The Vamp's Girl

By midnightxthunder

82.2K 1.8K 153

April hated everything about her life but now she has the chance to start over in another world - The Vampiri... More

The Vamp's Girl [01]
The Vamp's Girl [02]
The Vamp's Girl [03]
The Vamp's Girl [04]
The Vamp's Girl [05]
The Vamp's Girl [06]
The Vamp's Girl [07]
The Vamp's Girl [08]
The Vamp's Girl [09]
The Vamp's Girl [10]
The Vamp's Girl [11]
The Vamp's Girl [12]
The Vamp's Girl [13]
The Vamp's Girl [14]
The Vamp's Girl [15]
The Vamp's Girl [16]
The Vamp's Girl [17]
The Vamp's Girl [18]
The Vamp's Girl [19]
The Vamp's Girl [20]
The Vamp's Girl [21]
The Vamp's Girl [23]
The Vamp's Girl [24]
The Vamp's Girl [25]
The Vamp's Girl 26
The Vamp's Girl [27]
The Vamp's Girl [28]
The Vamp's Girl [29]
The Vamp's Girl [30]
The Vamp's Girl [31]
The Vamp's Girl [32]
The Vamp's Girl [33]

The Vamp's Girl 22

1.6K 43 2
By midnightxthunder

The gentle filling of water in my bathtub drowned out the sounds of the warriors training today, I was curious to see what kind of training they were doing but I had my own troubles to work out first. I stripped off the blue torn dress and stared at my dull features in the mirror, my fingers running over my warm skin, I touched my neck and felt the little lumps felt from Keilor’s fangs. It no longer bothered me it was there, it was just another reminder I was alive, I traced the fading scars on my arm, there it was another reminder I was alive, unbeliveably alive.

I shook my head and turned to see if the bath had finished filling, but something caught my eye. I turned my body to reveal a black mark etched into my lower back. My eyebrows narrowed in confusion as my fingers ran over it gently, it was tender to touch and tingled, illuminating a dark blue, my heart raced as I stared at it. It resembled a sprouting tree, I’d never seen it before in my life...

“So the rumours are true.” My head snapped up at the sound of that chilling voice, sending goosebumps up my skin and my heart pounding. Nath sat lazily on the open window sill, he smirked at me before he licked his lips, I took a step back. My voice caught in my throat, I wanted to run but I was so scared.

Run April! You’ll die if he catches you!

“I just want to talk.” He laughed, I shook my head stepping away. He gracefully slipped off the window sill, his blonde hair gently swaying as he picked up my blue dress off the floor, he threw it at me and I caught it shakily. “Although I do enjoy the view, it would be too distracting to talk to you.” He smirked again, his eyes travelling down my body, I quickly slipped on the dress, Keilor’s blade caught my eye, it was sitting on the basin table. I had washed it and was going to give it back to him. I ran for it and grabbed it, I held it tightly and pointed it towards the still Nath who watched me lazily.

“Oh? Are you going to stab me Princess?” He questioned. My hand shook but I would not let my guard down. “I told you I just wanted to talk.” He raised his hands up to show that he wasn’t hiding anything, I swallowed hard but my eyes never left him. I lowered the blade slightly and began to relax, before I knew it Nath was standing in front of me. He grabbed the knife out of my hands and I gasped. “Just a safety precaution. I see Keilor gave you his blade.” He observed, I snatched my wrist back defiantly and pulled myself back.

“What do you want?” I finally asked, finding my voice. Nath twirled Keilor’s blade in his hands for a moment.

“You.” He said, his blazing eyes bored into mine. It reminded me of the first time we had met, how those eyes were mezmorising. I shook my head and snapped out of it.

“You can’t have me!” I said, I stiffled a laugh. Even in a dangerous situation I couldn’t remain serious. Hold it together April!

“I’m fully aware of that. You will not willingly come with me.” He sighed, a frown pulled his face for a moment, he stared towards the window.

“If you know this, why are you here?” He twirled the blade onces more before turning to look at me with a smile.

“I’ve been curious...” I opened my mouth to say something when he suddenly appeared behind me, his arms snaked around my waist and another around my neck tightly. “If I gave you my blood, how would you react?” he chuckled, “This shall be fun to watch. Tell my comrades I wish them well...”

Keilor’s blade appeared before my eyes, Nath effortlessly plunged the knife into his arm and held it out towards me, close enough for me to smell the metallic smell of blood. I turned my head and struggled. There was no way that I would drink Nath’s blood. I wasn’t a freaking vampire!

“April? Are you alright in there? Why is the water overflowing?” I hadn’t noticed it but the bath had overflowed and must have leaked beyond the door.

“Oh...our time alone has ended. I guess I have to make this quicker.” Nath sighed, his hand disappeared from my waist and I felt the piercing pain of something plunged into my stomach. I let out a piercing scream as the door flew open. I felt myself bite down onto Nath’s arm, his blood began to flow into my mouth. I could feel fangs extended as I couldn’t control my body.


I broke through April’s door just in time to see Nath smirk at me as he placed his arm to April’s mouth. I sniffed the air in that split second and felt the air change.

“What have you done?” I growled at Nath. He laughed the crackling began. I knew the sound well, it was the sound of a new vampire’s change. April’s eyes changed to a blood thirsty red colour, her nails began to glow a midnight blue and electrcity began to spark off her body. She released Nath’s arm and growled loudly, the force of the growl sent me back several feet.

“I’ve done what needed to be done. Dying made her powers awaken, she’s the ultimate weapon.” Nath said raising his arms, how dare he! I growled, my eyes changing to an engulfing black colour.

“She isn’t a weapon or a toy Nath.” I growled leaping forward, before I could even get close enough to him April stepped in the way I twisted and missed her by a fingernail. “April move!” I growled again, I looked into the dull blue eyes of April. It was like she wasn’t in there at all, it was just a hallow vessel. I gritted my teeth, I felt the anger rising in my chest. The whispers in my mind started and my intent to kill was growing beyond my control...if I didn’t take care of this situation I’d end up hurting April trying to get my hands on Nath.

I eyed my options, I could try another launch at him but that would be too risky, April stood too close to Nath...I looked around, I looked at April. In her stomach was Keilor’s blade, glistening with an electic blue light. I gritted my teeth, I didn’t like my options at all, I summoned my sword. I gripped it tightly, it’s black metal glistened urging me to kill, I had moments before it would consume me. I launched forward...

Too slow, April grabbed me by my throat and held me at a great force. I choked, unable to breath. I gripped my blade tighter, feeling my fangs more moment.

“It’s useless. It seems she wants to protect me. How will you get to me without protecting the one you love?” Nath chuckled enjoying it. April yanked me forward, her claws still deep in my throat, she stared me in the eyes.

“Forgive me April.” I choked before I twisted her arm and swiftly pulled out Keilor’s blade from her stomach. She gasped, her eyes rolling back in her head before she collapsed onto the floor. I collapsed onto the floor feeling so weak, the venom from April’s fingers burned my throat and I was unable to heal myself. I can’t lose control! It was too late, I was too weak to control myself anymore...


Explosions. That force of power. Something wasn’t right...The Leons were restless...I looked up into the Castle, there was a blue glow coming from April’s bathroom. I growled, something was definately wrong. I sighed and relaxed myself as I let my wings free, they sprouted from my back. Beautiful silver wings emerged, each shimmering in the Day Moon’s light. I jumped up and let the strong currents guide me towards the Castle. I landed in with ease, the floor was wet and April lay on the ground unconscious. I rushed over to her and held her in my arms, she was drenched in blood. What happened? I looked up, Seth had morphed. This was a bad sign. Nath stood in front of him with a smirk on his face.

“What incredible strong.” He said, his eyes widened and his smirk displayed his sharp fangs. I growled low in my throat staring at him. What had he done to make Seth loose control? Seth crouched down on all fours, his nails became like steel claws. Horns surfaced from Seth’s head and his tail swayed aggressively. There was no stopping Seth now, his intent to kill was so strong it had taken over his body. Making a quick choice I picked up April who was unconscious and slipped out the window, I had to make sure she was still alive.

“Lady Jasa!” I called as I ran through the corridors, the servants became frantic as they saw me running but it was no time. Jasa appeared down the corridor and her eyes widened at the sight.

“What happened?” She questioned trembling as she watched the still, cold, April.

“I don’t know. Seth has lost control, Nath is here.” I said informing her of all the events, April stirred and coughed blood weakly. I clutched her more tightly, hoping it was all a dream and this wasn’t really happening.

“Take her to the Intensive Care.” Lady Jasa said rising, I nodded and ran off with April, please April. May the skies protect you!


Blue eyes, blue eyes watched me in the darkness. It was cold...I didn’t like the cold. I didn’t like this place at all.

Sigh, you are such a pain in my entire being, so weak.

“Who’s there?” I called, my voice echoed to me before the silence filled it’s place again. I shuddered feeling so lonley in this place.

We’ve had this conversation before, no need to repeat it’s self...It would waste too much time.

“Have I died...?” I questioned, I put my hand to my chest but I could feel the strong beat of my heart. I touched my face and my body, everything seemed fine...I was taking a shower...

No, this time you will be saved. But you cannot arrive here again, the next time you may die.

“Where is here?” I asked, I watched the unblinking blue eyes in the darkness, it was becoming clearer. I walked towards it but it still seemed so far away. I reached out my hand to touch nothing but the darkness.

A place only death looms. Be weary of your life April, the further you come to this place...the less I shall be able to save you.

It was a man’s voice I was sure of it. Deep and worried...I knew the voice...I knew it.

My eyes opened and I gasped for air again, I was in the intensive care unit once again. A pain shot through me instantly, I groaned and fell against the pillows once again. What happened? Why was I here again? I rubbed my head, my hands shook involuntarily, I shakily clenched my fingers...It was like I didn’t have full control of my body. What happened? I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I cringed and observed my surroundings. Everything was peaceful, the white walls and white was all calm.

I touched my aching stomach with my fingers, there were bandages there...What happened? I tried to think but a sharp pain raced into my mind. I groaned and let the thought go. I turned to my left, there was someone in the next bed. They were bandaged up, their face was covered in bandages, come to think of it. The whole figure was bandaged up...who was it? The more I tried to see who it was, the more my stomach ached. I groaned and stared at the blank white ceiling above me.

“Somebody?” I called gently. Silence embraced my call, it seemed no one was here. I felt lonley...knowing no one was around...besides the figure next to me...but I felt alone. I hadn’t been alone since I was back at the Orphanage. If I really thought about it, someone had always been with me. Had it been Keilor’s smart remarks and short temper, Knight D’s reserved presence and the slight moments he’d give into his emotions around me or Seth’s sweet and cheerful laugh that always brought a smile to my face. When I thought of anyone I thought of them. I felt a little tug in my chest...I bit my lip and willed the feelings to go away.

I didn’t want to be in love with anyone, not now...not for a long while at all. I wasn’t ready for give myself to someone. The thought of love made me depressed inside and I blinked away the little blurriness in my eye. Sometimes I wish I had a time machine...a do over...a rewind button or a backspace key. Anything...that would have let me change one little little little look in my history.

“So, you’re still in love with Adam?” My heart skipped a beat as I turned to the figure that was on the bed next to me. They didn’t move, the wind breezed in from the open window as I stared at them. “You forgot to hide your thoughts again April.” He said, I simply stared at him...his voice was soft, husky as if he just woke up from a dream. I didn’t recognise the voice it was so manly and serious.

“S-s-sorry...It seems that I woke you.” I said, staring at the unmoving figure.

“Mhm, it was alright. I was just resting. Are you alright April?” He answered, I watched as his chest rose and fell, as if he was taking deeper longer breaths.

“I...don’t remember what happened.” I whispered, it was so quiet I was sure he heard me. I couldn’t even try to remember what happened to mind would hurt...preventing me from remembering anything. I touched the bandages on my stomach again, it hurts...

“Don’t force yourself to remember.” He said, I replied him nothing. Not knowing what to really say to him. I turned and watched the ceiling again.

“Why are you here?” I found myself asking, feeling bored. I was itching to move but there was really nothing that I could do. It pained me to just sit up so my choices were really limited.

“I lost control.” He said, his voice was soft and sweet making me secretly attracted to the man who was on the other bed.

“Lost control?” I questioned, I turned to look at him as he began to sit up in his bed. I heard the distinct rip of bandages.

“Of myself.” He said, he began to unwravel the bandages off his body, first his left arm which looked completely normal, then his right arm, I watched as I saw tattooed words on his arm.

“Are those tattoos?” I asked.

“Yes.” He replied simply, finally he began to unwravel his head and I gasped catching my breath. Seth, looked at me with a serious look in his eye. He didn’t smile as he stood up off his bed and walked over to mine. My heart raced as I stared at confusion at him.

“What do they say?” I asked him, trying to ignore the mini heart attack I was having. I’d never seen Seth so serious...It was like a completely different person.

“Half blood.” He said showing me, I touched them gently and felt the tingling feeling under it. “All half cast beings are forced to get them. To always remind us...we shall never be pure.” He said quietly, I looked into his eyes, I tried to push myself into a sitting position but yet again fell against the pillows.

“Just rest for now...” He cooed to me, I stared into his serious eyes before I felt myself drifting into sleep at his whim.

Why...are you so serious...Seth?” I heard myself ask before I fell into a deep sleep.




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