
By Toxic_Rose19

5.1K 243 69

She has a gift. Three, in fact. She can control them well, keep them locked up. But sometimes, she can't. Ho... More

Chapter One: School
Chapter Two: The Shadow Trio
Chapter Three: Mate?
Chapter Four: Phone Call
Chapter Six: Standing Up
Chapter Seven: Thank You
Chapter Eight: No
Chapter Nine: No Show
Chapter Ten: Date
Chapter Eleven: Wolfing Around
Chapter Twelve: Back At The Pack?
Chapter Thirteen: Disaster
Chapter Fourteen: Unlikely Help
Chapter Fifteen: Prom
Chapter Sixteen: Giving Up
Chapter Seventeen: Argument
Chapter Eighteen: Apologising
Chapter Nineteen: Secrets and Lies
Chapter Twenty: Losing Hope
Chapter Twenty-One: Escaping
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Right Thing
Chapter Twenty-Three: Broken Promise
Chapter Twenty-Four: Bad Dream, or Vision?
Chapter Twenty-Five: Homecoming
Chapter Twenty-Six: Weapons
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Final Fight
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Temporary Alpha
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Showing Vulnerability
Chapter Thirty: Reunion
Chapter Thirty-One: Search Party
Chapter Thirty-Two: Welcome Back Disaster
Chapter Thirty-Three: Surprise

Chapter Five: Sister?

258 13 3
By Toxic_Rose19


My hand shot out from under the duvet and grabbed my phone. Opening an eye, I swiped the screen, turning off the alarm, then I dropped my phone on the bed, next to my leg, closing my eye again. I turned onto my side and my phone fell off the bed, landing on the carpet with a soft thud. I quietly growled and kept trying to go back to sleep. I could hear Sebastian and Leo somewhere in the house, talking, but I didn't listen to what they were saying.

Memories of yesterday plastered themselves in my head. Sam. I sat up and smiled. We had school today, I could see him then. I ripped the covers off and jumped out of bed, getting changed into my school uniform. Well, black jeans and the school shirt. These were my school jeans, they had no rips in them as part of the design. They were just plain black skinny jeans. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair. When I was finished, I picked up my phone and headed out to the kitchen to have breakfast. Leo and Sebastian were in the kitchen, dressed and eating. We had half an hour - at most - before we had to leave and I made my breakfast and sat at the kitchen table to eat. Leo and Sebastian looked at me and smiled. "Morning." I said before taking a bite of my toast.

"Morning." They said in unison, before going back to their conversation. I listened in for ten seconds before I zoned out and thought about yesterday. If things had gone differently, I wouldn't be this happy to see Sam again. Dawn was right, I was falling for him. My heart was saying to accept him, but my brain, and Dawn, were telling me no.

'Are you ever going to forgive Sam?' I asked, then closed my eyes and concentrated on her. I could see her walking back and forth. 'Dawn?' She looked at me and her ears shot forward. I hadn't done this in years: concentrated enough that I could see her and she could see me. It was like a tv, really, although we could see each other - not just one being able to see the other. This was how we could talk face to face. The only thing we couldn't do was touch each other. I could never pet my horse form, feel how soft her hair was, but at least I could see her.

'Cj!' she cheered, trotting over to me. I smiled and watched her prance a few steps before stopping in front of me.

'I know. It's been a while, hasn't it?' I asked. She snorted and nodded her head. 'So, are you?' I asked. 'Are you ever going to accept Sam as our mate?'

She lowered her head. I waited. 'I suppose he did save us from Zac. I know you have forgiven him and I can't lie and say I didn't enjoy when we were hugging. I guess my answer is yes. Yes, I have forgiven him. Yes, I am accepting him. Yes, you're going to start squealing in a minute.'

I squealed and jumped up out of my chair. "Yes! Thank you, Dawn! You're awesome!" I said with joy and looked at Leo and Sebastian, who wore shocked faces. I sheepishly grinned.

"Care to explain?" Leo asked as I sat down.

"No." I said and they frowned.

"Really?" Sebastian asked. "You squeal about something and you don't share?"

"Nope." I said. Leo and Sebastian looked at each other then turned to me with a smirk. Oh boy, this wouldn't be good.

"Come on, Cj, tell us." They said together. "Or we'll tickle you." I sat up straighter and narrowed my eyes at them.

"You wouldn't dare." I said slowly and they both stood up. I squealed and jumped up, pushing past them and running to the lounge room. They followed and I armed myself with the first thing I found: a pillow. "Come any closer and you will be sorry."

"Oh no! She has a pillow! We're doomed!" Leo said in fake fear.

"No! Please don't be cruel enough to hit us with that pillow!" Sebastian said, in fake fear also. I stared at them for a moment before throwing the pillow back onto the couch.

"You pieces of crap." I mumbled, walking to find my bag. Sebastian grabbed me and they both started tickling me. "No! Stop! Please!" I begged, tears coming to my eyes from laughing too much.

"Come on. Tell us what made you so happy." Sebastian said.

"Fine. Fine! Just stop tickling me! You're killing me!" They stopped and I kept laughing for a bit before I calmed down and cleared my throat. "First of all, you two are evil. And second, I was happy because Dawn has forgiven Sam and she's also accepted him."

"Ah, see. Told you she'd come around." Leo said and I raised an eyebrow.

"I must have missed that part." I said.

"You pretty much did. You were half asleep at the time." Sebastian said. I snorted, remembering. We were talking about it last night and Leo did say that. I continued on with my plan to find my bag to pack what I needed for school. "That's really good, you know." Sebastian and Leo called out at the same time. I laughed and checked my timetable, packing what I needed and before long, it was time to leave.

We walked outside to the car and I looked up at the sky. It was a warm day, well, as warm as it could get with the snow. It was nice. The sun shone down and I closed my eyes and let its warmth touch my skin. I opened my eyes and looked at Leo and Sebastian. "You know what, today seems like a nice day to go for a run." I said.

"What? You're skipping school?" Leo asked with a smile. I knew he was joking.

"No, moron. I'm going to run to school in my horse form." I said, handing him my bag. "Go through it and you will die." I threatened. He saluted and they both walked to the car, getting in. "I'll see you at school." They nodded and drove away. I smiled and shifted, trotting in the directing of the school. I had a long conversation with Dawn while we made our way to school, about Sam, and the whole situation with Zac. I never understood why he hated me so much. The prick could jump in front of a bus for all I cared. Hell, I might even be the one driving it. No, I'd never be able to seriously injure someone or possibly kill them. It wasn't me.

"Cj?" I squealed and jumped to the side before I started rearing and making more small horse squeals. Sam chuckled before apologising and I stopped rearing, snorting. I shifted back and glared at him, my arms crossed over my chest.

"You scared the absolute fudge out of me!" I growled. He chuckled again.

"I've heard you swear before, I was expecting something harsher." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him before laughing.

"It's like I have an off switch. Sometimes I swear, sometimes I don't. And sometimes every second or third word ends up a curse word." I said. "It also depends on who I'm around." I said. He chuckled and I started walking away before he caught up to me. We talked a bit and I gave him my number, sending myself a message, which Leo replied to. After sassing at Leo over text, I gave Sam his phone back. "My idiotic friend is going down for knowing my passcode." I muttered. I stopped walking and sighed.

We arrived at the school and casually walked out of the woods. A few kids looked at us and I rolled my eyes. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." They were in year seven or eight and straightaway looked away. Maybe I shouldn't be rude to them. I led Sam over to The Shadow Trio's spot and I claimed my bag back from Leo.

"Do I go on your phone and send people texts? No. You're walking on thin ice buddy. Watch your step." I said. Leo and Sebastian chuckled and I sighed. It was impossible to stay mad at each other, we always got over it. Sam led me to my English class, saying he wanted to tell me something. Ms Robinson was there and she smiled when we entered the class. "Hey, Miss." I said.

"Morning, Cj. How are you?" She asked. I sat on one of the table in the front row.

"I'm good thanks, and yourself?" I asked.

"Oh, not too bad. I see you're in a better mood today. Did those boys throw you a surprise party?" She asked and I laughed.

"No and I'm glad they didn't. And yes, I am in a better mood today." I said, looking at Sam. "So, what is it you wanted to tell me?" He and Ms Robinson both smiled and he opened his mouth to speak but she beat him to it.

"So, I heard you're Sam's mate?" She asked. I nodded, slightly confused. I thought she was human. "How's my little brother treating you?"

My mouth dropped open. Brother? Sam was Ms Robinson's brother? 'Woah. I did not see that coming.' I said to Dawn. 'Neither did I.' She replied.

"Cj?" Sam asked.

"Wait. Hang on. So Ms Robinson is... is your sister?" I asked, staring at the two of them.

"Yes and you can call me Courtney. Except in class, then call me Ms Robinson. Or just Miss, as everyone does." I blinked. I couldn't say anything, I just blinked. It made sense now; Ms Robinson, Sam Robinson. Although heaps of people had the same last names and so, I just thought it was one of those times where a student and teacher had the same surname. I never would have guessed that they were related, let alone brother and sister. I'm mates with my teacher's brother. That couldn't get even more awkward, could it? I mentally groaned, but plastered a smile to my face.

"Cool." I said, nodding. It actually wasn't that bad. The bell sounded and I was happy that my first class was English. I took my seat and smiled at Ms Robinson. If any of my teachers were going to be my sister in law, I was glad it was her. I unpacked what I needed for the lesson and listened to Miss.

Edited 01/12/2017

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