Spy In Love

By selbeed

879K 13.9K 842

Spy In Love Hey Guys! Just changing the title a bit so it doesn't have the excessive amount of punctuation... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four- Part One
Chapter Four- Part Two
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten -part one-
Chapter Ten -part two-
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Jason and Nelly's short adventure
A Halloween Party

Chapter Seventeen

27.1K 455 28
By selbeed

Arranged Marriage………. to a Secret Agent?!?!?!?!

I woke up in the familiar warmth of Jason’s arms. I refused to move, even when the pressure on my bladder seemed too great. I didn’t want to leave the warm safety that Jason’s arms were providing me.

I crossed my legs over and brought my knees up, hoping to hold in my needs for just a few more minutes. “If you have to pee just say so.” Jason whispered beside my ear.

“I don’t want to get up.” I said stubbornly.

“You can always come back.” He said chuckling. Frowning I got up quickly, slipping out of his arms and rushed into the bathroom. When my business was done I race back and almost dived back into bed. His warm arms welcomed me and held on tightly. Facing his chest I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hung on, eliminating all space between us. My head rested lightly on his shoulder as were laid in bed holding on to each other. The peace was broken when John opened the door and demanded that we get out of bed.

Jason cringed a bit but didn’t move. “It takes forever to get this guy up!” John growled from the other side of the room. I peeked at him from Jason’s shoulder before looking at Jason.

“Time to get up.” I said softly by his ear. Jason tightened his grip around me and sat up slowly rubbing his eyes.

“I don’t want to get up.” He pouted. John at the door stared at us wide eyed.

“Do it anyway.” I mumbled and slipped out of bed. I grabbed some of my clothes and jumped into the bathroom to change. From behind the door I could hear muffled voices of John and Jason. After that I came out and Jason was ready. He wore a black t shirt that had a big decal on the front and dark blue jeans. Smiling he dropped an arm over my shoulder and we walked out of the bedroom and headed into the kitchen.

Mel was already typing away on her computer, her face grave. John stood over her shoulder cleaning his weapon like he usually was doing. When Jason moved to join them I went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

I’m not like a lot of people who lose their appetite when they are worried, I need food. I pulled out some lucky charms and poured myself a huge bowel, added the milk and began chowing down. I pulled myself up on to the counter so I could watch the three of them point and mumble about the computer screen they had set up. Every now and then one of them would look up at me, give me a sad smile and look down again.

Every time a shiver would run down my spine and I’d need another spoonful of food. When the bowl’s bottom was visible I cleaned it and put it back, and they were finished. Jason picked me up in a hug and kissed me. Mel and John went to the other room together.

“This is going to be hard,” Jason whispered. “But I’m going to protect you no matter what.” He promised.

I nodded but couldn’t form words. I hid my face in his chest and tried to calm myself down. I ran into a fire, I can do this. Right?

Muscle Head’s POV

“Alright normal tactic is to get in there get the girl and get out.” I said staring at the large group of men around me. “But more then likely they have a plan, and the girl is going to be a decoy. So when we get there they pull the girl back, we’ll fail, and they plant a tracking device on us leading straight back to the manor while we are unprepared.” A couple of them stared at me wide eyed. “So I have a plan.” I grinned. I waved my arm and a black car pulled up beside us. Out got two girls, both around 5”4’, short brown hair. “These are our decoys. We’ll split into three groups, one group will get the real girl, while the other two will take these two kicking and screaming into two other vans. This will confuse Jason and his team mates. They won’t know which one is the real girl.” The group clapped.

All we had to do was find out what she’s wearing and set the trap.

Nelly’s POV

I’m standing on the street in front of a little store. This is what I get to do all day. I sat on the bench for a while and watched the people move around me. No one seemed out of the ordinary, what was I even looking for anyway? A guy dressed in all black wearing sunglasses? Honestly that’s the most obvious thing to wear! Sighing for maybe the millionth time I stood and wondered to look into the shop window again.

For a bit I was watching the reflection of the street, but something on display caught my attention. It seemed to catch the light just perfectly, giving it a bright twinkle. Stepping in front of the light to get a better look at what was getting a better look. Cupping my hands around my eyes so that the light didn’t get the bright glare from the sun. It was a necklace, shining silver with a pendent was only the size of my thumb. But the size of it wasn’t what was catching my attention it was the pendent it’s self.

It was a small hand gun that matched the one Jason used. It fit him perfectly, and I wanted to buy it for him.

And for that split second that I didn’t pay attention to the street was the one thing that I shouldn’t have done.

Shots rang out along the street, people ran and screamed. I was pushed around until a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. “Jason!” I screamed in horror as a tall and overly muscled man through me over his shoulder.

In three directions I heard the same call.

“Let go of me! Jason! Help!” I looked over catching sight on another girl dressed as I was, carried on the shoulder of another over muscled man.

“Jason! Please help!”

“Jason!” three girls exactly like me carried in three different directions, to matching black vans.

“Get off of me you big oaf!” I kicked at him, and pounded hard on his back. I heard a chuckled before a van door opened and I was dropped down on to the cold metal floor. “You won’t win!” I growled as the man climbed in after me. “Jason will save me.” He laughed as he slid the door close and we ripped away from the curb through the mounds of people and traffic.

“My dear, that is exactly what we are planning on.” He smiled at me. A hand wrapped around my mouth, holding a sick smelling strip of fabric. Darkness swallowed me up with the fading sounds of laughing.  

… Time lapse…

“Hello Jason!” A bright voice shouted close to my ear.

“Give her back Toni!” Jason’s voice echoed back just as loud. Were they standing over my shouting? “I swear if you hurt her, I’ll rip every bone out of your body.”

“Oh, but Jason, hurting her is the best part.” Toni whined like a child. Slowly the feeling started to come back in my arms and legs, pins and needles prickling along my skin. My whole body felt weighed down, it took a lot of energy just to try and lift my head and open my eyes.

“Toni! Don’t you dare!” Jason’s voice warned.

“What? I was just going to wake her up.” Toni called defensivly. Wake me up? I shook my head and groggily looked up. It was then that I noticed that I wasn’t strapped to a chair, and why I felt so weighed down. I was chained to a wall. “Awe she woke up on her own.” Toni pouted putting something down so it clacked against a wooden table.

“Nelly?” Jason’s voice whispered. I looked up to see him crouched down, sitting actually. I stared at him blankly, trying to figure out why he was sitting like that, then I realized that he wasn’t here.

I was staring at a screen. “Nelly are you alright?” He asked, I twisted against the chains, my mouth gagged with a dirty rag. All my words came out in a mumbled mess.

“Sorry she’s not allowed to speak.” Toni smiled patting my cheek. “But you know you can look at each other all you want.” Toni chuckled and started to walk away.

“Nelly I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” Jason sighed. I shook my head, more jumbled words trying to escape my gag. “I’ll find you alright. We are almost there.” He smiled at me, but it was a weak smile. I twisted my head back and forth until the rag came free and fell around my neck.

“I’m not made at you.” I said strongly. “I believe you.” His smile twitched a little bigger, but he still looked very downcast. “Jason…”

“Nelly, I love you.” He blurted meeting my eyes with a strong passion I’ve never seen before.

For a moment I was stuck for words. “I-I love you too.” And as the words left I knew that they were true.

“I will never hurt you again. But if I can’t protect you around every corner what can I do?” Pain was seeping into his words. I knew what was coming. “I won’t let this happen to you ever again, I’m really sorry Nelly.”

“NO!” I snapped. His head whipped up to look at me. “I refuse to listen to what you’re about to say!” I said angrily. “We will make it out of this, and when we do Jason so help me I’m going to smack you hard in the face.”

“Nelly it’s the only way I can truly protect you!” He defended.

“And look how well that turned out last time!”

That silenced him for a moment. “Look Jason, the only way this is going to work is if we stick together, and I am not letting you run away from me. Ever.”

His next smile was huge and genuine.

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