventures to our food fights, you bring the greatest joy to my life that no one has ever given me. Even though we fight and argue I wouldn't change a thing because those are what bring us closer to each other and make us stronger," he reaches into his pocket and takes out a small box. Your eyes tear up as you bring a hand up to your mouth in shock as to what is about to be said, "Y/n, will you make me the happiest man alive and become my gorgeous wife and the mother to our future children?"

"Yes!" you exclaim. Jack jumps up as you pull him into a strong and tight embrace with a kiss that lasts what seems like a lifetime. This is cut shorter than what you two wished for when there comes the sound cheers. You turn over to look at the bush to find the sources of the cheers to see Gilinsky and Sam who are holding cameras recording the scene. The police officer smiles over at the scene in front of him and congratulates at the two of you before leaving to start his shift.

"You jerk!" you exclaim once you have calmed down, "I almost got a heart attack." You pout causing the guys to laugh at your reaction.

"Don't worry I would never anything to be taken away from you," Jack wraps his arm around your shoulders, "but I gotta admit, your reaction was priceless. I'm glad I asked you this way. It was worth it."

"I love you, Jack."

"And I love you, y/n," he states pulling you into another tight embrace and kiss which earns a round of wolf whistles from Gilinsky and Sam.

Shawn (You Tell Him You're Pregnant)

When Shawn comes backstage after a concert, you decide that is the right time to tell him the news. "You were amazing!" you scream as you both run towards each other into a hug. But your unusual gentleness causes Shawn to become puzzled and worried.

"Ummm. . . is everything alright y/n?"

"Yea of course," you mumble, "but Shawn we need to talk." Your last words cause him to become nervous because those words never turn out good. Shawn doesn't know what he did to deserve what he thinks is about to come his way.

After a few moments of deciding how to word what you want to say you finally choose to quickly blurt out, "Shawn, you're going to be a dad." Quietly waiting for him to say something you become more worried for what is about to come.

Shawn finally comes out from his shocked state of where he thought your words were something along the lines of, "I think we should see other people. I'm sorry." When he realized your words rather meant that you are pregnant he couldn't help but become overjoyed at this news and crush you into a tight hug making you calm and happy that he wouldn't want to leave you behind. Shawn bends down so his face is leveled with your belly and places a sweet kiss on your belly. "I love you both."

Matt (He Paints Your Nails)

You recently broke your arm meaning you were limited to what you could do. You really want to put nail polish on but you can't and you don't feel like going out for a manicure. Matt, being the sweet boyfriend he is, offers to do your nails for you. He paints your nails a dark blue with shaky hands afraid that he will miserably mess up and not know how to fix the problem. You tell him to calm down and not to worry but that doesn't help. Once he finishes doing all the nails along with a second coat he goes through your nail polishes looking for your clear top coat to finish it off. However, he finds your matte top coat and begs you to let him put that on instead insisting that it would fit your manicure seeing that he was the one to do it and it's being finished in matte. You allow him because you can't help but love to see that bright smile on his face.

Sam (Back Scratches)

You and Sam are at the beach with your friends. The guys pull off their shirts and run off to the water while you and the girls tan for a bit.

"Damn y/n," your best friend says, "you sure know how to let others know Sam is taken."

"What?" you ask puzzled. She points in the guys' direction where Sam's back is facing you and the guys are shouting and hooting at him. Noticing the back scratches on Sam's back you are reminded of last night's events and you begin to laugh at your friend's reaction.

When you look back in the guys' direction you notice they are exiting the water to come over to you guys with Sam trailing behind the Jacks.

"Oh Sam," Johnson moans in what seems to be an imitation of you, "harder."

"Y/n," Gilinsky fake pants mocking Sam, "I think I'm about to c-c-come."

Jack and Jack burst into laughter as your face joins in.

"That is not what we sound like," you state amused.

"She's right," Sam defends you, "we sound so much sexier. Come on babe let's show them what we mean."

You get up and walk towards Sam as you pull him into you placing your hands on his abs as he kisses you hard. You slowly move your hands towards his back and moan, "Sam kiss me harder, I need you in me right now." Your fingernails begin to dig into the skin on Sam's back making him moan in pleasure.

"Alright, we get it. You both are in need of help because clearly that was not hot like you thought it would be," your best friend says as the Jacks begin to fake gag.

Taylor (You See a Spider)

You were about to take a shower when you noticed a big spider by the shower door causing you to scream, "Taylor!"

Taylor quickly comes to the bathroom worried that something terrible has happened but sees nothing making him think that was your way of asking him to take a shower with you. But he notices your trembling finger pointing at something causing him to look in that direction. His eyes come into contact with the spider making him realize why you called him. Taylor reaches over for the first object that is in his reach, an empty shampoo bottle. He throws it in the spider's direction that only makes the spider come closer to you two.

Taylor's eyes grow wide as he rapidly shakes his head in fear and says, "Nope! I am not taking care of that, nope!" Realizing that he is just as motionless as you are, you begin to panic more, which he notices. "Maybe I can get someone to come over and kill it." He walks out of the bathroom to find his phone and calls Dillon having to beg him to come over fast and kill the spider. Dillon finds too much joy from it and has a fun time messing around with a fearful Taylor until he finally arrives.

When the spider is killed and Dillon leaves, Taylor begins to laugh at you and you remind him of his pathetic way of trying to kill it using an empty shampoo bottle. "Babe, if you wanted to shower with me you could have just asked, you didn't have to go through the trouble of getting a spider and doing all this."

Dillon (It's Your Birthday)

Dillon knows you don't like too much for your birthday nor do you like parties. He knows exactly what you want. You wake up to find a bouquet of your favorite flowers on your bedside and a box of chocolates. Dillon realizes you are finally awake after peeking his head into your shared room and walks in with breakfast. After breakfast and a shower, he takes you out to watch a movie and go on a shopping spree. When night comes, Dillon drives you over to your parents house where your family is and you enjoy the rest of your birthday with the people you love.

Jacob (Kisses)

You two aren't big fans of kissing in public but there are times where you two can't help but kiss each other. When he runs off stage after a concert, you can't help but wrap your arms around him and place your lips on his for a short kiss. But who says all the kisses shared between you two are short and quick? That's only in public. When it is just the two of you in private, your kisses are anything but short and quick. You two are clawing at each other when your lips are attached. The kisses are long and heated leaving both of you in pants when your lips leave the presence of the other.

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