wizards,teen drama,bad boys,w...

By taralex1999

2.3K 33 16

players,sluts,wizard,werewolfs,vampier and so much more.haliey parks your low class nerd,happen to be the str... More

wizards,teen drama,bad boys,werewolf and a whole lot of other shit!ch.1
wizards,teen drama,bad boys,werewoves and a whole lot of other shit!ch.2
wizards,teen drama,bad boys,werewolf and a whole lot of other shit! ch.3
wizards,teen drama,bad boys,werewolf and a whole lot of other shit!ch.4
wizards,teen drama,bad boy's,werewolf,and a whole lot of other shit!

wizards,teen drama,bad boys,werewolf and a whole lot of other shit!ch.5

269 6 4
By taralex1999

 24day, Sunday

I woke up to camile's overjoyed screaming, I felt like screaming myself actually, and smushed two pillows on each side of my ears. Oh boy. This was going to be a long Sunday, I could already tell.

I slowly crawled my way down the stairs, hoping I could find a decent breakfast. There sat camile, swinging her legs back and fourth, while enjoying a plate of hot fluffy pancakes. I sat next to her and she started singing. "THEEEE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM, LALALALALA." I covered my ears. Why did I have to get stuck with the most horrible cousin in the universe?? I quickly finished my pancakes, and marched my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that, I went to my room to get changed. Nope, not my flashy outfits. I wanted to save those for later. Instead, I got dressed into my old clothes. Then, delicately placed my glasses. Much better.

The next morning, camile insisted on waking me up at 5:00 am, just to get "beautiful." I rolled over and groaned, sleepily."CAMILE!!!" She then pulled me by my feet, out of my warm cozy bed, and into the freezing atmosphere. I sighed, and put on my robe. After breakfast, I went to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, camile chose out my outfit, and after that, took off my glasses, and put in the contacts. At first it stung like hell, and all I could see was fuzziness, but soon my vision cleared, and everything was clean as crystal. She swiped something out of the make-up kit, she brushed, and fluffed, and blushed, then smeared, then lipstick, then eyeshadow, and eyeliner. Whew, I probably look like a clown, I offered. She just glared at me. "Haha, very funny." She smiled." I declare hailey, that you look BEAUTIFUL!"i quickly rushed my way to the mirror.

My hair was put into straight long layers, my eyes were very natural. Cream and Caramel. And the mascara and a hint of eyeliner stood out perfectly. I didn't know myself anymore. I looked.... Beautiful. Gorgeous. I wanted to scream. This was a little too much for me. This wasn't me. But I shrugged, complimenting the new look. I then noticed the hint of baby pink blush on my cheeks. It was cute, I giggled.

After I got done with everything, I tugged on my new high-heeled boots, the shiny dark skinny jeans matching the dark violet. I put on my leather jacket, grabbed my backpack, and I was ready to go. "THANK YOU SO MUCH camile! I'LL CALL YOU! "

"AAAA WAIT FOR ME HAILY!" She gave me such a strong hug that it almost knocked me over. "DON'T FORGET TO CALL ME TO SEE HOW IT GOES!!! Bye!"

I drove into the school, and as I was about to enter the building, I swung off my leather jacket and rested it on my arm.

I pushed open the heavy doors, making everyone look my way. I looked around and saw everybody's gaze slowly turn into mouth drops, and all their eyes widened. The populars looked my way, and suddenly dropped all their text books, and all the boys whistled. The fan in the back slowly made my hair blow, and it was perfect. I quickly walked past all of them, hoping to see him. And then I saw him. Making out with another senior. And I noticed who it was. hanna. I quickly hid my tears, and ignored him, but my hair must have brushed past him because he turned around and looked my way. I kept on walking. And I didn't look back.

Taylor's POV

I saw the most beautiful girl in the world, walking right past me. And I swear, everything was blurry and it was like I could only see her. I was confused, because I never felt anything like this before. My stomach was filled with butterflies and my head spun. Suddenly that annoying hanna girl poked me on my stomach, returning me from my dream. "What?" I asked, annoyed. She just glared at me and leaned in for another kiss. I quickly pushed her off of me and ran after that amazing girl. I swear, after this, I had to go talk with mason, our pack leader.


 ran to my locker, and grabbed out the books I would need for my next few classes. Just as I was about to walk into my class, some random dude grabbed my ass. I quickly slapped his hand away and glared at him. "Watch it," I snarled at him. He just smirked and walked away. I entered a empty classroom and flicked on the lights. Then, I grabbed out my new I-Phone and called camile.

"Hello? OH HEY HAILEY!!! HOW DID IT GO???" She is now squealing, and I could tell that she was jumping around because she hit her leg on the side of a table. "OW, MY LEG!!!"

"camile!" I giggled. Then I quickly stopped and sighed. "He didn't even notice me! And besides I don't even know why I am even trying to impress him! Ugh, he'll probably just sleep with me for one day and dump me like a potato the next! A player is always a player, "I groan.

"Aww, sweetie, don't think that way! There are many other juicy boys in this world! Besides, he's not worth it anyways! Wasn't there that uh.. colane dude? I mean I heard he's not a player"

I roll my eyes. "Its cullen, and his name is Nick. And yeah... I guess he is pretty cute now that I think of it!" I smile, but my smile quickly fades. "What am I talking about? Dating a mortal? I don't stick with mortals very long, once they find out I'm not ageing, they'll freak out! camile, I don't even want to date." I sigh. "I have to get rid of this look, its killing me cail, and I'm attracting a bit too much attention, a guy earlier decided it would be fun to grab my ass. And soon, every guy would want to think of a plan to get me in bed! This is not how it is supposed to go, I'm not a slut camile, and you know that as well as I do."

camile sighs, a deep sigh. "Oh alright, but we are not going to take away that look! Besides even if they try to rape you, you have 1000x the strength they do!"

I thought about him... how he could somehow resist my strength... what if he tried to rape me??? I sigh, very confused." I don't know camile, I'll talk to you when I get home, bye!"I quickly get out from the empty classroom, class already started, and the hallway is clear, so just as I was about to sneak into my next class, I bump into somebody.

"Watch it, bitch", he growled.

I look up and notice it's him. Then I glare at him. "I'm totally not sorry!" I was about to stomp away when he quickly grabbed my arm.

"Wait no, please, wait. I'm sorry I didn't know... it was you"

I glare at him. "Well, now you do, now run along now!"

"Can I at least get your name?"

I smirk at him. "Yeah, you gave me a nickname already. And its LOSER!" I stalk off to my class.

Taylor's POV

I was shocked. I couldn't believe that nerd turned into.... That. She was more than beautiful, she made me lose my words, and my tongue twist, she always made me nervous whenever I get near her, and now... I lost my chance with her. I cant believe I'm so stupid. I was so angry I ran out of the building, and once I made sure nobody was looking, I transformed and ran at the speed of light, running to see max.

hailey POV

I can't believe I just did that! He must hate me now. Well, he deserved it anyways, I reminded myself. And with that, I sucked in my courage, and walked into the filled classroom, bracing myself for all the dirty looks.

;P what do you think will happen now?

okay please comment  just anything,to dinsoura or pickles...plz let me know if you like the story or not!!!

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