Beta's Broken Mate

By anonymous_writer_14

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Completed and Editing!! Maddie James is a 16 year old foster child. She's lucky to have families take her in... More

Chapter One | Horrid
Chapter Two : Promise Me
Chapter Three : Too Perky
Chapter Four : Mate
Chapter Five : 20 Questions
Chapter Six : Fallen
Chapter Seven : Awake
Chapter Eight : Secret Told
Chapter Nine : Different
Chapter Ten : Luna And Alpha Two
Chapter Eleven : Rouge Attack
Chapter Twelve : Hospital
Chapter Thirteen : Missing
Fourteen : Bastard
Chapter Fifteen : Lost
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Wattys 2016
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 22

13.4K 470 54
By anonymous_writer_14

We drive in the drive way and I see something that I never expected to see. There were rose petals on the front step and there was a noting hanging on the door.

"Wow." Erin says.

"I've never see you at a loss of words." Layla chuckles.

We walk to the door and read what the note says.

"For the three most perfect girls in this not so perfect world. Follow the clues. -NXJ

Clue one: This one's for Maddie. It's where we first met, where I caught your scent and knew just how special you'd be to me. -J "

A smile spreads across my face and I know just where he's talking about.

"First me unload the car then we follow these clues." Erin says.

We unpack the car and take our newly bought things up to our rooms. I look around and then walk into the bathroom. I look at myself and then down at the toilet. Hmm...

Okay, so I don't really keep track of things like my period because of all the beatings I went through it was always hit and miss but I did get it every month. As I know right now the months almost over and I haven't gotten my period...fuck.

I'll have to ask the girls if it came while I was out, yeah, it probably came while I was out I shouldn't be worrying so much.

I walk down to the game room where Jake and I first met. I see a red note sitting on the couch and I call for Erin and Layla.

As they get down to me we read the note.

" clue two: this ones for Erin. You'll find your next clue in a bag where you live to shop but I fear going every time you mention it. -N "

We all laugh and I know we're all thinking of the same place.

"Victoria's Secret." We say in unison.

As we find the next few clues they lead us around the house and we finally find on that will take us away from the pack house. Thank god.

"Clue ten: Maddie, the next clue can be found where you woke from your two week coma. -J "

We drive down to the hospital and I see the nurse who took care of me.

"Hi, can you tell me if the Alpha or Beta stopped by and dropped off a note?" Layla asks the nurse.

"Yes Luna, actually they assumed you'd look for me so Jake gave me the note." She says and heads her the red paper.

"Last clue and this one's for Layla. You'll find us in the place we spend our first full week together with no interruptions. -X "

"Oh my god! He's talking about the beach. That's where we fully mates!" She says and my eyes go wide. Yes Jake and I have fully mates but still I don't need to hear that don't one of my best friends.

"Tmi Lay." Erin says.

We make our way to the car and Layla speeds her way down to the beach where I assume all the guys will be waiting for us for like a date or something.

As we get closer my heart rate starts to speed up and I actually can't wait to see Jake. I just want to know what's going on.

"Have either of you tried to mind link with your mate?" Layla asks.

"Yep, he blocked me out." I say.

"Me too." Erin sighs.

We arrive at the beach and we see more rose petals leading us right to where the boys are standing in tuxedos. Great now I feel under dressed.

I can't help but smile as I see my mate standing there looking all sharp.

We stand in front of our mates and they take our hands.

"Layla, you are the most precious thing this world has ever given me. I love you to the moon and back. You are the most special girl in my life at least until one other comes along." Xavier says and a look of hurt crosses Layla's face. "This girl, you won't be able to beat but she will call you mommy and me daddy and we will raise her till she meets her mate." Layla's hurt expression changes to a face filled with happiness and joy. "I have wanted to do this for a while but I didn't know how. I love you so much and I want to be with you the rest of my life." Xavier gets down in one knee and then Jake starts speaking.

"Maddie, from the moment I payed eyes on you I knew that you would make me that happiest man in the world. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I don't know where I would be without you in my life. I want to have you by my side forever until death do us part. I know you've gone through a lot in your past but you're safe as ever as long as you're here in my arms. I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Jake gets on one knee and I can feel tears of happiness spilling from my eyes. As he gets down, Noah begins to speak.

"Erin. You are the light of my life. We've known each other for our whole lives and the moon goddess decided we would be perfect mates. For that I am ecstatic. You make me laugh, smile, cry with happiness and you even scare me a little at times. You are an amazing mate and an amazing person. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you and I don't plan on finding out anytime soon. You are the light of my life Erin. Will you even consider making me the happiest man alive?" He says and gets on one knee.

The boys open the tiny boxes in their hands and reveal rings.

"Will you marry me?" They say in unison and Layla, Erin and I just collapse.

I nod my head not trusting the words to come out right.

"I love you so much." I say and hug him tight.

This will be the start of a new beginning.


Awwwwww they're going to get married! Who saw that coming?

Anyways, I want to tell you right now that after this book I will NOT be doing a sequel I repeat I will NOT be doing a sequel.

I'm sorry if that disappoints some of you and I hope you keep reading as we continue to follow Maddie on her journey.

Thanks and don't forget to vote!


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