One Direction Preferences & I...

By teenageillusion

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One Direction Preferences & Imagines. (Clean and Dirty ;) )
How You Two Cuddle In Bed
Harry Imagine
Dirty Niall Imagine
Harry Imagine prt.2
Dirty Liam Imagine
Your Breakup (His P.O.V)
Hey Guys!

Your Wedding Day (His P.O.V)

2.3K 16 3
By teenageillusion

Louis: I hear the band start up. My heart beats faster as i realize its time. My future wife is ready. Everyone stands and turns looking towards the door. I glance at the lads as they all smile at me and give me thumbs up. I chuckle lightly and turn looking. My breath hitches as i see her walk down the isle. Oh god that dress. The way it flowed and fitted perfectly to her petite little frame. I couldn't help the huge smile spreading across my face. She smile wide at me and i felt butterflies dance in my stomach. I wink at her earning a blushing face from her and a bit of a glare from her dad but then he smiles at me. He brings her to the alter and i take her soft hands into mine. Her father pecks her cheek as a tear escapes both their eyes making one slowly roll down my cheek. I smile wide and help her up. We lace our finger together as my nerves began to slowly die down. This it. Im finally with the women of my dreams.

Zayn: I shifted from leg to leg threw the ceremony just wanting to finally hold her and kiss her. Something we hadn't done in months due to her little idea that we should wait til our wedding day to kiss again, wanting  the moment to be even more special. She smiled at me knowing what i was thinking and giggled softly. God that laugh. It made my heart skip a beat. Since the day we first met, that laugh and smile is what made me happy to get up in the morning. Knowing id get to hear and see it. Its what kept me going threw the tough times. If it wasn't for her id still be depressed. Anytime i had a bad day i knew she would be there to hold me tight and listen to me cry out or rant about my day. This girl drives me crazy with her teasing but its what makes her even more special and everything i love. I sighed and smiled wider finally hearing the 7 words ive been dieing for. "I now pronounce you husband and wife." I wrapped my arms around her and crashed my lips to hers. We moved them in sync. We slowly deepened the kiss. I shivered and smiled loving the feeling of her soft lips against mine. We didn't pull back til we heard a few people clear their throats. We blushed and laughed pulling away. Everyone cheered and clapped. "I love you so much,boo." I say rubbing her cheek smiling." I love you too,zaynie."

Liam: I paced back and forth in the changing room at the sides in the church. This is it. Im going to be marrying the women who had stolen my heart. And I wanted this moment to be special for both of us. I took deep breaths and leaned against the wall, then continued pacing. Niall grabbed my shoulders. "Liam relax lad. Its going to be great." I looked up at him. "B-but what if i mess up my vows or forget to put the ring on or or drip getting to the alter." My eyes widen thinking of everything that could go wrong. "What if she doesn't show?" A tear falls. Niall chuckles. "Liam are you kidding? (Y/N) loves you so much and she would never do anything to hurt you. She will show up. And you will get married and be happy together. Just relax and stop worrying too much. I promise the lads and i wouldn't let anything bad happen. Ok?" I slowly nod wiping my eyes. "Your right,Ni. Everything will be perfect." He smiles. "That's the spirit." Soft music begins to the play. "Well that's our cue. And remember it will all turn out ok." I nodded. We took our spots at the doors. I gulp but smiled. Smile Liam. I thought to myself. You finally got the girl. I opened the doors and slowly walked to my spot on the alter and waited for her music to play cueing her entrance.

Niall: We walked out hand in hand out the church. Everyone cheered as we stood on the top of the stairs and kissed. Cameras flashed catching this perfect moment. I chuckled and held her closer. I helped her into the car and shut the door. I climbed into the drivers seat. I held her hand. "Ready?" I ask rubbing her hand. She smiled and nodded. "Lets go party." I drove us to the reception. We waitied in our little suite til everyone arrived. Then headed to the doors. "Everyone give a big cheer and round of applause for Mr & Mrs. Horan!!!" The dj boomed over the speakers. We smiled and burst threw the doors. Our ears filled with clapping and loud cheering. She giggled and blushed bright red just like me. We hugged our parents then headed to the dance floor our song starting to play. I pulled her close as we stared into each others eyes and slowly swayed to the song. I kissed her. "I cant believe it. We are finally married." I said rubbing my thumb on her hand. "Me neither. But i do believe im the luckiest women alive right now. To be married to the greastest man and the only one for me." I blushed smiling looking at me feet. She held my chin pulling my face back up. "I love you so much and i cant wait to see what our future together holds for us." she whispered making me blush darker. "I love you too princess." I pulled her tighter kissing her with pure passion and love. She wrapped her arms around my neck as the room filled with awes and the sound of pictures being taken. This is the moment ive been waiting so long for. To have the women of my dreams. To finally feel complete.

Harry: I watched her hug everyone saying her goodbyes as I loaded our bags into the car. Afterwards she walked over to me her dressing flowing effortlessly against her perfect body. "Im ready to go now." She said pecking my cheek. I smiled and waved goodbye to everyone. I helped her in the car and got in driving. For hours she stared out the window trying to guess where we were going. Around 11:30 pm we pulled up to a small wooden cabin. I knew how much she loved being in the woods and thought this would be perfect. Having a lake near by with a dock. Being able to have complete and udder privacy. She squealed with happiness. "Oh,Harry! I love it!" She quickly got out looking around. Seeing her this happy made me smile wider. Her happiness being one of my main priorities. I carried our stuff to our room as she looked around. Once i finished unpacking our things i found her on the small balcony off our room. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her from behind. "Its so beautiful." she smiled rubbing my hands. "Not as beautiful as you." I whispered kissing her neck. I knew she was blushing and i chuckled."Love about what you said when we first met about waiting for sex. If your not ready yet i wont push." I felt her heart beat a bit faster."But i am ready Harry." She turned to me. "Your the one.  And i love you." She kissed me softly. Slowly the kiss became more heated as i scooped her up in my arms and carried onto the bed. I crawled over her and kissed her neck and smiled down at her. "I love you so much and let me know when to stop ok." She smiled and nodded pulling me back down kissing me. That night we made passionate love. The feel of her body against mine. Our movements moving so perfectly together. I smiled stroking her arm as she lay there sleeping the sheets covering her body. I pushed the hair away from her face and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Who knew something so gorgeous and angelic could ever be my wife. My true love. My everything. My future.

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