Bitch, No (3)

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My heart pounds relentlessly, crashing against my chest. I try and be cool but inside I'm falling, falling into darkness. 2 years I have been here, 2 years nobody knew anything. Not even Amelia knew everything.
"Do you actually think I'm going to tell you?" I ask, lacing humour in my voice. His face is blank, hard and kinda scary. He raises his eyebrow, "I actually do."
"Hmmmmm bitch, no." I reply, I close my window and speed off, I can hardly see the road in my blind panic and my hands are clammy.

I drive way over the speed limit, not really caring and when I finally pull into my driveway I stop the car and sit. Thinking. Panicking. 

He has only been here 2 days! How? How could I lose my cover so quick? 

I will be stronger. I will be smarter. I will not crumble.

I step out of the car, with a new sense of determination, and walk confidently towards my door. I make a beeline towards the kitchen and stop dead in my tracks. Dad is sat there, whisky in hand, staring blankly into space. 

"Dad?" I ask nervously, he is never home this early. 

"You went again didn't you."  I freeze, how did he know? He rises from his chair abruptly, barely staying upright, and staggers towards me. 

"I'm sorry but I can't just leave her with no one." I say steadily.


Then he did something I never would have expected. I would expect aliens to take over the planet before this.

He hit me in the face.

I fall back, hitting the bench. Rage consumes me, this is not happening, never again.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" I scream from the floor, he stands over me, face red and sweaty, shock is written all over his face.

I stand, fuming, "Ever touch me again you will sincerely regret it!" I hiss. I turn and head to my room. Slam the door and slide down. Shaking furiously. Today has honestly been the worst since I have moved here. Dad has drank before but never even shouted at me let alone laid a finger on me. 

I can't stay here. I can't. I stand slowly and grab random outfits out of my wardrobe and chuck them in my bag, throwing in shoes that remotely match. I reach for my phone when a knock comes at my door, I freeze and wait for more shouting. 

"Layla?" That voice was not my dads. Aiden.

I swing open my door, "What the fuck are you doing here?" He is leaning against my door frame concern in his eyes, he frowns and gasps,

"What happened to your face?" I turn quickly and rush to my mirror, my lip is split on the left side and nice angry red mark is against my left cheek that in an hour will start to bruise.

"I fell." I reply harshly, "What are you doing here?" 

"I heard shouting and then your dad sped off in the car leaving the door open." He explains. 

"So you entered my house without permission? Out. Now!" My voice is harsh and demanding, he looks around my room.

"I know you had an argument, Layla, I have a spare room if you need it, my dad is out of town and by the looks of things you thinking about leaving." I let his words sink in, staring at him. Was he serious? 

" I don't need you. Now get out." He gives me a look that is hard to read and walks off down the hall, leaving the atmosphere cold and lonely. 

I can't be getting soft now, I can't. I need a distraction.

I grab all of my stuff and rush to my car, collecting my keys as I go, and screech away leaving clouds of smoke. I glance at my mirror and see Aiden in his doorway looking some what disappointed. I will never rely on anyone again.

I park at the nearest club and grab my purse, taking my fake ID and money out and sticking them in the bra, I attach my car keys to my thin gold belt and strut across the parking lot and when I'm inside I let go. I let go of everything.


I stand in the doorway of my house waiting for her. The image of her poor face haunts my thoughts, and her empty eyes hurt my heart. I am a sucker for damsels in distress. Just when I am about to scold myself for my moment of weakness and go back and tell her that she can't have the spare room, she rushes out gripping a large bag and keys. Hope rises in my chest thinking she was coming over, if she was staying in my house I would easily get what I want. Make her weak then make her mine for a while. 

She slams her car door and rushes off, leaving clouds of smoke in her wake. I'm disappointed, no Layla tonight.

The look on her face worries me though, she was definitely going to do something stupid, I don't know what happened exactly but I know it must be bad. She is actually showing emotion.

I go to my garage and swing myself up on my motorbike so she doesn't know its me and zoom after her.

It takes me a while to figure out where she is but when I do I groan. She had to go to the wildest club in town. Really? I take my fake ID out and enter confidently, striding through the crowds trying not to get groped up, I grab a girls wondering hand and shake my head then stop. 

Layla is grinding against a dude, and damn she looks hot. She moves away from the guy, leaving him standing in the middle of the dance floor lost, and starts solo dancing and I tell you this was even hotter. But even from a couple of metres away you can tell she's hammered, staggering around, kissing random men. Girls are glaring all over the place and men are staring with lust filled eyes. 

I need to get her out of here before something bad happens. I glide through and reach her, she looks at me then vomits. Everywhere! 

I groan, face palming, and shake my poor shoes that somehow got the brunt of the attack. Her outfit is disgusting and her hair is matted with the grime and yet she still looks the best in the room. I take her gently, lift her in bridal style. She groans and weakly pushes me then goes limp. I panic but relax when i see the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

I untangle her keys from her belt one handed and unlock her car, I would have to come back later to get my bike, I place her gently in her passenger seat and slide into the drivers side, nice ride girl, nice ride.

I park in my driveway and press my garage button so that I  can hide her car so her family doesn't know she's here. 

I lift her and carry her into my house, heading straight to the spare room. I take off her clothes, leaving her underwear and place one of my shirts on the end of the bed. She is so fucking gorgeous but I try not to look, giving her the respect she deserves. Her face is slightly swollen and turning blue.

I leave painkillers and water on the bedside table knowing she is going to have a killer headache and leave the room. 

I sit on my bed thinking about everything. What happened to her today? What are these screts? Why was she at a care home? 

You see focusing on other peoples problems makes me forget my own. 

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