~Maybe Your My Love~

By FigsAndLeaves

75 0 4

Haruhi and her adopted sister Nageki somehow managed to get into the prestigious Ouran Academy they had no id... More

Starting Today You Are A Host
Beware The Physical Exam!
Attack Of The Lady Manager
The Twins Fight
The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type
xXAuthor's NoteXx
Jungle Pool S.O.S.

The Job Of A High School Host

11 0 0
By FigsAndLeaves

Nageki's P.O.V:
Haruhi and I were studying in the library she was studying for a chemistry test while I was studying for a Algebra test in a few days. I didn't have the same classes as Haruhi in fact I had the same classes as Tamaki and Kyoya who have both been passing with flying colors. Though he doesn't look it Tamaki is one of the top students in the class behind Kyoya and I of course. I was in my own world solving the complicated math work when I noticed out of the corner of my eyes Haruhi's pencil stopped moving. I looked up confused as she slammed her book closed so I closed mine as well then I realized the time as I shoved my books into my bag and ran down the hall with Haruhi. "They're going to kill us we're late!" Haruhi huffed as we ran quickly cutting the corners finally we arrived at the music room. When we walked in we were shocked to find what looked like a tropical paradise inside. A toucan even landed on Haruhi's head as a familiar chorus of welcomes chimed in our ears. The boys were all shirtless except for Tamaki who was in the kings outfit he was telling me about earlier. "Oh it's just Haruhi and Nageki, you two are so late!~" The twins chimed together. Haruhi then mumbled about it only being early April then Tamaki spoke as he spun towards us gracefully waving his decorative fan around for emphasis. "Huddling in the cold under a kotatsu table would be nonsense! Why else do we have this perfect heating and cooling system?" He asked posing at the end which made a few guests faint Haruhi sighed and glared at the ground Kyoya then spoke up. "Do you have a problem with the way we run our club Haruhi? Be careful what you say remember you owe us eight hundred million yen." Kyoya said mockingly as Haruhi glared harder at the ground as Tamaki spoke up again flashing his decorative fan in front of me making me smile as he continued his elaborate speech about their attire. "Fine men do not bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be a chilling early spring in our world, but in our club, we welcome our chilly little kittens to a warm south tropical aura. Yes! Today, this place is a supreme paradise!~ A hot island of everlasting summer!" He finished wrapping an arm around Haruhi and I then she spoke up. "I however feel a chill in every sense of the word."
~The Host Club is Now Open~
Haruhi and I were tasked with cleaning glasses and carrying around snacks for our guests waiting for out guests to arrive I was stationed at Tamaki's table where he was currently serenading some girl. "What heartlessness! Even with my lustrous skin like ivory and outfit like a Balinese king, all to fitting for me, I am no more than a slave before my goddess, kneeling and swearing my loyalty." Which unsurprisingly made her coo his name and blush as I took her glass and refilled it with my own fruit punch as Tamaki stood up. "Oh yes I almost forgot, next week the Ouran Host Club is sponsoring a dance party!~" He announced cheerfully. 'A dance party?' I thought as I was comfortable enough to talk the hosts but not enough to talk around the guests yet. "What will you be doing at this dance party?" One of the twins guests asked. "We're renting a large hall in the central building...." Hikaru started. "And throwing a big main event there." Kaoru finished as Hikaru took back over. "Although, really wanted to spend the time alone with you, Kaoru." He said seductively. "Don't say that, Hikaru I'm the one who really wanted it." Their guests squealed in delight as I chuckled. "Are the guests more worked up than usual huh?" I nodded and looked around before responding. "Maybe because it's hot in here and the hosts are shirtless." Kyoya smirked lightly at my comment getting my hidden message but so did Haruhi as she lightly elbowed me in the gut causing me to oof in pain making Kyoya smile wider. "A little moderate exposure is popular." He said as I dropped my glasses off at the bar really craving a sweet about now. "Did you come up with this Kyoya?" Haruhi asked as I clean the glasses in scalding hot water. "I have no decision making authority. This clubs policies are all laid out by the king, Tamaki. Although, I may have found it worth the effort to casually slip a photo book of Bali onto his desk. I looked around again to make sure the guest weren't around and I spoke. "I'll just start calling you the S-Shadow King then." That caused his smirk to disappear as Honey appeared shirtless with a beautiful flower necklace. "Ta-Da!~" He sang cutely a light blush on his face. "Honey-kun you're so cute!~" A few of his guest sang together. "Hee hee, these are Balinese flowers!~ We had them flown in.~" He said as Mori walked by holding a pineapple. "Ah!~ Takashi!~" He called to his tall friend as he sort of climbed him placing a identical flower necklace around his neck. "Haruhi Nageki!~ Aren't the two of you going to wear a tropical outfit?" One of our guests asked as another continued her sentence. "I'd like to see that." She said as Haruhi sweat dropped as I just tilted my to the side. "Uh- No I-I just think that it's natural way an early spring outfit in early spring." She said as Tamaki walked over. "We have two ready for you two. It even matches mine!~" He said happily as Haruhi let out a blunt, "No thanks." One of our guests spoke up again which caught my attention. "You guys really respect the seasons huh?" One of them mused as another spoke up. "Then I hope that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom for the dance party." Finally the last spoke. "The three of us dancing among the fluttering cherry blossoms." She said closing her eyes as the other two agreed with the all three together mused a, "So dreamy!~" Haruhi saw an opportunity do she spoke up to dazzle them. "You think so? I think it's so cute when you have dreams." She said as I smiled and nodded gently making them all blush and look at us wide eyed. "Excuse me? I think it's time for the hosts to change guests." The new guest said sweetly she had cute short brown hair and light brown eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry you must be our next appointment, Miss...?" Haruhi trailed off as she looked at her copy of guest list given to us by Kyoya but, as soon as I pointed out her name to her she spoke. "Kanako Kasugazaki 2nd year class B." She said as she lifted both our chins to look at her. "You two are even cuter than the rumors. I've made up my mind, you two are my new favorite hosts." She declared.
~Later when the club closes~
I watched concern as Tamaki swallowed his third bowl of instant ramen as I was cooking him another. "I can't accept this." He mumbled crossly in between bites as I boiled his next round of the addicting noodles munching on a black forest cake. He was at an isolated table while the other hosts including Haruhi stayed at a table in the center of the room I was off to the side with a portable burner and pot with piles of instant noodles neatly stacked around me awaiting Tamaki's order to stop. He stopped slurping his noodles momentarily and slammed his bowl down asking for more without saying anything I poured up a fresh bowl for him. One of the twins spoke up Hikaru I believe. "Boss, stop eating that commoners ramen, and come help us plan the dance party. You to Nageki stop making that crap for him!" He shouted angrily causing me to flinch Haruhi shot a glare at him then Kaoru spoke up. "So what if Princess Kasuga has taken a liking to Haruhi and Nageki?" This only caused Tamaki to eat faster as I ran over the sink and poured more water to start his next batch of noodles. "Y-You know senpai eating that m-much noodles at one t-time isn't very good for y-you." I stuttered and he looked at me an unmistakable glare on his face that also caused me to flinch from his apparent hatefulness his eyes softened and he muttered a low apology. "Her illness isn't something that just started, right?" Kyoya asked as I felt a wave of sudden grief come over me. "W-What do you mean i-illness?" I asked quietly as I stirred Tamaki's noodles so they wouldn't stick the twins were suddenly at my side answering my question with ease. "We call it host hopping disease." Hikaru started as Kaoru finished. "Otherwise known as the never the same boy twice disease." Kyoya then spoke up. "Usually our guests go around a few times then become regulars to one host in particular, but she tends to change favorites quite alot." Then Honey appeared beside Haruhi and Kyoya. "Before Haru-chan and Nageki her favorite was Tama-chan right?" Honey asked Kyoya as he tried to peek at his laptop he was meticulously typing on. "All of this just because he had a guest taken from him." Tamaki suddenly stood taking my wrist and dragging me with him to the table. "I COULD CARE LESS!!! THAT'S NOT WHY AT ALL!!! I'm at the limits of my patience Haruhi it's time you started dressing like a girl!!" He declared as I sighed he completely forgot me as usual I made my way to sit between Hikaru and Kaoru completely uninterested in what he had to say I hate being left out especially when Haruhi was involved the twins seemed to notice my slightly saddened expression as they each slung an arm around me as I leaned into them. How can you be so popular with girls if you're a girl yourself?! No one else in this school knows you're a girl except those of us here!" He said angrily as the twins spoke up from the couch we were on each raising the hand that wasn't around me. "She opted out of taking gym classes, and the attendance numbers are mixed up so no one can tell. " This only seemed to make Tamaki madder as he left for a second and can back with a chest with 'The Kings Property' written all over it. "Daddy...Daddy...Daddy wants you to look like you did back then!!!" He yelled crying a bit holding a blown up frame of Haruhi in middle school. "Don't go blowing up my photos with out asking me first!!" She shot back as the twins left my side to go get a closer look I stayed put knowing they wouldn't include me anyway so I just tugged the wrinkles out of my pants. The rest of the host club gathered around the photo Tamaki crying the other hosts just looked at it in amazement. "The more I look at this the more I can't believe it..." Hikaru trailed off as Kaoru finished his thought. "How can this become that?" They all turned to Haruhi as she sweatdropped. "The day before the entrance exams, a kid in my neighborhood stuck a piece of gum in my hair getting gum out of long hair is a pain so I had Nageki cut it all off. I didn't care if I looked like a dude." Tamaki popped up in front of her. "Girls shouldn't refer to themselves as dudes!!!! Mommy Haruhi's using dirty words!!!" He yelled as he turned towards Kyoya Kaoru then spoke up. "Who's mommy?" He asked as Kyoya sighed. "From a club position stand point I guess I am..." He trialed off as I busted out laughing with Hikaru earning a death glare from the Shadow King a heavy scowl on his face as Haruhi spoke up muffling my and Hikaru's laugh into small giggles. "Well after all, Nageki and I can pay off more of our debt before we graduate by being hosts instead of errand boys." Tamaki seemed to notice he left me out and ran over tackling me into a hug apologizing as Haruhi looked at me with an unreadable expression on her face as I hugged him back showing I accepted his apology. In the middle of the moment Kyoya spoke up. "By the way do you two have experience in ballroom dancing?" He asked as Haruhi looked at him with disbelief. "No, but that doesn't have anything to do with my quota right? I don't really like parties so if I could be excused..." They turned to me as I spoke up. "I do but, I'd have to practice it's been a minute since I have." They just shrugged at my answer as Tamaki saw opportunity in Haruhi's sentence. "No, dances are common practices for gentlemen. If you want to be a host that badly then you'll have to show us how far you're willing to go! I order you to master the waltz in one week and demonstrate it next week. Or we reveal that the two of you are girls and bust you back to errand boys!" He said commandingly and turned to me. "And you Nageki you're here on a music scholarship then I order you to sing at the party you will sing and play a song of my choice!!!" My heart stopped and I looked at him in fear my red eyes wide. "What's wrong was I not right?" He asked as everyone looked at me with curiosity. "Um... N-No but I-I can't p-perform in f-front of p-people...." I said awkwardly as Tamaki tilted his head in confusion. "Then how did you perform before?" He asked genuinely as I looked to the ground and scuffed my shoe on the marble floor and whispered. "Behind a curtain..." I mumbled which made the twins burst out into laughter and the other hosts except Haruhi Mori and Kyoya look at me amused as my gaze on the beautiful marble hardened. "Will you perform for us Nageki-chan?" Honey asked cutely I raised an eye brow to him and walked over to my bag and grabbed my precious MP3 player and my red stradler guitar and turned back to the hosts. "Um do you mind if I sound like a guy?" I asked quietly as I walked up onto a stage hooking my guitar into the speaker tuning my guitar as the hosts shook their heads I smiled and closed the curtain motioning Haruhi forward knowing what I was going to sing she sighed and stepped forward to sing back up. I started the song on my MP3 took a breath and started singing while strumming on my Guitar.

(Sorry if you don't like it...)
The hosts looked shocked as I finished and reopened the curtain to reveal my gleaming ruby irises I was so happy and they could clearly see that. I could tell they didn't believe it was my voice as their jaws were basically on the floor. I smiled then checked the time it was time for Haruhi and I to leave as I hugged everyone goodbye and waved as we walked out.
~The Next Day~
"Quick, quick slow.... Quick, quick slow...Good job Haruhi now on the slow bring your feet together. The gentleman always leads, be sure to look at the girl you're dancing with." Kanako mused to Haruhi as she was teaching her to dance I sighed as I sat beside Tamaki on the window sill he was sad since he couldn't be the one to teach Haruhi how to dance I rubbed his back soothingly as we watched their lesson I was slightly hurt that he didn't want to teach me as I was infact the perfect height for him to dance with I was looking over the sheet of lyrics and music he gave me that he thought would be perfect to play for the dance when Haruhi suddenly fell on top of Kanako making Haruhi blush heavily making the aura around Tamaki darken considerably. "I-I'm so sorry Kanako!" She stuttered as Kanako chuckled and seductively wrapped her arms around her neck making me stand and walk over to them lifting Haruhi off of her. "T-Thanks Nageki." I nodded and smiled as I felt Tamaki's mood lighten considerably. I noticed the twins go over to Tamaki so I walked over to Kyoya. "U-Um Kyoya?" I asked as he stopped writing in his notebook for a moment and turned to look at me. "What is it Nageki?" He asked genuinely intrigued since my speech was rare. "Um w-who's going to f-freshen my s-skills of ballroom dancing?" I asked as he looked shocked 'So he forgot to....' I thought to myself sadly as Haruhi's lesson started back up he considered me and my height for a moment. "Tamaki." He said loud enough for the king to hear him he perked up at the sound of his name and walked over. "Yes Kyoya?" He asked somewhat excited as Kyoya smirked. "You're much to tall to teach Haruhi to dance," He said motioning to my sister then to me. "but you can teach Nageki." I smiled as his face instantly lit up he took my hand and started to dance with me. I was a bit clumsy at first tripping over my own feet and Tamaki's a blush constantly on my face as he chuckled as I fell against his chest. "I thought you had dancing experience Nageki.~" He mused quietly as I lent against his chest. "I-It was a very l-long time a-ago." I said stuttering more than usual since I was embarrassed as I got used to dancing again soon all of the guest and the host clubs eyes were on us as we gracefully danced across the floor a huge smiles on our faces as the Host Club boys glared daggers at Tamaki. Soon though we got tired and Haruhi and I decided to serve Kanako and Tamaki tea and sweets I stood as I munched on a flaky strawberry pastry smiling happily causing just about every one in the room except Mori, Haruhi and Kyoya blush in some way. "Thank you guys so much for letting us practice with you." Haruhi mused happily as Kanako leaned forward a bit over her steaming tea cup. "Oh, that's okay. I hear you two have been refraining from entertaining customers to learn how to dance. I'm happy I've had you all to myself.~" She said somewhat seductively as she rested her chin on her hands I could tell her comment made Haruhi somewhat uncomfortable. "Yeah..." She strained to say as Kyoya walked over and stood beside me. "Oh you got a new teaset! Ginori right?" She asked and seemed excited about it. "You have a good eye mademoiselle they only arrived yesterday. Lately the club has been seeking to improve our teasets." Kyoya answered as I broke off a piece of my pastry knowing how much he secretly likes sweets as he gently took it from my hand and ate it quickly before anyone noticed. "I see it's a nice color very lovely." Kanako murmured as Tamaki and I seemed realize some thing at the same time as he stood I rushed to follow eating the rest of my sweet quickly a knowing look on both of our faces as we walked over to same window we sat at earlier and talked to each other in hushed whispers earning odd glaces from out fellow hosts. "You must really like tableware huh?" Haruhi asked as Kanako blushed. "N-No I don't. What are you talking about?" A smile broke out on both of our faces we found her out the question was who was the guy. Tamaki seemed to be running people through his mind mumbling the names to himself. As we sat there a boy walked in carrying a few boxes I walked over to help him as they seemed heavy and to leave Tamaki to his thoughts. "Hello, I've brought the teacups you ordered." He said as he bumped into a table and almost dropped the fine china on the floor if I hadn't been there to catch it I balanced the three heavy boxes easily in one hand. "Ah I'm s-sorry-" I happened to glance at Kanako I noticed her wide eyes then it hit me it was him and smile graced my lips as I looked at Tamaki and nodded once towards the mystery man he held up his hand slightly to signal he heard me and motioned to Kyoya he glanced between the two of us and nodded. "Thank you, every item you've chose for us is popular with the ladies. It's very impressive." The mystery man smiled as he stood there rubbing his arm as I had his things. "Are you a dealer?" Haruhi asked as she walked over I lowered the boxes of glass to hold it with both hands. "I'm just a regular student. I'm wearing the uniform see?" He said to Haruhi's oblivious question as Kanako spoke up her voice very strained. "Haruhi-kun you're so funny. Still I can't blame you." She said turning around her emotions threatening to spill over as I shared a side glance with Tamaki. Kyoya spoke up before she could again. "He doesn't look like the heir to a first-class major corporation after all." This caught everyone's attention as Haruhi being as nonobservant as ever as confused. "Heir?" The look of shock on mystery mans face told it all. "His family business, Suzushima Trading, is a company whose business center around the importing of table wares. Currently, it has the top market share in the country." The sad look on her face as she talked made everything set into place in my and Tamaki's mind Kyoya seemed to get the notion as well as he pulled out his lap top from underneath his table and began to type away. "Oh, yeah?" Haruhi mused curiously as she stared at the box in my hands as Kyoya spoke up from his table. "So whenever anything exceptional comes in we've asked him to come our way. That's because we trust your eye for these things Suzushima-kun.." His sad trance with Kanako seemed to break as he turned to Kyoya. "Oh, no. My eye still has a long way to go." He said as Kyoya seemed to being to test Kanako's limits. "You're studying abroad in England next month aren't you?" He asked as I glared at him out the corner of my eye I could feel Tamaki's stare on my back as I straightened my posture. "Yes I'll be off." And with that he left everything was tense in the club room as Kanako sat there staring sadly into her tea cup I could tell she was having a hard time holding herself together and I knew any minute now she'd break. I looked at Tamaki as he stood up and walked over to her as I placed the tea set on another table as not to sadden her further. "Are you enjoying the Host Club?" Tamaki asked in his princely fashion then Haruhi being the most unobservant one of all of us just asked. "Are you close to that man who was just here?" There went all her confidence at once she shook violently for a moment and spun completely around. "What?! N-No I'm not! R-R-Really I'm not! M-My word what are you talking about Haruhi-kun?! N-Now if you'll excuse me....Take care." She stood up and began to walk out the door and with that she was gone Tamaki's gaze on her back as I stared at the wooden table Kyoya had been telling Mori and Honey the information he found about the two of them as Honey ran over jumping into my arms as I twirled and held him he talked to me and Haruhi mainly. "Hey Haru-chan Nageki-chan!~ You know what? Suzushima-kun is Kanako-chan's fiancee." He said happily as Tamaki looked at Kyoya as Haruhi looked at Honey shocked as I held him like a toddler to my hip. "Kyoya how long have you known?" Tamaki's voice was somewhat edgy as I looked over throwing him a blood red steely gaze his way he turned back to us. "About him being her fiancee? I do, of course, conduct general research on our customers.The two were childhood friends their engagement seems to have been arranged by their parents. It didn't particularly seem to be information we could use, so I left it alone." Tamaki seemed to be considering his words as he leaned forward slightly. "Why you..." He muttered slightly as Kyoya lay a yearbook on the table everyone crowded around. "Toru Suzushima outstanding grades, fair social status, ordinary looks, with reliability as his strong point... If I had to fault him for anything..." He trailed off as the twins stood behind him both with thier left hands raised in the air. "Not much presence ." Hikaru began as Kaoru started. "And he's faint hearted he finished as Kyoya looked up from his precious book. "Or in other words he's boring." Kyoya finished as he shut the notebook with one hand. 'I had no idea how mean they were to other guys.' I thought as I set Honey down and he went to his favorite perch on Mori's shoulders as he rested his chin in his raven hair. "Suzushima is a good boy right?" Honey asked to no one in particular as Mori answered him with a short. "Yeah." Tamaki walked forward making a scene as usual. "Alright everyone, we'll have to work on our strategy. " He said as we all mused together. "Which one?" Tamaki looked up dramatically seeming to ignore everyone's question. "Ouran Host Club exists in order to bring happiness to girls!"
~One Week Later~

It was the night of the ball as Haruhi and I were dragged to the formal dance as the twins dressed us up in designer suits we stood in our positions Tamaki placed us in the lights were dim as Haruhi and I stood in similar position as the twins. "Welcome my little lambs, who have gathered here tonight," Tamaki began as he raised his hand to signal the lights. "Ouran Host Club bids you a fond welcome..." He said fluidly as a spotlight shined down on him as he bowed. "To this dance party." The chandeliers began to turn on one by one as the Ouran orchestra which I was apart of began to play I was supposed to be there with them in fact and I felt bad bout abandoning them to be honest I was their best player. All the gather girls clapped excitedly as they looked up at us in awe. Kyoya spoke up next spreading his arms out the the assorted girls. "We invite you to enjoy yourselves to your hearts content, as you dance with the Host Club members. In addition the guest who is recognised as the best dancer, and is chosen as tonights queen, will recieve a kiss on the cheek from our clubs king Tamaki." Kyoya said as Tamaki broke his pose. "Good luck to you all." He finished as most the hosts smiled except Haruhi, Mori, and I. The twins appeared at our sides Hikaru leaning on Haruhi and Kaoru leaning on me. "Haruhi, Nageki your enthusiasm is low." They synchronized as I stared sadly at the crows of girls my hair messily strewn. "I'm not used to this sort of thing. The only dance I've ever been to is the festival in my neighborhood park." Kyoya spoke up now back to his usual self as he scribbled into his notebook Tamaki was still perched at the top of the stairs looking out into the sea of girls smiling. "I wouldn't exactly call that a dance party." Kyoya said cooly he never glanced up from his notebook as he spoke. "Well, the two of you are here anyway so why don't you enjoy the cuisine? There's a real spread." He said as Haruhi and I completely lit up and looked at each other as we spoke together cutely and synchronized. "A spread?...L-Like with fancy tuna?" We asked blushing lightly as Kyoya's pen snapped while the rest of the hosts stared at us in disbelief Tamaki jumped down from the balcony at the top of the stairs as Hikaru and Kaoru rubbed their cheeks against ours muttering about how cute we were. Tamaki poointed at kyoya who was already on his phone. "Get some fancy tuna here stat! Add some deluxe sushi!" He screamed as Honey and Mori gazed at us curiously.
All the hosts were dancing with their own girls as I stood against a column awkwardly no one wanted to dance with me but Haruhi had been asked several times already. I sighed sadly as I stated before I hated to be left out especially when Haruhi was involved. I felt the presence of two girls behind us regulars by the feel of their auras they finally got the nerve to peek around the corner. "Um... Haruhi?" They began to ask but quickly disappeared as Kanako walked over looking beautiful as ever in blue beaded dress with a white shawl. "I've been looking for you. You'll dance with me won't you?" She asked as Haruhi glanced at me I covered my sad eyes with my bangs and smiled and motioned her forward she looked uncertain but turned back to Kanako. "Yes. Of course." She said as she held out her hand to her I leant my head back on the pillar my gaze upward as I couldn't stand to watch them go and be happy with out me included. All the other hosts certainly were I thought selfishly that maybe Haruhi would stay with me and not fulfill her duties as a host and dance with the many girls that asked her. This was the third time I had been left alone tonight I sighed as I turned away from the party and walked outside into the fresh air no one would notice my absence anyway. I sat there and stared at the sky unaware how much time had passed I closed my eyes and imagined the last party I had been to all those years ago. I sighed when I felt a presense walk outside it was familiar. "What are you doing out her all alone Nageki?" Tamaki asked as I turned to him sadness still in my gaze as I turned to him I made sure we were alone before I spoke. "I wasn't n-needed..." I stuttered as I turned back to face the sky. Tamaki sighed as he held his hand out to me a small smile on his face. "Are you ready to perform?" He asked knowing it would make me feel better I smiled as I took his hand. "Yeah..." I trailed off as we walked up the the out doors balcony were acoustic guitar was set up ready for me to play. I cleared my throat and warmed up my voice testing everything and pulling my curtain. Kanako and Suzushima ran through the court yard as I told Tamaki I was ready when they were I sat there sectioned off from the world as I messed around with my MP3 in my slightly shaking hands I could hear the conversation out side so I tuned in for my signal. "And now ladies and gentleman, this enjoyable evening has come to it's final song there it was my signal I blocked out the rest as I plugged in my head phones and began to play and sing.
I finished as Hikaru announced the dance queen whose name I didn't quite catch as I pulled away from the microphone strumming absentmindedly on my acoustic as I sat down on the plush couch comfortable again finally I never took out my headphones so I was left alone forgetting the world was turning at that moment. I was snapped out of my time losing state as I felt a hand on my shoulder I hadn't realized it but I was crying out of loneliness and unwanted memories as I turned to Haruhi who had a look of remorse. My music was unbearably loud to the point were Haruhi can hear it her voice didn't reach my ears as she spoke to me as tears streamed down my face I buried my face into her chest. I felt her voice from the vibrations in her chest as she brushed her fingers through my hair stopping at the burnt ends as they were just matted black burnt clumps that enabled my hair from growing. She continued this until I was calmed down then she smiled as I took out my headphones the blasting eardrum splitting music still playing. "Oh Nageki..." She murmured while brushing my hair out of my eyes. Both of us blissfully unaware that the six hosts were outside the door listening to them.

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