You-You-You Bitch! (9)

18 0 3

Listen to Battle Scars (Above or at side)


 Where is she staying? I ponder to myself while furiously running on the schools treadmill. Its 7 in the morning and Layla's car is already in the parking lot, why so early? What is she doing?  The unknown drives me to run harder, faster. Sweat is dripping off of me, sliding down my back, my heart is pounding and my lungs burn, begging me to stop, screaming in agony.

Finally, when my chest feels like its going to explode, I stop. Grabbing my towel and water I stroll to my car to grab my shower gel, I forgot early. When I emerge from my boot I see Layla walking across the lot to her car, she has bags in her hands and her hair is wet, I crouch so she doesn't see me and watch. She puts clothes in a big handbag and hides it behind her gym bag. What the hell? From what I see there are clothes, shoes, books and everyting in that car.

She's been living in her car. 

Even after I offered her a place to stay. Frustrated I slam my boot shut and storm off, not bothering to glance behind me. Why is she so god damn stubborn? She isn't the only one that's been through hell! Just fucking accept my help! Why am I even still trying? She isn't! Groaning I rake my hand through my hair and plop down on the bench. Thinking about last night, I dropped her off but she was acting weird, bitchy again. It hurt, which scared me, badly. I need her. She brings me out of my own darkness, a darkness she doesn't even know exsists, maybe its better this way.  

I watch as she jogs across the parking lot in her gym kit and after she enters te gym I silently follow, feeling kind of ..stalkerish. Oh well. When I enter she  is starting the treadmill and shoving her headphones in, I walk past and go to the weights and put in my own headphones. I can be stubborn too. I try deluding myself into thinking I'm not here for her, but yet I was about to shower sooo fail.

I lift until I can't take any more, I relish the burn of my muscles and my breathlessness, it means I have tried. Tried until I physically can't take the strain anymore, and that's what I will do with Layla, I will try and try and I will not give up until my mental health cannot take any more or she gives in because sometimes I see the raw look in her eyes when she looks at me, in the rare moments she lets her guard down.

I glance towards her and just get lost, she's pushing herself, I can tell by the sweat gathering at the back of her neck and top of her back. God she's beautiful. I still don't think she knows I'm here so it gives me free range to stare and admire.

Her toned legs look endless in those tight yoga shorts and her ass...just wow, there are no words. Her hair is shoved in a messy bun, that on anyone else would look stupid, but on her? Perfect. 

Suddenly she turns and catches me off guard, my heart picks up and my hands feel clammy. God what is she doing to me? 

Clumsily, I get to my feet and walk over to her, each step makes me feel more nervous. What will she be like today? Will she let me in? Or will she push me away? Again.

"Hey," I say, I make my voice cool and calm but inside I'm slowly scrambling. 

"I don't think we should talk anymore," She says bluntly, I frown,

"Why? I can help!" 

"No you can't! Don't you see? You can't fix the unfixable! I'm too damaged! God just..just leave!"

"No. I'm no leaving you in this state again!"

"I'm in this state because of you!" 

 Her words crush my heart, It's true.

"But I need you to help me! What about what I want! I know what you're doing Layla, pushing me away so I'm not taken over by your past? Yeah, well, I've done that too many times! I don't want to run anymore, do you? Don't you want to fight?" I say before turning and walking off in my own bubble of guilt and frustration. 

Fuck it, I'm not going to school today.

But if dad finds out...

No, I'll go, can't deal with that shit.

I shower, change and go to classes, feeling and taking in nothing. 

When lunch finally rolls around I slump into the cafeteria and head over to our table, Amelia is there looking grim. Oh God, whats happened? 

Sliding in next to Jack I follow Megan's glare, Layla is swaying towards another jock and he looks overjoyed, they talk and flirt until he leans in and kisses her cheek. She looks a tad uncomfortable but ignored it. And right here is where I nearly give up. My heart shatters and my lungs burn with the gasp that I hold. Amelia curses and get up angrily, 

"Give up Aiden, she'll never learn and she will only destroy you both."and with that she storms off.

I tear my eyes away from Layla, who is laughing and touching dicks arm. I drag myself up, ignoring the guys shouting at me and rush out. Going home. Darkness yapping at my heels, I grab a blonde and mutter words to her. Words I don't remember, now she's in my car.


Now I'm fucking her tight pussy, taking all my frustration out on her, her moans of pleasure mean nothing to me, because even now. I'm still thinking of her.

I pull away, get dressed and run away from blondies complaints. Jeez, what the fuck?

I am not that person anymore.

I can't be.

Pulling into my driveway I resist the overpowering tug to give up and go back to banging and destroying lives to make my own feel...less destroyed? I dunno.

I drag my feet up the stairs. Dinnnggggggggg, dinnnnngggggg. 

Really? As I get to the top? 

Sighing, I make my way back down, swing the door open and freeze. 

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