From Protector To Lady

By thunder1417

921K 28.9K 2.2K

Rebecca Morin, protector of her close cousin Jahnai Rutherford gets a surprise when she is summoned to the Pa... More

From Protector To Lady
From Protector To Lady Chapter 2
From Protector To Lady Chapter 3
From Protector To Lady Chapter 4
From Protector To Lady Chapter 5
From Protector To Lady Chapter 6
From Protector To Lady Chapter 7
From Protector To Lady Chapter 8
From Protector To Lady Chapter 9
From Protector To Lady Chapter 10
From Protector To Lady Chapter 11
From Protector To Lady Chapter 12
From Protector To Lady Chapter 13
From Protector To Lady Chapter 14
From Protector To Lady Chapter 15
From Protector To Lady Chapter 16
From Protector To Lady Chapter 17
From Protector To Lady Chapter 18
From Protector To Lady Chapter 19
From Protector To Lady Chapter 21
From Protector To Lady Chapter 22
From Protector To Lady Chapter 23
From Protector To Lady Chapter 24
From Protector To Lady Chapter 25
From Protector To Lady Chapter 26
From Protector To Lady Chapter 27
From Protector To Lady Chapter 28
From Protector To Lady Chapter 28.5
From Protector To Lady Chapter 29
From Protector To Lady Chapter 30
From Protector To Lady Chapter 31
From Protector to Lady Chapter 32
From Protector to Lady Chapter 33
From Protector To Lady Chapter 34
From Protector To Lady Chapter 35
From Protector To Lady Chapter 36
From Protector To Lady Chapter 37
From Protector To Lady Chapter 38
From Protector To Lady Chapter 39
From Protector To Lady Chapter 40
From Protector To Lady Chapter 41
From Protector To Lady Chapter 42
From Protector To Lady Chapter 43
From Protector To Lady Chapter 44

From Protector To Lady Chapter 20

22.9K 687 52
By thunder1417

My entire body shook with frustration as I paced back and forth inside my chambers. That blasted king. Why would he do such a foolish thing?I am not a man made for settling down with a woman. I am not a man made for a wife.

I cringed at the word. Wife?

The woman who was to be my wife wasn't even an agreeable one! She was possibly the most stubborn, pigheaded, prideful woman I have ever met in my life. She was incredibly attractive, that was undeniable, but what should that matter if I cannot have a casual conversation with the woman without her trying to bludgeon me?

I sighed as I rubbed my forehead with my hands. I could not believe the king was forcing us to marry. He had to know it had disaster written all over it.

My eyes snapped up as I heard a knock on my door. "Enter," I said, letting out a gush of air.

"Sir Stanton," a maid said as she curtseyed outside the doorway. "The king wishes to hold your acquaintance."

Again? What could he possibly wish to force upon me now?

"Thank you," I said as I nodded before she curtseyed again and quickly scurried away.

I walked quickly down the halls before I came upon the king's door to the throne room, knocking before getting permission to enter.

"Ah, Stanton. I do hope your spirits aren't sour because of the arrangement," he said as he looked at me, almost looking sincere.

"It is...a proposal that is very difficult to swallow," I spoke, struggling to find the correct words to use.

"You will get used to the idea," he waved it off.

"Now, there will be a ball in three days time, as I have said. Go speak to Rebecca, make sure she knows that it is absolutely prudent she attends," he instructed.

"Must I be the one to inform her? I feel as if I am the last person she wishes to see," I said, my insides twisting.

"Oh Stanton, stop acting like such a child. You act as if marriages aren't arranged in such a manner all the time," he said, rolling his eyes before turning away from me, facing his desk, signaling the conversation was over.

Sucking in a deep breath, I nodded to myself and stepped out of the room, not looking forward to the confrontation to come.


I stared at my wall in anger, a feeling of hopelessness sinking into my chest.

I came to this place in order to take care of my family. Now, I was being raffled off like some sow to marry a man I hardly knew. Would the king still send wages to my family? It was doubtful.

I jumped when I heard a quick knock on the door. Situating my skirts around myself for I was sitting on the floor, I hesitated before allowing the person entrance. I could feel my face heating just by seeing the face of the man who entered my chambers.

"Er..Hello, Rebecca," he said awkwardly, his eyes slowly crawling to the mess I had made of the vase on the floor.

"Stanton," I said blankly, keeping my voice steady.

"I have been told to tell you that your attendance at the ball in three days is most necessary," he said quickly, his gaze now straight ahead of himself, not looking at me.

"You can at least look at me and speak to me like a human," I said, becoming annoyed.

His eyes quickly snapped to mine, flashing in defiance. I saw the strong muscles of his jaw flex and I knew he was holding back a quick remark. He took a deep breath before answering. "I know this is difficult for you. It is difficult for me as well. If I knew a way to get out of this situation, I would, but unfortunately I do not. I fear that if we defy the king, we will have to face grave consequences."

"That is the only thing keeping me from running from this place and going back home," I said, my chest tightening at the thought of my family, I missed them so.

"Yes, well...I will be leaving now. I will see you at the ball," he spoke before turning and walking out of my chambers.

Did he not plan on seeing me before three days time? It seemed as if though I was always running into him somewhere when he was present in the palace. Perhaps he would do his best to avoid me as I planned on doing to him. I had absolutely no desire to see him. Thinking back now on how I foolishly thought I had actual feelings for the man, I get angry. What if the king thought we had feelings for each other and thought he was doing us a favor?

I shook my head, clearing my mind of the troublesome thoughts. Lifting myself from the ground I looked around my chambers, assessing the damage I had done. Sighing, I decided to leave the mess for the morning; I would take care of it after what I hoped to be a decent night's sleep.


I sighed and groaned as Rose plucked a hair from my eyebrows. I had already been washed and thoroughly scrubbed from head to toe and I swore Rose had extra vigor in her muscles this afternoon.

"Is this really necessary?!" I squawked, glaring at the stout woman.

"I was specifically told to take care of every single are being presented as the betrothed of a new coming Duke who is going to be introduced tonight. It is going to cause quite the excitement, many people will be congratulating you. The king instructed that I make you as presentable as possible," she retorted.

"You cannot be serious. The way you are going at it, you obviously have intentions of plucking me like a forest chicken," I grumbled, crossing my arms in front of my chest, forcing her back and hindering her ability to get at my face.

"Fine, fine! I was finished with them anyways," she huffed. "Now let's get you dressed."

I sighed loudly, not attempting to hide my frustration. Today was a special occasion, meaning I will have layer, upon layer stacked underneath my dress. There will be undergarments, petticoats, slips, and then finally an overly exquisite gown.

Minutes later Rose re-entered my chamber from the closet, holding a heap of deep royal blue silk. The color was enchanting. I watched as she dropped the dress on the bed and walked back into the closet, coming back into the room minutes later with a pile of white fabric, the undergarments.

It took several minutes for all of the undergarments and layers to be placed before she began squeezing the air out of my lungs with a corset, tying the strings as tight as she could possibly muster.

"There, I can finally put the gown on, oh you're going to look wonderful!" she hummed, clapping her hands together.

"Yes, now that I look thoroughly nothing like myself," I replied.

"Oh nonsense. You look quite like yourself, just, a little more primped, that is all," Rose said as she helped me slip into the gown, pulling it up above to my chest. The dress itself was a sleeveless corset top. How convenient that the dress should lace up as well, further restricting any chance that the corset laces themselves should loosen.

"It looks fabulous," she said, her face gleaming with joy as she looked at me, her face bright. "You had better remove that foul look from your face, girl, or the king will not be pleased. Besides, you are about to become a married woman to a Duke, you could not have had much better luck."

I snorted to myself in disbelief. Being a married woman is the last thing I wanted. If I had any good luck at all, I would have been relieved of my duties from the kingdom and sent back home to my family.

I removed the thoughts from my mind. There is nothing I can do about it now, I would be better off trying to make the most of the situation. Perhaps Stanton would just leave me to my own once we arrive at Tarantsmo. A fierce anger bit my chest as I thought of other women coming from the village to keep him company. He would not be so pretentious to have other women warm his bed when he was a married man would he? What should it matter though, I certainly would not be doing it. Besides, being a wife is only a title. The husband is the one with the power, the control. The wife is there to stand beside him, like a precious jewel, an accessory.

I blinked my eyes hard as I took a deep breath. No matter what happens, I will never, ever let that man break me down. I will not become an obedient pet to him.


I had managed to enter the ballroom by myself, not wanting to find Stanton beforehand. The music coursed through my entire body, it's fast beat raising my spirits, if only slightly. I made sure to walk through the throngs of people, trying not to stay in place for one moment too long; trying to avoid seeing anybody that I did not wish to see.

I cringed as I heard a deep voice from behind me, "Rebecca! Wait a moment, please!"

I turned, putting a fake smile on my face as I faced the man speaking to me.

"Rebecca, the king wishes to see us, it's time," Stanton said. I nodded as I took in his attire. He was wearing all black, his dress tunic embroidered with the royal seal in a dazzling silver thread. He looked stunning, though I was not the only one to notice. Looking around I saw many pairs of lust filled eyes gazing at him from the crowd. I was surprised as a fierce possession shot through my chest and almost a feeling of victory as I imagined their eyes, falling to the floor in disappointment when the announcement of marriage is made.

"Alright," I spoke quietly, looping my hand through his arm as he offered it to me.

I clenched my jaw as I saw many people looking at us as we made our way to the throne that was placed at the end of the room, sitting up on a stage.

Once the King's eyes met ours, he made a gesture and the music stopped, an almost eery silence immediately filling the room.

"Ah, yes, it is time," the king spoke quietly.

"Greetings, people of Ethelid! I do hope you are enjoying yourselves this fine evening," the King spoke loudly, his voice carrying through the entire ballroom.

He was answered with hoots, hollers and bouts of clapping.

Nodding, he smiled before continuing. "There is a very important announcement to be made at this time. I know you all are aware of the issue of the raiders," he spoke.

"You need not worry about that any more. For this man, standing in front of me," he gestured at Stanton, "has rid our entire kingdom of the problem. The leader of the raiders has been removed and the rest of them surrendered," he spoke excitedly.

Gasps rang through the ballroom followed by loud clapping throughout the entire room, everybody pointing excitedly at Stanton. He took a bow, his face beaming with pride.

"Yes, yes. Sir Stanton Holwell, certainly an honorable man. Tonight, I give this man the title of Duke Holwell, proprietor and protector of the duchy of Tarantsmo; his reward for finally winning the battle that has been raging for years," the King spoke, walking towards Stanton and putting one hand on his shoulder, his other locking Stanton's hand in a tight handshake.

"I congratulate you. It has been an honor having you as my Arms Master. You will be missed in the castle," the king nodded.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. He spoke as if Stanton will not still be his most important fighter. It was true; Stanton will not be in the palace anymore. But I knew for a fact that the King will never relieve him of his duty as Arms Master. He will still train men. He will still fight in raging wars. He will still lead the army in any battles that may arise.

I jumped when the King looked to me. He smiled and took one of my free hands in both of his large ones.

"And this, lovely young woman, many of you may not recognize her," he spoke, his voice charming. "Her name is Lady Rebecca Morin, companion to my sweet, daughter Amelia. I am proud to be the first to announce that her and our hero, Duke Holwell are betrothed to be married."

I could feel my face burning but I held my head high. I put a smile on my face as if the news was something that made my heart swell with joy. I looked to Stanton, giving him a look of what I hoped was affection. I was surprised to see that his face held a soft expression as well.

The king, as a symbol of his approval, took my hand and gave it to Stanton, the Duke's warm hands now encasing mine. I was happy for this, as my hands were shaking violently. I felt him squeeze my hands gently, reassuring me as I heard an onslaught of clapping, hooting and whistling break out from the people.

I could not stop the small hysterical bubble of laughter that left my lips, this was all so ridiculous. Perhaps people would take my laughter as embarrassed laughter as I sought comfort in my husband to be. But in reality, I laughed because if I didn't, I would either break into a fit of anger or I would break down and cry. I wrapped my arms around Stanton, steadying myself, for my arms itched and my muscles twitched as they involuntarily readied themselves for some sort of confrontation. It was a reflex. I hoped the king was enjoying his show.

I took a deep breath, using Stanton's strong scent to try and root myself to this place, this moment. I tried to calm myself, telling myself that this would soon be over. All of the eyes in the room will not be on us for much longer.

To my relief, the king spoke again, "And now, we celebrate!" and a moment later the music began booming through the room again.

I held a brave face, smiled, hugged, and shook people's hands as we were congratulated for what seemed an unnatural length of time. Every now and then I would look to Stanton, getting a reassuring look from him.

After what we assumed to be the last pair of people to congratulate us, I turned to Stanton, hoping I would be allowed to leave now. I did not know how much more I could handle before I lashed out somehow.

"I know what you are thinking, but first, we must share one dance," he said before glancing to the king. I followed his gaze and found the king sitting in his throne, staring at us, his face deadpan.

I nodded and put my right hand on his shoulder, solid muscle beneath my fingertips. One of his hands was soon resting on the side of my waist before he took my other free hand in his own as he pulled my body close, only a small sliver of space between us. I was thankful it was a slow beat for the time, I did not have it in me to dance to one of those swift, up tempo beats. 

"You are doing flawlessly," he spoke into my ear. I knew many eyes were upon us, and for those looking, it would seem as if though we were whispering sweet nothings in each others ears.

"Thank you. I feel as if though I am in another world," I whispered.

I put my head on his chest, trying to stop the conversation before I became emotional. I closed my eyes, knowing it would look as if though I was savoring the moment, when in reality I wished nothing but to disappear.

To the people of Ethelid, we looked like a pair of young lovers, caught completely in the moment, clinging to the other in love. When to us, we were two near strangers, forced into a situation neither of us wanted to be in, neither of us sure how we were going to make this work. 

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