Anything Could Happen. (Narry...

By ShaazzaaAmmmyy

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So there's this guy. The guy with green eyes, brown curls and a lovely smile with dimples. Then, there's this... More

Chapter 1-I Think You Did The Right Thing...
Chapter 2-Tour Rehearsals.
Chapter 3-Getting Along
Chapter 4-Friday Mornings
Chapter 5-Another Play Fight?
Chapter 6-Good And Bad News.
Chapter 7-Bleed
Chapter 8-Wake Up, Please!
Chapter 9-You're Back My Love.
Chapter 10-Caught.
Chapter 11-It's Not Your Fault!
Chapter 12-The Truth's Out!
Chapter 13-One Of Those Busy Days.
Chapter 14-Perfect Date Night?
Chapter 15-Headaches
Chapter 16-Not Again!?
Chapter 17-What's Happening?
Chapter 18-Oops!
Chapter 19-Management...
Chapter 20-Those Interviews.
Chapter 21-Two Months.
Chapter 22-Push The Button
Chapter 23-Wait.
Chapter 25-Why?
Chapter 26-More Than Anything,
Chapter 27-Tell Me Something I Don't Know,
Chapter 28-Dominant Harry
Chapter 29-Therapy
Chapter 30-Pleasure Me.
Epilogue: Anything Could Happen.

Chapter 24-Blur.

7.7K 228 21
By ShaazzaaAmmmyy

Chapter 24-Blur.

The days went past and LiLo was still together. The days went past since the little incident between Niall and Harry happened. The days went past and Zayn was still Zayn.

Today was one of those busy days as they had another rehearsal and show. At the moment all the boys, including their opening act band 5 Seconds of Summer, were all backstage in this huge dressing room waiting for the show to start..

They were having casual talks here and there. But it was unusual because Niall and Harry weren't even sitting next to each other or even near each other. This got all the other boys curious.

Ever since the incident, Niall and Harry have been keeping a little distance from each other, but they both didn't know exactly why.

But all the other boys didn't question it. As they kept up the conversations and laughs.

Niall was sat between Luke and Calum, looking down at his metal silver bracelet, that said "Grand Mal Epilepsy," as he played with it. He wasn't really listening to the conversations the boys were having.

Niall has been feeling quite dizzy and his whole body has been having slight pain. But he didn't tell anyone, he didn't want to tell anyone.

He was cut off his thoughts when Luke spoke, "Niall, mate, are you alright?"

Niall just nodded, but Luke didn't take that answer so he grabbed Niall's wrist and pulled him into a different room. Luke has been really worried about Niall lately and he was going to try and find out what's going on.

As Luke closed the door behind them, Niall groaned, "What do you want Luke!?"

"Spill it! What the hell is going on? What's going on with you? What's going on with you and Harry!?" Luke went on with his questions. He just wanted to know.

Niall sighed, "Nothing is going on..."

"That is a pack of fucking lies! I can read you like a book Ni! I know you're lying! Seriously tell me what is going on!?" Luke was frustrated.

Niall knew this too. He didn't know how to tell Luke about everything but he just had to say it and that time was now...

"Okay, fine." He sighed again, brushing his fingers through his hair, "Harry and I tried something a few days ago, but I couldn't do it because I wasn't ready.."

"You mean you weren't ready for sex?" Luke questioned.

Niall nodded, "I was so sure I was but I truly wasn't ready. And now he's spacing himself away from me, I think it's my fault and I just don't know anymore!" He screamed the ending, gripping his dyed-blonde hair with so much anger and sadness.

"I feel so much pain right now. I've been so dizzy lately. My body is always sore and I think I'm having freaking..." Niall hesitated, looking down at his medical bracelet. It all finally clicked.

"Side effects.." Luke finished off for him. He watched as Niall started playing with the bracelet again. Now he was more worried that something bad would happen to his best mate.

And Niall was also worried himself.

"Side effects to my Epilepsy." Niall cried, burying his head in his hands. Sobs escape from his mouth.

This broke Luke's heart. All he could do was hug him and tell him everything's going to be alright.


Meanwhile, back in the big dressing room.

Everyone finally asked Harry what was going on since Niall had gone out of the room.

"Hey Harry, what's going on with you and Niall?" Michael changed the subject.

Harry froze and then looked down at his lap, fiddling with his fingers. He just shrugged lightly because he seriously didn't know.

Yes he has been spacing himself from Niall but he doesn't get why he's doing it. He thinks it was just mainly because he needed time to think over things. But wasn't entirely sure..

"Oh c'mon Haz, there is something on your mind." Zayn patted his shoulder in reassurance, well the boy was sitting next to him.

"I actually don't know why I'm spacing away from him. I guess I just need time to think about stuff, but we haven't broken up because I don't want to break up with him." Harry admitted.

There was silence between the whole group until they heard a scream from the other room.

"-I just don't know anymore!"

Everyone noticed the voice. Everyone noticed who that voice belonged too.

"What did you do to him Harry?" Ashton finally asked after they heard Niall scream.

"I knew it was my fault!" Harry yelled, when he heard the sobs from the other room escape.

He just wanted to go in and hug Niall, telling him that everything is going to be okay and tell him that he's sorry. But he couldn't bring himself to do it.


"I don't want anything to happen to me during the concert. I don't want to have a seizure in front of people. I mean what if I do. Because it may happen. I'm freaking out right now and I don't know! Agh, I should've realised--"

Luke cut Niall off, "Niall, Ni! I will keep an eye out on you during your performances and hoping that nothing happens."

Niall sighed and wiped his tears away.

Usually; people never knew when they were going to have a seizure but after Niall heard about the side effects, he knew it was going to happen to him one day. And again too.

"Look, let's just go back into the room with the other guys.." Luke went to get up but Niall grabbed at his wrist.

"Please don't tell anyone about my pain Luke.. Don't tell anyone about any of it." Niall warned, tightening his grip around Luke's wrist.

Luke smacked his hand away, making Niall flinched it back to his side and Luke started rubbing at his now red marked wrist.

"First of all, that really hurt Ni. And second, I will not tell the boys but they'll get suspicious if you show your pain." Luke finally opened the door with Niall following and the other boys greeted them.

"Hey Ni, are you alright?" Louis asked, as he saw the blonde boys blood shot eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Niall mumbled, trying to make eye contact with Harry but Harry kept his eyes locked on his lap.

Someone knocked on the door, "20 minutes 'til show time One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer!"


Throughout the show. Niall was starting to feel really dizzy that he had to sit down somewhere on the stage. But it was even hard when he played guitar because he would miss out on some of the chords because of his dizziness.

This made the other 4 boys notice.

Luke Hemmings was watching from the side of the stage, as he promised. He watched Niall closely and he could see the dizziness that the boy on stage was having.

Each boy went up to Niall on breaks asking if he was alright.

Niall would answer with the simple "I'm fine."

They were finally finished with the concert and Harry knew he wasn't fine and it was his time to talk to Niall. After all those few days.

"Hey babe, are you alright?" Harry asked.

Niall was furious with this question because after all the times Harry didn't talk to him the last few days, he finally has the guts to come up and ask. Also calling him 'babe.'

"I'm fine." Niall mumbled, taking a sip of his water but it made his stomach churn. He felt like he was going to be sick.

"You don't look too good." Harry stated the obvious, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"You know what Harry!? No I'm not! And that's because you haven't spoken to me these past few days and I just don't know what I've done! I'm sorry for making you wait! I'm just not ready! I thought I was sure but I wasn't! I'm sor--"

And the next thing was a blur for both boys.

Niall started throwing up, he made sure he didn't throw up on Harry. he turned away and got rid of all his things that he ate from his stomach.

Then his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground, started to thrash about and calling out Harry's name..

Harry froze, he didn't know what to do. His lover was having a Epileptic Seizure right in front of his eyes.

He felt someone push past and he saw Luke kneeling down next to Niall, positioning him on his side in the recovery position. Even though it was hard to do because of the thrashing around.

"Liam! Liam! Call the ambulance!" Luke called out, while trying to comfort a still thrashing Niall.

Harry snapped out of it and tears streamed down his face, as he ran to his lover's side. Also trying to calm Niall down with Luke.

All that they could say was that no one was expecting this except for Luke and Niall himself..

The other boys and people apart of the team started crowding around. Some were crying, some were trying to help, some just didn't know what to do.

Zayn and Louis also crouch down next to Niall's body, trying to calm him down and helped keep him on his side.

Ashton, Michael and Calum were all in tears, as they watched from afar their own best mate go through that.

Liam came back and crouched down with the other boys, "The ambulance are coming. The fans will see them and get suspicious," as they heard the sirens in the distance.

Luke and Harry looked at each other, with tears streaming down each others faces. Luke nodded to Harry and looked back at Niall who had finished his seizure and was now limp.

"Niall! Please be alright! Babe, I love you!"

Harry whispered into his lover's ear.


Well, I just wrote this.

Please don't hurt me, I thought it needed a bit of drama and yeah..

We love you Niall! xo

Vote,Comment,FOLLOW! ;)


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