Bad boy vs. Badass

By adorelicornes

174K 5.1K 1.4K

Hazel is the new girl in SouthRiver high school and well instead of being the shy,innocent new girl she is mo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Party pt. 1)
Chapter 6 (Party pt. 2)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Part 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
um hi

Part 10

8.4K 283 158
By adorelicornes


Hazel POV

It was Saturday which meant....


Even though I'm lazy everyday but, today I can embrace my laziness.

This why Saturday is my day. My dad is at work, and he comes home late. Megan usually goes and sleep over at a friends house or spends the entire day with her friends. I get to stay home watch SPN, eat lots of junk food, and not care about how I look.

Today's outfit was going to be an over sized hoodie that reached just above my knees and no pants or bra.

But today I wasn't feeling my laziness so I put on some black leggings with a plain t-shirt.

I wanted to go on an adventure. So I decided to go to Target and buy a bunch of shit I don't need.

Yeah..... I need a life


I was walking down the clearance aisle when I spotted Blade and some little boy with him.

The kid looked about 4,I noticed he looked a little bit like Blade expect that the little boys hair was blonde instead of brown.

Did Blade have a son?!

Nah, I'm just being crazy he's probably his brother.

I decided just to ignore it and continue to my shopping.

I think I might make cookies today

I went down the baking aisle and grabbed some ingredients when I bumped into some kid.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there" I looked down to see the kid I bumped into turned out to be the boy that was with Blade.

"It's ok" he said ,omg he has the cutest little voice.

"Are you gonna make cookies?!" He asked clapping his hands together.

"Um, yeah I am" I said. "Where are your parents?"

"Home" he responded.

"So, whats your name?"I asked.

"Tyler" he said. "What is your name?"

"Hazel" I said "so where's your brother?"

"He's over their"he said pointing at a group of girls. I looked a little closer and I saw Blade.

"He weally like girls" he said.

Omg, the way he said really made me want to squish his cheeks.

"How about we go say hi?" I said.

"Okay" he said and with that he grabbed my hand and walked me over where Blade was.

"Excuse me" I said as I made my way to Blade seriously why is there so many girls.

"Hey ,bitch move over"  said a girl as she pushed me out of the way.

"Oooooh she said a bad word" said Tyler.

"Yeah she did" I said as I narrowed my eyes at her giving her the finger.

"Tyler?!" I heard Blade yell.

"Bwade" said Tyler as he ran up to him.

"Hazel?" Said Blade.

"That's me" I said.

A bunch a girls awe as Blade picked up Tyler.

"Your such a nice daddy" said a girl giggling.

I faked gag.

"Um, he's my brother" said Blade looking at her disgusted.

"Can we go to Hazel house? she's making cookies" said Tyler clapping his hands again.

"No, we have to go home" said Blade sternly.

I looked at Tyler and I saw that his eyes where getting watery.

Uh oh

And then all we could hear was Tyler bawling his eyes out.

"Okay, okay we can go" said Blade and with that Tyler stopped crying.

Man this kid can sure act

"But you have to ask Hazel if we can go" said Blade.

Tyler looked at me gave me those puppy eyes I couldn't help myself.

"Sure you can come over" I said.

Tyler clapped his hands, again.


We all went to my house after Target.

"So I didn't know you have a brother" I said.

"Well I dropped him off at my aunts house because I didn't want him to be at the party" explained Blade.

"Makes sense" I said as we put all the groceries in the kitchen.

"Tyler, are you ready to make some cookies?" I asked.

"I'm weady" said Tyler.

"I want cookies too" said Blade.

"No cookies for you" I said.

"What the fu- "he looked at Tyler then said "fudge? Why not?"

"You left your brother alone to go flirt with girls" I said crossing my arms and Tyler did the same.

"Fine" said Blade.

"Let's make cookies!" Said Tyler clapping his hands.

Why does he always claps his hand?


We where now finish making the cookies and I put the cookies in the oven for 30 minutes.

"Okay how about we all take a nap?" I said.

"Or how about we all have a-" Blade was about to finish saying something when I felt something cold run down my head. "Food fight"

Oh no he didn't

"Did you just cracked an egg on my head?" I said.

"Yup" said Blade. "What you gonna do-
Before he could finish his sentence I threw a whole load of flour right on his head.

"Oh it's on" said Blade as he grabbed more eggs and started to throw them at me.

"Ow ,these eggs hurt" I said as ducked under the table.

"Bwade I wanna pway" said Tyler as he got the fucking milk carton and started to walk over to me.

"Hey, Tyler come here" I whispered.

"Yes Hazel" he said.

I picked up Tyler and ran to Blade.

"Dump it on him!" I said.

"Okay" said Tyler as he dumped the milk on top of Blade head.

"Tyler your suppose to be on my side" yelled Blade.

"I'm sowy" said Tyler.


"Cookies!" Yelled Tyler as he started to clap his hand in excitement.

I walked over and got the cookies out of the oven.

"You have to wait Tyler the cookies are really hot" I said.

"Okay" he responded.

"Well I'm gonna go take a shower" I said "Make sure Tyler doesn't get close to the cookies until they're cold"

"Alright" said Blade.


I was finally out of the shower and was in my undergarments when I realized I left my clothes in my bedroom.
I slowly open the door to my bathroom making sure nobody was there and got out. I bend down to grab my pajamas.

"Well, well isn't this a nice view" said a voice behind me which caused me to turn around in surprise.

"Blade, what the fuck are you doing here?!" I said as I quickly put an over sized shirt on.

"I got bored down stairs, and by the way nice panties" he said as he walked out the door.

I looked down and realize that I was wearing black lacy underwear.

"Why didn't I throw a book at him?" I muttered to myself.

At least I didn't wear my superhero undies that would be embarrassing I thought.

Wait, if he's up here then where is....

"Tyler?!" I heard Blade yell.

Uh oh

I ran down stairs to see that Tyler has eaten already all the cookies, we made 18 cookies.

"Tyler how did you eat all those cookies in 7 minutes?" I said looking at him surprised.

"I didn't Bwade went to the westroom and took a shower" he said pointing at Blade.

"You left a 4 year old, alone ,with over a dozen cookies" I said looking at Blade.

"I didn't think he would eat them all, I was only in the shower for like 5 minutes" he said.

"You used my shower?"I said.

"Yeah, by the way your out of conditioner" he said.

I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Can we make more cookies?" Asked Tyler.

"No more cookies we are going home" said Blade as he picked up Tyler and headed to the door.

"Bye Hazel" said Tyler.

"Bye" I said and with that they where out that door.

Now I have to clean this mess I thought.


I was finally done cleaning the kitchen. It was 9:30 and I was inside a fort that I built watching Clueless , because forts are awesome.

"Hazel, I'm home" I heard my dad say as he entered the house. "What the hell did you just built?" He said as he tried to get inside.

"YOU SHALL NOT PASS" I yelled as I closed the exit.

"Hazel, come on, let me in" he said.

"What's the password?" I said.

He sighed before saying "Hazel is the most powerful wizard of unicorn landia"

I have used that password since I was 4 years old. My dad told me that it was stupid and immature, but fuck it ,I'm a wizard, what can he do?

"You may enter" I said as moved the couch cushion out of the way.

"This place is amazing" he said as he came inside." Is that a jack in a box?"he said pointing to the little box beside me.

"Yup" I said popping out the p.

"WELCOME TO HAZELAND" I yelled. "Here is where the snacks are" I said as I threw a pillow sack that's filled with snacks "here is the theater" I said pointing to my laptop which was playing Clueless.

"You can sure built a good ass fort" my dad said with a chuckle

"What can I say? I learned from the best" I said quietly.

"You miss her don't you" he said.

"So much" I said as I felt a few tears coming.

"So do I" he said giving me a hug.


This the end of chapter 10. So what do you think about..
Or if you have any other ideas tell me cause mine sorta suck😂.
Goodbye my fellow unicorns🦄


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