The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type

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                                                                  ??? P.O.V

I began to open the door out of the music room I had now begun to hate. Unfortunately my teacher caught me right as I was about to open the door I sighed internally. "Oh Shiro." He called out to me I decided not to face him as I held my emotions he continued to talk to me. "Everyone else is already assembled. Hurry and come into the classroom." I glared at the fancy door handle in front of me as I white knuckled it. "Sorry but, I'm quitting the Classical Music Club." I was trying to stay calm as my shoulders tensed my teacher was confused. "Huh? Why so suddenly? I think you have a talent for playing the piano." I became even angrier as he tried to pull me away from the door. "I won't say anything about this, so keep at it. You'll be popular with the girls in the future if you can play the piano." I finally let myself go as I gripped the door once more. "Doing so would just be a roundabout!" I turned around to face him my slate gray eyes narrowed into slits. "Besides I don't have anytime!" And with that I left my school and began to run towards the prestigious high school nearby.

Nageki's P.O.V:

Tamaki, Kyoya, and I walked to our final class of the day. I smiled as Tamaki told me about the costumes he had planned for us today. I listened to him as Kyoya neatly wrote in his notebook not really listening to Tamaki's ramblings as we walked into math he quickly stopped talking as we sat down in our desks. At the the end of class I told Tamaki I would be a little bit late because I had to take my last round of medicine he understood and gave me a hug goodbye and told me to be safe. I smiled and told him I would and joking said bye mom to Kyoya. He rolled his eyes at me and sighed as he and Tamaki waved goodbye to me. I walked into Ms. Yui's office she jumped her baby blue eyes narrowed slightly at me for scaring her. "Hello again Nageki!~" She said cheerily as I smiled and fully allowed myself into her office. She prepared my medicine in her arrangement of syringes and put it in my arm. She then sent me on my way wishing me a great rest of the day. I started my careful trek to the Host Club when I saw a little boy who couldn't be older than nine climbing the stairs. He seemed to notice me and turned around glaring at me. "You got a problem with me being here or something?" He asked rudely as I shook my head no he sighed and crinkled the paper he had in his hand. "Listen um... do you know where the host club is?" He asked me more nicely this time I picked up on the slight sadness in his voice I nodded and offered my hand to him which he begrudgingly took. I lead him upstairs assuming he was someones younger brother. When we reached the door I quietly warned him about the rose petals and he nodded as he went to open the door I was standing behind him and he was still holding my hand which surprised me. He almost fell at the sight of everyone but I caught him easily and smiled at him reassuringly he nodded at me once and stood. "Nageki do you know this boy?" Kyoya asked me I shook my head no in response he nodded at my answer and wrote something in his notebook. I saw the outfits Tamaki was telling me about earlier on everyone I smiled and waved at them all the boy looked at me curiously as he turned to face the club. Tamaki being the prince he was decided to greet the boy first. "What's wrong little lost boy? Did you need something from our palace?" He asked in his usual velvety tone. "Y-You're this places king?" The boy asked uncertainly as Tamaki lit up in surprise. "Am I wrong?" He asked as Tamaki motioned him forward. "Here, little lost boy." Tamaki called him forward as the boy tugged me along behind him. "What did you just call me?" He asked irritably as we stopped just in front of everyone. "King! Oh, King! Yes indeed I am the King of the Host Club!" Tamaki said as he twirled around. "I'm Shiro Takaoji, elementary 5th year class-A." Shiro introduced himself as Tamaki looked at him Starstruck. Shiro used the hand that wasn't holding onto me to point at Tamaki. "I hearby petition the Host Club King to take me on as an apprentice!" Everyone looked at him in shock as Tamaki blushed.

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