
By Xxbethyboo01xX

184 1 16

She's cold. She's heartless. She's gorgeous.... annnd she's the biggest bitch in college. Was she always lik... More

Move Bitch (1)
Dammmnnnnnn Bitch (2)
Bitch, No (3)
Dangerous Bitch (5)
Don't Be Such An Ignorant Bitch (7)
Dirty Bitch (8)
You-You-You Bitch! (9)
I'm A Bitch, Suck It Up.
I wasn't a bitch once... (11)


15 0 1
By Xxbethyboo01xX


Tick! Tick! Tick! Groaning I roll over, covering my face with the pillow. Why is it sooo loud? Mmmm smells like roses. Wait, my washing powder is lavender.

I sit bolt upright, assuming I'm in the type of situation where I'd have to sneak out. Looking around I'm shocked to find myself alone, but only in my underwear. The room is magnolia and very simple but it's pretty. I slide out of bed and notice a man's t-shirt laid out at the bottom of my bed. I go to reach for it but the room starts spinning and my head feels like its going to explode.

What the hell happened last night?

I slide on the t-shirt after finding no trace of my clothes and hesitantly open the door. I tip-toe through the hallway, my feet finding soft plump carpet. Heart racing I slowly go down the stairs, after passing several doors, trying not to make them creak.

But all this was in vain because at the bottom of the stairs was Aiden.

"UUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH NO!" I cradle my head in my hands. Why did I pick him of the billions of boys in the world?

"Where are my clothes?",

"Why?" He says, "You dont rememer?" He chuckles, Oh God whyyyyyyyyyyyy?

"No. I do not." I snap, "Honey get my clothes or I swear I will slap you."

He doesnt move, so I take 3 steps forward and slap him. Hard, Around the face.


I freeze, what? Saved me?

"What?" I say,

"You were pissed out of your mind, so I left my bike and drove your car home, yes, before you ask, I did take off your clothes but I am not some dirty weirdo that takes advantage of drunk, vulnerable woman. You'll have to ask for that." I take all of this in, and it makes my heart flutter but I ignore it,

"Get my clothes." I say slowly.

"Your welcome," he says sarcastically, I glare and he finally get the hint and goes off to get my clothes. I frown to myself, I can't like him. I can't.
When he comes back, I snatch my clothes and head towards a door, kitchen, then next is a front room. Sighing I ask, "where's the bathroom," he points but stops me, hand on shoulder. I look down, panicked. People know not to touch me, I try calming my hammering heart and slowly say,
"Get your hand off of me. Now." He puts up his hands in defeat, a sign of surrender.
"Use the bathroom upstairs, last one on the right. You can shower. You can, you know, stay here if you want." I look at him, not trying to cover my disbelief.
"Er, no." I walk back up the stairs, full aware that my butt is probably in full view.

The shower is HUGE, there are so many buttons and dials. It's teal and marble. Very manly.
While the water cascades around my body I collect my thoughts. Why is he so... Attentive? I push the idea of him caring, boys don't care. They aren't capable of feeling anything. They just like destroying lives and leaving people empty, leaving people with no meaning in life. 

Darkness creeps up on me, like a nightmare. But theses thoughts aren't nightmares they're memories. No not now! My head screams, but it's too late. I see nothing but him now, his breath tickling my face, his hands roaming my body as I cry helplessly. No please, I beg but no words come out. He kisses my lips and I don't pull away. I can't. The panic too strong. "Layla, I love you, Ok? This is why I'm doing this. This is a thank you for everything I have done" his hoarse voice whispers in my ear. Bile rises in my throat, silent burning tears roll down my face. I feel dirty, used. Whore! "You tell anyone I will kill you. You will never escape." I close my eyes and will the pain to be over. It's sickening the rhythm, the way he moans and groans. It's not real! It's not real!

Hands touch me and I scream, he's here. It's real.

"Layla, focus on my voice. Look in my eyes." Her body convulses and I panic. "Listen. You are ok , Layla. I'm here. Calm. Open your eyes." I say soothingly, shaking violently she slowly opens her eyes. They are shining dangerously and the look empty. Oh god, what is happening? It looks like mums panic attacks but she was attacked so she had a reason.

What was Layla's reason? 

A whimper comes from deep inside her, tears sliding down her face. She looks...broken.

I go to hug her, to pull her close and soothe her but a strangled, high pitch scream fills the room. Her eyes wide and frightened, "Please I don't want to Please!" she shrieks curling in a ball, tremours violently rake through her body. 

She lays curled up, naked, wet and frightened by some unknown reason in the corner of my bathroom. I sit patiently, looking at her bruised face, whatever happened to it, its gone a shiny purple. 

Maybe there is more to her than meets the eye, more than the bitch shield the world sees. It just makes the chase more interesting. 

Minutes tick by slowly and bit by bit Layla comes back to reality. 

She sits hesitantly, covering her nakedness, "Get out." she demands, voice cracking.

I respect her need of privacy and leave the room, shutting the door with a soft click. I hear shuffling and then the shower shuts off. I walk away and head to the kitchen, I prepare breakfast and make coffee.

I munch my toast messily, spilling crumbs everywhere, where is she? I pad out of the room and head up the stairs, I go straight to my room, giving her more time to get herself together.

I grab my phone and text dad.

'Hey, you arrive safely?' I worry about him after losing mum, I can't lose the only person on Earth I trust. I have already lost one.

After getting the response 'Of course son', I finally make my way to the bathroom, only to find te door wide open with my shirt on the floor. No Layla.

Sighing I walk downstairs to discover her keys gone from the unit with a piece of paper folded neatly where they were.

Do not say a word. It read. No thanks, no explanation.

I run to the garage and see it open and no car.

She's gone. 

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