
By TheoryKierei

1.1M 64.4K 18K

(Book 2 of HomeLess) Domino has always lived his life exactly the way he's wanted to. No one ever stood in h... More

Laugh At Me
When You Can't Walk Away
You Don't Want This Story
A Collar and Leash
Maybe It's Worth It
Bite Me
What Words Can Never Say
There is No Fork in This Road
Just Words or a Life
Your Life: Untitled
When You Were Young
Seven Years Old
And I'll Be Me
Sitting Next To You
And You Are?

Love Yourself

31.5K 1.9K 355
By TheoryKierei

(Happy 3rd/4th of July. Please remember to keep your pets inside when there are fireworks!)


"How did the call go today?" Tommy asked as he opened his eyes and looked over to see Christopher saunter tiredly through the door to the infirmary. The man had been gone far longer than his normal daily talks with Domino, so Tommy wondered if something had happened.

When Christopher just glanced up and shrugged, Tommy's brows furrowed in confusion. He was about to question him again when he heard a quiet yip. Christopher shifted from foot to foot awkwardly, then finally turned so that he was completely facing Tommy.

"Oh. My. God."

If he wasn't handcuffed to Christopher's bed again because he'd wanted to sit up for a darn minute, he would have jumped out of the stupid thing and grabbed the adorable dog tucked under the man's arm in a heartbeat.

It's so cute! It's gotta be a Pomeranian mix of some sort. He thought as he eyed the calm little dog. It had a bright gold coat that had clearly been groomed recently, but it's snout was longer than a normal Pomeranian and it's legs were also not quite as short.

"Go annoy him, Skipper. I've got some more work to do." Christopher said as he set the little dog down.

Tommy couldn't help but grin as it came straight to him, then hopped up onto his bed and lied down in the perfect spot against his side to be pet. It's almost like he's been trained... His heart twisted as his hand mussed the fur atop the pup's head.

Of course you're one of his. Or at least, he trained you. Tommy thought as he felt the dog nuzzle into his palm. "He sure was amazing at training therapy dogs," he finally said as he continued to watch the little dog.

He heard a grunt of acknowledgement from Christopher, but when the man didn't say anything else, he glanced over to where he sat at his desk, filling out forms. He had the chair tilted away from him just enough so that he couldn't see his face, which was a bit odd for him. When Tommy looked back to the dog, it was staring at Christopher with its ears pinned down and wide eyes.

"Go get your daddy, Skip." He whispered to it as he gently set it down on the floor, having to lift it by its scruff because he couldn't move too well yet.

The moment the dog's paws hit the floor, it was bounding over to Christopher. The man tried to ignore it, and did a decent job for several minutes until the dog just hopped up into lap. Christopher glared down at it, but Skipper just curled up with a fluffy tail wag. Tommy thought he might toss the dog off, especially because he had several more forms to work on, but after a silent moment of staring at the dog, he heaved a quiet sigh and moved his left hand to the dog's head as his right one continued to write.

"Did you get him when your brother... passed?" Tommy finally asked, the question having been on his mind since he saw the dog.

Christopher took a moment longer than normal to look over at him, and didn't even bother holding his gaze as he replied. "No. He was a gift a little over a year ago."

A gift? Tommy thought, curious. The dog had clearly been trained for therapy, and if its behavior didn't make that obvious, the little vest it had almost completely hidden by its fluffy fur, made it clear.

His brother gave him a therapy dog as a gift?

Staring at the two, he slowly realized what Emmet had seen. His big brother might be an incredibly good doctor and could easily handle treating all sorts of people, but who did have for himself? No one. He thought, remembering the long nights of watching the man at the club in between sessions with others. He rarely played with any of the twinks after seeing them once, and sometimes he didn't even bother with someone else, and would instead just read by himself in a corner.

His brother gave him Skipper to keep him company. He's someone to come home to that will always be happy to see him.

"I'm going to find him a new home."

What. What? Tommy asked himself, shocked into trying to sit up. He winced and groaned immediately, then dropped back down to the bed. When he was able to open his eyes again and the pain had died down, he stared up at a furious Christopher. He was about to apologize when he noticed that the man had a small length of rope in his left hand.

Where had he gotten that! Tommy wondered, before realizing that he was about to be tied down. Damn. Any other situation and I'd be begging him to make sure that it was done tightly.

"Can I um, at least go to the bathroom before you tie me down?" He asked hesitantly, averting his eyes to Christopher's chest submissively.

"I asked you earlier, twice, if you had to use the bathroom. Why did you not tell me that you did?"

Damn. He was able to tell. Tommy thought, hearing the frustration in the man's voice far too easily for him to have just wondered why he hadn't wanted to go bathroom all day. Keeping his eyes down, Tommy licked his lips nervously, but didn't answer. He knew that he needed to. It was extremely rude to not answer your dominant's questions. He's not my dominant. He mentally grumbled to himself.

Silence stretched between them and Tommy's face heated with embarrassment the longer Christopher stared at him. When the man finally spoke, Tommy's heart gave an odd stutter in his chest.

"You've had to go to the bathroom all day. Am I correct?"

His tone had changed. He was a dominant right then, not a doctor looking after a patient. Unable to help himself, Tommy began to nod, but then quickly stopped himself and spoke. "Yes Sir."

Christopher remained silent as he got the handcuff off of Tommy's left wrist, then carefully maneuvered his sore body into his arms. It felt good, but he was too embarrassed, still, to enjoy it.

"Would you like a bath after you use the restroom, Tommy?" Christopher asked, taking Tommy by surprise once again. So much so, that he jerked his head up and met the man's gorgeous, curious eyes without even realizing it.

"Please!" Tommy said eagerly, then realized something as Christopher chuckled and brought him into the bathroom. He has to bathe me, I can't even sit up for more than a few minutes, let alone wash myself.

"O-on second thought. I think I'm good. I don't smell too bad right now..."

When Christopher just raised a brow after setting him down on the toilet seat, then pulled on a pair of plastic gloves for sanitation, Tommy blew out a stressed breath. He'd always dreamed about Christopher seeing him naked, but he wanted the man to actually want to see him naked, not have to in order to help wash him after being stabbed!

He was so caught up in his frustrations that Tommy didn't pay much attention to Christopher helping him remove his pants and lower his boxers so that he could relieve himself. He didn't even pay much mind to Christopher helping hold him up so that he didn't hurt himself or fall. When he was finished, he was able to clean himself before he was lifted back into Christopher's arms... except he was missing two very important items. His loose pants were on the floor... and his boxers were still around his ankles.


His tongue felt stuck to the roof of his mouth as Christopher carefully moved him in the small bathroom. When he was slowly lowered into the bathtub, Tommy realized that he was about to get the bath that he'd been offered. 

"Move your hand, Tommy."

Hearing the order, Tommy blinked out of his stupor, noticing that he had his hand covering his bare crotch. It had been a reflex reaction, and one he was actually glad for. When his head was gently leaned down atop two folded towels, he slowly shook it side to side.

"Why are hiding yourself?" Christopher asked as he busied himself with fetching a bottle of soap and a sponge.

Tommy wanted to grumble that he knew exactly why he was hiding his privates, but Christopher wasn't really that type of person. As in, he had never been spoken about as someone who looked down upon the subs he'd played with. Or really, anyone. From what Tommy had heard about him, he easily accepted anyone's body. No matter their ethnicity, looks, or scars.

Swallowing down his worry, Tommy awkwardly let his hand drop to his side. His heart was thrumming a mile a minute, and when he didn't feel the water turning on or the sponge on his body, he turned his eyes from the white porcelain, up to Christopher's. When they met, the man gave a very faint smile. 

"I'm still waiting for an answer, Tommy." He said.

The simple sentence brought Tommy's embarrassment back ten-fold. He tried to cover himself again, but Christopher's hand slipped into his own, then gently squeezed before releasing it and leaning over to turn on the warm water. As he did so, he began to talk... and Tommy couldn't help but hang onto every word. "I can tell that you're embarrassed, and I want to tell you  simply from one person to another; You are beautiful and should never feel inadequate in any situation you face."

  Tommy felt wetness trail down his cheeks and tried to blink the tears away, but he couldn't manage to make them stop. Christopher paused from soaping up the sponge when he noticed and quickly set it down in the thin layer of water on the floor of the tub.

"Tommy..." He whispered, leaning closer as he lifted his dry hand to gently rub away a tear before it could trek down Tommy's cheek.

Tommy couldn't even fathom what the man had said beyond 'You are beautiful'. He'd never been called beautiful. Handsome, sexy, hot. Yes. Beautiful? Never. It was usually a description used for females and beautiful twinks. He wasn't a twink, at least not the general image of one. He was a submissive, sometimes, but he would never be a twink. Yet it's something he'd always wanted to hear.

"Hey... I'll say that as many times as you'd like. And I'll mean it every time."

Blinking away another wave of tears, Tommy sniffled, trying to clear his stuffed nose as he looked up to meet Christopher's eyes. They were close. Much closer than he thought was logical. The man didn't stop leaning in, either, and soon enough Tommy's heart had nearly stopped when Christopher's lips softly pressed against his cheek, right beneath his left eye.

This man is pure evil. Tommy thought bitterly as he felt himself being wrapped around Christopher's finger... even more-so than he already had been.

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