treat you better ☔︎ s.m

By void-luke

74.8K 1.9K 355

A boy who makes his best friend realize her boyfriend isn't the right guy for her; he is. CURRENTLY BEING RE... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Nine

2.4K 67 12
By void-luke

Treat You Better
Chapter Nine

Lightening strikes as I play with the long hairs covering Mia's face as she sleeps. The sight next to me is even more beautiful once met with. You can't get enough of the girl, and she doesn't realize the affect she leaves on people. I feel as if I talk about the affect she has on me, but it's true; she leaves an affect on me and it's just something that will never go away.

She's the kind of person who would rather give her last dollar to someone in need than keep it for herself. The kind who would rather see you happy even when she's been crying for hours. Someone who's selfless rather than selfish.

Maybe that's why I love her; the way she puts others first rather than caring for herself. Even if that isn't the reason, she's the best person I've laid my eyes on and the feeling she gives me when she walks into a room with forever be with me.

When she enters a room, party, whatever it is; a whole damn zoo of butterflies go off in my stomach. I get nervous around her, but I always want to be around her. She makes me a better person, as well as wanting me to be a better person.

Most would say that I don't know what love is, or even what I'm doing at my young age. Maybe I am just a kid in love, but I'd rather be in love than to not know what I want in life. And I know who I want to be in my life and it is Mia. The best person to have walked into my life and I hope never leaves.

I flip through the pages of the notebook as I wait for Mia. I do this until my eyes land on a page filled with poetry. Reading through them, I come to remember when she used to write so many of these in English.

How many girls did you let feel your kiss?

'Cause let me tell you this;

you were my first, my last, and everything in between.

I used music as a distraction

to keep myself from not thinking about you.

Sometimes it work,

and sometimes you're all the song is about.

He was the medicine I needed

when I was in pain.

But like so many other,

he wasn't there when I needed him the most.

It's happened so many times

and I do what I told myself I wouldn't.

But no matter what, it seems like

it all ends with me having a

broken heart and crying over him.

I've seen this before;

he holds my hand, we kiss,

then tomorrow he ditches me.

I frown at the words formed on the page. Why should this girl go through this much pain? I flip through the notebook and see even more that lay before my eyes, wanting to be read by those worthy enough to be.

The door to her bedroom opens and in comes Sydney. She sees the open notebook and her eyes grow wide.

"Shawn," she says, "please tell me you didn't open that."

I puff my cheeks and she sighs. "She is going to kill you."

I furrow my eyebrows and question her. "Why is she going to kill me? It's only her poetry."

"Oh, that's her poetry notebook. I thought it was her private journal. She's still going to kill you if she finds out you read her poetry; she won't even let me read it and we've been close since you got all famous on us."

"Well that's a way to make me feel bad," I reply and look down at the filled pages.

"I didn't mean it like that and you know it." I nod my head. "I just mean that she confided in me when you weren't there for her to cry to."

"I know what you mean, Syd, and thank you for being there when I couldn't be."

I close the notebook shut before exiting the room with Sydney. She leaves for her bedroom and I for the kitchen. I'm going through the pantry in search of food when I hear the soft sound of her voice.

"I knew I'd find you here." I turn around and find Mia standing there with a smirk. "Seems like you're always eating."

"I am a growing boy, Pia Mia." She rolls her eyes before wrapping her arms around me, which surprises me since this isn't a normal thing for her to do.

She grabs a box of cookies before walking away. Before she leaves the kitchen all the way, she turns around and says, "By the way, I love you, too."

I stand there, stunned, before my legs are finally not numb as they guide me to where I should go; and that is to Mia.

[Made June 30, 2016]

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