Would You Still Love Me If...

By SunkissingStyles

151K 2.1K 388

"POSTITIVE" one word. That's all it took to turn Lily's world upside down. She was pregnant. And the father... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 42 (Final Chapter)

2K 34 20
By SunkissingStyles

Chapter 43

Lily's POV

~*~6 months later~*~

It's been six months since my mother's death. Not much has happened since then. For the first two months, everything was pretty hard, more difficult than usual. I didn't have the strength to eat and I was practically a walking zombie. During the first two months, I cried myself to sleep every night, but the crying sessions decreased which I guess was a good thing. I came to the conclusion that I was running out of tears to cry.

Harry had forbidden me from going to work. I didn't protest much after we argued that morning. I didn't feel like going to work either,  I wasn't really in the mood to be talking to strangers and placing fake smiles on my face as I took people's orders when in the inside I was practically dying.

One of my bosses understood my situation and gave me the two weeks off but I think he just pitied me. At this point, everybody pitied me, but I stopped caring what others thought of me long ago. When I went on tour with the boys, when I got all of that hate, it taught me that it doesn't matter what others think. They don't know me and what I do. They just assume because they have nothing better to do than sit behind a computer screen and judge people like myself.

I got fired from one of my jobs, the one in the clothing store. I wasn't really upset, I was just angry at my boss who told me that he didn't have the time to wait for me to get back to work. So he fired me and started to look for a replacement. He was an ass anyways.

My mother always told me that she'd prefer to be cremated when she died so that's what I did. I got a call from family members from northern England, telling me that they were sorry and that if I needed to talk to somebody I could talk to them. But those people aren't my family. Yeah, we may be blood related, but I only met them once or twice. That didn't mean they were family. Thy only started to talk to me because they pitied me.

During the weeks that I didn't work I just stayed home with Angie cuddled up in bed and watching Blue's Clues. Harry would stop by my flat practically everyday to check up on me. No matter how many times I told him that I was okay, he never believed me. I felt like a piece of glass before him. He could see right through me.

He would knock on my door and bring dinner or he'd show up early in the morning with toys for Angie then he'd make me breakfast. We didn't talk much about 'us'. We just avoided the subject because we both knew that I wasn't ready for a relationship. But what I really needed was a friend, somebody who cares and would be there for me. In other words I needed Harry.

Four months after my mother's death, he asked me if I wanted to try and be with him once again. I agreed of course, but with the condition that we'd take things slow. So that's where we're at right now. Taking things slow. I'm not sure how well that's working because Harry often steals random kisses from me; he sometimes stays for the night, and has wanted to take me for a date for a while.

Once I finally agreed to go, he was ecstatic. It wasn't really a date. It was more of a celebration. Today was my birthday. It was just Harry, Angie and I. I didn't want anybody else coming, I rather have a small celebration instead of some big party with alcohol and loud music.

Harry has been acting quite happy for some reason and has been very impatient to take me out for my birthday. It's as if it was his own birthday rather than mine. He brought a birthday present that he placed on the empty seat next to him for me to open later into the dinner.

Angie, who was sitting on a high chair next to me was too focused on her mini burger that I had ordered for her to whine over how she wants the present,  even though Harry told her countless times that it was mommy’s birthday and not hers. 

Angie and Harry have become extremely inseparable, specially the first month when my mother passed. I didn't exactly have the energy to take Angie out to the park or do fun things with her, but Harry was more than happy to do that for me while I... recovered. It wasn't Angie's fault that I was broken and unable to function properly for a while. It wouldn't be fair to leave her aside because that would be selfish of me and that would make me a terrible mother. 

We had just finished our dinner and that's when Harry decided that I should open my present at home rather than in the restaurant. I gave him a playful eye roll because he can sometimes be so indecisive. But I simply went along with it, knowing that he only wanted me to have a great birthday.

On the way back to his place, Angie fell asleep and Harry kept telling me one of his "stories" that isn't relevant in any way but the happiness he had as he told it made me giggle, making him think that I was laughing at his corny jokes. He also kept telling me how good I looked. I was only wearing a navy blue cocktail dress that he had picked out for me and it was a bit shorter than I would like it to be, but I just wore it to please him.

Harry had offered to carry Angie up the stairs and into the spare room he had for guests. And by guests I mean for Angie when her and I slept over. 

I helped by turning on some lights so that Harry doesn't fall or trip and opening the bed sheets and adjusting the pillows just the way Angie likes it. Harry deliberately placed Angie's small body on the bed and I slipped her tiny feet from her petite boats and cautiously removed her coat and pants, only leaving her in a diaper and shirt. I covered her up with the blankets which she instantly cuddled into.

Harry lovingly kissed her forehead and whispered a sweet "Goodnight" and we both left the bedroom as quietly as we could. Once I entered Harry's bedroom I instantly removed my heels and turned to Harry who had a devious smirk on his face. 

"What are you smirking about?" I asked him as I placed my shoes neatly next to the door, and then looked up at him as he sat on his bed.

"Come here," he patted the empty space next to him on the edge of the bed. "I really want to give you your birthday present."

I giggled as I walked over to the bed. Harry was such a small child sometimes. It seemed like a five year old on Christmas morning who could not wait to open the presents Santa gave him. 

"Okay," he started as he stood up to his feet. "Close your eyes," Harry instructed me and I did as ordered. I could feel his smirk growing and I didn't even have my eyes open.

Suddenly I felt a pair of lips on mine for a quick second before Harry pulled back. I instantly opened my eyes to find a grinning Harry before me with twinkling green eyes and a cheeky smile that could brighten the darkest of days.

I raised an eyebrow, with a playful smile on my lips "That was my gift?" I questioned him. "A kiss?"

He chuckled. "No. I just wanted to kiss you." He pecked my lips, taking me by surprise... again.

I laughed at how cheesy he is. "Okay now close your eyes and extend your hands," he instructed once again and like last time, I followed his demands.

I heard Harry walking to the dresser and opening a drawer only to close it again within two seconds. He then walked over to me and placed something on my open hands facing the ceiling. It was some type of paper.

I opened my eyes and inspected the paper. I looked up at Harry, smiling widely at me as he held his hands behind his back in a way that made him look childish. "What is this?" I wonder as I looked back down at the paper held in my hands.

"It's an envelope," he said in a 'duh' voice.

"I know that. But what's in it?" I asked, running by hands along the edges of the large envelope that seemed to contain a great number of papers.

"Well open it!" He ordered enthusiastically as he sat next to me once again.

I didn't know why he was so excited when it was just a gift. I nodded and began to tear the yellow/orange envelope open and swiftly pulled numerous papers out of the envelope and began to read over the first page.

I read over the first page then looked up at Harry with wide eyes. "Wha─? How did yo─? What?" I was so confused; I couldn't even form a proper sentence.

Harry smiled even wider as he shrugged. "I know a few people who work at LLB and they said they would be honoured to have you go there. So I applied for you and they accepted," Harry explained as if it didn't mean much.

"But─" I was still speechless. I suddenly forgot how to form a sentence. "LLB is the best law school in London," I babbled.

"I know, which is exactly why you deserve to go."

"But what about Angie?" I wondered. "Who will babysit her while I'm gone?" 

"Calm down," Harry said with a laugh as he took one of my hands in his. "We'll get a babysitter," he shrugged.

"What about work?"

"You'll just quit."

"But I can't let you pay for everything."

"It's fine. You know I don't care when it comes money. All I care about is making you and Angie the happiest people in the world," Harry explained with the most genuine and honest smile.

I just had to take a moment to take it all but I was too damn happy to think of all the pessimist thoughts about this. "Thanks, Harry," I said with the widest smile I had as I hugged him, almost making him fall back onto the bed but he steadied himself in time. I kissed his cheek and thanked him once again.

He wrapped his hands around my waist with a deep, endearing chuckle. "Don't thank me yet. I have another gift for you."

"Another one?" I pulled back and sat my bum on my previous spot on the edge of the bed.

"Well, it's for both you and Angie," he explained before reaching under a pillow and pulling out another envelope, much like the previous one. 

"What's up with you and envelopes?" I laughed as I received the envelope that he reached out to me.

"Oh shut up," he joked playfully. "Just open it!"

I did as told and proceeded to open the envelope and pulled out a bunch of papers. I took my time to read over them carefully and when I figured out what it was, my eyes widened and I looked up at Harry who had the largest grin.

"Are you sure you want to─?" I asked, barely believing what was in my hands.

"Well yeah. I treat her as my own and I want her to have a father, especially since I grew up without one. I wouldn't want her to suffer the way I did. I would love it if Angie carried my last name... if that's okay with you, that is."

I nodded with a large grin as my eyes suddenly became glassy with tears, but none of them spilling from my water line. "Angie would be absolutely honoured to have your last name and to be your daughter." I launched for him once again, but this time attacking him with multiple kisses. "This is why you're perfect Harry. This is the best birthday ever," I spoke into the kiss as I climbed onto his lap.

"I have one more gift for you," he whispered in my ear before looking back at me.

"Really?" I said with a raised eyebrow. "And what might that be?" I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Let me show you," he winked before his hands ran up my hips and onto my waist. Without much effort, he met my lips with his and stood up taking my body with his and gently placing my back on the bed, then crawling over to me seductively.

What happened that night is up to your imagination.



So that's it. Thank you all so much if you read my story. I know I had another ending but I wasn't satisfied so I wrote this one. Sorry for the wait. I love you all so much for you votes and lovely comments. They seriously make my day.

The reason I took a while to update is because I have been writing another story, a Zayn one to be exact called Can't Let Her Go. So please go to my profile and have a look at it. BTW in my opinion Can't Let Her Go is better than this book js.

Please recommend this book to everyone you know, comment you last thoughts and vote on all the chapters if you haven't already done so.

It has been an honour writing for you all.

Much love, 

Dennise x

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