Attack Of The Lady Manager

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Nageki's P.O.V:
                                                                        ~The Host Club is Now Open~
         I did what I usually do during Hosting hours I listened to everyone else. Since I felt uncomfortable communicating with our various guests I got to know them from their conversations with the other hosts. I closed my eyes and concentrated on Tamaki's table alone as he serenaded his guests. "Tamaki, why are you so beautiful?" She asked as I concentrated harder on them to catch his response. "Because I want to catch your eye, if only for one second longer." Another of his guests spoke up as I listened harder her voice was softer. "Why is it that your voice is so mellow?" She asked passionately as Tamaki answered. "So that my feelings might your heart." Another girl spoke next as she had the softest voice of all. "Why is it that you look at me with moist eyes?" He answered looking at them finally. "Because your, fresh young smile makes the spring in my heart overflow." He answer I thought to myself for a moment as I switched my focus to the twins. Today we were in kimonos the twins were matching as well as Haruhi and I. "The two of you are wearing matching kimonos huh?" One of their guests asked as they mirrored each others pose. "The ones that everyone is wearing were designed by our mother." Hikaru said proudly as Kaoru smiled and opened his hand. "If you'd like, we could take your order.~" He chimed happily as Hikaru spoke back up as he smiled. "It was our grandmother, that dressed us up though.~" He grabbed Kaoru's chin and lifted it to meet his eyes. "And of course, it's my task to undress you, Kaoru." He said as Kaoru answered shyly as he dropped his gaze. "Hikaru... You're embarrassing me in front of the others..." Their girls fangirled and Kyyyaaaed!~ together. My and Haruhi's kimonos were a dark green with lighter green butterflies and a blue belt with a light pink blanket like things to finish it off they put matching white bows in our hair. "Oh wow Haruhi Nageki you look so cute in your kimonos. Almost like girls.~"They cooed as we looked at each other. "Yeah..." She trailed off I was halfway sitting with Haruhi halfway sitting with Kyoya I munched in a cake that sat between us as he wrote with a paint brush on a scroll this time. "You two've been requested again. Your clients have pretty well stabilized lately haven't they?  Keep it up. We're not planning to charge you interest on your debt but the rental cost for your kimonos is nothing to wink at." He said as two girls appeared at his table which basically never happens as I looked over at them curiously. The one with dark brown hair spoke first as she blushed slightly. "Kyoya you're too much in that kimono." Two more girls showed up as they spoke together as they asked him a question that caught my attention. "Are there any new photo collections of the Host Club coming out?" They asked as Kyoya smiled as he answered them. "Unfortunately, nothing is scheduled at the moment." Hikaru and Kaoru popped up  hanging onto the the paper wall separating them from us. "So the club makes it's money....From the sale of promotional items, right?" They asked as Kyoya turned to them holding something in his hands as he spoke. "The photo collections are just amateur hidden camera shots. In order to draw even more for the clubs expenses out of the schools budget, we have to start coming up with some higher quality products." He answered simply as Hikaru and Kaoru slid back down to their respective places. Then Honey padded over with tears in his eyes as he crawled up into my lap. "Haru-chan Nageki... I lost one of my sandals." The sight of him crying broke my heart as I cuddled him closer and whispered into his ear so only he could hear me. "You were just wearing them a little while ago weren't you?" I asked quietly as he sniffled and cried into my chest, Mori then walked over and lifted him out of my arms smiling at me as he called out his name quietly. "Mitsukuni..." He trailed off as he lifted his foot and put his sandal on Honey holding the other one."Takashi..." He whimpered as Mori looked at him. "It was lying over there." He told him quietly as Honey flung himself at him as he hugged him. "Takashi!~" While their guests murmured about how fantastic it was. Haruhi walked over to them as she held her hand out to me I took it gratefully as she lifted me up she ran into Hikaru and a bottle of eyedrops fell out of his pocket. I held it as Haruhi sweat dropped and sighed as Hikaru spoke up. "I should let you know that it's a common practice." He said as Kaoru picked up where he left off.  "There isn't a girl around who won't swoon over a guy in tears." Haruhi looked at them annoyed as her voice showed it. "That's cheating." Kaoru turned around poking her cheek with his index finger. "Oh don't be so rigid." He said as Kaoru held a two  boxes with a pink  little bloom in it. We looked at him as we spoke together blushing slightly. "Can we really have these?" Two girls with heart swirling around them showed up as the twins commented on how cute we looked. "Do you two like confections?" They asked as Haruhi smiled. "No I don't really like sweets but, Nageki is a fiend for them...Though I think we should give these to mom. What do you think?" She asked turning to me as I nodded a somewhat sad smile on my face. All of the girls blushed some with tears in their eyes as Tamaki appeared swirling in front of us wiping tears from his eyes. "How admirable!~ Such devotion to your mother!~ Here take as many as you like." He said as he stacked more into our hands as he smiled tearfully. "Are those fake tears too?" Haruhi asked her agitation growing he stopped stacking the candies in our hands. "How can you say that?! My tears are always genuine. By being able to cry without using eye drops is the mark of a true host." He said dramatically as he turned to us. "Well? Are you impressed? Have you fallen for me?" He asked as Haruhi and I deadpanned. "Not really." We said together as we looked at him uninterested. "My romantic sways don't seem to be reaching the two of you why is that? Perhaps I should I should alter my character somewhat." He said posing but Haruhi and I weren't paying attention we were looking at the door where a girl with long red hair and a pink bow was hiding unsuccessfully as she looked shyly into the club. "Looks like the Host Club has a brand new guest." Hikaru and Kaoru said smiling as they walked over to her. "Come on in what are you waiting for?" Hikaru asked as he held out a rose to her. "It's no fun watching from the sidelines." Kaoru added as he held out another rose to her. "Please miss." They finished together as they smiled. The girl looked terrified as I walked to Kyoya and stood beside him. There was something off about this girl usually girls swoon if they received any sort of attention from the twins. She however seemed to be scared around them as she was about to say something Tamaki cut in. "Now boys, how many time do I have to tell you to more courteous towards first time guests?" He scolded and pulled out his own rose. He turned to the girl and lifted her chin to face her. "Please you don't have to be afraid, my princess I bid you welcome to the Ouran Host Club.~" He said seductively as I sighed he was always like this with new guests but I knew what it was like to be shy and it was clear that she was uncomfortable. She was trying to speak as she stuttered. "N-" She began but her voice failed her as Tamaki repeated the syllable. "N-?" He encouraged her to speak once more. I jumped in fright as she suddenly hit Tamaki in the face as she screamed at him. "NO! Don't touch me you phony!"  Tamaki fell back into the floor clutching his face as small tears sprang in his eyes I ran over to him immediately as I caught him before he hit the ground. "I'm a phony?!" He stuttered in disbelief as my attitude about this girl drastically changed. "Yes a phony! I can't believe that you are the princely figure of this club! The prince character doesn't go spreading his love around so readily! How can you be so stupid?! It's almost like you're a dim witted narcissist! Incompetent! Mediocre! The worst!" She screamed each rude remark she made struck him as he fell into my arms as Kyoya spoke up his hand on his chin. "I don't suppose you are-" He was cut off by the girl tackling him into a hug. "It's you Kyoya!~" She yelled stepping on Tamaki as she cuddled into his chest taking him by surprise while I fawned over Tamaki I looked at her my blood red glare catching every one off guard as I wasn't usually like this. "You're rude." I said my voice unwavering as I spoke the girl separated her self from Kyoya and turned to me her eyes wide then she jumped at me like she did Kyoya knocking me to the floor and cooing my name. "Nageki!~" She squealed and rubbed her cheek against mine as she fawned over me much to my and the others discomfort. "I can't believe both of you are here my beautiful prince Kyoya and my adorable shy Nageki!~" She sing songed. She had a death grip on me as the hosts offered her tea. "Kyoya and Nageki's fiancee?" Everyone asked confused as she held onto me tightly every time I tried to move her grip would tighten considerably. "Yes my name is Renge Hoshakuji. I will be transferring to 2nd year class A tomorrow." She said politely as I looked over to Tamaki trying to wiggle out if Renge's grasp to comfort him as it kinda became my job to do so. "He looks mad..." "Yeah that's because Mommy and his precious son were hiding something from Daddy." Kyoya sighed irritably as he glared at them as Renge cuddled me to her chest cooing over me and running her fingers through my hair I was very uncomfortable as some of the other hosts looked at me with pity. "Why does everyone keep referring to us as a family?" Kyoya asked annoyed as he glared at Tamaki. Renge stood up dragging me with her holding me up in midair as she spoke. "It was love at first sight!~ The way you were adoring those flowers by yourself in the back courtyard. Even when no one was looking..." She said looking dreamily at Kyoya then she shook me around violently in her arms squeezing me as she spoke. "Or when you even though you were deathly sick you kindly reached out to that injured kitty." She cooed rubbing her cheek against mine. The twins popped up both sweatdropping as they spoke. "Who are you talking about?" They as as Haruhi popped up. "Could you have the wrong people she asked politely. "No you can't fool these eyes!" She snapped as I was becoming increasingly agitated with this girl I wanted so badly to hurt her at this moment as she was being mean to Haruhi. My sister looked her her shocked her large brown eyes held hurt behind them I glared at the girl as the room became considerably colder as I glared at her. "Their kind to everyone, and yet they don't seek to have anyone take notice to them. They love solitude but, are actually lonesome. They look just like to two most popular boys on the newest dating game Uki-doki memorial!~" She said proudly as she touched my face that only deepened my aura I didn't like it when people stroked my face. "You are my real life Ichijo Miyabi!~ And my sweet Nageki you are my real life, Ibuki Saitō!~" She said as she squeezed me harder. "Uki?" Haruhi started with the first syllable. "Doki?" Honey continued it as Tamaki finally realized what she was. "An Otaku!" He yelled in horror as Hikaru had a similar reaction. "An Otaku?!" Kaoru popped up in front of him. "I've never seen one before!" I saw opportunity and squirmed out of Renge's arms while she was distracted she began chasing me around the club room as I cried a bit I didn't really want to be held like a stuffed animal again. I didn't catch what he said as I was to busy running away from Renge I jumped into the first person I could find arms which happened to be Mori he started to run away from Renge as well as she didn't care to hurt Mori to get to me. I was terrified to be honest I had no idea what to do about her as we ran. Suddenly I was in Tamaki's arms where I was comfortable by now I sighed in releif as he apologized about not saving me from the 'Dreadful Otaku' he rubbed his cheek against mine as I smiled and ruffled his hair. "According to my information, I understand that Kyoya controls the clubs expenses. And Nageki-" She said as she roughly pulled me away from Tamaki like a child fighting over a doll with another child and pulling me into her lap. "Is the second highest requested host  behind the phony prince." She said rudely I was very upset to be back in her constricting arms as she talked about how happy she was that Kyoya was the shadow king she then suddenly declared herself as the manager and told us how much fun we were going to have with her. Somehow Mori was finally able to seprate her from me as I ran to hid behind Haruhi who had our things then we left as I quickly hugged everyone goodbye except Renge.
                                                                                        ~The Next Day~
        I was very VERY sick of this Renge girl she sat between Kyoya and I in class and wouldn't let me sleep on Tamaki when it was time for my scheduled nap. Then another annoying thing was she never let me go once not ONCE the ENTIRE DAY.  I couldn't even go to get my 12:00 shot because my teacher wasn't going to let me go with her but she refused to let go. Tamaki became increasingly worried about throughout the day as I became visibly paler and dark circles set in under my eyes from not sleeping and not taking my medicine. Kyoya literally had to carry me to the club room as I was already almost asleep from sheer exhaustion he kept glancing at me worriedly as the rest of the hosts did when they saw my condition I sat between him and Tamaki on the couch as I slept on Tamaki's shoulder. I awoken much to my dismay by the club door opening Tamaki glanced at me worriedly as Haruhi walked over to me and lifted me into a hug. "Come on Nageki you need sleep..." She trailed off as she lay me down at Honeys napping place asking permission first of course. He even gave me Usa-Chan to sleep with so I kissed his forehead and thanked him quietly. Haruhi came over with my precious MP3 and headphones and warned the hosts not to wake me or touch my headphones while I slept. She patted my head and kissed my forehead a worried look still in her eyes as she turned on my music so I could sleep.
                                                                                Haruhi's P.O.V:
        I sighed and walked back over to the hosts but, I couldn't focus on the conversation as I kept glancing back at Nageki every few seconds to make sure she was alright. I'm getting tired of this Renge girl she's making my sister unhealthy and I don't know how to deal with that. I noticed that all the hosts even Kyoya and Mori were doing the same as they constantly glanced at her sleeping form. To everyones dismay the door opened revealing Renge I turned around and glared at her slightly for making Nageki like she currently was. "People...Your new manager has made you all some cookies!~" Tamaki stood up and tried to be a gentleman again as he walked over to her the room was very tense as he did so. "Oh...How ladylike of you! I'm so moved!" She glared at him her voice icy as she spoke. "I didn't bake them for you phony prince." Her comment broke Tamaki's confidence and he went over to his emo corner as we all looked over to Nageki since she was usually the only one who could get Tamaki away from there. Renge ran over to Kyoya hearts floating around her as she smiled at him. "There a little bit burnt but I know you'll like them Kyoya...." She trailed off them looked around the room. "Hey wheres Nageki-" She asked confused as I cut her off my voice very angry as I spoke. "Sleeping she's not to be disturbed." I said as she looked at me wide eyed Tamaki even stood up showing her we were serious. Everyone started eating her horridly burnt cookies. Honey was eating one commenting on how burnt they were as Mori looked him concerned. "Mitsukuni, stop they could be bad for you." He said sternly as Renge glared at them and started chasing them around the room. "She's scaring me!" Honey wailed crying I sweatdropped and look at the cookie tin in my hands I picked up one and began to eat it. I was confused about what everyone was complaining about they weren't bad at all. "A bit savory but not that bad." I commented as the twins were suddenly at my side as they wrapped their arms  around me one half of the cookie still in my mouth. "Oh really may I try?~" Hikaru asked seductively as he bit one half of it I blushed lightly confused why he did that. "Oh Haruhi you have some crumbs on you let me get that." Kaoru teased as he licked the side of my mouth. "Before anyone realized it they've become a congenial classmate trio." I heard Kyoya say behind me as I rubbed my cheek where Kaoru had licked it. "You know if you'd just say so I would have got them off myself." I told Kaoru as he smiled then I turned to Hikaru who was smiling just as wide. "And if you wanted one they're right here." I murmured as I looked at them confused Tamaki suddenly was right in my face cupping my cheeks as he yelled at me. "Y-Y-Your reaction is all wrong! This is where you're supposed to rebuff them, or casually brush them aside!" I sighed inwardly and looked to the ground sweatdropping as he yelled at me. "Please stop sexually harassing me senpai." My voice was more venomous than I meant for it to be. "Harassing you?! If I'm harassing you then they're twice as guilty!" He screamed looking at me hurt as he yelled. "Ahh police!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the twins covered my mouth. "Okay, Okay sir we're sorry." They apologized Suddenly Renge started screaming something about us being lukewarm. "It's all to lukewarm! Except for Kyoya all of your characters are lackluster! They are lacking a 'dark side'! Girls are susceptible to handsome men going through trauma! If you keep carrying on in this ridiculous manner it's only a matter of time before everyone grows tired of it! Are you trying to ruin Kyoya's business?! As manager starting today, I'm changing all of your character backgrounds! Starting with you!" She screamed pointing at Honey who began to cry. "If all you are is cute inside and out then you're the same as a baby! As such, you're now 'The Cute-Face Who's Actually a Thug!'  Mori senpai you're now you're now the 'Childhood Friend Flunkie!'! The twins will be basketball players, 'Shut Up In Their Own World'! Haruhi you will be the honor student faced with 'Intense Bullying!'! And you Tamaki..." She trailed off and marched over to Nageki and slung her into Tamaki's arms. "You will be the schools idol, esteemed for your looks, but actually you have an inferiority complex.... 'The Lonely Prince' who's only true friend is a dying extremely shy person who is the only person you and Haruhi care about in the world but you both are upset since he has such little time left in the world due to his illness!" She finished as I flinched at Nageki's description."Oh, Kyoya, you're perfect. You just stay your usual kind affectionate self." Kyoya put his hand over his heart. "I'm honored." He said as a spotlight fell over Tamaki and a still somehow sleeping Nageki in his arms against his chest. "The Lonesome Prince, indeed that's perfect for me!" He said sadly as I sighed. "That's probably the one she got the most wrong." I trailed off as the twins grabbed Kyoya desperation in their voices and eyes. "Kyoya." Kaoru pleaded his name as Hikaru spoke up. "Do something!" He said as Renge jumped around behind them. "The King seems to be alright with it." He said pointing at Tamaki who was leaning against a painting still hold Nageki. "Renge? Is this what a lonesome pose looks like?" He asked posing as Renge ran over to him. "My that's pretty good Tamaki! I'm sure it'll be more effective if it was raining and Nageki was awake!" The twins and I sweatdropped as we looked at them. "Let's just see how this goes shall we? Something interesting will come of it, I bet."
                                                ~The Next Day 3rd Person P.O.V:~
    Hikaru and Kaoru where playing their last game of the regular basketball season they were the star players if the Ouran basketball team. Hikaru went up for the layup that would give them for the advantage in the second half unaware that his twin was injured at the other end of the court. He scored and everyone cheered he smiled and went to find Kaoru to give him a high five when he found him laying at half court holding his knee in pain. "Get a stretcher! Take him to the infirmary quick!" A medic yelled as the team surrounded him Hikaru ran over quickly shock and horror on his face. "Kaoru!" He yelled as he ran to his brother who was already on a stretcher as he kneeled before him his coach came over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hikaru you can't . Get back in the game." He told him gently as Hikaru violently shook him off. "Shut up!" He said angrily as Kaoru called his name weakly. "Hikaru...Hikaru, take it easy. You can't go on trying to feel my pain." He said gently as he put a hand to Hikaru's cheek. "Understand? You're not the one who got hurt." Tears pooled in his eyes as he gripped onto Kaoru's arm and leant into it. "It's no use! It hurts! It hurts Kaoru!" He screamed tears streaming down his face. 'Your pain is my pain. It doesn't matter if no one else understands. As long as we're both here for each other we can go on living.' The scene then cut to the schools courtyard where a single person was stood in the pouring rain. "I envy you two. Being able to support each other like that..." The twins looked up shocked to see Tamaki Suoh. "Tamaki?" They asked confused as they looked at him his lavender eyes full of sadness. "But Tamaki you're the schools idol..." Hikaru trailed off still holding his injured brother close. "An idol right...." He trailed off as he pushed his brilliant blonde locks away from his glowing lavender eyes. "I hate that everyone worships me for my good looks. I think it would be better if I left and went to somewhere private with Nageki and his brother he talks about so much..." He trailed off as a boy ran on screen and tackled him into a hug tears streaming down his face as he buried his face into Tamaki's chest. He leant up to Tamaki's ear and whispered faintly to him. "W-Why would you s-say that you know I-I'm perfectly fine and h-happy here with you and H-Haruhi..." He trailed off as he began to cough violently into his only friends chest. Tamaki sighed and rested his chin on his friends head as he ran his finger through his blonde singed hair as his coughing increased. "What have I told you about over exerting yourself for my sake?" His voice was faint and strained as he held him tightly he once again leant up and spoke softly into his ear. "B-Because...(cough)...I d-don't know h-how much longer I'll b-be able to...(cough)...B-Be here f-for you and H-Haruhi...(cough)...I-I'll be h-here as l-long as you w-want me..." He trailed off as Tamaki spoke back up blood begining to drip from the corner of his friends mouth turning the water around them a sickly crimson. "You realize I'll always want you around?" Nageki nodded to this the flow of blood becoming heavier as he spoke. Tamaki's grip tightened as he voice was very soft almost inaudible as he brushed Nageki's hair from his eyes. "Rest Nageki...I'll be here when you wake up...I'll be here no matter what." With his last words his friend slipped into unconsciousness.
                                    Nageki's P.O.V:
    I gasped in pain as I felt the familiar fire coursing though my veins I panted and coughed up a few more droplets of blood as Haruhi pulled the needle out of my neck. I hoped the other hosts didn't see she patted my head as she ran over to the set as it was her turn to perform. Tamaki and I ran out of the rain as I smiled and ran over to Kyoya who had our towels Haruhi was done with her scene which ended abruptly as Honey couldn't be mean to her which was a great character trait in my opinion. I gave her and Tamaki towels after her scene. "You two did great!~" I complimented as Haruhi dried off her hair as did Tamaki. As soon as she was somewhat dry she put her towel over my head and started drying my hair. "We don't need you getting cold." She said gently as she rubbed my hair. "So how was my acting?" Tamaki asked smiling as he dried himself off and adjusted his tie. "It was amazing!~" We commeted together as Haruhi continued to dry my hair so my voice was muffled I was glad he was back to his normal self as being sad and gloomy didn't suit him. "I'm surprised you were able to get into your character like that." Haruhi commented as Tamaki smiled. "I've discovered a whole new side of myself! I kinda wanna explore it!" He said as I felt my heart clench I didn't want that not at all. "Are you sure about that?" My voice was very quiet as I asked him he looked at me confused. "Tamaki I think you're fine just the way you are." I told him as I took off the towel as my hair was now dry and brushed my fingers through my hair he blushed and looked at me. "R-Really?" He looked away from us. "I-If you say so..." he trailed off as he fidgeted with his fingers. "Haruhi! Nageki! You're on!" I heard Renge yell as she flagged us down from further down set. "Coming!" Haruhi yelled back as we folded our towels and put them back. We were about to shot the scene about my health and how we do jobs for the mafia to pay for my meds or whatever. Haruhi was running over to her and I was about to follow when I felt a familiar hand on my wrist. "Hang on Nageki." He said quietly a serious look on his face I was scared for a moment. "You were really crying during the scene weren't you?" He asked as I felt my heart speed up. "What? No of course not! I'm just that good of an actor." I said laughing slightly but on the inside I was freaking out I felt my throat tighten and tears sting in my eyes. I was lying I didn't mean to but the scene got to me the way he was talking to me holding me telling me very sweet things. I tried to pull away to Haruhi but his grip tightened and as he cupped my cheek forcing me to look at him. "I saw it in your eyes sincerity and honesty...You always smile and take care of me and the hosts...But I saw it in your eyes the scared hurt feelings came out. Why do you feel that way? I don't know what the two of you are hiding from us but, we're always here for you and Haruhi... After all it is the host club's job to make women happy." He said as serious as I've ever heard him. "NAGEKI!" I flinched as she screamed my name I looked at Tamaki and smiled. "I don't know why you're getting so worked up about. Worry lines don't suit you, I'm fine don't worry I'm just a good actor don't worry." I said as he finally let go but I know he didn't believe me as I wiped away the little tears in the corner in my eyes. I ran around the corner to where Haruhi and Renge with two other boys that looked like thugs. "I've asked these two gentleman to make an appearance." They looked down at her as they were very tall. "Appearance? What are you talking about?" Renge acted like she didn't hear them as she clenched her fist. "We're going need some villans for the climax after all. The club members unite to battle some bad guy characters! According to my notes, while these two may be from a rich family, they are actually members of the Japanese Mafia! These are truly ideal parts for you!~" She declared proudly clasping her hands together. "What's with this girl?!" One of them cried as the other spoke up. "What ever my Dad may be it's got nothing to do with me!" He yelled angrily as Haruhi and I stepped forward. "W-Wait Renge!" She wasn't listening though as she grabbed one of them and drug them to where she wanted them to be. "Okay just stand over here-" She commanded as the boy pulled away. "Hey! Wait a minute!" We called to no avail as the boy spoke. "You think you can push us around anyway you want to?!" He yelled as he pushed her my body reacted before my mind as I slung myself behind her she crashed into me instead of the wall as she opened her eyes as soon as she moved away I moaned and fell to my knees. I quickly covered my mouth and held onto my stomach as I coughed up a good amount of blood. Haruhi ran over panicked as she hugged me. "NAGEKI!!" She screamed as she started crying slightly. "T...Those b-boys are right R-Renge...(cough)..." I looked up at her tears in my eyes from the pain and coughing. "Nageki don't talk it'll only make it hurt worse!" Haruhi yelled desperation in her voice as she trembled from crying. She and Renge both gasped as my coughing became worse and my head lowered to the ground. I was visibly shaking at this point like I was freezing. "Nageki please..." Haruhi said softly as I gripped my throat to speak. "I-If y-you j-judge s-someone...(cough)...B-By a-appearances o-only t-then y-you're s-stereotyping t-them...(cough)...A-And y-you'll n-never g-get t-to s-see t-the p-person i-inside-" I couldn't continue as I coughed to violently before long Haruhi pulled me to her chest as Renge began to panic as my breath quickened. "I'm n-not sure what you mean..." Renge trailed off  as I heard Tamaki's voice. "Haruhi??! What happened?! Oh no Nageki?!" He asked as he ran over we looked over to him blushes on our faces from crying as we turned to him a single tear shedding down both of our cheeks. His eyes narrowed and without warning he slammed the boy who shoved Renge into the wall. "Who started this?!" He asked angrily as his friend was panicking. "Wait sir it's not what you think! That girl was giving us a hard time!" He wailed as I spoke up my throat felt like acid was being poured down it. "I-It's t-true T-Tamaki..." Haruhi looked at me worriedly as she nodded. "Yeah these guys aren't at fault." He looked at us with a look of anger and sadness as he ran over to us as we wiped away our tears. He clasped one of each of our cheeks. "Dose it hurt? Haruhi? Nageki?" He asked sincerely as I looked away from him, but I know he noticed my trembling. "Nageki?" He repeated as his voice was very soft I was still trembling as I picked up Haruhi's contact lens from the ground and strained a smile to him. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine  my contact just fell out..." Haruhi trailed off trying to distract Tamaki's attention from me. "Your contact?" Tamaki asked amused as he burst out into laughter. "I see!~ You can cry without using teardrops that makes you full fledged hosts!~" That caused us to smile as I let out a shaky laugh Haruhi looked at me for a second then back at Tamaki so he wouldn't notice. "I...I..." Renge stuttered as she visibly shook. "Please tell me you gt that camera man!" She squealed as Tamaki Hauhi and I looked at her in shock as she gripped her copy of the script tightly. "Besides the whole contact thing that was an ideal final scene!~" She cooed as she smiled and crinkled the script. "All it needs now is for Kyoya to narrate it!~" She said as I sighed she hadn't learned a thing yet had she? We looked over at the sudden sound of glass breaking Haruhi had to face Kyoya so I could see him he had smashed the camera lens with a rock. "What'd you do to my camera?!" The director screeched as he looked at Kyoya in shock Renge looked at him sadness clear in her eyes. "K-Kyoya?" He looked at the rock in his hand his voice icy as he spoke. "I'm sorry, but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I wish you'd just leave already you're being a pest." He said coldly as I sighed I knew this would happen eventually as I looked at Haruhi silently asking her to walk me over to her. "Why? Kyoya you're supposed to tell me not to worry about it! Then gently pat me on the head! Why would someone as kind and affectionate as you...?" She wailed as tears poured from her eyes Haruhi and I were very close to her as Tamaki spoke. "Because that's not who he is." He said simply as Renge turned to us as fell to her knees sobbing I shook out of Haruhi's arms and collapsed in front of  her and hugged her and ran my fingers through her hair as I spoke softly into her ear. "I-It d-doesn't m-matter d-does i-it?" I asked quietly as I motioned for Haruhi to start where I left off. "Even if Kyoya is a little different from what you thought, Renge you should get to know them little by little it can be fun." She looked down as Haruhi crouched in front of her her arm wrapped around my side. I smiled as she slowly stood and smiled at Haruhi and I muttered a quiet thank you and left. Haruhi sighed as she lifted me up and helped me walk back over to Tamaki. I sighed as I saw the look of concern in his eyes Haruhi noticed it to and looked at him they had a silent conversation and finally he lowered his gaze. Kyoya mirrored his look as I smiled at him he sighed and looked away from me. I didn't realize how awful I looked until I got inside I looked over and saw my reflection in one of the beautiful french windows. I was very very pale and the corner of my mouth was slightly pinkish red from the blood from earlier dark circles set in under the hollows of my eyes my uniform was slightly wrinkled and still slightly damp. Haruhi decided I wasn't allowed to go to school the next day and let Dad babysit me. I came back to school the day after still looking a bit rough but, I was better I was tackled in the hallway by the entire host club besides Mori, Haruhi, and Kyoya who both smiled at me as I smiled back. Then I was fawned over by a bunch of host club regulars as I kept smiling and Haruhi kept repeating that I was fine. I walked into class with Tamaki and Kyoya rubbing my eyes every now and then. I had to take an extra shot today and Tamaki was kind and let me sleep an extra long time on his shoulder even though when I finally woke up I quietly apologized over and over since his arm fell asleep. He only laughed me off and commented how cute I looked when I slept as he rotated his arm. Kyoya even treated me by giving a slice of my favorite kind of cake I smiled and thanked him as I ate lunch in the nurses office as always so I could have my third shot of the day. The nurse Mrs. Yumi I smiled as she knew my gender secret she checked me over and gave me a worried look as she looked at me. "I noticed you weren't at school yesterday Nageki. Was that due to health reasons?" She asked as she prepped my upper arm for the shot I flinched as the needle went into my skin. I nodded my head and she sighed and pushed to medicine into my system. I sighed and relaxed at the warm slightly tingly feeling it left behind as she pulled the needle out. I leant back and closed my eyes and yawned Mrs. Yumi sighed and patted my head softly as I smiled and ate lunch with her as always Tamaki and Kyoya came to get me so the three of us could go back to class together I said goodbye to Mrs. Yumi and took my bento box with me. Class flew by for the most part. Before I left I told Tamaki I was going to be a bit late for hosting since I had to give something to Mrs. Yumi he smiled and told me he'd see me there, I smiled and ran off to take my fourth and final shot of the day besides the one I take before bed. I smiled and ran at a reasonable pace for my health when I finally arrived I walked into a conversation the whole host club was having with various guests. "I bought that video!~" One said happily as I took my place in to formation beside Haruhi I blinked confused at her statement as I yawned. "Me too-" Another girl said as another popped up beside her. "Me too!~" Everyone's eyes widened as as the first girl began to fan girl. "That scene in the rain was the greatest you're acting was very good!~" She cooed as the two other girls began to chant. "The lonesome prince and the extreme shy!~" They synchronized. "And the deep relationship between Hikaru and Kaoru was too much!~" She squealed as hundreds of hearts flew around them. "And Haruhi's poignant expressions!~" Tamaki's bangs covered his eyes as the twins stared forward in disbelief. "Kyoya..." We all turned to him as he scribbled neatly into his notebook. "I may have broken the lens, but naturally, the footage was undamaged. Of course the one scene of violence was cut out.  Sales have been pretty good so far. That first-rate Hollywood staff did as good of a job as you'd expect." He finished as he pushed up his glasses the twins turned around to him. "Is this what you meant by interesting?" They asked together sweatdropping. "It's best to have as much money as we can for the cubs budget right?" He asked a a familiar set of arms set around my waist. "Take care." Renge said as she rubbed her cheek against my shoulder as Tamaki looked over. "Huh? Renge I thought you went home to France." She smiled as she closed her eyes against my back. "I realized something. Your kindness earlier, when you risked your life to save me, and your deep love, for giving those at times, stern admonitions." She said as she switched me to one arm picking me up from the ground as she grabbed Haruhi's hand. "This is you meant by watching people, and falling in love with them right?" She asked as she lifted Haruhi into her other arm. "Yes?..." Haruhi answered hesitantly as Renge squealed with happiness and ran towards the door despite Tamaki's obvious protests. "Come, let's go to my house and play games together!~ You have to find out more about me too!" We passed the twins and Kyoya. "Kyoya...Are you sure this is okay?.." Hikaru trailed off as he and Kaoru watched us leaving.  "Why wouldn't it be? She's not wrong in what she's saying." He said as Tamaki popped up angry as he yelled after us. "NO, IT'S NOT OKAY!" Kyoya found a crack in his speech. "They're hanging out together becoming friends just like you wanted." He said as Tamaki shook his arm in our direction. "But their not all being girls!!!!" Renge smiled as she ran down the hallway both of us still in her arms. "Come on you guys let's go!~"
//Seven thousand one hundred and twenty five word OMFG-

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