Let me stay (destiel college...

By Geekstiel

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Let me stay (destiel college AU)
The bar
The fair.
The beach.
Ice cream shop
The dock
Authors Note.

Good bye.

8.8K 385 375
By Geekstiel

(Cas' POV)

I was wiping down the counter when Dean walked into the restaurant. "Hey Dean." I said as he approached me, sitting down on a stool on the other side of the counter. "Hey Cas, how's work going?" He asked. "Eh, ok I guess." I said finishing cleaning the counter and walking to the back. I heard a bell ring as I was walking back out to Dean so I spun around on my heel and when to get the order.

I walked back out to the tables. "Here is your drinks." I said handing the people their drinks.

I skipped over to the counter again. "Can I get you anything?" I asked Dean as my boss walked past us. I looked back making sure he was gone.

"What did you do all day?" I asked.

"Me, Sam, and Jess went to the beach then went shopping, and did some other shit." He said looking around the place.

"Cool, sounds fun." I said leaning forward on the counter. "Not really." He complained.

"I bet it was more fun than working." I said pushing myself off the counter about to walk away to get back to work. "What no kiss?" Dean asked. I looked around to make sure no one was looking like it was a crime then turned around really quick to Dean and pecked him on the lips, then turned back around and skipped off.

"Here." I said putting a milkshake in front of Dean. "Two straws?" Dean asked raising his eyebrows. "What? You don't think I want some?" I said. He laughed then took a sip of the milkshake.

I stared at Dean watching him play with the straw, twirling it around in the milkshake. "You working Novak?" Mr. Smith said walking past me. I sighed then walked away. Why do I have to work? I only have like two minutes left of work, he is such a jerk. As I walked into the back, Meg past me, clearly leaving. I swear our boss hates me, he's so mean to me but nice to Meg and everyone else that works here.

I just sat at the back acting like I was cleaning dishes for a few minutes, then joined Dean at the counter again.I sat on a stool next to Dean.

He glanced at me. "You finally off of work?" He asked. I nodded in response, looking at the milkshake which was more than half way gone. Dean went for another sip but I grabbed the cup, scooting away from him. "I didn't even drink any." I said noticing the said look on his face.

"But you could have one anytime you want." He said.

"So can you."

"But I can't have one that Castiel Novak makes anytime." He said frowning.

I smiled as Dean grabbed the other straw and put it in between his lips. We finished the shake, then left the restaurant.


(Dean's POV)

I let go of Cas' hand as we walked into a candy store. A red head girl stood behind the register smiling. She looked familiar but I couldn't remember who she looked like.

"Hey Anna." Cas said.

"Hey, Cassie." She smiled.

"Dean, this is Anna, my sister." Cas said glancing at me. "Anna this is Dean my.... friend." He stuttered.

Mine and Anna's eyes met, and her smile disappeared, and that's when I knew who she was, we hooked up once in the back of my car, when I was visiting Sam in Cali and she was visiting an old friend.

She broke the contact when she looked at Cas then back at me. "Nice to meet you Dean, let me know if I can get you guys anything ok Cas?" She said.

"I'm gonna use your bathroom real quick." Cas said. No why did he have to go now, great this just got a lot more awkward.

"Don't tell Cas." She said staring at me. "W-what?" I stuttered, not knowing if I was playing the 'I don't know what your talking about' card or if I was surprised she said something.

"Don't tell Cas that we had /sex/, he doesn't need to know ok? So you don't know me and I don't know you." She said staring me dead in the eye, then turned around and started organizing candy again.

Cas came out and I was still in shock, but I don't know why, I snapped out of it and looked at Cas.

I looked him up and down stopping at his crotch, noticing his fly was down, damn that's so sexy.

A group of people walked in the store crowding in the small store, I scooted towards Cas giving them room.

It must be one of those groups that travel together cause there was /a lot/ of people.

I was pressed up against Cas now, my lips next to his ear, and our crotches awkwardly pressed together, which did not /at all/ turn me on. (sarcasm)

Anna laughed as the people smushed me and Cas together. The people were clearly not going to bother to move so I just grabbed Cas' biceps and shoved him behind the cash register.

Cas looked at me puzzled, not knowing what to do. "Just jump over the thing." I said helping him up over the counter, when he was out of the shop I jumped up on the counter and looked at Anna. "Not funny." I laughed then jumped out the door.

I practically ran into Cas when I stumbled out the door. "Stupid people with no manners." I said.

"Erm, your flies down." I whispered. Cas looked down, blushing, then zipped it up.

"So where to now?" I asked, grabbing Cas' hand while we walked.

"I don't know, I'm kinda getting hungry." He said glancing at me.

"Ok where do you want to eat then?" I asked rubbing his hand with my thumb.

"There's a burger shop just down the block. Do you like burgers?"

"Yeah, burgers are awesome." I said.

"Good, cause I love burgers." He said looking at me.

"Oh yeah? You don't really look like a burger type of guy." I said, meeting my green eyes with his blue.

"What do you mean?" He said, tilting his head slightly, confused.

"Never mind." He was adorable when he tilt is head to the side, he looked like a lost puppy.

"Do they have good burgers?" I asked.

"Only the best burgers in town!" He shouted.

"Alright, well then I guess I'll have to see if they make better burgers then me." I smirked.

"You make burgers?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I can make a mean burger." I smiled looking at Cas.

"I like a man that can make good burgers." He smiled.

"Well then I guess I'm your man."

Cas took out his phone, looking at it, he let go of my hand to text.

"Who you texting?" I questioned.

"None of your beeswax." Cas said.

"Ok, then I guess I will have to figure out myself." I said snatching his phone.

"No! Give it back!" He shouted. "Nope, what could possibly be on here that I don't need to know?" I said, and started to read the messages.

"Please give it back Dean." He begged trying to grab it. "Why?" I laughed. "Cause its my phone." He whined.

"Finnnne" I said handing it back.


We got to the restaurant. I found a empty booth in the corner, I sat on one side, Cas sitting on the opposite side.

The waiter came almost instantly.

"Hello, what can I get you?" He asked.

"The usual please." Cas said.

"That's what I thought, and what can I get you?" He asked looking at me.

"I'll take a bacon cheese burger, please." I said.

The waiter shortly came back with our food.

I picked up my burger and took a big bite. Cas just stared at me.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

I nodded my head not being able to talk because I have a full mouth.

"That's what I thought. Everyone likes there food." He said picking up his burger.

"Oh yeah." I said, staring at my food that was in my hand, then took another bite.

"Yeah," He muttered through his food.

I laughed, then took another bite of my burger, when I looked up Cas was already done.

I was shocked, they had big burgers and Cas finished it in like 10 minutes.

I finished my burger and we left.

"Where'd I park my car?" I asked. The sun was setting as we walked on the side walk.

"I think you parked it a few blocks down." He said pointing straight. It was really crowded ahead, there must have been a some type of party going on.

"Here I know a short cut." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me through the people.

We entered an alley. There was no people in the alley and it was darker.

"Are we going to my place?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess." I said looking at him.

"You have something on your cheek." I said.


"It looks like ketchup." I said.

He wiped his cheeks. "Did I get it?" He asked. "No. it's right there." I said pointing at his cheek.

He wiped again, missing it. "Did I get it?"

"Nope, it's right there." I said, pointing at his cheek again.

We stopped walking. "Did I get it?" He asked. "Not yet."

He rubbed all over his face. "Now?" He asked. "You smudge it all over your cheek now." I laughed.

"Can you get it please?" He sighed giving up.

"Yeah" I whispered stepping closer to him. I rubbed my thumb on his cheek, which did not help at all.

"Maybe if I just," I said, leaning forward, pressing my tongue to his cheek and licking the ketchup off of him.

I pulled back, getting it all. His eyes sparkled in the light. Our eyes stayed in contact until Cas closed his. My hands wrapped around his waist and I pushed him up against the brick wall, getting a groan from Cas. "Oh don't be such a wuss,I'm gonna do much more worse things to you later." I muttered in his ear.

I nibbled at his ear then found my way down his neck. I sucked at his neck, making sure to leave a mark. He moaned. I pulled back, from his neck, looking at him.

He close the gap between us pressing his lips to mine. My tongue tangled with his. My hands went down his shirt slowly unbuttoning it. He turned his head to the side, and my tongue slid over his cheek. "Ohh, Deann." He moaned.

"Stoppp." His lips said but his body told me different as his hands pulled at my hair and his hips jerked forward.

"Dean... Hmmm...... stop." He moaned.

"Sto-uh-p." He said pushing me off of him.

"What's wrong, you don't want to.." I asked confused.

"No no no, I want to." He said.

"Then what?" I asked.

"T-take, take me home." He said really fast.

"Take me home."

I stared in his eyes for a moment, then we left.

The whole way home Cas was all over me, making sure to keep me turned on and it was working.


(Cas' POV)

We pulled up to my apartment. I looked over at Dean and grabbed his hand pulling him out of his car and up to my apartment. I fumbled with my keys to unlock my door, and Dean wasn't helping as he went down my neck. I finally got it unlocked and Dean didn't wait to get in as he pushed me in, he slammed the door shut with his foot.

I dropped my keys as Dean pushed off my trench coat. My trench coat fell to the ground and Dean started unbuttoning my shirt.

And it took off from there.


(Dean's POV)

My eyes fluttered open. I looked around the room almost forgetting where I was, but then I remembered, everything, and then all of a sudden I didn't want to leave, I didn't even want to move one muscle.

"Dean...you awake?" Cas whispered.

I rolled over finding Cas standing in the door way. I smiled. "Yeah."

"Good, cause foods ready." He smiled then walked out of the room.

I pulled the covers off of me and got out of bed. I found my clothes on the ground and pulled them on then stumbled out of the room.

He made pancakes and bacon and had a cup of coffee set out on the coffee table for me.

I sat down on the couch picking up a fork and cutting a piece of pancake off.

Cas laughed as he walked up next to me. I looked up at him, my mouth full of pancakes.

"Scoot over." Ge said slapping my arm.
I scooted over making room for him to sit next to me.

I swallowed my foo than said. "Thank you for breakfast chef Novak."

Cas blushed and giggled. His laugh was adorable and sometimes he snorted which I find as the most adorable thing ever.

Our eyes met. His blue eyes sparkled. I realized that I wasn't going to be able to be with him for much longer, I was going to have to leave for Kansas soon then then I will never see this beautiful man again.

"Dean, I don't want you to leave." He muttered barely moving his lips.

"I know, I don't either." I whispered.

"Dean I mean it, I know I have only known you for less than a week but, you make me happy, and you seem like a nice guy and I want to get to know you and every flaw about you."

I didn't know what to say, I just choked up.

I scooted closer to him. I moved my lips but nothing came out.

"I like you a lot too. I don't want to leave either. But I have to, maybe we will meet again." I said grabbing his hand.


I finished eating and got dressed and as soon as I know it, it was time to leave.

Cas walked me to my car. I turned around facing Cas. "Well I guess this is it." I said.

"Yeah I guess so." Cas sighed. We stood there in silence for a few minutes.

"You should probably get going now." He said.

I sighed then wrapped my arms around him. Cas hugged back and said. "Goodbye Dean."

I pulled back. "Goodbye Cas. It was nice knowing you Mr. Novak."

Cas smiled. "You too, take care."

"You too." I said watching him walk up to his apartment.

I got in my car and at in silence for a few seconds. Rethinking everything that happened and smiled.

I looked up at his apartment door. I never got a goodbye kiss. I bit my lip deciding if I should go or not. I opened my door and ran up the hill. Before I knocked he opened the door.

He wrapped his legs around me as we kissed. He nibbled at my bottom lip, making me whimper a little.

He pulled back putting his forehead to mine. "Stay please." He begged. "Dean I love you."

"I love you too." I said smiling.


Dean and Cas ended up staying together. Dean and Lisa broke up they decided that they just weren't right for each other, it turned out that she was already seeing another guy.

Cas finished college then moved in with Dean.

They got married 4 years later.

They later thought they were ready for kids and adopted a boy. Then adopted another (girl) after 2 years of having the first.

Cas was a stay at home dad, while Dean was a mechanic still.

They were together all the way to grey hair and wrinkles.

Dean died on a snowy Thursday. He died from cancer. Cas died a month after Dean, it was a house fire, the oven was left on and he was not able to get out fast enough.


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