A Secret Hiding Place

By embrace_passion

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A Secret Hiding Place: After Ayanna Morgan finds herself pregnant by the boy who bullied since she was a lit... More

Chapter 1: Repeated Mistakes
Chapter 2: Falling A part
Chapter 3: Truth Come to Light
Chapter 4:New Life
Chapter 5: Making a Deal
Chapter 6: Promise of Moving On
Chapter 7: First Day Drama
Chapter 8: Re-Appear
Chapter 9:Expectations
Chapter 10: Done Hiding
Chapter 11: Dinner Disaster
Chapter 12:Crossing Lines
Chapter 13: Entrapment

Chapter 8: Re- Appear (Part 2)

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By embrace_passion

(Unedited, 1st draft)

Chapter 8:Re-Appear (Part 2)

Staring down an empty hallway unsure on what to think about Ryan being back. I knew that we have left on okay terms but something about seeing him again stock an uneasy feeling inside me. We never discuss what would happen once he found out where Connor and I had run off to.

Knowing there wasn't much more I could do. I walked over to the stairs since he had taken my service key and wasn't able to use the elevator. I finally got down to the bottom floor; I went into the office to see Ella still heated from her fight with Ryan. "Can you believe the nerve of that guy showing up here uninvited."

I never told her about the deal I had made with Ryan that night in my bedroom, "Yes well, he's here now and knows where I'm at. He wants to go to breakfast with him in a moment."

"No, it's a trap." She screamed, getting to her feet. "He's just going to get under your skin and cause all kinds of trouble for you. Then before you know it your father will be here, and it will cause even more problems."

"What?" I could tell she was hiding something with the way her eyes kept shifting back and further as she spoke. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

That's when she hung her head and looked assumed, "He's been here before. One of the last times he was here, I found him in the office looking through paperwork. When I confronted him about it, he simply said he was trying to get more information about who you were."

"He did mention that he had been here before and tried to figure out who I was, but nothing about snooping around in our office," I reply thinking if maybe he had figured out where I was before my father had helped him.

"Yes, I normally stay out of him limelight, but once he saw me; it was like a light went off in his head. I think he recognized me but I didn't think much about it." She confused now shaking her head, "The way he smiled and just got up and walked away without saying anything; I knew something was up. I never told you because when he's been here your parents normally plan a trip for you to come home."

"Yes normally, they do, but it's my mother who calls and asked to come back home. It was my father who had hacked into the server and booked everything. I'm not even sure if my mother is aware that Ryan is here right now." thinking about what she said and how Ryan might have figured it out, without that full help from my father.

"So what are you going to do now. You can't let him around Conner. He'll only mess with that boy's head."

"Yes while Ryan and I have a deal, and I have to keep my end of the deal." thinking how everything now sensed upside down at the moment and feeling unsure about what's to come. "Do you think you could handle everything here for the day while I figure out what to do?"

"Yes, just don't let him play any tricks on you like he used to do when we were kids. I am not afraid to beat his sorry ass right off the island if I have to either." She replies crossing her arms over her chest.

"While, Ryan took my room key, so I don't have my phone on me. If there an emergency it's going to have to wait until I get back. Which there's no telling, what time that could be." Now feeling nervous about this little outing.

That's when Ella jumped to her feet, "Why in the hell did he take your room key. He can't come in here and think he can do whatever it is he pleases."

"Clam down, I can handle Ryan. I just need you to be able to control everything here."

"That I can do. I just don't trust him being here after all this time." She then sat back down about the same time there was a knock on the door. "it's open."

My heart drop seeing Ryan walk in and was now changed into a pair of khaki shorts and a blue pullover shirt that brought out his eyes. "Are you ready?"

"You," Ella screech jumping back to her feet, "You're not welcome here. Go back to wherever you came from and leave us alone."

Ryan just shook his head and paid her no attention has he turns back over to me. "Are you ready?"

"Do I have a choice?" I asked feeling more nervous than I had a few moments ago.

"Nope, we have a lot to discuss. Like for one, where my son might be." He asked placing his hand against my lower back and turning me to walk out the door. "Don't worry, she's in good hands, Ella." He said closing the door behind him and walking us through the lobby and out the door.

Once we walked over to where the valet boy was he jumped from his seat and walked over to us, "I'll go get your car Ms. Rivers." Then ran off in the opposite direction.

"Rivers," Ryan let out a little laugh. "Mia Rivers, how I should have known all those years ago."

"What do you mean?"

"I had found paperwork with that name on it dated back from the time you ran off, and I had asked your father about it, but he simply said it was just a girl who had worked hard to gain respect within the company. I thought maybe your Uncle Greg would know who you were with the name Rivers, but he said he had never heard of the name before."

"Ella said you had been snooping around the office last time you were here ,though," I confused stepping out of his hold when i saw my car coming around.

"Yes, but seeing her, I knew then that you had to be around the resort. I just never guessed you where the girl in questioning." He answered has the car finally pulled up in front of us, and he opened the passenger door.

I started to walk around to the driver side as the valet got out, but Ryan gripped hold of my wrist, "Can you please let go of me?"

"Ayanna," then he let out a little chuckle. I mean Mia, I'm going to drive us to a restaurant. I've been on this island before and have found some really great places to eat. Which I'm sure you have also."

"Yes, but I don't know how I feel about you driving my car."

"Just trust me for once," he replies pulling me back to the passenger side of the car. I promise I won't cause any harm to your precious vehicle." Knowing there was no use in arguing with him about something so simple. I gave in and watched him walk around the front before getting into the driver's seat, "You know you never answered my question from before."

"What question?"

"Where my son is," he repeated while pulling out of the drive onto the main road outside the resort.

"I'm Monday morning, he's in school." I was thankful that Conner had missed all the commotion about Ryan showing up this morning. Even though he had never met Ryan personally, it wasn't that he didn't know him. When we had gone back home, Ryan parents still had pictures of his father around, and they had even talked a few times. I shocked me to know he never told Ryan where we were at.

"He seems like a bright boy," He then glazed over at me and gave me a small smile. "Just like his mother."

"Yes, while he seems to take after you more than I like to admit."

"How so," he questioned, now pulling onto a small highway making me panic on where he was planning on taking us.

"That boy has a way of talking to people and never short on friends. He has the love of basketball in his blood also. Which he loves playing and even now joined a junior team and even competes with other people on the island." Looking out the window my heart started raising knowing where we were finally handing.

Ryan let out a little laugh, "As long as he doesn't pick on any girls, we'll be fine. We don't need to have any more repeats in history."

Letting out a little laugh thinking how my life had turned into my mother's once she had found herself pregnant with me. "isn't that the trust, but there is a big different between our friendship and my parents, though."

"That might be true, but it still doesn't change how are things play out." He laughs with me pulling up to the other resort on the island.

"Ryan, why are we here?" Knowing that every well, who was inside and was only going to cause a problem once we walked in.

"What they have some of the best-tasting breakfast on the island." he question has if he knew what I was getting at.

"Yes, but this is our competition. We shouldn't be here. Maybe we can find somewhere else to eat. There's a small cafe down the street that has really good-tasting Mexican food." trying to think of any way to get out of going inside.

Ryan could see how uneasy I had become as he pulled up into the resort, "What aren't you telling me Ayanna."

Knowing there was no way around him changing his mind, I hung my head, "I went on a date with Erik Maverick a long time ago, but got too caught up into work and raising Connor that I never went on another."

Ryan stay quite has the valet guy open the door, and he stepped out. I watched him walk around to my side before opening the door, "Just once?" Shaking my head, yes, hoping that I didn't have to see Erik Maverick while we were here because secretly I had gone out with him more than once. We had become ever close friends and something told me Ryan won't be pleased about that.

Copyright © 2016 Letty Scott/Embrace_Passion (All Rights Revered)

Author Note:

Has you all probably notice I put this as part 2 to the last chapter that's because there was a lot of confusion about the way things played out, so I'm hoping this will help clear up some of it.

Thankfully I have the help of my granny now helping going through 'The Kept Secret' helping me revise it to sound better and make more sense. Once she's done she'll be going through this story has well and maybe even a few others. 

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